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麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对吡虫啉敏感性的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用麦穗浸渍法在室内测定了麦长管蚜Macrosiphumavenae(Fabricius)和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphumpadi(L .)对吡虫啉可湿性粉剂和乳油的敏感度。结果表明 ,禾谷缢管蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度是麦长管蚜的 3~ 4倍 (基于LC50 的比较 )。在北京、河南、江苏、湖北、四川等地同浓度的吡虫啉对禾谷缢管蚜的防治效果要好于麦长管蚜 (特别是在低浓度时尤为明显 )。依据我国不同省份小麦穗蚜的优势种不同 ,建议用吡虫啉防治小麦穗蚜时 ,在南方麦区 ,禾谷缢管蚜为优势种的麦田 ,吡虫啉用药量为 15~ 3 0g(a.i) hm2 ;北方麦区 ,以麦长管蚜为优势种的麦田 ,吡虫啉的用药量应大于 3 0g(a.i) hm2 。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对小麦挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
刘勇  陈巨莲  倪汉祥 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):679-683
采用活体蚜虫测定法,利用EAG技术比较分析了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi有翅及无翅成蚜对小麦挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物组分的嗅觉反应,揭示了两种麦蚜的嗅觉变异特点。结果表明:麦长管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-2-己烯醛、反-2-己烯醇、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2醇的反应较强,禾谷缢管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-3-己烯乙酸酯、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇的反应较强,并得到了剂量反应曲线。麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、反-2-己烯醇和水杨酸甲酯的反应差异显著;禾谷缢管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对反-2-己烯醇、辛醛、里那醇、水杨酸甲酯和反-3-己烯乙酸酯的EAG反应差异显著,其原因与禾谷缢管蚜迁移及转主为害的生物学特性有关。  相似文献   

基于EPG的麦长管蚜、麦二叉蚜和禾谷缢管蚜取食行为比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius),麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus)虽然都取食小麦,但其取食部位、传毒能力均有差异。利用EPG研究了3种麦蚜在同一寄主植物上的取食行为,结果显示:(1)禾谷缢管蚜在取食过程中G波出现的时间最早,G波总的持续时间和每次刺探G波的平均持续时间都明显长于麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜。麦长管蚜第1次E1波的时间、E1波总的持续时间和每次刺探E1波的平均持续时间都明显比麦二叉蚜和禾谷缢管蚜要长。麦二叉蚜E2波总的持续时间和每次刺探E2波的平均持续时间都明显长于麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜。表明3种蚜虫各自拥有不同取食策略。禾谷缢管蚜比其它两种蚜虫需要更多的水分和无机盐,麦长管蚜通过分泌大量唾液增大对食物的利用率,麦二叉蚜通过增加韧皮部取食时间以满足对营养的需要。(2)刺探过程中麦二叉蚜pd波出现的次数为(51.97±7.82)次,高于麦长管蚜的(44.73±4.52)次和禾谷缢管蚜的(32.99±4.22)次。麦二叉蚜pd波Ⅱ-2和Ⅱ-3亚波的时间最长,禾谷缢管蚜最短,三者之间差异达显著水平。表明与其它两种麦蚜相比,麦二叉蚜在取食过程中口针与细胞间的接触频率更高,与细胞内获毒和传毒相关的Ⅱ-3波和Ⅱ-2波持续时间更长,增加了获毒和传毒的几率,是其传毒能力最强的机理。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜和麦长管蚜玻璃管药膜法敏感毒力基线的建立   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
【目的】建立禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi(Linnaeus)和麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Fabricius)对常用杀虫剂的相对敏感基线。【方法】从田间采集麦蚜在实验室内饲养30代以上,利用玻璃管药膜法测定其对杀虫剂的敏感度,每条毒力基线为2次以上独立测定数据合并后的计算结果。【结果】用玻璃管药膜法建立了包括新烟碱类、吡啶类、氨基甲酸酯类、有机磷类和拟除虫菊酯类共22个药剂品种对禾谷缢管蚜和麦长管蚜3 h的敏感毒力基线。禾谷缢管蚜对新烟碱类药剂吡虫啉和啶虫脒的LC50值分别为0.02和0.007 μg/cm2;对吡啶类药剂吡蚜酮的LC50值为0.124 μg/cm2;对氨基甲酸酯类药剂丁硫克百威、硫双灭多威、灭多威、抗蚜威、西维因的LC50值为0.0026~0.70 μg/cm2;对有机磷类药剂三唑磷、丙溴磷、氧乐果、乐果、马拉硫磷、辛硫磷、敌敌畏、毒死蜱的LC50值为0.005~0.065 μg/cm2;对拟除虫菊酯类药剂三氟氯氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、联苯菊酯、氰戊菊酯、氯氰菊酯的LC50值为0.033~0.240 μg/cm2。麦长管蚜对新烟碱类药剂吡虫啉和啶虫脒的LC50值分别为0.15和0.12 μg/cm2;对吡啶类药剂吡蚜酮的LC50值为0.41 μg/cm2;对氨基甲酸酯类药剂丁硫克百威、硫双灭多威、灭多威、抗蚜威、西维因的LC50值为0.005~0.76 μg/cm2;对有机磷类药剂三唑磷、丙溴磷、氧乐果、乐果、马拉硫磷、辛硫磷、敌敌畏、毒死蜱的LC50值为0.018~0.36 μg/cm2;对拟除虫菊酯类药剂三氟氯氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、联苯菊酯、氰戊菊酯、氯氰菊酯的LC50值为0.20~2.94 μg/cm2。【结论】建立的两种麦蚜对22种杀虫药剂的相对敏感基线,包括当前所有可能用于防治麦蚜的药剂,可以用于以后麦蚜抗药性监测或其他相关研究的参照;禾谷缢管蚜对药剂的敏感度高于麦长管蚜。  相似文献   

郭光喜  刘勇 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):534-536
用四臂嗅觉计测定了麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi对小麦植株挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物的行为反应,揭示了2种麦蚜的嗅觉及小麦植株的诱导防御反应特点.在所选的13种小麦植株挥发物及蚜害诱导挥发物组分中,6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇和水杨酸甲酯对这2种蚜虫表现出强的驱拒作用;反-2-己烯醛对麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅蚜的吸引作用最强;反-2-己烯醇对禾谷缢管蚜的无翅蚜吸引作用最强,反-3-己酰醋酸酯对禾谷缢管蚜有翅蚜的吸引作用最强.说明麦蚜取食能诱导小麦植株的防御反应,麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜及其不同蚜型间嗅觉反应的特点不同.  相似文献   

七星瓢虫对麦长管蚜,禾谷缢管蚜捕食选择性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报导了七星瓢虫对两种猎物捕食选择性研究成果,这对以瓢治蚜工作提供了理论依据。主要结果为:1.七星瓢虫对麦长管蚜有明显的正喜好性,对禾谷缢管蚜有明显的负喜好性。2.瓢虫对两种蚜虫的喜好性与麦长管蚜密度呈显著负相关,与禾谷缢管蚜密度呈正相关。3.当两种猎物共存时,瓢虫对每种猎物的功能反应有所变化。两猎物总密度增加,瓢虫对每种猎物的功能反应越来越趋向Hollink Ⅲ型,一种猎物密度恒定,另一种猎物密度变化时,瓢虫对猎物的功能反应趋向Holling Ⅲ型。而且随猎物恒定的密度增加,HoUing Ⅲ型典型性增加。4.麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜密度增加均降低瓢虫的捕食作用率。但是,禾谷缢管蚜所引起捕食作用率更为严重的减少。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜的发生与小麦生育期关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过5年的系统研究和调查发现:小麦的高生育阶段最有利于禾谷缢管蚜的发生、繁育。该蚜若蚜期随小麦生育阶段的提高而缩短;成蚜生殖量、无翅蚜比例、蚜体大小均随小麦生育阶段的提高而增大;麦田始终只有穗期蚜量高峰。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜发育起点温度及有效积温研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
刘绍友  赵清华 《昆虫知识》1995,32(3):139-140

【目的】评价四川小麦主栽品种对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus的抗性,比较以蚜量比值为标准划分的抗性等级与千粒重损失率的一致性。【方法】选择2000年以来四川省审定的34个小麦主栽品种,遮雨棚内盆栽种植,在孕穗期进行罩网接蚜,利用蚜量比值方法划分抗蚜等级,在小麦成熟后测定千粒重损失率。【结果】34个品种的抗性等级分布为中抗~高感,没有抗或高抗品种,中抗、低抗、低感、中感、感、高感等级的品种数分别为2、6、11、5、6和4个,中抗品种为川麦42和绵麦45。中抗至高感等级品种的平均千粒重损失率依次为43.6%、58.1%、60.3%、68.1%、73.5%和77.1%,川麦42(中抗)和内麦836(高感)的千粒重损失率分别为41.8%和80.7%。蚜量比值与千粒重损失率之间呈极显著的正相关,部分品种抗性等级与其千粒重损失率表现不一致,低抗品种川农16千粒重损失率为70.0%,而低感品种川麦107的千粒重损失率为52.8%。【结论】本试验条件下,参试的四川小麦品种在中抗至高感禾谷缢管蚜等级内均有分布,且主要集中在低感范围内,具有外源遗传背景的川麦42比近源品种的整体抗性稍强。蚜量比值结合千粒重损失率进行小麦抗性等级划分的结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜发育起点温度和有效积温的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭良珍  刘绍友 《昆虫知识》2001,38(1):31-32,30
在 5种恒定温度下观察了禾谷缢管蚜的生长发育速率 ,分别确定了其有翅蚜和无翅蚜各龄若蚜及全若期的发育起点温度和有效积温  相似文献   

Vectoring ability of four aphid clones, Rp-M and Rp-R26 of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sa-R1 and Sa-V of Sitobion avenae, to transmit barley yellow dwarf (PAV, MAV and RPV) luteoviruses (BYDV) was compared in controlled conditions. Significant differences between highly efficient vectors (HEV), Rp-M and Sa-Rl, and poorly efficient vectors (PEV), Rp-R26 and Sa-V, were found in transmission of their specific viruses with acquisition and inoculation access periods (AAP, IAP) of 5 days. BYD-RPV was occasionally transmitted by both clones of S. avenae. None of 150 tested apterous adults of the Rp-R26 transmitted BYD-MAV, while 10% of transmission was observed from those of the Rp-M in a parallel test. An improved ELISA and immuno-PCR were adapted to test for viruses in aphids. The results obtained by the improved ELISA indicated there was a good correlation between virus detection in single aphids of HEV clones after a 5 day AAP and virus transmission by them. In contrast, the percentages of virus-carrying aphids of PEV clones were generally higher than those of their transmission rates. BYD-MAV and BYD-RPV were also detected by the improved ELISA in single aphids of their PEV clones, with the exception of BYD-RPV in those of Sa-V. However, after a 2-day IAP, the improved ELISA in most cases failed to detect these viruses in single aphids of PEV clones. Detection by immuno-PCR demonstrated that all three viruses could be acquired and retained by the aphids of both HEV and PEV clones. But, as visualised from electrophoretic bands, after the 2-day IAP the amplified products from aphid extracts of PEV clones were reduced. The detection in a batch of nine aphids by the improved ELISA revealed that virus content in PEV clones decreased more rapidly than that in HEV clones during transmission. Thus, the difference in transmission efficiency of the aphid clones within species was not caused by an inability to acquire virus, but was determined by variation in vectoring ability between them. This was due to differences in ability to prevent the passage of virions from haemocoel to salivary duct and/or different capacities for the retention of BYDV.  相似文献   

1 Cereals can be attacked severely by the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.), and the bird cherry‐oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). The time of migration from winter hosts in spring is important regarding input to decision support systems concerning insecticide treatment of aphids. 2 The present study aimed to construct two separate migration models, which could be used immediately for advisors and farmers but also be part of a decision support system for the chemical control of aphids in winter wheat and spring barley. 3 Winter wheat (Triticum sativum Lam.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) fields were monitored from 1991–2005 for the occurrence of grain aphids and bird cherry‐oat aphids, and the data were used to construct migration models. 4 The models were constructed based on all 9 years data and subsequently validated by using all 9 years data, excluding 1 year at a time. 5 The migration model for the grain aphid producing the best forecast was obtained with migration date M (number of days from 1 June), degree‐days (DD) of April (Ta) and DD of May (Tm), with the model being M= 265.0 ? 10.2 loge(Ta) ? 35.1 loge(Tm). 6 The migration model for the bird cherry‐oat aphid producing the best forecast was obtained with migration date M (number of days from 15 May), DD of April (Ta) and DD from 1–15 May (Tm1), with the model being M= 294.4 ? 34.7 loge(Ta) ? 22.5 loge(Tm1). 7 The models only worked well in areas where the grain aphid and the bird cherry‐oat aphid are entirely holocyclic.  相似文献   

Winged individuals of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae transmitted the PAV-like and MAV-like isolates of barley yellow dwarf virus respectively. Success of transmission after inoculation access periods of 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h were examined and survival, reproduction and movement of the aphid vectors were recorded at these times. The experiment was done at four different temperatures: 6oC, 12oC, 18oC and 23oC. For both isolates the inoculation efficacy did not increase after a 24 h inoculation access period and there was no difference in inoculation efficiency at the three highest temperatures, that at 6oC being significantly lower than at 12oC to 23oC. The results suggest that autumn temperature is a critical factor for BYDV epidemiology in Britain with a small increase in autumn temperature leading to greatly increased infection rates.  相似文献   

不同营养层次挥发物对燕麦蚜茧蜂寄主搜寻行为的影响   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
“Y”型管嗅觉计及风洞测定试验明,小麦植株,麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae),禾谷缢管蚜(Rhopalosiphum padi)对燕麦蚜蜂(Aphidius avenae)雌蜂的吸引作用较小,而有蚜植株及蚜害植株对其吸引作用较大,并以麦长管蚜有蚜植株的吸引作用最强,尽管该蜂对禾谷缢管蚜的寄生率极你,工作量 由其危害诱导产生的挥发性信息化僵物对该蜂仍具有较强的吸引作用,GC-MS鉴定结果表明,麦蚜取食诱导的挥发性信息化合物主要是2-莰烯,6-甲基-5-已烯-2-酮,顺-3-已酰酸酯有水杨酸甲酯,其中6-甲基-5-已烯-2-酮和6-甲基-5-已烯-2-醇对燕麦蚜划蜂的吸引作用最强,水杨酸酯无明显吸引作用。  相似文献   

We analysed interactions in the system of two Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) strains (MAV and PAV), and wheat (cv. Tinos) as host plant for the virus, and the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) as vector, in particular whether or not infection by the virus might alter host plant suitability in favour of vector development. By measuring the amino acid and sugar content in the phloem sap of infected and non‐infected wheat plants we found a significant reduction in the concentration of the total amount of amino acids on BYDV‐infected plants. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of honeydew and honeydew excretion indicated a lower efficiency of phloem sap utilisation by S. avenae on infected plants. In addition, S. avenae excreted less honeydew on infected plants. Both BYDV strains significantly affected aphid development by a reduction in the intrinsic rate of natural increase. Hence, infection by the virus reduced the host suitability in terms of aphid population growth potential on BYDV‐infected plants. However, more alate morphs developed on virus‐infected plants. These findings are discussed in relation to the population dynamics of S. avenae, and, as a consequence, the spread of BYDV.  相似文献   

Two different types of artificial leaf damage, crushing and cutting, were assessed for their effects on the growth and survival of Rhopalosiphum padi caged on maize (cv. LG11) leaves. Crushing significantly reduced aphid growth rate by up to 23% and their survival by five to six times, while cutting had no significant effects. Although the area of tissue involved was lower for crushing relative to cutting (c. 5% and 10% respectively), the greater level of cellular damage inflicted by crushing may have resulted in more phytochemical changes. These effects suggest that the feeding of one herbivore guild such as leaf chewers may adversely affect the performance of another, such as phloem feeders.  相似文献   

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