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Many bacterial pathogens reorganize the host actin cytoskeleton during the course of infection, including enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), which utilizes the effector protein EspF(U) to assemble actin filaments within plasma membrane protrusions called pedestals. EspF(U) activates N-WASP, a host actin nucleation-promoting factor that is normally auto-inhibited and found in a complex with the actin-binding protein WIP. Under native conditions, this N-WASP/WIP complex is activated by the small GTPase Cdc42 in concert with several different SH3 (Src-homology-3) domain-containing proteins. In the current study, we tested whether SH3 domains from the F-BAR (FCH-Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs) subfamily of membrane-deforming proteins are involved in actin pedestal formation. We found that three F-BAR proteins: CIP4, FBP17, and TOCA1 (transducer of Cdc42-dependent actin assembly), play different roles during actin pedestal biogenesis. Whereas CIP4 and FBP17 inhibited actin pedestal assembly, TOCA1 stimulated this process. TOCA1 was recruited to pedestals by its SH3 domain, which bound directly to proline-rich sequences within EspF(U). Moreover, EspF(U) and TOCA1 activated the N-WASP/WIP complex in an additive fashion in vitro, suggesting that TOCA1 can augment actin assembly within pedestals. These results reveal that EspF(U) acts as a scaffold to recruit multiple actin assembly factors whose functions are normally regulated by Cdc42.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular degradation system widely conserved among eukaryotes. During autophagy, cytoplasmic materials fated for degradation are compartmentalized in double membrane–bound organelles called autophagosomes. After fusing with the vacuole, their inner membrane–bound structures are released into the vacuolar lumen to become autophagic bodies and eventually degraded by vacuolar hydrolases. Atg15 is a lipase that is essential for disintegration of autophagic body membranes and has a transmembrane domain at the N-terminus and a lipase domain at the C-terminus. However, the roles of the two domains in vivo are not well understood. In this study, we found that the N-terminal domain alone can travel to the vacuole via the multivesicular body pathway, and that targeting of the C-terminal lipase domain to the vacuole is required for degradation of autophagic bodies. Moreover, we found that the C-terminal domain could disintegrate autophagic bodies when it was transported to the vacuole via the Pho8 pathway instead of the multivesicular body pathway. Finally, we identified H435 as one of the residues composing the putative catalytic triad and W466 as an important residue for degradation of autophagic bodies. This study may provide a clue to how the C-terminal lipase domain recognizes autophagic bodies to degrade them.  相似文献   

The myosin head can bind two actin monomers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Force impulse is thought to be generated in muscle when myosin head (S-1), while weakly bound to actin filament, undergoes orientational change to form a strong (rigor) bond with actin. There is ample evidence that this bond involves interaction of 1 myosin head with 1 actin monomer. However, X-ray diffraction data of muscle decorated with S-1, as well as recently proposed model of the thin filaments, suggested that each S-1 molecule interacted with two actin monomers. We reinvestigated this controversy and found that the stoichiometry of acto-S-1 bond depended on the relative amounts of actin and myosin present during titrations: when increasing amounts of actin were added to a fixed amount of S-1 (i.e. when myosin heads were initially in excess over actin), the saturating stoichiometry was 1 mol of S-1 per 1 mol of actin. However, when increasing amounts of S-1 were added slowly to a fixed amount of F-actin (i.e. when actin was initially in excess over S-1), the stoichiometry at saturation was 1 mol of S-1 per 2 mols of actin. The ability of S-1 to bind either one or two actin monomers suggests a way that force could be generated during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum has two nucleosome assembly proteins, PfNapS and PfNapL (Chandra, B. R., Olivieri, A., Silvestrini, F., Alano, P., and Sharma, A. (2005) Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 142, 237-247). We show that both PfNapS and PfNapL interact with histone oligomers but only PfNapS is able to deposit histones onto DNA. This property of PfNapS is divalent cation-dependent and ATP-independent. Deletion of the terminal subdomains of PfNapS abolishes its nucleosome assembly capabilities, but the truncated protein retains its ability to bind histones. Both PfNapS and PfNapL show binding to the linker histone H1 suggesting their probable role in extraction of H1 from chromatin fibers. Our data suggests distinct sites of interaction for H1 versus H3/H4 on PfNapS. We show that PfNapS and PfNapL are phosphorylated both in vivo and in vitro by casein kinase-II, and this modification is specifically inhibited by heparin. Circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, and chymotrypsin fingerprinting data together suggest that PfNapL may undergo very small and subtle structural changes upon phosphorylation. Specifically, phosphorylation of PfNapL increases its affinity 3-fold for core histones H3, H4, and for the linker histone H1. Finally, we demonstrate that PfNapS is able to extract histones from both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated PfNapL, potentially for histone deposition onto DNA. Based on these results, we suggest that the P. falciparum NapL is involved in the nucleocytoplasmic relay of histones, whereas PfNapS is likely to be an integral part of the chromatin assembly motors in the parasite nucleus.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton of mature osteoclasts (OCs) adhering to nonmineralized substrates is organized in a belt of podosomes reminiscent of the sealing zone (SZ) found in bone resorbing OCs. In this study, we demonstrate that the belt is composed of two functionally different actin-based domains: podosome cores linked with CD44, which are involved in cell adhesion, and a diffuse cloud associated with beta3 integrin, which is involved in cell adhesion and contraction. Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASp) Interacting Protein (WIP)-/- OCs were devoid of podosomes, but they still exhibited actin clouds. Indeed, WIP-/- OCs show diminished expression of WASp, which is required for podosome formation. CD44 is a novel marker of OC podosome cores and the first nonintegrin receptor detected in these structures. The importance of CD44 is revealed by showing that its clustering restores podosome cores and WASp expression in WIP-/- OCs. However, although CD44 signals are sufficient to form a SZ, the presence of WIP is indispensable for the formation of a fully functional SZ.  相似文献   

Although both CD28 and ICOS bind PI3K and provide stimulatory signal for T cell activation, unlike CD28, ICOS does not costimulate IL-2 secretion. CD28 binds both PI3K and Grb2, whereas ICOS binds only PI3K. We have generated an ICOS mutant, which can bind Grb2 by replacement of its PI3K binding motif YMFM with the CD28 YMNM motif, and shown that it induces significant activation of the IL-2 promoter. However, this mutant ICOS was insufficient to activate the NF-kappaB pathway. In this study, we show that Gads, but not Grb2, is essential for CD28-mediated NF-kappaB activation, and its binding to CD28 requires the whole CD28 cytoplasmic domain in addition to the YMNM motif. Mutagenesis experiments have indicated that mutations in the N-terminal and/or C-terminal PXXP motif(s) of CD28 significantly reduce their association with Gads, whereas their associations with Grb2 are maintained. They induced strong activity of the NFAT/AP-1 reporter comparable with the CD28 wild type, but weak activity of the NF-kappaB reporter. Grb2- and Gads-dominant-negative mutants had a strong effect on NFAT/AP-1 reporter, but only Gads-dominant-negative significantly inhibited NF-kappaB reporter. Our data suggest that, in addition to the PI3K binding motif, the PXXP motif in the CD28 cytoplasmic domain may also define a functional difference between the CD28- and ICOS-mediated costimulatory signals by binding to Gads.  相似文献   

We have chemically modified a fraction of the monomers in actin filaments, and then measured the effects on the functional interaction of myosin with unmodified monomers within the same filament. Two modifications were used: (a) covalent attachment of various amounts of myosin subfragment-1 (S1) with the bifunctional reagent disuccinimidyl suberate and (b) copolymerization of unmodified actin monomers with monomers cross-linked internally with 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide. Each of these modifications abolished the interaction of the modified monomers with myosin, so the remaining interactions were exclusively with unmodified monomers. The two modifications had similar effects on the interaction of actin with myosin in solution: decreased affinity of myosin heads for unmodified actin monomers, without a change in the Vmax of actin-activated myosin ATPase activity. However, modification (b) produced much greater inhibition of actin sliding on a myosin-coated surface, as measured by an in vitro motility assay. These results provide insight into the functional consequences of cooperative interactions within the actin filament.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins mediate the function of all RNAs. Since few distinct RNA-binding domains (RBDs) exist, with most RBDs contacting only a few nucleotides, RNA-binding proteins often combine multiple RNA-binding motifs to achieve a higher affinity and selectivity for their targets. Rrp5, a ribosome assembly factor essential for both 40S and 60S ribosome maturation, is an extreme example as it contains 12 tandem S1 RNA-binding domains. In this study, we use a combination of RNA binding and DMS probing experiments to probe interactions of Rrp5 with pre-rRNA mimics. Our data localize Rrp5's binding site to three distinct regions within internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), the sequence between 18S and 5.8S rRNAs. One of these regions is directly adjacent to a recently uncovered helical structure, which prevents premature cleavage at the 3'-end of 18S rRNA. This finding, together with previous results, suggests a role for Rrp5 in regulating the above-mentioned helical element. Furthermore, we have produced two truncated forms of the protein, Rrp5N and Rrp5C, which together encompass the entire protein and fully restore growth. Quantitative analysis of the RNA affinity of these Rrp5 fragments indicates that the first nine S1 motifs contribute much of Rrp5's RNA affinity, while the last three domains alone provide its specificity for the pre-rRNA. This surprising division of labor is unique, as it suggests that S1 domains can bind RNA both specifically as well as nonspecifically with high affinity; this has important implications for the molecular details of the Rrp5?pre-rRNA complex.  相似文献   

In the environment, bacteria show close association, such as interspecies interaction, with other bacteria as well as host organisms. The type VI secretion system (T6SS) in gram-negative bacteria is involved in bacterial competition or virulence. The plant pathogen Burkholderia glumae BGR1, causing bacterial panicle blight in rice, has four T6SS gene clusters. The presence of at least one T6SS gene cluster in an organism indicates its distinct role, like in the bacterial and eukaryotic cell targeting system. In this study, deletion mutants targeting four tssD genes, which encode the main component of T6SS needle formation, were constructed to functionally dissect the four T6SSs in B. glumae BGR1. We found that both T6SS group_4 and group_5, belonging to the eukaryotic targeting system, act independently as bacterial virulence factors toward host plants. In contrast, T6SS group_1 is involved in bacterial competition by exerting antibacterial effects. The ΔtssD1 mutant lost the antibacterial effect of T6SS group_1. The ΔtssD1 mutant showed similar virulence as the wild-type BGR1 in rice because the ΔtssD1 mutant, like the wild-type BGR1, still has key virulence factors such as toxin production towards rice. However, metagenomic analysis showed different bacterial communities in rice infected with the ΔtssD1 mutant compared to wild-type BGR1. In particular, the T6SS group_1 controls endophytic plant-associated bacteria such as Luteibacter and Dyella in rice plants and may have an advantage in competing with endophytic plant-associated bacteria for settlement inside rice plants in the environment. Thus, B. glumae BGR1 causes disease using T6SSs with functionally distinct roles.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,125(5):1067-1075
Tensin, a 200-kD phosphoprotein of focal contacts, contains sequence homologies to Src (SH2 domain), and several actin-binding proteins. These features suggest that tensin may link the cell membrane to the cytoskeleton and respond directly to tyrosine kinase signalling pathways. Here we identify three distinct actin-binding domains within tensin. Recombinant tensin purified after overexpression by a baculovirus system binds to actin filaments with Kd = 0.1 microM, cross- links actin filaments at a molar ratio of 1:10 (tensin/actin), and retards actin assembly by barbed end capping with Kd = 20 nM. Tensin fragments were constructed and expressed as fusion proteins to map domains having these activities. Three regions from tensin interact with actin: two regions composed of amino acids 1 to 263 and 263 to 463, cosediment with F-actin but do not alter the kinetics of actin assembly; a region composed of amino acids 888-989, with sequence homology to insertin, retards actin polymerization. A claw-shaped tensin dimer would have six potential actin-binding sites and could embrace the ends of two actin filaments at focal contacts.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid-binding region and trypsin-link protein were prepared from bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan complex after trypsin digestion. Binary complexes were reformed between trypsin-link protein and hyaluronic acid-binding region or hyaluronate. Upon trypsin treatment of these complexes, two fragments deriving from trypsin-link protein were characterized. One of them, of 20 kDa, corresponds in fact to a 140-amino acid long fragment and bears the glycosylated site of trypsin-link protein; it appears to be involved in proteoglycan/link protein interaction. The other, of 22 kDa, corresponds to the 200 C-terminal amino acids of trypsin-link protein; it appears to be involved in the binding of link protein with hyaluronic acid. A structural model of bovine trypsin-like protein depicting two distinct domains involved in hyaluronate and proteoglycan subunit interactions is proposed.  相似文献   

Pulmonary collectins, surfactant protein A (SP-A) and surfactant protein D (SP-D), play important roles in the innate immunity of the lung. Mycobacterium avium is one of the well-known opportunistic pathogens that can replicate within macrophages. We examined the effects of pulmonary collectins in host defense against M. avium infection achieved via direct interaction between bacteria and collectins. Although both pulmonary collectins bound to M. avium in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner, these collectins revealed distinct ligand-binding specificity and biological activities. SP-A and SP-D bound to a methoxy group containing lipid and lipoarabinomannan, respectively. Binding of SP-D but not SP-A resulted in agglutination of M. avium. A chimeric protein with the carbohydrate recognition domain of SP-D, which chimera revealed a bouquet-like arrangement similar to SP-A, also agglutinated M. avium. The ligand specificity of the carbohydrate recognition domain of SP-D seems to be necessary for agglutination activity. The binding of SP-A strongly inhibited the growth of M. avium in culture media. Although pulmonary collectins did not increase membrane permeability of M. avium, they attenuated the metabolic rate of the bacteria. Observations under a scanning electron microscope revealed that SP-A almost completely covers bacterial surfaces, whereas SP-D binds to certain areas like scattered dots. These observations suggest that a distinct binding pattern of collectins correlates with the difference of their biological activities. Furthermore, the number of bacteria phagocytosed by macrophages was significantly increased in the presence of SP-D. These data indicate that pulmonary collectins play critical roles in host defense against M. avium.  相似文献   

Phototropins (phot1 and phot2) are autophosphorylating serine/threonine kinases that function as photoreceptors for phototropism, light-induced chloroplast movement, and stomatal opening in Arabidopsis. The N-terminal region of phot1 and phot2 contains two specialized PAS domains, designated LOV1 and LOV2, which function as binding sites for the chromophore flavin mononucleotide (FMN). Both LOV1 and LOV2 undergo a self-contained photocycle, which involves the formation of a covalent adduct between the FMN chromophore and a conserved active-site cysteine residue (Cys39). Replacement of Cys39 with alanine abolishes the light-induced photochemical reaction of LOV1 and LOV2. Here we have used the Cys39Ala mutation to investigate the role of LOV1 and LOV2 in regulating phototropin function. Photochemical analysis of a bacterially expressed LOV1 + LOV2 fusion protein indicates that LOV2 functions as the predominant light-sensing domain for phot1. LOV2 also plays a major role in mediating light-dependent autophosphorylation of full-length phot1 expressed in insect cells and transgenic Arabidopsis. Moreover, photochemically active LOV2 alone in full-length phot1 is sufficient to elicit hypocotyl phototropism in transgenic Arabidopsis, whereas photochemically active LOV1 alone is not. Further photochemical and biochemical analyses also indicate that the LOV1 and LOV2 domains of phot2 exhibit distinct roles. The significance for the different roles of the phototropin LOV domains is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal dynamics are important for efficient function of the secretory pathway. ADP-ribosylation factor, ARF1, triggers vesicle coat assembly and, in concert with Cdc42, regulates actin polymerization and molecular motor-based motility. Drebrin and mammalian Abp1 (mAbp1) are actin-binding proteins found previously to bind to Golgi membranes in an ARF1-dependent manner in vitro. Despite sharing homology through two shared actin binding domains, drebrin and mAbp1 have different subcellular localization and bind to distinct actin structures on the Golgi apparatus. We find that the actin-depolymerizing factor homology (ADFH) and charged/helical actin binding domains of drebrin and mAbp1 are sufficient for regulated binding to Golgi membranes and subcellular localization. We have used mutant proteins and chimeras between mAbp1 and drebrin to identify motifs that direct targeting. We find that a linker region between the ADFH and charged/helical domains confers Golgi binding properties to mAbp1. mAbp1 binds to a specific actin pool through its ADFH/linker domain that is not bound by drebrin. Drebrin localization to the cell surface was found to involve motifs within the charged/helical domain. Our results indicate that targeting of these proteins is directed through multiple distinct interactions with the actin cytoskeleton. The mechanisms for selective recruitment of mAbp1 and drebrin to Golgi membranes indicate how actin-based structures are able to select specific actin-binding proteins and, thus, carry out multiple different functions within cells.  相似文献   

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