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Abstract Past research has shown that angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare , are capable of discriminating between shoals composed of familiar dominant and subordinate companions, whereas they show no preference for shoals of unfamiliar conspecifics. In this study, the relative importance of familiarity and social status (shoal factors) on the shoaling decision of juvenile angelfish, which also differed in social status (individual factor), was investigated as very little is known about such tradeoffs in fishes. Dominant and subordinate individuals were given the choice to shoal with a group of conspecifics composed of familiar dominants vs. unfamiliar dominants and composed of familiar subordinates vs. unfamiliar subordinates. The findings demonstrate that fish with different social status differed in their shoaling preference. Subordinate test fish showed a preferential association with familiar subordinates over unfamiliar subordinates, but preferred the unfamiliar shoal over the familiar one when both shoals were constituted by dominant individuals. The shoaling behaviour shown by dominant test fish, on the other hand, indicated no significant preference for any of the shoals regardless of their composition. A replicate preference test carried out 2 h 30 min after the first one indicated that the association pattern was relatively consistent. Results suggest that angelfish are able to differentiate between the stimulus shoals and demonstrate that the pervasive influence of familiarity on the shoaling decision may be restrained or overridden by the composition of the familiar shoals and the social status of the test fish.  相似文献   

Many animals form groups and socialize in response to evolutionary pressures such as predation, food availability, and mate acquisition. Evidence of social choice based on various phenotypic characters (Group Phenotypic Composition [GPC]) has been observed in several animal species. In addition to the physical characteristics of the social group, it is also interesting to consider how decisions of who to socialize with might be expected to change for an individual over time. Younger individuals with limited life experience may discriminate differently between social groups than older conspecifics who have had the opportunity to learn and who may be faced with different ecological or environmental pressures. Here, we used a traditional two‐choice design to explore the shoaling behavior of juvenile convict cichlids and determine whether the number of fish and/or the size/life stage of the individuals within a shoal influenced social choices. We found that juvenile convict cichlids spent more time shoaling with similarly sized juvenile individuals and also preferred to shoal with larger shoals, but not when shoals were comprised of adult fish. The size of the individuals in a shoal was a more influential factor than the size of the shoal itself. Size of individual juveniles was correlated with tendency to visit shoals, but was not correlated with overall time spent shoaling, regardless of shoal composition. As juveniles, convict cichlids can make discriminatory choices that are influenced by specific aspects of shoal composition.  相似文献   

Although group living can confer benefits to individuals in terms of reduced predation risk and enhanced foraging success, it may also be associated with costs, such as increased competition for food. The nutritional state of an individual could therefore affect its readiness to join or remain in groups. We investigated the shoaling behaviour of banded killifish by following marked individuals, whose nutritional state had been experimentally manipulated, and recording their shoaling behaviour in a field enclosure containing unmarked conspecifics. Overall, food-deprived fish spent more time alone, and therefore less time shoaling, than well-fed individuals. When shoaling, however, food-deprived fish were not found in smaller shoals than well-fed conspecifics. Furthermore, they did not show a greater latency to shoal initially. Having joined a shoal, however, food-deprived fish left shoals more frequently to be alone than fed fish. Rates of change in the membership size of shoals occupied by either well-fed or food-deprived fish did not differ. We conclude that nutritional state seems to affect an individual's decision to continue shoaling once an association has been made. This study is the first to investigate experimentally state-dependent changes in the size of social groups in fish under field conditions. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The effect of shoal size on patterns of body colour segregation in mollies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual white and black mollies Poecilia latipinna spent significantly more time near the larger group when given the choice between two shoals of similar colouration to themselves. When given the choice between a large and a small shoal of dissimilar colouration to themselves, black test fish spent significantly more time with the larger shoal while white test fish showed no preference for either group. Both white and black mollies chose the smaller of two shoals when given the choice between a large dissimilarly coloured shoal and a small similarly coloured shoal. The results indicate that mollies actively discriminate between shoals on the basis of both body colour and shoal size. However, body colour segregation appears to have a stronger influence on shoal choice.  相似文献   

Many fish species exhibit size‐assortative shoaling, which is often thought to be driven by predation risk. Recent fieldwork has revealed that guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are more size assorted in high‐predation populations than in low‐predation ones. However, size assortment does nonetheless occur in some low‐predation populations, suggesting that predation is unlikely the sole driving force behind size‐assortment. Here, we investigated in the laboratory the potential role of active choice in size‐assortative shoaling in wild‐caught female guppies originating from two populations of the same river system in Trinidad. Small or large focal females from each population were offered a binary choice of shoaling with either four small female conspecifics or four large ones. Observed shoaling preferences depended on the body size of the focal fish, suggesting phenotype‐mediated conflict over group composition. Large focal fish preferred to shoal with the size‐matched stimulus shoal of large fish. In contrast, small focal fish did not shoal assortatively but also preferred to shoal with larger females. Our results suggest that size‐assortative shoaling in female guppies is likely to be due to factors other than active choice, such as habitat segregation and sexual harassment.  相似文献   

Social preferences for specific colour patterns learned in early development, termed imprinting, may influence social and mating decisions. Imprinting has been demonstrated in both birds and fish and has been proposed to play a role in speciation. We raised wild‐type zebrafish, Danio rerio, either with individuals of the same colour pattern, an alternative colour pattern (leopard), or a closely related, unpatterned species, D. albolineatus. We also cross‐reared individual ‘leopard’D. rerio and D. albolineatus with wild‐type D. rerio. We tested the prediction that Danio would prefer to shoal with fish of the colour pattern with which they had been raised, irrespective of their own appearance. Rearing condition affected shoaling preferences between D. rerio and D. albolineatus, with individuals of both colour patterns preferring to associate with shoals of the colour pattern with which they had been raised. The more subtle distinction between the wild‐type and ‘leopard’D. rerio colour patterns did not elicit a shoaling preference. Thus, zebrafish exhibit shoaling preferences based on visual cues, the effect being stronger when patterns are more distinct. There is a strong learned component to these preferences, although the extent to which they may influence mating decisions is unclear.  相似文献   

Aggregation Behavior in Wildtype and Transgenic Zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent advances in the development and availability of genetically modified animals enable researchers to examine the effects of phenotypic characters on social behavior. In fish, shoaling behavior is known to be influenced by characteristics such as body coloration, striping pattern, body shape, and size. GloFishTM are genetically engineered zebrafish (Danio rerio) that express red fluorescent protein (RFP), resulting in on overall red coloration under the dark longitudinal stripes. The GloFish pattern is distinct from the light body coloration underlying the dark longitudinal stripes seen in wildtype zebrafish. We presented wildtype and transgenic RFP zebrafish with same‐sex shoals of both strains of fish in dichotomous choice tests. No preference for either of the shoals was shown, however, both strains showed significant preferences for swimming near shoals vs. swimming near an empty tank compartment. When presented with opposite‐sex individuals of both strains, no preference was shown by either sex of either strain. Thus, the red body coloration of transgenic zebrafish does not appear to affect choice of social partner, in either a shoaling or a potentially reproductive context.  相似文献   

Preferential association with familiar shoal mates confers a number of potentially important benefits to individuals, including improved anti-predator effects and the reduction of aggression in competitive interactions. Until now, however, familiarity has been demonstrated purely between conspecifics. Here, we present evidence that familiarity preferences can override natural preferences for conspecifics. Individual focal fishes (chub, Leuciscus cephalus) were given a choice of two stimulus shoals of the same size composed of conspecifics or of heterospecifics (minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus) in a flow tank. A series of four treatments was carried out to investigate the effects of familiarity, induced by a 15 day association between the focal fish and the stimulus fishes, on the choices made by the focal fish. Focal fishes showed a significant preference for conspecifics over heterospecifics when both stimulus shoals were composed of non-familiar individuals. Focal fishes also showed a significant preference for stimulus shoals composed of familiar fishes over stimulus shoals composed of non-familiar fishes when both shoals were conspecific and when both shoals were heterospecific. Finally, the preference of focal fishes for conspecifics disappeared when the alternative, a shoal of heterospecifics, was composed of familiar individuals. The importance of this work is discussed in the context of species interactions in free-ranging shoals.  相似文献   



Grouping behaviour, common across the animal kingdom, is known to reduce an individual''s risk of predation; particularly through dilution of individual risk and predator confusion (predator inability to single out an individual for attack). Theory predicts greater risk of predation to individuals more conspicuous to predators by difference in appearance from the group (the ‘oddity’ effect). Thus, animals should choose group mates close in appearance to themselves (eg. similar size), whilst also choosing a large group.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We used the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a well known model species of group-living freshwater fish, in a series of binary choice trials investigating the outcome of conflict between preferences for large and phenotypically matched groups along a predation risk gradient. We found body-size dependent differences in the resultant social decisions. Large fish preferred shoaling with size-matched individuals, while small fish demonstrated no preference. There was a trend towards reduced preferences for the matched shoal under increased predation risk. Small fish were more active than large fish, moving between shoals more frequently. Activity levels increased as predation risk decreased. We found no effect of unmatched shoal size on preferences or activity.

Conclusions and Significance

Our results suggest that predation risk and individual body size act together to influence shoaling decisions. Oddity was more important for large than small fish, reducing in importance at higher predation risks. Dilution was potentially of limited importance at these shoal sizes. Activity levels may relate to how much sampling of each shoal was needed by the test fish during decision making. Predation pressure may select for better decision makers to survive to larger size, or that older, larger fish have learned to make shoaling decisions more efficiently, and this, combined with their size relative to shoal-mates, and attractiveness as prey items influences shoaling decisions.  相似文献   

Peichel CL 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(13):R503-R504
Fish form social aggregations called shoals which often consist of fish with similar morphologies. Experiments using zebrafish pigment variants demonstrate that fish can select shoal mates solely on the basis of their color patterns, and that early experience plays a key role in determining these shoaling preferences.  相似文献   

Although some fish species have been shown to be able to discriminate between two groups (shoals) of conspecifics differing in the number of members, most studies have not controlled for continuous variables that covary with number. Previously, using angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) we started the systematic analysis of the potential influence of such continuous variables, and found that they play different roles in shoal discrimination depending on whether large (≥4 fish) or small (<4 fish) shoals were contrasted. Here, we examine the potential role of the overall body surface area of stimulus fish in shoal preference, a prominent variable not yet examined in angelfish. We report that both when numerically large (5 versus 10 fish) and when small (2 versus 3 fish) shoals were contrasted, angelfish were unable to discriminate the numerically different shoals as long as the surface area of the contrasted shoals was equated. Thus, we conclude that body surface may be an important continuous variable in shoal discrimination. This conclusion was further supported by the analysis of preference when shoals of the same numerical size but different body surface area were contrasted. We found subjects to spend significantly more time close to the shoals with the greater overall surface area. Last, we conducted an experiment in which we simultaneously controlled a set of continuous variables, including overall surface area, and found angelfish to use the number of shoal members as a cue only in large shoal contrasts but not in small shoal contrasts. This result suggests the potential existence of different processing systems for large and small numbers in fish.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has become a major model system for biomedical research and is an emerging model for the study of behaviour. While adult zebrafish express a visually mediated shoaling preference, the onset of shoaling behaviour and of this preference is unknown. To assess the onset of these behaviours, we first manipulated the early social environment of larval zebrafish subjects, giving them three model shoaling partners of the same pigment phenotype. We then assayed the subjects' preferences using binary preference tests in which we presented subjects with two shoals, one shoal of fish exhibiting the same pigment pattern phenotype as their models and another shoal with a radically different pigment pattern. To determine whether or not the visually mediated preference could be altered once it was established, we further manipulated the social environment of a number of subjects, rearing them with one model shoal and testing them, then changing their social consorts and retesting them. Our results demonstrate that larval zebrafish shoal early in their development, but do not exhibit a shoaling preference until they are juveniles. Moreover, we find that the shoaling preference is stable, as changing the social environment of fish after they had acquired a preference did not change their preference. These data will facilitate investigations into the mechanisms underlying social behaviour in this vertebrate model system.  相似文献   

Theory predicts several advantages for animals to recognize kin. These include inbreeding avoidance and an increase in inclusive fitness. In shoaling species, kin recognition may lead to an increased amount of altruism among shoal members. Adult, non‐reproductive three‐spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, prefer to shoal with kin. This preference was shown for familiar as well as for unfamiliar individuals. However, whether it is based on learned cues of familiar individuals or on innate mechanisms like self‐referent phenotype matching or ‘true’ kin recognition through recognition alleles remains unknown. In our experiments, juvenile fish were given the choice between shoals that differed in relatedness and familiarity. The number of testfish who joined each group indicated that sticklebacks prefer to shoal with familiar kin when the alternative shoal was composed of unfamiliar non‐kin. When one shoal consisted of familiar kin while the second consisted of familiar non‐kin testfish did not show any preference. Kin recognition in sticklebacks is thus most likely mediated by social learning.  相似文献   

The effect of sex and shoal size on shoaling behaviour in Danio rerio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male and female zebra fish Danio rerio were given choices of shoals that differed in sex and size. Male zebra fish preferred to associate with female shoals over male shoals, but had no preference when given a choice between a mixed‐sex shoal and either a male or female shoal. Female zebra fish showed no significant preference when given a choice between male and females shoals, nor between mixed‐sex shoals and either male or female shoals. When given choices between shoals of differing size, females preferred to associate with the larger shoal, whether or not they were composed of males or females. Males, however, had no preference for larger shoals over smaller shoals, whether or not they were composed of males or females. These results showed that male zebra fish were capable of distinguishing between males and females solely on the basis of visual cues. Furthermore, these results demonstrated a significant difference between the shoaling choices of male and female zebra fish, which may indicate a difference in the function of shoaling for the two sexes.  相似文献   

Shoaling behaviour of the two-spotted goby   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Naturally formed shoals of adult Gobiusculus flavescens in a Swedish fjord ranged in size from a few individuals to several hundred fish and were sorted by body size. Shoal composition was highly dynamic and any particular group was unlikely to remain together for more than a few hours. Shoaling tendency of juveniles in laboratory experiments was high, and consistent preferences were demonstrated for numerically larger shoals. Large test fish preferred to associate with shoals composed of large, over shoals composed of small fish, whereas small test fish associated with both size classes equally. The ecological importance of shoaling in small shallow water fish is discussed, and possible mechanisms for the observed patterns are proposed.  相似文献   

E. Kydd    C. Brown 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(10):2187-2195
Captive-reared rainbowfish Melanotonia duboulayi showed no preference for familiar individuals in an experiment examining shoaling preferences. Fortnightly re-examination of the shoaling preferences of the captive-reared population showed that the lack of preference for familiar individuals did not alter over an 8 week period. The same experiment performed on laboratory-reared offspring raised in isolated groups for 8 months since hatching also showed no preference for shoals consisting of familiar individuals. In contrast, trials performed on a wild population of M. duboulayi found a strong preference for familiar shoalmates, a result that is consistent with previous studies. The lack of shoaling preferences in captive-reared populations is probably the result of relaxed selection and inbreeding in the captive environment. The consequences of captive breeding for fish social behaviour are discussed with particular reference to hatchery production.  相似文献   

Parasites can fundamentally alter the cost–benefit ratio of living in a group, e.g. if infected individuals increase the predation risk of shoal mates. Here, the effect of an infection with a trematode, Uvulifer sp. (Diplostomatidae) on the shoaling behaviour of female western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, was investigated. The parasite examined causes a direct phenotypical change of the host by forming black spots on its body surface. When given a choice between a stimulus shoal and no shoal, we found shoaling tendencies to be significantly reduced in infected focal fish. In another experiment, we tested for association preferences relative to the infection status of the stimulus fish. Given the choice between an infected and a healthy stimulus fish, both infected and healthy focal fish preferred to associate with non-infected stimulus fish. Our results suggest that (1) the cost–benefit ratio of shoaling might be different for infected and non-infected individuals. Infected fish may be more affected by competition for food within a shoal. (2) Associating with infected conspecifics appears to be costly for female mosquitofish, maybe due to increased predation risk.  相似文献   

Single sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ) were presented with a choice between (a) a shoal and an empty compartment, and (b) two different sized shoals of conspecifics. The choice of hungry test fish (food-deprived for 24 h and 72 h, respectively) was compared to that of fish which were fed to satiation once a day. It was hypothesized that due to the increased level of competition for food in large shoals, hungry fish would spend less time with the larger of two shoals than their well-fed conspecifics. The results showed that there was indeed a significant trend for test fish to spend a decreasing amount of time near the compartment with the larger number of fish with increasing duration of food deprivation.  相似文献   

The social organization of free-ranging fish shoals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The phenotypic composition of social groups can affect the foraging efficiency and predation risk of their individual members. In shoaling fishes, active choice of shoal companions on the basis of phenotypic characters such as body length has been reported. In this study, we investigated the phenotypic composition of free-ranging, multi-species fish shoals in a temperate freshwater lake. We collected 21 entire shoals, each consisting of up to four species and comprising 3622 fish in total. Shoals were strongly assorted by species, body length, parasite prevalence and parasite load. Using a mark-recapture procedure involving 785 banded killifish ( Fundulus diaphanus ), we found no evidence for shoal fidelity or site fidelity, as individuals from different shoals mixed extensively after just 24 h and ranged all over the study site irrespective of initial capture locations. Killifish showed strong changes in shoal-size choice over 24 h, and no evidence was found that shoals might break up into sub-units of individuals that are more phenotypically assorted than their original shoals. The mechanisms by which assortative groups may arise and the consequences of low group fidelity for the evolution of cooperative behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

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