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A monoclonal antibody (mAb) designated 224-58 (IgM-kappa) has been raised by fusion of Sp2/0-Ag14 mouse hybridoma cell line with spleen cells of a mouse immunized with human brain myelin. This mAb binds specifically to mouse, rat, and human Schwann cells membrane. Serological tests showed that mAb 224-58 reacted with total lipid extract, but not with total protein extract of human myelin. Combination of ELISA, complement fixation, and immunoautoradiographic detection on silica gel TLC allowed us to determine that mAb 224-58 reacted with sulfomonogalactolipids, namely 3'-sulfogalactosylceramide (SGC) and 3'-sulfogalactosyl 1-O-alkyl-ether 2-O-acylglycerol (seminolipid). The fine molecular structure of the epitope recognized by mAb 224-58 was established by studying the cross-reactivity of this mAb toward closely related sulfolipids and by comparing its reactivity after submitting either purified sulfolipids or total lipid extracts to various chemical and enzymatic treatments. The lipidic hapten-binding site to mAb 224-58 is dependent on (1) the sulfoester on carbon 3 of the galactose molecule, (2) the osidic bond, and (3) the carbonyl group of the fatty acid. Interestingly enough, neither the amide bond and the long-chain base nor the OH group of the fatty acid belongs to the antigenic determinant recognized by mAb 224-58.  相似文献   

 从慢性淋巴性白血病人的周血白细胞中纯化了DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,以蛋白质染色只有一条100kD的肽链,而用此酶的单克隆抗体探测同一纯化的酶则出现100kD,90kD,83kD,80kD和74kD五条肽链,并从部分纯化的酶制剂中检测到一条34kD的小分子具有相当高的酶活性。用此抗体进一步探测了不同类型白血病人周血白细胞的DNA拓扑异构酶,发现明显的差异,不同分子量仍具有此酶的活性,说明不同细胞固有DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ的不均一性。  相似文献   

Abstract: The F10-44-2 monoclonal antibody was originally shown to interact with a determinant found predominantly in human brain and leucocytes. In this study we demonstrate by quantitative absorption analysis with homogenates of the head of the caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, cerebral grey matter, cerebral white matter, corpus callosum and cerebellar folia that the determinant is restricted to the white matter of the CNS. Immunofluorescence studies on frozen sections of the above brain subregions confirm the absorption analyses, showing staining only of white matter. In addition, and unexpectedly, we found very bright staining around blood vessels, particularly in the cerebellum. Biochemical studies established that the molecule in white matter bearing the F10-44-2 determinants is a sialylated membrane glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 90,000, which is similar to but slightly smaller than the T lymphocyte form of the antigen. Developmental studies comparing 16-week foetal and adult cerebrum showed a fivefold increase in F10-44-2 antigen content. Thus, in the human CNS, the F10-44-2 antigen is a medium-sized glycoprotein which is restricted to white matter and shows a marked increase in concentration during development. No such molecule has been described previously.  相似文献   

目的:通过上游工艺中补料培养基优化以降低单克隆抗体生产中的宿主细胞蛋白(HCP)水平。方法:本文在3 L反应器的工艺开发过程中考察了不同的商品化补料培养基和细胞接种密度对HCP水平的影响,筛选出最优条件后,进行了补料工艺的优化和金属离子的添加试验,最后将优化后的工艺放大至200 L中试规模。结果:在小试阶段发现Cellvento 4Feed可以显著降低HCP,同时CuSO4可以进一步促进HCP降低的水平,最终将工艺放大至200 L中试进行生产并取得了相似的结果,验证了工艺的稳定性和可放大性,中试规模的HCP水平相比最初的工艺降低了65%左右。结论:补料培养基优化可以有效降低细胞对HCP的比生产速率,使收获液中整体的HCP水平显著下降。  相似文献   

A hybridoma cell line producing a monoclonal antibody (A4) against bovine S100 protein has been produced by fusing mouse myeloma P3X63/Ag8 cells with spleen cells from a BALB/c mouse immunized with bovine S100 protein. A4 is of the IgG2b subclass and was purified by affinity chromatography on a protein A-Sepharose column. Brain extracts from several mammalian and one avian species reacted both with polyclonal rabbit anti-S100 protein antiserum and with A4 in a radioimmunoassay. Brain extract from dog was a notable exception. It reacted with the rabbit antiserum but not with A4. Therefore A4 reacts with a common epitope that is present on S100 proteins from different vertebrate species but is absent on dog S100 protein.  相似文献   

化学突变具有底物结合部位的单克隆抗体制备含硒抗体酶   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
开发了一种制备抗体酶的新方法。用二硝基氯苯(DNCB)专一地与谷胱甘肽(GSH)的巯基反应,合成出半抗原GSH-S-DNP。用戊二醛将半抗原偶联到牛血清白蛋白(BSA)上,制成全抗原。再用标准的单抗制备法获得具有GSH结合部位的单抗(4A4IgG)。用苯甲基磺酞氟(PMSF)和H2Se相继处理该单抗,则将单拉结合部位上的丝氨酸(Ser)突变成硒代半胱氨酸(SeCys,因而在单抗结合部位上引入了谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)的催化基团。突变后的单抗具有GPX活性,其活力已达到天然GPX的数量级水平。动力学行为也与天然GPX类似。这种新的含硒抗体酶有优于GPX的一些特点。  相似文献   

PECAM-1, a cell adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin gene (Ig) superfamily, has been implicated in white cell transmigration, integrin activation on lymphocytes, and cell-cell adhesion. The purpose of this investigation was to identify specific regions of the PECAM-1 extracellular domain mediating these functions by identifying the location of epitopes of bioactive anti-PECAM-1 monoclonal antibodies. The binding regions of mAbs important in PECAM-1-mediated leukocyte transmigration (Hec 7.2 and 3D2) were mapped to N-terminal Ig-like domains. The epitopes of monoclonal antibodies that activated integrin function on lymphocytes were dispersed over the entire extracellular region, but those that had the strongest activating effect were preferentially localized to the N-terminus of the molecule. The binding regions of mAbs that blocked PECAM-1-mediated heterophilic L-cell aggregation were located either in Ig-like domain 2 (NIH31.4) or Ig-like domain 6 (4G6 and 1.2). Site-directed mutagenesis further pinpointed the epitope of the 4G6 mAb to a hexapeptide, CAVNEG, within Ig-like domain 6.

These results demonstrate that PECAM-1 contains multiple functional domains. Regions within N-terminal Ig-like domains appear to be required for transmigration. In contrast, two distinct regions were implicated in L-cell mediated heterophilic aggregation.  相似文献   

A human fetal bronchial epithelial cell line (HFBE) grew in an undifferentiated pattern under conventional culture conditions. Despite a somewhat fibro-blastic shape the cells maintained immunoreactivity to cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen and epithelial membrane antigen. When grown on a collagen gel in a growth-hormone-supplemented medium, their spindle shape became more conspicuous. With an additional supplement of vitamin A (6 μg/ml), most of the cells underwent differentiation by producing many bright inclusion bodies which proved to be strongly positive with periodic acid-Schiff and weakly positive with alcian blue staining. Electron microscopy revealed a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an enlarged Golgi apparatus and many highly electron-dense secretory granules resembling those of Clara cells. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that HFBE cells cultured on collagen gel with vitamin A secreted hyaluronic acid and neutral glycoproteins containing mainly N-linked glycoproteins whose glycans were of a complex type. A monoclonal antibody (SEC-41) generated against the neutral glyco-proteins detected a glycoprotein of approximately 52 kDa in the spent culture medium of differentiated HFBE cells. This antibody also reacted with the intracytoplasmic secretory granules in these cells. When tested on frozen sections of lung tissue, the immunohistochemical reactivity of the SEC-41 antibody was confined to Clara cells, some type II pneumocytes in the adult lung, and respiratory epithelial cells in the fetal lung. More-over, this antibody could detect secretory glycoprotein in broncho-alveolar lavages from two patients. This paper clearly demonstrates that cells derived from human fetal bronchial epithelium can be cultivated in an undifferentiated precursor state and, under appropriate culture conditions, can be stimulated to undergo differentiation into a Clara cell type.  相似文献   

A novel monoclonal antibody (BAT) to the B-lymphoblastoid cell line activates murine lymphocytes and exhibits a striking antitumor activity in mice. In order to evaluate the potential use of this antibody against human cancer, we have investigated its immuno-stimulatory properties on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Our findings demonstrate that BAT mAb induces proliferation and cytotoxicity in human PBL against natural-killer-cell-sensitive and natural-killer-cell-resistant tumor cell lines. Interleukin-2 at a low concentration synergizes with BAT mAb in eliciting these effects. BAT mAb binds to human peripheral T cells as revealed by a double-labelling technique using anti-CD3 and BAT mAb. The molecular mass of the antigen recognized by BAT mAb was 48–50 kDa under reducing and non-reducing conditions. This study provides a basis for future experiments to evaluate the use of BAT mAb in the immunotherapy of cancer.Supported by research grant (to B.H.) from the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Health, Israel  相似文献   

We describe ER-HR3, a monoclonal antibody directed against bone marrow-derived haemopoietic reticulum cells. ER-HR3-positive cells have the electronmicroscopic and enzyme-histochemical characteristics of macrophages. Additionally, they are able to phagocytoze. The ER-HR3 antigen is expressed by a majority of blood monocytes and is present on a subpopulation of resident macrophages in multiple organs. ER-HR3-positive cells are abundant in the bone marrow, the splenic red pulp, the mesenteric lymphoid paracortex and the interfollicular areas of the Peyer's patch. Few ER-HR3-positive cells have been observed in the thymic cortex and the connective tissues of the gastro-intestinal tract, the dermis and the renal medulla. Moreover, epidermal Langerhans cells express the antigen. No cross-reactivity with other cell types has been found. It is concluded that ER-HR3 has a unique distribution pattern distinct from other macrophage-specific antibodies.  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor based on wavelength modulation was used for real-time detection of the interaction of three monoclonal antibodies and antigens of bovine cardiac troponin I (cTnI). In order to recognize antigenic epitopes of bovine cTnI, two experimental modes were applied. In the first experimental mode, three monoclonal antibodies were divided into three groups and three experiments were performed on biosensor surfaces prepared with protein A. In the second experimental mode, antigen was immobilized on the biosensor surface prepared by the amine-coupling method and three monoclonal antibodies were detected in turn. The results obtained by the two modes are consistent. In addition, the affinities of the monoclonal antibodies for the antigen were also determined by the association rate and the disassociation rate in real-time. These results validate the biosensor technology and illustrate how biosensors based on wavelength modulation can be used to study the interaction of monoclonal antibodies and antigens in real time.  相似文献   

Human anti-(murine Ig) antibody (HAMA) responses were monitored in 32 patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) undergoing radioimmunotherapy using131I-labeled anti-HCC monoclonal antibody (Hepama-1 mAb) intrahepatic arterial infusion. Dosages of Hepama-1 mAb ranged from 5 mg to 20 mg and the mAb was radiolabeled with 0.74–4.00 GBq (20–108 mCi)131I (4–6 mCi/mg). T lymphocyte subsets were examined before and after radioimmunotherapy in 24 patients. In this series, 34.4% (11/32) of patients developed HAMA within 2–4 weeks after the infusion. All patients with a negative HAMA response (n=14). had CD4+ T lymphocyte subsets (T helper/inducer) much lower than those of the HAMA-positive (n=10) patients and the control group (n=40) (P<0.01) prior to infusion. The sequential resection and survival rates in the HAMA-negative group were also lower than that of the HAMA-positive group. Thus, the determination of T lymphocyte subsets might help to predict the HAMA response in HCC patients during radioimmunotherapy.  相似文献   

Summary Radioiodine-labelled 791T/36 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and its Fab/c fragment, consisting of one Fab arm and the Fc portion, have identical whole-body survival curves in BALB/c mice (t1/2 = 3.75 days). Therefore, these two forms of this antibody provide a suitable model for studying the role of valency in the targeting efficiency of antibodies to tumours in vivo. 791/T36 antibody and its Fab/c fragment were labelled either by direct iodination using the iodogen method (125I) or by dilactitol-125I-tyramine (125I-DLT), a residualizing label, which accumulates in the cells involved in degradation of the carrier protein. In tumour-bearing nude mice, the percentage of injected dose of mAb or Fab/c fragment reaching the specific 791T tumour was similar, and these proteins appeared to be catabolized at a similar rate in this tissue. mAb, but not the Fab/c fragment, was found to be very actively catabolized by the liver and spleen of tumour-bearing mice compared to control nude mice, this probably resulting from clearance of immune complexes. This effect was most pronounced when the mAb was labelled with125I-DLT, the percentage of injected dose of mAb reaching the spleen and liver being higher than the percentage of injected dose reaching the tumour. This effect was not seen with the Fab/c fragment. Autoradiographic studies on tumour sections, which exhibit antigenic sites throughout the tumour mass, showed that the Fab/c fragment was already homogeneously distributed in the tumour 12 h after injection whereas the whole antibody was mainly localized at the periphery of the tumour. Those results suggest a binding site barrier effect. Overall, these results indicate that the highest valency and affinity may not be the optimal choice for mAb to be used for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

A disintegrin and metalloproteinase 17 (ADAM17) regulates key cellular processes including proliferation and migration through the shedding of a diverse array of substrates such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligands. ADAM17 is implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and cancers such as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). As a central mediator of cellular events, overexpressed EGFR is a validated molecular target in HNSCC. However, EGFR inhibition constantly leads to tumour resistance. One possible mechanism of resistance is the activation of alternative EGFR family receptors and downstream pathways via the release of their ligands. Here, we report that treating human HNSCC cells in vitro with a human anti-ADAM17 inhibitory antibody, D1(A12), suppresses proliferation and motility in the absence or presence of the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) gefitinib. Treatment with D1(A12) decreases both the endogenous and the bradykinin (BK)-stimulated shedding of HER ligands, accompanied by a reduction in the phosphorylation of HER receptors and downstream signalling pathways including STAT3, AKT and ERK. Knockdown of ADAM17, but not ADAM10, also suppresses HNSCC cell proliferation and migration. Furthermore, we show that heregulin (HRG) and heparin-binding epidermal growth factor like growth factor (HB-EGF) predominantly participate in proliferation and migration, respectively. Taken together, these results demonstrate that D1(A12)-mediated inhibition of cell proliferation, motility, phosphorylation of HER receptors and downstream signalling is achieved via reduced shedding of ADAM17 ligands. These findings underscore the importance of ADAM17 and suggest that D1(A12) might be an effective targeted agent for treating EGFR TKI-resistant HNSCC.  相似文献   

Approximately 15%-20% of clinically recognizable pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. About half of the spontaneous abortions in the early stage of the pregnancy are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Using GTG chromosome banding and dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, we determined the cytogenetic aberration in the husband of a couple with spontaneous recurrent abortions. Karyotype analysis showed 46, XX in the wife and 45, XY, −14, −21, +t(14; 21) in the husband. We studied the mechanism of formation of the abnormal chromosome with Robertsonian translocation between chromosomes 14 and 21 by FISH and flow cytometric sorting in the sperm cells. The result showed that 71% of the gametes were balanced and the remaining 29% were not. As a result, the couple was given genetic counseling.  相似文献   

15%-20%的妊娠因为自发流产而中止,其中约50%是因为染色体异常所致.夫妇中的一方为平衡的染色体异常携带者时,即可能产生不平衡的配子和胚胎,临床症状可以有不同程度的变化:如不育、反复流产、甚至产出染色体综合症的患儿.以临床接诊的一对具有反复自然流产史夫妇为研究对象,常规进行精液、激素水平检测.取患者外周血淋巴细胞用RPMI 1640培养基进行短期培养,经低渗、固定处理制备染色体标本片,对染色体数目和结构进行核型分析.选用特异的21qter和14qter DNA标记作为探针,对患者外周血淋巴细胞中期染色体进行FISH分析.运用FISH技术对患者精子细胞进行研究,配合流式细胞分析技术对精细胞DNA组份进行检测,分析配子中遗传物质的组成及各种类型配子的比例.结果发现女方核型正常为46,XX,男方核型为罗伯逊易位的携带者45,XY-14,-21,+t(14;21).患者外周血体细胞的分裂相染色体FISH显示一个细胞中分别存在1个红色的21qter和1个绿色的14qter杂交信号,另外有1个红色和1个绿色信号共同存在于一条由易位形成的亚中着丝粒染色体上.在患者精液样本的精细胞FISH研究中,可以观察到5种不同类型的杂交信号,异常的配子的种类与理论推断相同,但各型所占的比例有其特点,结合精液中精细胞流式细胞术的分析表明,平衡的单倍体配子占71%,不平衡的配子占29%.通过国内外文献资料统计,对罗伯逊易位染色体的常见和罕见类型进行综述,为其生育的临床治疗方案提供建议.  相似文献   

We studied species richness patterns of obligate subterranean (troglobiotic) beetles in the Dinaric karst of the western Balkans, using five grid sizes with cells of 80 × 80, 40 × 40, 20 × 20, 10 × 10, and 5 × 5 km. The same two hotspots could be recognized at all scales, although details differed. Differences in sampling intensity were not sufficient to explain these patterns. Correlations between number of species and number of sampled localities increased with increasing cell size. Additional species are expected to be found in the region, as indicated by jackknife 1, jackknife 2, Chao2, bootstrap, and incidence‐based coverage (ICE) species richness estimators. All estimates increased with increasing cell size, except Chao2, with the lowest prediction at the intermediate 20 × 20 km cell size. Jackknife 2 and ICE gave highest estimates and jackknife 1 and bootstrap the lowest. Jackknife 1 and bootstrap estimates changed least with cell size, while the number of single cell species increased. In the highly endemic subterranean fauna with many rare species, bootstrap may be most appropriate to consider. Positive autocorrelation of species numbers was highest at 20 × 20 km scale, so we used this cell size for further analyses. At this scale we added 137 localities with less positional accuracy to 1572 previously considered, and increased 254 troglobiotic species considered to 276. Previously discovered hotspots and their positions did not change, except for a new species‐rich cell which appeared in the south‐eastern region. There are two centres of troglobiotic species richness in the Dinaric karst. The one in the north‐west exhibited high species richness of Trechinae (Carabidae), while in the south‐east, the Leptodirinae (Cholevidae) were much more diverse. These centres of species richness should serve as the starting point for establishing a conservation network of important subterranean areas in Dinaric karst.  相似文献   

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