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贝叶螨属Bakerina Chaudhri,1971,雌螨前足体背面表皮纹路呈网状,背毛13对。足Ⅰ跗节背面有2对双毛,足Ⅱ跗节有1对双毛,双毛的前毛细长,刚毛状,后毛短小。内骶毛位于后半体背面的中央部分。爪退化,呈短条状,各生有1对粘毛。爪间突短,呈简单的爪状。 贝叶螨属在我国未曾有过记载,作者(马)在南昌的桑树上采得一新种,兹记述如下:  相似文献   

本文报导我国苔螨亚科中的1个中国新记录属和4个新记录种。 中苔螨属Mesobryobia Wainstein,1956 前足体背面有向前突出的檐突,两侧明显突出,突出部位各着生1根刚毛。内骶毛间距大于后半体3对背中毛间距,内骶毛未达边缘;最后3对后半体背毛部分或全部着生于明显的结节上。跗节真爪和爪间突爪状,着生有粘毛。气门沟末端缠结。背毛13对,其中前足体背毛3对,后足体背毛10对。基节毛式为2-2-1-1。  相似文献   

1974年在广东省海南岛地区,采到一种为害新会橙的叶螨,确定为一个新属新种。描述如下: 刺爪螨属 Acanthonychus,新属 前足体背毛3对,后半体背毛10对;背毛粗壮,具锯齿,着生于明显的突起上。足Ⅰ跗节具2对双毛,足Ⅱ跗节具1对双毛。跗节爪退化,各具1对粘毛;爪间突呈直角弯曲,  相似文献   

【目的】 观察伯氏嗜木螨Caloglyphus berlesei生活史各发育阶段外部形态和超微形态特征。【方法】 采集中华地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis培养床上的培养料, 分离伯氏嗜木螨。将分离获得的伯氏嗜木螨双蒸水洗涤后, 一部分用于制备常规玻片标本, 光镜下直接观察; 另一部分用2.5%戊二醛溶液固定, 70%酒精再次洗涤, 临界点干燥, 置于扫描电镜下观察不同发育阶段(包括卵、 幼螨、 若螨及成螨)的超微形态特征。【结果】 电镜下伯氏嗜木螨各发育阶段的足、 刚毛和外生殖器及其附属结构的形态均清晰可辨。幼螨足3对, 足上无叶状刚毛, 基节干发达; 若螨足4对, 出现第4背毛, 生殖区发育不全; 休眠体足爪和前跗节发达, 出现叶状毛、 胫节毛及膝节毛等结构, 生殖板骨化明显, 其两侧有吸盘和刚毛各1对。吸盘板上共有4对成对的吸盘、 1个单吸盘和2对类圆形微凸。成螨生殖感觉器骨化且呈心形, 雄雌成螨生殖感觉器的刚毛数量上有明显差异。【结论】 对伯氏嗜木螨形态和超微形态特征的观察有助于对其进一步科学分类和进行生活史研究, 并可为控制伯氏嗜木螨及其引起的过敏性疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

马恩沛  高建荣 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):241-243
岩螨属(Petrobia Murray,1877)雌螨背面观椭圆形,具3对前足体背毛,9对后半体背毛和1对肩毛。背毛均不着生在结节上。足Ⅰ跗节具2对双毛。跗节爪垫状,具粘毛。爪间突钩状,具2列指向腹侧的粘毛。  相似文献   

我国果园中常见的捕食螨——长须螨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 长须螨科Stigmaeidae隶属于蜱螨亚纲Acari、真螨目Acariformes、前气门亚目Prostig-mata、缝颚螨总科Raphignathoidea。该类螨体微小,一般在700微米以下。体色多呈黄、橙或红色。体壁柔软,具不同形状和数目的背板。螯肢基部通常愈合,螯肢呈细针状。气门沟发达,从螯肢基部可延伸至足Ⅱ基节。须肢跗节通常具一律状和一顶端三裂形的感毛。足Ⅰ、Ⅱ基节与足Ⅲ、Ⅳ基节呈两组分开。爪间突具三个分支,其末端各具呈“Y”形的粘毛。 长须螨多生活于苔藓、地衣、地面的枯枝落叶或土壤中,但某些种类生活于植物上,可以捕  相似文献   

中国叶螨科一新属新种(蜱螨目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南大理的竹子上采到一种叶螨,经鉴定是叶螨族Tetranychini Reck,1950的一新属新种。描述如下(文内量度单位为微米)。 云爪螨属Yunonychus新属 前足体背毛3对,后半体有肩毛1对,背中毛3对,背侧毛2对,骶毛2对,臀毛1对;第一对背侧毛缺如。腹面有肛毛和肛侧毛各2对,爪间突粗壮,开裂为二,爪状。足Ⅰ跗节有双毛2对,足Ⅱ跗节有双毛1对。  相似文献   

中国广叶螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:叶螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广叶螨属(Eurytetranychus Oudemans)属征:体大,近圆形;体壁柔软;背毛26根,有臀毛;爪间突为简单的小爪状;跗节上双毛不典型或缺如;肛毛和肛侧毛各两对;气门沟端部常膨大呈球状。 我国已报道四种广叶螨。即榆广叶螨 (E.ulmi Wang, 1977),列氏广叶螨(E.recki Bagdasarian,1948),华清广叶螨(E.huaqingnicus Ma et Yuan,1981)和丰城广叶螨(E.fengchengensis Ma et Yuan, 1981)。  相似文献   

厚绥螨属Pachyseius是Berlese于1910年建立的。该属的主要特征为:背板一块,上有简单刚毛30对。胸板具3对刚毛,第四对刚毛位于胸后板上。腹肛板紧邻后缘平直的生殖板,其后缘和后侧缘不与背板愈合。腹肛板具肛前毛2—4对,肛侧毛位于肛门之前。气门板狭窄。足后板细长。须肢跗节具三叉刚毛。足Ⅱ跗节具刺和棘。  相似文献   

本文进一步研究了:④厩真厉螨截肢前后的爬行行为,表明第1对足其感觉功能;②用古拉广厉螨分别截各对足驱避反应的对比试验,见到只有当截去第1对足跗节时失去嗅觉功能,而截去第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ对足时,各组都仍有嗅觉功能;⑤对格氏血厉螨、厩真厉螨、毒厉螨和鼠颚毛厉螨进行涂漆前后的驱避试验,显示当跗感器被涂满封闭,则嗅觉功能消失;④以0.5%结晶紫或龙胆紫液染色的截肢标本,观察了厩真厉螨、毒厉螨、格氏血厉螨、古拉广厉螨及尾足螨股一种螨,足Ⅰ跗节末端凹窝中,至少都存在两类感毛,钝钉型感毛和长而尖的刚毛型感毛;⑤厩真厉螨雌螨和幼螨跗感器的钝钉毛分别为8根和5根,另外各有2根短而尖的毛,分别测定了长度,描述了形态特点;⑥透射电镜观察厩真厉螨、毒厉螨等的跗感器钝钉毛,毛外围有表皮壁,壁上有很多微孔,内有中心腔,腔内有树突。属化感器——嗅觉器;⑦电生理技术研究,当用氨和醋酸的气体刺激厩真厉螨、毒厉螨的离体足Ⅰ时,均产生明显的应激电位差,充分证明足Ⅰ辩节有嗅觉功能。  相似文献   

Organization of dermal glands in adult water mites Teutonia cometes (Koch, 1837) was studied using light-optical, SEM and TEM methods for the first time. These glands are large and occur in a total number of ten pairs at the dorsal, ventral and lateral sides of the body. The slit-like external openings of the glands (glandularia) are provided with a cone-shaped sclerite, and are combined with a single small trichoid seta (hair sensillum), which is always situated slightly apart from the anterior aspect of the gland opening. Each gland is formed by an epithelium encompassing a very large lumen (central cavity) normally filled with secretion that stains in varying intensity on toluidine blue stained sections. The epithelium is composed of irregularly shaped secretory cells with an electron-dense cytoplasm and infolded basal portions. The cells possess a large irregularly shaped nucleus and are filled with tightly packed slightly dilated cisterns and vesicles of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) with electron lucent contents. Dense vesicles are also present in the apical cell zone. Some cells undergo dissolution, occupy an upper position within the epithelium and have a lighter cytoplasm with disorganized RER. Muscle fibers are regularly present in the deep folds of the basal cell portions and may serve to squeeze the gland and eject the secretion into the external milieu. The structure of these dermal glands is compared with the previously described idiosomal glands of the same species and a tentative correlation with the glandularia system of water mites is given. Possible functions of the dermal glands of T. cometes are discussed.  相似文献   

论水螨腺毛形态学与螨类体躯进化(蜱螨亚纲:水螨群)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
金道超  李隆术 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):231-246
基于对中国水螨区系120余种的研究和有关文献,本文提出了水螨腺毛分布体位的原始模式;据腺毛腺体及围腺片等结构特征,将水螨腺毛分为四个结构类型:皱喙螨型、盾水螨型、水螨型和腺水螨型;腺毛结构特征表明,其发生与起源和体躯形态进化相关;全面评述了节肢动物和螨类体躯及体节进化的现有理论、分析讨论了关于螨类祖先体躯模式的Grandiean-Coineau氏学说(十六节说)和Bader氏学说(十二节说),由此并结合作者研究提出了螨类(水螨),原始祖先体躯模式的新假说(十八节说)。  相似文献   

Unionicola sp.与弯弓蚌螨U.arcuata在形态结构上非常相似,为了鉴别弯弓蚌螨U.arcuata 和Unionicola sp.,本研究扩增出Unionicola sp.12S rRNA的部分基因片段,与基因数据库中5种寄生蚌螨序列进行比较分析.结果显示,Unionicola sp.与弯弓蚌螨U.arcuata遗传差异为0.145,而分子系统树表明,Unionicola sp.与弯弓蚌螨U.arcuata聚为一支,具较近的亲缘关系.我们推断Unionicola sp.是弯弓蚌螨U.arcuata的1个隐藏种.这可能是由于不同寄主蚌造成了宿主隔离,从而引起了蚌螨遗传基因的分化.  相似文献   

Kinship relations within populations of unionicolid water mites are not well known, owing to their complex life cycles and the fact that interactions between active and resting stages for some species are transitory. A number of species of unionicolid water mites are, however, obligate symbionts of freshwater mussels and spend most of their life cycle in association with these hosts. Among these species of mites, parents and offspring are more likely to co-occur and thus provide opportunities to address questions related to the structure of the mating system. The present study employs random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to address kinship within populations of Unionicola foili living in symbiotic association with the host mussel Utterbackia imbecillis. DNA was amplified from adult mites and a representative number of eggs or larvae (n = 20-30) that were removed from mussels collected on three separate occasions (July, November, and March) over a 12-month period. Parsimony analyses of the molecular data for adults and progeny collected from mussels during July, November, and March revealed distinct groupings, that for the most part, corresponded to mites collected from each of the sampling periods. Many of the genetic markers obtained for male and female U. foili were not evident among the larvae or eggs, suggesting that adults obtained from a host mussel at the time of collection were not the parents of a majority of the progeny. However, female mites and eggs collected from mussels during March and November shared more markers than did females and progeny examined during July. Furthermore, many offspring in the July sampling period were found to have one or more parents absent from the sampled population. Overall, RAPD profiling appears to have limited usage in determining kinship within populations of U. foili, due to its recruitment patterns, and the relatively large number of adults and progeny per mussel. It may, however, prove to be a useful method for assessing genetic relatedness among unionicolid mussel-mites that have substantially lower population densities.  相似文献   

Kinship relations within populations of unionicolid water mites are not well known, owing to their complex life cycles and the fact that interactions between active and resting stages for some species are transitory. A number of species of unionicolid water mites are, however, obligate symbionts of freshwater mussels and spend most of their life cycle in association with these hosts. Among these species of mites, parents and offspring are more likely to co-occur and thus provide opportunities to address questions related to the structure of the mating system. The present study employs random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to address kinship within populations of Unionicola foili living in symbiotic association with the host mussel Utterbackia imbecillis. DNA was amplified from adult mites and a representative number of eggs or larvae (n = 20-30) that were removed from mussels collected on three separate occasions (July, November, and March) over a 12-month period. Parsimony analyses of the molecular data for adults and progeny collected from mussels during July, November, and March revealed distinct groupings, that for the most part, corresponded to mites collected from each of the sampling periods. Many of the genetic markers obtained for male and female U. foili were not evident among the larvae or eggs, suggesting that adults obtained from a host mussel at the time of collection were not the parents of a majority of the progeny. However, female mites and eggs collected from mussels during March and November shared more markers than did females and progeny examined during July. Furthermore, many offspring in the July sampling period were found to have one or more parents absent from the sampled population. Overall, RAPD profiling appears to have limited usage in determining kinship within populations of U. foili, due to its recruitment patterns, and the relatively large number of adults and progeny per mussel. It may, however, prove to be a useful method for assessing genetic relatedness among unionicolid mussel-mites that have substantially lower population densities.  相似文献   

中国蚌螨属支序分类分析(蜱螨亚纲:蚌螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择35个特征对我国蚌螨属15种的支序分析结果表明:蚌螨P-Ⅳ(胫节)端腹部的指状突是将它们聚集成两群的主要特征.今村蚌螨P-Ⅳ端腹部仅具有短矩,与外群最近,认为是我国的蚌螨属水螨中最原始的种类;雌螨前殖吸盘板的形态影响戊蚌螨亚属与多盘蚌螨亚属的种类聚类,由此推测可以将蚌螨P-Ⅳ端腹部的指状突与雌螨前殖吸盘板的形态也作为蚌螨亚属的区分特征.由于殖吸盘结构简单是祖征态之一,因此认为具有5对殖吸盘的邻近蚌螨比6对殖吸盘的厚蚌螨更原始.雌螨具有1对殖吸盘板的寄蚌螨亚属种类与沃蚌螨亚属种类在支序系统树中形成姊妹群,结果支持Vidrine 将沃蚌螨亚属从寄蚌螨亚属中分离的修订.  相似文献   

ISMAEL GALVÁN  & JUAN J. SANZ 《Ibis》2006,148(4):687-697
Plumicolous feather mites are ectosymbiotic organisms that live on bird feathers. Despite their abundance and prevalence among birds, the ecology of the interaction between these organisms and their hosts is poorly known. As feather mites feed on oil that birds spread from their uropygial gland, it has been hypothesized, but never tested, that the number of feather mites increases with the size of the uropygial gland of their hosts. In this study the number of feather mites is considered with respect to uropygial gland size in a breeding population of Great Tits Parus major in order to test this hypothesis. As predicted, the number of feather mites correlated positively with the uropygial gland size of their hosts, showing for the first time that uropygial gland size can explain the variance in feather mite load among conspecifics. Previous studies relating feather mite load to plumage colour have suggested that feather mites may be parasitic or neutral. To confirm this, the yellowness of breast feathers was also assessed. However, the results ran in the opposite direction to that expected, showing a positive correlation between mite load and plumage yellowness, which suggests that further work is needed to give clear evidence for a specific nature of feather mites. However, Great Tits with higher mite loads had lower hatching and breeding success, which may support the idea that feather mites are parasites, although this effect must be taken with caution because it was only found in males. Age or sex effects were not found on the number of feather mites, and it is proposed that hormonal levels may not be sufficient to explain the variation in feather mite loads. Interestingly, a positive correlation was detected between uropygial gland size and plumage brightness, which could be a novel factor to take into account in studies of plumage colour.  相似文献   

The seasonal change, i.e. the marked differences between seasons of low and high productivity, in the abundance of ectosymbionts and the defence intensity of the host against pathogens is a well defined characteristic of temperate zone organisms. Here we investigate the seasonal variation in the uropygial gland size and the abundance of Proctophyllodes feather mites on the wing feathers of house sparrows Passer domesticus in two breeding populations. The size of the uropygial gland varied significantly in male and female house sparrows over the annual cycle. The gland was small during the non‐breeding and mating season, after that it started to grow sharply, reaching its maximum size during breeding. Females had larger gland volumes than males during breeding, and the increase in gland size during breeding was more pronounced in females than in males. The number of feather mites was the lowest during breeding, followed by an increase during moult, and reaching its maximum between the wintering and mating seasons. The absence of a significant relationship between the uropygial gland size and the abundance of feather mites, after controlling for potential confounding variables, supports the view that gland oils do not regulate the number of mites. To investigate further this hypothesis, through a full factorial experimental design we tested the effect of uropygial gland and photoperiod manipulation on the population size and population dynamics of feather mites. The manipulation of uropygial gland had no effect on mites, supporting our observational results. As a result of the experimentally increased day‐length, the abundance of feather mites on wing feathers decreased significantly and more sharply than in the control group, supporting the previous anecdotal evidence about the photosensitivity of these organisms. Using photoperiodic cues, feather mites may respond to seasonal changes that affect their life‐history and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Potentially, pathogenic bacteria are one of the main infective agents against which a battery of chemical and physical barriers has evolved in animals. Among these are the secretions by the exocrine uropygial gland in birds. The antimicrobial properties of uropygial secretions may prevent colonization and growth of microorganisms on feathers, skin and eggshells. However, uropygial gland secretions also favour the proliferation of feather mites that feed on secretions and microorganisms living on feathers that would otherwise reach eggshells during incubation if not consumed by feather mites. Therefore, at the interspecific level, uropygial gland size (as an index of volume of uropygial secretion) should be positively related to eggshell bacterial load (i.e. the risk of egg infection), whereas eggshell bacterial loads may be negatively related to abundance of feather mites eating bacteria. Here, we explore these previously untested predictions in a comparative framework using information on eggshell bacterial loads, uropygial gland size, diversity and abundance of feather mites and hatching success of 22 species of birds. The size of the uropygial gland was positively related to eggshell bacterial loads (mesophilic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae), and bird species with higher diversity and abundance of feather mites harboured lower bacterial density on their eggshells (Enterococcus and Staphylococcus), in accordance with the hypothesis. Importantly, eggshell bacterial loads of mesophilic bacteria, Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae were negatively associated with hatching success, allowing us to interpret these interspecific relationships in a functional scenario, where both uropygial glands and mutualistic feather mites independently reduce the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria on avian fitness.  相似文献   

Feather mites (Arachnida: Acari: Astigmata) feed mainly on secretions of the uropygial gland of birds. Here, we use analyses corrected for phylogeny and body size to show that there is a positive correlation between the size of this gland and mite abundance in passerine birds at an interspecific level during the breeding season, suggesting that the gland mediates interactions between mites and birds. As predicted on the basis of hypothesized waterproofing and antibiotic functions of uropygial gland secretions, riparian/marsh bird species had larger glands and higher mite loads than birds living in less mesic terrestrial environments. An unexpected pattern was a steeper relationship between mite load and gland size in migratory birds than in residents. If moderate mite loads are beneficial to a host but high loads detrimental, this could create complex selection regimes in which gland size influences mite load and vice versa. Mites may exert selective pressures on gland size of their hosts that has resulted in smaller glands among migratory bird species, suggesting that smaller glands may have evolved in these birds to attenuate a possible detrimental effect of feather mites when present in large numbers.  相似文献   

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