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Smad5 is essential for left-right asymmetry in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Left-right (L-R) asymmetry of the vertebrate body plan is established from an originally morphologically symmetric embryo. Recent studies have implicated several TGF-beta family signaling proteins (i.e., nodal, lefty-1, lefty-2, activin receptor type IIB, and Smad2) in L-R axis determination in the mouse. However, the genetic pathways underlying L-R patterning are still unclear. Smad5 is a downstream component in the TGF-beta family signaling cascade, and lack of Smad5 results in embryonic lethality between E9.5 and E11.5. In this report, we demonstrate that Smad5 mutant embryos have defects in heart looping and embryonic turning which are the first signs of L-R asymmetry in mice. To gain more insights into the molecular basis of the laterality defects in the Smad5-deficient embryos, we examined the expression of lefty-1, lefty-2, nodal, and Pitx2 since the asymmetric expression of these genes always closely correlates with the direction of heart looping and embryonic turning. In the absence of Smad5, lefty-1 was expressed at very low or undetectable levels, while nodal, lefty-2, and Pitx2 were expressed bilaterally. These data suggest that Smad5 is upstream of lefty-1, nodal, and lefty-2, and as a consequence also of Pitx2, and Smad5 is essential for L-R axis determination.  相似文献   

Protein kinase inhibitor (PKI) is an endogenous inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). We have found that the alpha-isoform of PKI (PKIalpha) is asymmetrically expressed along the left-right (L-R) axis in chick embryos. At stage 6, PKIalpha is expressed on the right side of the node, and this asymmetric expression continues until stage 7+. After stage 8, PKIalpha expression returns symmetric. Treatment of embryos with antisense PKIalpha oligonucleotides increased the incidence of reversed heart looping. Antisense oligonucleotides also induced ectopic expression of the left-specific genes Nodal and Pitx2, and suppressed the expression of the right-specific gene SnR in the right lateral plate mesoderm. Similarly, treatment with PKA activators forskolin and Sp-cAMPs resulted in both reversed heart looping and bilateral expression of NODAL: Ectopic activin induced PKIalpha on the left side of the node, while ectopic Shh and anti-Shh antibody had no effect on PKIalpha expression. Taken together, these data suggest that PKIalpha induced by an activin-like molecule, through the inhibition of PKA activity, suppresses the Nodal-Pitx2 pathway on the right side of the body.  相似文献   

Pitx2 is expressed in developing visceral organs on the left side and is implicated in left-right (LR) asymmetric organogenesis. The asymmetric expression of Pitx2 is controlled by an intronic enhancer (ASE) that contains multiple Foxh1-binding sites and an Nkx2-binding site. These binding sites are essential and sufficient for asymmetric enhancer activity and are evolutionarily conserved among vertebrates. We now show that mice that lack the ASE of Pitx2 (Pitx2(Delta)(ASE/)(Delta)(ASE) mice) fail to manifest left-sided Pitx2 expression and exhibit laterality defects in most visceral organs, although the position of the stomach and heart looping remain unaffected. Asymmetric Pitx2 expression in some domains, such as the common cardinal vein, was found to be induced by Nodal signaling but to be independent of the ASE of Pitx2. Expression of Pitx2 appears to be repressed in a large portion of the heart ventricle and atrioventricular canal of wild-type mice by a negative feedback mechanism at a time when the gene is still expressed in its other domains. Rescue of the early phase of asymmetric Pitx2 expression in the left lateral plate of Pitx2(Delta)(ASE/)(Delta)(ASE) embryos was not sufficient to restore normal organogenesis, suggesting that continuous expression of Pitx2 in the lineage of the left lateral plate is required for situs-specific organogenesis.  相似文献   

Establishment of left-right (L-R) asymmetry is fundamental to vertebrate development. Several genes involved in L-R asymmetry have been described. In the Xenopus embryo, Vg1/activin signals are implicated upstream of asymmetric nodal related 1 (Xnr1) and Pitx2 expression in L-R patterning. We report here that Zic3 carries the left-sided signal from the initial activin-like signal to determinative factors such as Pitx2. Overexpression of Zic3 on the right side of the embryo altered the orientation of heart and gut looping, concomitant with disturbed laterality of expression of Xnr1 and Pitx2, both of which are normally expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm. The results indicate that Zic3 participates in the left-sided signaling upstream of Xnr1 and Pitx2. At early gastrula, Zic3 was expressed not only in presumptive neuroectoderm but also in mesoderm. Correspondingly, overexpression of Zic3 was effective in the L-R specification at the early gastrula stage, as revealed by a hormone-inducible Zic3 construct. The Zic3 expression in the mesoderm is induced by activin (beta) or Vg1, which are also involved in the left-sided signal in L-R specification. These findings suggest that an activin-like signal is a potent upstream activator of Zic3 that establishes the L-R axis. Furthermore, overexpression of the zinc-finger domain of Zic3 on the right side is sufficient to disturb the L-R axis, while overexpression of the N-terminal domain on the left side affects the laterality. These results suggest that Zic3 has at least two functionally important domains that play different roles and provide a molecular basis for human heterotaxy, which is an L-R pattern anomaly caused by a mutation in human ZIC3.  相似文献   

The genetic cascade that governs left-right (L-R) specification is starting to be elucidated. In the mouse, the lateral asymmetry of the body axis is revealed first by the asymmetric expression of nodal, lefty2 and pitx2 in the left lateral plate mesoderm of the neurulating embryo. Here we describe a novel gene, rotatin, essential for the correct expression of the key L-R specification genes nodal, lefty and Pitx2. Embryos deficient in rotatin show also randomized heart looping and delayed neural tube closure, and fail to undergo the critical morphogenetic step of axial rotation. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA is predicted to contain at least three transmembrane domains. Our results show a novel key player in the genetic cascade that determines L-R specification, and suggest a causal link between this process and axial rotation.  相似文献   

Regulation of left-right asymmetry by thresholds of Pitx2c activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although much progress has been made in understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating left-right asymmetry, the final events of asymmetric organ morphogenesis remain poorly understood. The phenotypes of human heterotaxia syndromes, in which organ morphogenesis is uncoupled, have suggested that the early and late events of left-right asymmetry are separable. The Pitx2 homeobox gene plays an important role in the final stages of asymmetry. We have used two new Pitx2 alleles that encode progressively higher levels of Pitx2c in the absence of Pitx2a and Pitx2b, to show that different organs have distinct requirements for Pitx2c dosage. The cardiac atria required low Pitx2c levels, while the duodenum and lungs used higher Pitx2c doses for normal development. As Pitx2c levels were elevated, the duodenum progressed from arrested rotation to randomization, reversal and finally normal morphogenesis. In addition, abnormal duodenal morphogenesis was correlated with bilateral expression of Pitx2c. These data reveal an organ-intrinsic mechanism, dependent upon dosage of Pitx2c, that governs asymmetric organ morphogenesis. They also provide insight into the molecular events that lead to the discordant organ morphogenesis of heterotaxia.  相似文献   

Current models of left-right asymmetry hold that an early asymmetric signal is generated at the node and transduced to lateral plate mesoderm in a linear signal transduction cascade through the function of the Nodal signaling molecule. The Pitx2 homeobox gene functions at the final stages of this cascade to direct asymmetric morphogenesis of selected organs including the heart. We previously showed that Pitx2 regulated an asymmetric pathway that was independent of cardiac looping suggesting a second asymmetric cardiac pathway. It has been proposed that in the cardiac outflow tract Pitx2 functions in both cardiac neural crest, as a target of canonical Wnt-signaling, and in the mesoderm-derived cardiac second lineage. We used fate mapping, conditional loss of function, and chimera analysis in mice to investigate the role of Pitx2 in outflow tract morphogenesis. Our findings reveal that Pitx2 is dispensable in the cardiac neural crest but functions in second lineage myocardium revealing that this cardiac progenitor field is patterned asymmetrically.  相似文献   

All vertebrates have directional asymmetries in the organization of their internal organs. In jawed vertebrates, development of asymmetry is controlled by a conserved molecular pathway that includes Pitx2, which is expressed by lateral plate mesoderm cells on the left side of the embryo. Pitx2 is a member of the Pitx homeobox gene family, the expression of which also marks stomodeal ectoderm and the adenohypophysis. Here we report the characterization of Pitx genes from Branchiostoma floridae (an amphioxus) and Ciona intestinalis (a urochordate), representatives of two basal chordate lineages and successively deeper outgroups to the vertebrates. Expression of B. floridae Pitx is similar to that reported from B. belcheri, a different amphioxus species. Expression of the Ciona Pitx ortholog in the embryonic primordial pharynx and adult neural complex leads us to propose the Ciona primordial pharynx and ciliated funnel are homologous to the adenohypophyseal placode and adenohypophysis, respectively. Additionally, in both species we identify asymmetrical left-sided expression of Pitx genes during embryonic development. This shows that asymmetrical Pitx gene expression, and by inference directional asymmetry, evolved before the radiation of living chordates and should be considered a chordate character.  相似文献   

The spleen is a vertebrate organ that has both hematopoietic and immunologic function. The embryonic origins of the spleen are obscure, with most studies describing the earliest rudiment of the spleen as a condensation of mesodermal mesenchyme on the left side of the dorsal mesogastrium. The development of spleen handedness has not been described previously, presumably because of the difficulty in assaying spleen position in the embryo and the lack of early, organ-specific molecular markers. Here we show that expression of the homeobox gene Nkx2-5 serves as a marker for spleen precursor tissue. Pre-splenic tissue is initially located in symmetric domains on both sides of the embryo but, during subsequent development, only the left side goes on to form the mature spleen. Therefore, the final location of the spleen on the left side of the body axis appears to result from preferential development of the spleen precursor cells on the left side of the embryo. Our studies indicate that the spleen and heart become asymmetric via different cellular mechanisms. Nkx2-5 may function locally as part of the laterality cascade, downstream of nodal and Pitx2, or it may direct asymmetric morphogenesis after laterality has been determined.  相似文献   

The Brachyury gene has a critical role in the formation of posterior mesoderm and notochord in vertebrate development. A recent study showed that Brachyury is also responsible for the formation of the left-right (L-R) axis in mouse and zebrafish. However, the role of Brachyury in L-R axis specification is still elusive. Here, it is demonstrated that Brachyury is involved in L-R specification of the Xenopus laevis embryo and regulates expression of Zic3, which controls the L-R specification process. Overexpression of Xenopus Brachyury (Xbra) and dominant-negative type Xbra (Xbra-EnR) altered the orientation of heart and gut looping, concomitant with disturbed laterality of nodal-related 1 (Xnr1) and Pitx2 expression, both of which are normally expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm. Furthermore, activation of inducible type Xbra (Xbra-GR) induces Zic3 expression within 20 min. These results suggest that a role of Brachyury in L-R specification may be the direct regulation of Zic3 expression.  相似文献   

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