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Two new members of the polyketide synthase (PKS) gene family (RiPKS4 and RiPKS5) were cloned from raspberry fruits (Rubus idaeus L., cv Royalty) and expressed in Escherichia coli. Characterization of the recombinant enzyme products indicated that RiPKS4 is a bifunctional polyketide synthase producing both 4-hydroxybenzalacetone and naringenin chalcone. The recombinant RiPKS4 protein, like the native protein from raspberry fruits [W. Borejsza-Wysocki, G. Hrazdina, Plant Physiol. 1996;110: 791-799] accepted p-coumaryl-CoA and ferulyl-CoA as starter substrates and catalyzed the formation of both naringenin chalcone, 4-hydroxy-benzalacetone and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-benzalacetone. Although activity of RiPKS4 was higher with ferulyl-CoA than with p-coumaryl-CoA, the corresponding product, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy phenylbutanone could not be detected in raspberries to date. Sequence analysis of the genes and proteins suggested that this feature of RiPKS4 was created by variation in the C-terminus due to DNA recombination at the 3′ region of its coding sequence. RiPKS5 is a typical chalcone synthase (CHS) that uses p-coumaryl-CoA only as starter substrate and produces naringenin chalcone exclusively as the reaction product.  相似文献   

Karenia brevis is a toxic marine dinoflagellate endemic to the Gulf of Mexico. Blooms of this harmful alga cause fish kills, marine mammal mortalities and neurotoxic shellfish poisonings. These harmful effects are attributed to a suite of polyketide secondary metabolites known as the brevetoxins. The carbon framework of all polyketides is assembled by a polyketide synthase (PKS). Previously, PKS encoding genes were amplified from K. brevis culture and their similarity to a PKS gene from the closely related protist, Cryptosporidium parvum, suggested that these genes originate from the dinoflagellate. However, K. brevis has not been grown axenically. The associated bacteria might be the source of the toxins or the PKS genes. Herein we report the localization of PKS encoding genes by a combination of flow cytometry/PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Two genes localized exclusively to K. brevis cells while a third localized to both K. brevis and associated bacteria. While these genes have not yet been linked to toxin production, the work describes the first definitive evidence of resident PKS genes in any dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

Octaketide synthase (OKS) from Aloe arborescens is a plant-specific type III polyketide synthase (PKS) that catalyzes iterative condensations of eight molecules of malonyl-CoA to produce the C16 aromatic octaketides SEK4 and SEK4b. On the basis of the crystal structures of OKS, the F66L/N222G double mutant was constructed and shown to produce an unnatural dodecaketide TW95a by sequential condensations of 12 molecules of malonyl-CoA. The C24 naphthophenone TW95a is a product of the minimal type II PKS (whiE from Streptomyces coelicolor), and is structurally related to the C20 decaketide benzophenone SEK15, the product of the OKS N222G point mutant. The C24 dodecaketide naphthophenone TW95a is the first and the longest polyketide scaffold generated by a structurally simple type III PKS. A homology model predicted that the active-site cavity volume of the F66L/N222G mutant is increased to 748 Å3, from 652 Å3 of the wild-type OKS. The structure-based engineering thus greatly expanded the catalytic repertoire of the simple type III PKS to further produce larger and more complex polyketide molecules.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the metabolically rich 8.7-Mbp genome of the model actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) revealed three genes encoding predicted type III polyketide synthases (PKSs). We report the inactivation, expression, and characterization of the type III PKS homologous SCO1206 gene product as 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase (THNS). Incubation of recombinant THNS with malonyl-CoA showed THN production, as demonstrated by UV and HPLC analyses. The Km value for malonyl-CoA and the kcat value for THN synthesis were determined spectrophotometrically to be 3.58±0.85 µM and 0.48±0.03 min–1, respectively. The C-terminal region of S. coelicolor THNS, which is longer than most other bacterial and plant type III PKSs, was shortened by 25 amino acid residues and the resulting mutant was shown to be slightly more active (Km=1.97±0.19 µM, kcat=0.75±0.04 min–1) than the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Lichenized and non-lichenized filamentous ascomycetes produce a great variety of polyketide secondary metabolites. Some polyketide synthase (PKS) genes from non-lichenized fungi have been characterized, but the function of PKS genes from lichenized species remains unknown. Phylogenetic analysis of keto synthase (KS) domains allows prediction of the presence or absence of particular domains in the PKS gene. In the current study we screened genomic DNA from lichenized fungi for the presence of non-reducing and 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase (6-MSAS)-type PKS genes. We developed new degenerate primers in the acyl transferase (AT) region to amplify a PKS fragment spanning most of the KS region, the entire linker between KS and AT, and half of the AT region. Phylogenetic analysis shows that lichenized taxa possess PKS genes of the 6-MSAS-type. The extended alignment confirms overall phylogenetic relationships between fungal non-reducing, 6-MSAS-type and bacterial type I PKS genes.  相似文献   

Industrial overproducing strains present unique hosts for expression of heterologous gene clusters encoding secondary metabolite biosynthesis. For this purpose, efficient gene expression tools and methods are needed. A robust and versatile reporter system based on the rppA gene from Saccharopolyspora erythraea is presented as the method of choice when studying gene expression in actinomycete hosts. The method is easily scalable to accommodate high-throughput procedure, and collected samples can be easily stored and re-tested when needed. The product of RppA is an inert 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene which spontaneously oxidises to a dark-red quinone flaviolin providing a qualitative visual assessment of gene expression on an agar plate as well as a quantitative spectrophotometric measurement in liquid broth without the need for invasive procedures or external substrate addition. The applicability of the reporter system has been demonstrated by expressing the rppA gene under the control of the heterologous promoters actII-ORF4/PactI, ermE and its upregulated variant ermE*. The model streptomycete Streptomyces coelicolor, and three industrially important species, Streptomyces tsukubaensis (FK506), Streptomyces cinnamonensis (monensin) and Streptomyces rimosus (oxytetracycline) were used as hosts. The reporter system has shown its utility independently of cultivation conditions or composition of growth medium, from simple laboratory to complex industrial media. The simplicity and robustness of the system, demonstrated even in industrial settings, shows great potential for wider use in different microbial hosts and applications, and may thus represent a new generic and versatile tool useful to a wider scientific community.  相似文献   

Identification of genes encoding type III polyketide synthase (PKS) superfamily members in the industrially useful filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, revealed that their distribution is not specific to plants or bacteria. Among other Aspergilli (Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus fumigatus), A. oryzae was unique in possessing four chalcone synthase (CHS)-like genes (csyA, csyB, csyC, and csyD). Expression of csyA, csyB, and csyD genes was confirmed by RT-PCR. Comparative genome analyses revealed single putative type III PKS in Neurospora crassa and Fusarium graminearum, two each in Magnaporthe grisea and Podospora anserina, and three in Phenarocheate chrysosporium, with a phylogenic distinction from bacteria and plants. Conservation of catalytic residues in the CHSs across species implicated enzymatically active nature of these newly discovered homologs.  相似文献   

马敏  唐敏  洪葵 《微生物学通报》2013,40(7):1231-1240
[目的]探究红树林土壤中聚酮合酶(Polyketide synthase,PKS)基因的多样性和新颖性.[方法]用Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型PKS基因酮基合成酶(Ketosynthase,KS)域的简并引物对海南清澜港红树林海莲、黄槿、银叶、老鼠簕4种红树根际土壤样品中DNA进行PCR扩增,之后利用PCR-限制性酶切片段多样性(PCR-RFLP)和测序分析法对Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型PKS基因的多样性进行探讨.[结果]对得到的72条Ⅰ型PKS基因的酮基合成酶(Ketosynthase,KS)域DNA序列进行PCR-RFLP分析,共得到51个可操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic unit,OTUs),其中37个OTUs为单克隆产生,没有明显的优势OTU.选取了26个代表不同OTU的克隆进行测序分析,这些序列与GenBank中已知序列的最大相似率均未超过85%. KS域氨基酸序列的系统发育分析显示,所得KS域来源广泛,包括蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)、变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和一些未可培养细菌;对55条PKSⅡ基因KS域DNA序列的PCR-RFLP分析后共得到25个OTUs,有两个明显的优势OTUs,代表的克隆子数所占比例超过10%.[结论]PCR-RFLP分析表明红树林根际土壤中存在着丰富多样的Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型PKS基因,且前者多样性更高;低的序列相似度表明所获得的PKSⅠ基因KS域序列独特;系统发育分析表明得到的PKSⅠ基因来源广泛.  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase (CHS) related type III plant polyketide synthases (PKSs) are likely to be involved in the biosynthesis of diarylheptanoids (e.g. curcumin and polycyclic phenylphenalenones), but no such activity has been reported. Root cultures from Wachendorfia thyrsiflora (Haemodoraceae) are a suitable source to search for such enzymes because they synthesize large amounts of phenylphenalenones, but no other products that are known to require CHSs or related enzymes (e.g. flavonoids or stilbenes). A homology-based RT-PCR strategy led to the identification of cDNAs for a type III PKS sharing only approximately 60% identity with typical CHSs. It was named WtPKS1 (W. thyrsiflora polyketide synthase 1). The purified recombinant protein accepted a large variety of aromatic and aliphatic starter CoA esters, including phenylpropionyl- and side-chain unsaturated phenylpropanoid-CoAs. The simplest model for the initial reaction in diarylheptanoid biosynthesis predicts a phenylpropanoid-CoA as starter and a single condensation reaction to a diketide. Benzalacetones, the expected release products, were observed only with unsaturated phenylpropanoid-CoAs, and the best results were obtained with 4-coumaroyl-CoA (80% of the products). With all other substrates, WtPKS1 performed two condensation reactions and released pyrones. We propose that WtPKS1 catalyses the first step in diarylheptanoid biosynthesis and that the observed pyrones are derailment products in the absence of downstream processing proteins.  相似文献   

The modular polyketide synthase (PKS) and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) have been found to be involved in natural product synthesis in many microorganisms. Study on their diversities in natural environment may provide important ecological insights, in addition to opportunities for antibacterial drugs development. In this study, the PKS and NRPS gene diversities in two coast sediments near China Zhongshan Station were studied. The phylogenetic analysis of amino acid (AA) sequences indicated that the identified ketosynthase (KS) domains were clustered with those from diverse bacterial groups, including Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, and some uncultured symbiotic bacteria. One new branch belonging to hybrid PKS/NRPS enzyme complexes and five independent clades were found on the phylogenetic tree. The obtained adenylation (A) domains were mainly clustered within the Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria group. Most of the identified KS and A domains showed below 80 and 60% identities at the AA level to their closest matches in GenBank, respectively. The diversities of both KS and A domains in natural environmental sample were different from those in sewage-contaminated sample. These results revealed the great diversity and novelty of both PKS and NRPS genes in Antarctic sediment.  相似文献   

Exophiala lecanii-corni has significant bioremediation potential because it can degrade a wide range of volatile organic compounds. In order to identify sites for the insertion of genes that might enhance this potential, a genetic analysis of E. lecanii-corni was undertaken. Two polyketide synthase genes, ElPKS1 and ElPKS2, have now been discovered by a PCR-based strategy. ElPKS1 was isolated by a marker rescue technique. The nucleotide sequence of ElPKS1 consists of a 6576-bp open reading frame encoding a protein with 2192 amino acids, which was interrupted by a 60-bp intron near the 5' end and a 54-bp intron near the 3' end. Sequence analysis, results from disruption experiments, and physiological tests showed that ElPKS1 encoded a polyketide synthase required for melanin biosynthesis. Since ElPKS1 is non-essential, it is a desirable bioengineering target site for the insertion of native and foreign genes. The successful expression of these genes could enhance the bioremediation capability of the organism. ElPKS2 was cloned by colony hybridization screening of a partial genomic library with an ElPKS2 PCR product. ElPKS2 had a 6465-bp open reading frame that encoded 2155 amino acids and had introns of 56, 67, 54, and 71 bp. Although sequence analysis of the derived protein of ElPKS2 confirmed the polyketide synthase nature of its protein product, the function of that product remains unclear.  相似文献   

Summary Cloned DNA encoding polyketide synthase (PKS) genes from one Streptomyces species was previously shown to serve as a useful hybridisation probe for the isolation of other PKS gene clusters from the same or different species. In this work, the actI and actIII genes, encoding components of the actinorhodin PKS of Streptomyces coelicolor, were used to identify and clone a region of homologous DNA from the monensin-producing organism S. cinnamonensis. A 4799 by fragment containing the S. cinnamonensis act-homologous DNA was sequenced. Five open reading frames (ORFs 1–5) were identified on one strand of this DNA. The five ORFs show high sequence similarities to ORFs that were previously identified in the granaticin, actinorhodin, tetracenomycin and whiE PKS gene clusters. This allowed the assignment of the following putative functions to these five ORFS : a heterodimeric -ketoacyl synthase (ORF1 and ORF2), an acyl carrier protein (ORF3), a -ketoacyl reductase (ORF5), and a bifunctional cyclase/dehydrase (ORF4). The ORFs are encoded in the order ORFl-ORF2-ORF3-ORF5-ORF4, and ORFs-1 and -2 show evidence for translational coupling. This act-homologous region therefore appears to encode a PKS gene cluster. A gene disruption experiment using the vector pGM 160, and other evidence, suggests that this cluster is not essential for monensin biosynthesis but rather is involved in the biosynthesis of a cryptic aromatic polyketide in S. cinnamonensis. An efficient plasmid transformation system for S. cinnamonensis has been established, using the multicopy plasmids pWOR120 and pWOR125.  相似文献   

To play an essential role in C4 photosynthesis, the maize C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene (PPCZm1) acquired many new expression features, such as leaf specificity, mesophyll specificity, light inducibility and high activity, that distinguish the unique C4 PPC from numerous non-C4 PPC genes in maize. We present here the first investigation of the developmental, cell-specific, light and metabolic regulation of the homologous C4 PPCZm1 promoter in stable transgenic maize plants. We demonstrate that the 1.7 kb of the 5-flanking region of the PPCZm1 gene is sufficient to direct the C4-specific expression patterns of -glucuronidase (GUS) activity, as a reporter, in stable transformed maize plants. In light-grown shoots, GUS expression was strongest in all developing and mature mesophyll cells in the leaf, collar and sheath. GUS activity was also detected in mesophyll cells in the outer husks of ear shoots and in the outer glumes of staminate spikelets. We did not observe histological localization of GUS activity in light- or dark-grown callus, roots, silk, developing or mature kernels, the shoot apex, prop roots, or pollen. In addition, we used the stable expressing transformants to conduct and quantify physiological induction studies. Our results indicate that the expression of the C4 PPCZm1-GUS fusion gene is mesophyll-specific and influenced by development, light, glucose, acetate and chloroplast biogenesis in transgenic maize plants. These studies suggest that the adoption of DNA regulatory elements for C4-specific gene expression is a crucial step in C4 gene evolution.  相似文献   

In the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina, many pigmentation mutations map to the median region of the complex locus ‘14’, called segment ‘29’. The data presented in this paper show that segment 29 corresponds to a gene encoding a polyketide synthase, designated PaPKS1, and identifies two mutations that completely or partially abolish the activity of the PaPKS1 polypeptide. We present evidence that the P. anserina green pigment is a (DHN)-melanin. Using the powerful genetic system of PaPKS1 cloning, we demonstrate that in P. anserina trans-duplicated sequences are subject to the RIP process as previously demonstrated for the cis-duplicated regions.  相似文献   

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