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Cells grown in plastic tissue culture flasks may easily be fixed and stained in large batches by first binding the flasks in groups of 6-8 and then applying all fluids with an automatic syringe, followed by decanting as required After staining, the cells are mounted in a mixture of USP mineral oil in isoamyl alcohol (2:1). In this way the cells are impregnated with a clearing and mounting agent which does not cause discoloration of the stains, does not dissolve the plastic, and is nondrying.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for light microscopic in situ hybridization on cytospin preparations is described and demonstrated for detection of viral nucleic acid in a virus-infected cell line. Cells were fixed by acetone followed by chloroform, denatured by heat, hybridized at 37 C, and hybridized sites detected with a multiple step procedure (primary anti-biotin antibody, biotinylated second antibody, streptavidin-peroxidase). This method can be used for screening studies at the light microscope level, and offers a useful and simple way to determine optimum hybridization conditions for subsequent electron microscopic investigations.  相似文献   

Removing cultures from roller tubes before staining eliminates the destaining which often occurs when the cells are first stained and then removed by embedding in collodion. The cells are fixed in situ, dehydrated, and covered with collodion (Merk's flexible) for 10 min. The collodion is poured off, the fluid residue lining the tube allowed to dry for 10 min, and the tube is filled with tap water. The collodion cast containing the cells is loosened and removed, cut into strips, placed on slides and blotted into firm contact. The collodion is then dehydrated and dissolved with absolute alcohol followed by a 1:1 mixture of alcohol and ether. The slides can then be rehydrated and stained by conventional methods.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the relatively rapid demonstration of the myenteric plexus. Saturated Sudan black B in 70% ethanol followed by 0.01% aqueous buffered thionin were used on intestinal peels (whole-mounts) to stain myelinated and unmyelinated fibers and neuron cell bodies, respectively. In contrast to accepted silver methods, these two kinds of fibers were distinguished clearly; Schwann cell nuclei and nodes of Ranvier were visible. Preparations had the following attributes: relatively low optical density coupled with high visual contrast, freedom from metallic “mirroring,” low background staining of subjacent muscle fibers, and presentation of a polychromatic picture. The entire procedure was under the complete and repeatable control of the operator. Perikaryon and nuclear morphology were clearly demonstrated. The limitations of this method are that it does not provide good visualization of individual unmyelinated neuronal processes and does not permit preparation of permanent slides.  相似文献   

一种改良的肌细胞骨架染色方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了观察肌细胞骨架,对传统考马斯亮蓝染色法进行改良,并与免疫荧光染色法进行了比较。培养的血管平滑肌细胞先用多聚甲醛预固定后再进行考马斯亮蓝染色,可使细胞骨架非常清晰的显色,解决了传统考马斯亮蓝染色易使肌细胞变形、脱片的问题,其效果与免疫荧光染色相近。因此,多聚甲醛预固定.考马斯亮蓝染色法是一种适于肌细胞骨架染色的简便方法。  相似文献   

酸樱桃组培快繁技术体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以酸樱桃(Prunus cerasus)新梢茎尖和带腋芽的茎段为外植体,采用茎段组织培养的方法,用MS和F14培养基,分别添加不同质量浓度的6-苄基氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)和3-吲哚丁酸(IBA),进行酸樱桃组培快繁技术体系研究。结果表明,MS培养基是适合酸樱桃生长的基本培养基;培养基中分别加入0.5 mg.L-16-BA和0.2 mg.L-1IBA,增殖效果最好,增殖率为4.46倍,有效新梢数可达83.6%;组培苗在1/2MS 0.5 mg.L-1IBA培养基上根诱导效果最好,生根率可达71.4%,平均根长2.1 cm;移栽到蛭石基质中成活率可达80%。  相似文献   

Rapid Nuclear Staining Method for Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Mithramycin was used to stain nuclei in mitotically dividing and sporulating yeast.  相似文献   

A new method for rapidly preparing slides suitable for chromosome counts by the use of a combined fixing and staining solution involves the substitution of anthraquinone for picric acid in Bouin's formula and the addition of alizarin red S with a metallic salt as a mordant. The fixed smears, after being dehydrated to 95% alcohol, are differentiated in 0.5% sulfuric acid in 95% alcohol saturated with picric acid, washed, cleared and mounted in xylol-balsam. Cymene may be used to intensify the stain. Root tips fixed in the above solution may be dehydrated in dioxan, a paraffin solvent; infiltrated, embedded, sectioned and mounted in the usual way. The sections are subsequently differentiated in picro-sulfuric acid alcohol and cymene. An alternative method of differentiation for this stain is also described.  相似文献   

A method is described for staining lipid in fourth-stage dispersal juvenile nematodes fixed with formal-acetic fixative (FA4:1). Bursaphelenchus xylophilus fourth-stage dispersal juveniles were fixed with hot FA4:1 for 24 hours, excess fixative was removed, and a solution of saturated oil red O in 96% ethanol added and allowed to sit for 25 minutes at 60 C. Excess oil red O was removed, nematodes were washed twice with 70% ethanol, and were processed to pure glycerin. Lipid droplets within the nematodes were viewed by light microscopy and appeared as dark red spheres of various sizes. Computerized image analysis was used to quantify lipid droplet area.  相似文献   

A progressive silver staining method is described, which permits microscopic examination of the sections during the staining process. After formaldehyde fixation, dehydration and embedding in paraffin or celloidin, fine fibers and synaptic endings may be demonstrated. After formaldehyde fixation and mordanting in 3% K2Cr2O7, myelinated fibers and mitochondria are specifically stained.

The unique feature of this method is, that the silver solution (0.5% protargol) is mixed with the reducing solution: 1.6% Rochelle salts, containing traces of Ag NO3, MgSO4, and K2S (U.S.P.). The sections are placed directly into this mixture, which is then warmed to 45-55° C. Sections are removed when progressive staining is completed, washed in water, dehydrated and mounted.

In the fiber stain, nerve fibers and synaptic endings are dark brown or black, and nuclear chromatin is deep brown, against a pale yellow background. When the myelin sheath procedure is followed, the fiber bundles are deep brown, and the intensity of the staining remains the same for specific tracts, aiding in their identification.  相似文献   

The copper phthalocyanin dye astra blue has been used to stain differentially mast cells of the intestine; however, the procedure has not been used widely because of the difficulty in preparing and using the dye solution. Described here is a simple, reliable, and consistent method for selectively staining mast cells using a dye solution that may be prepared in any laboratory without the aid of sophisticated pH metering equipment. Astra blue is mixed with an alcoholic solution containing MgCl2 · 6H2O and the pH indicator pararosaniline hydrochloride. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is added dropwise, changing the dye mixture from purple to violet and then to blue. In this low range the weakly ionizing ethanol provides a more stable hydrogen ion concentration than the corresponding aqueous solutions used previously. Alcoholic acid fuchsin is a convenient counterstain, and this simple procedure then provides good contrast between the blue staining mast cell granules and the red tissue background.  相似文献   

AbstractSuperparamagnetic iron oxide particles are used as potent contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. In histology, these particles are frequently visualized by Prussian blue iron staining of aldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Recently, zinc salt-based fixative was shown to preserve enzyme activity in paraffin-embedded tissues. In this study, we demonstrate that zinc fixation allows combining in situ zymography with fluorescence immunohistochemistry (IHC) and iron staining for advanced biologic investigation of iron oxide particle accumulation. Very small iron oxide particles, developed for magnetic resonance angiography, were applied intravenously to BALB/c nude mice. After 3 hours, spleens were explanted and subjected to zinc fixation and paraffin embedding. Cut tissue sections were further processed to in situ zymography, IHC, and Prussian blue staining procedures. The combination of in situ zymography as well as IHC with subsequent Prussian blue iron staining on zinc-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues resulted in excellent histologic images of enzyme activity, protease distribution, and iron oxide particle accumulation. The combination of all three stains on a single section allowed direct comparison with only moderate degradation of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled substrate. This protocol is useful for investigating the biologic environment of accumulating iron oxide particles, with excellent preservation of morphology.  相似文献   

In Toto Staining and Preservation of Peripheral Nervous Tissue   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A simple quantitative modification of the in toto staining technique for nervous networks of Sihler is described. The results are demonstrated on the innervation pattern of the hard palate of the rat. Formalin fixed hard palates of rat were macerated and bleached in an aqueous solution of 3% potassium hydroxide with a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide added. Thereafter, the specimens were decalcified in Sinter's solution I (1 part glacial acetic acid, 1 part pure glycerin and 6 parts 1% chloral hydrate), the process being controlled by radiography. The specimens were next stained in Sutler's solution II (1 part Ehrlich's hematoxylin, 1 part pure glycerin and 6 parts 1% chloral hydrate). After staining, the non-nervous tissues were destained in Sihler'g solution I. Destaining was checked microscopically and was stopped before the finest branches of the nerves began to fade. The specimens were then washed in a weak aqueous solution of lithium carbonate and cleared in increasing concentrations of glycerin. Good visualization of nervous structures and a deep field of observation resulted; orientation of the peripheral nerves with respect to surrounding structures was readily seen and a three-dimensional image of the nervous networks was obtained.  相似文献   

Costus speciosus (Koenig) Sm. contains diosgenin, an important drug in family planning programs in India and underdeveloped countries. A simple, rapid method has been developed for in situ quantitation of diosgenin in this plant. The method is based on the formation of a suitable colored product of diosgenin in frozen sections of fresh material followed by determination of its optical density by in situ cytophotometry. The staining reagent is a combination of anisaldehyde, sulfuric acid and acetic acid. A positive correlation has been observed between cytophotometric diosgenin estimates and those derived from thin layer chromatography of extracts. The method is convenient for routine screening of plants for steroidal sapogenins such as diosgenin.  相似文献   

The invention of peptide-MHC-tetramer technology to label antigen-specific T cells has led to an enhanced understanding of T lymphocyte biology. Here we describe the development of an in situ pMHC-II tetramer staining method to visualize antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in tissues. This method complements other methods developed that similarly use MHC class II reagents to stain antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in situ. In this study, we used group A streptococcus (GAS) expressing a surrogate peptide (2W) to inoculate C57BL/6 mice, and used fresh nasal-associated lymphoid tissues (NALT) in optimizing the in situ staining of 2W:I-Ab specific CD4+ T cells. The results showed 2W:I-Ab tetramer-binding CD4+ T cells in GAS-2W but not GAS infected mice. This method holds promise to be broadly applicable to study the localization, abundance, and phenotype of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in undisrupted tissues.  相似文献   

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