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Gong SS  Chang Q  Ding J 《生理学报》2004,56(4):531-538
为探讨KCNQ家族钾通道在耳蜗外毛细胞和Deiters细胞的功能性表达,我们观察并记录了KCNQ家族钾通道阻滞剂利诺吡啶对豚鼠耳蜗单离外毛细胞(outer hair cells,OHCs)和Deiters细胞总钾电流的影响。采用酶孵育加机械分离法分离豚鼠耳蜗单个OHCs和Deiters细胞:运用膜片钳技术,在全细胞模式下记录正常细胞外液中8个外毛细胞和5个Deiters细胞的总钾电流,并观察100μmol/L和200μmol/L利诺吡啶对外毛细胞和Deiters细胞总钾电流的影响。结果观察到,在正常细胞外液中的单离外毛细胞,可记录到四乙基二乙胺敏感的外向性钾电流和静息膜电位附近激活的内向性钾电流(the K^ current activated at negative potential,IKa)两种钾电流,而在单离Deiters细胞中只记录到外向整流性钾电流。在细胞外液中,加入100μmol/L利诺吡啶后,OHCs中的四乙基二乙胺敏感的钾电流峰电流成分被抑制,稳态电流幅值减小,且电流的失活时问常数明显延长;在细胞外液中加入100μmol/L和200μmol/L利诺吡啶后,OHCs的内向性钾电流IKa被完全抑制;而细胞外液中利诺吡啶终浓度为200μmol/L时,Deiters细胞的外向整流性钾电流幅值无明显变化。由此我们推测,KCNQ家族钾通道存在于豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞,其介导的钾电流是四乙基二乙胺敏感的钾电流的组成部分,并构成全部的IKn,其功能是介导细胞内K^ 外流和防止细胞过度去极化;KCNQ家族钾通道不存在于豚鼠耳蜗Dciters细胞。  相似文献   

The importance of unconventional myosins to hearing has recently been revealed by the identification of myosins-VI and -VII as the defective genes in mouse mutations and in a human syndrome which lead to profound hearing loss. Another class of novel myosins (V) has been implicated in the trafficking of intracellular vesicles in neurons and other secretory cells. We used affinity-purified antibodies to determine the localization of myosin-V in the guinea pig inner ear. In the sensory epithelium of the cochlea, myosin-V epitopes were recognized in neuronal and supporting cells. Neuronal labelling was most intense in the afferent innervation of inner and outer hair cells. Supporting cells labelled were cells of Hensen and Deiters, and inner border, inner phalangeal, inner sulcus and interdental cells. In the vascular tissue of the cochlea, we observed staining of intermediate cells of the stria vascularis and of border cells between the stria and the spiral prominence. Staining of afferent chalice nerve endings was observed on type I vestibular hair cells. The results suggest that, like myosins VI and VII, myosin-V is localized in positions that may be critical to auditory function.  相似文献   

Summary Hair cells of the guinea pig organ of Corti have been examined using high resolution scanning electron microscopy. In addition to the extensive array of cross-links between the stereocilia of individual hair cells which have been reported previously, we have seen examples of attachments between the stereocilia of both adjacent inner and adjacent outer hair cells. The implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞外向钾电流的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哺乳动物耳蜗具有超常的敏感性和频率分析能力 ,这依赖于感觉细胞基底膜的微机械反应。豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞底侧膜存在电压依赖性K 通道、Ca2 激活K 通道和内向钙通道等。文献报道牛蛙壶腹嵴毛细胞有瞬息K 电流 (IA) ,然而豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞是否存在IA,迄今未见报道。来自脑干的内侧橄榄耳蜗束传出神经纤维大量分布于外毛细胞 ,调控着外毛细胞的功能 ,一般认为乙酰胆碱是耳蜗传出神经递质 ,此外三磷酸腺苷 (ATP)对外毛细胞具有神经递质和神经调质双重作用 ,那么是否还有其他的递质发挥作用呢 ?我们应用全细胞膜片钳技术观察了豚鼠…  相似文献   

2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) analogs are potentially better vascular gap junction blockers than others widely used, but they remain to be characterized. Using whole cell and intracellular recording techniques, we studied the actions of 2-APB and its potent analog diphenylborinic anhydride (DPBA) on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and endothelial cells in situ of or dissociated from arteriolar segments of the cochlear spiral modiolar artery, brain artery, and mesenteric artery. We found that both 2-APB and DPBA reversibly suppressed the input conductance (G(input)) of in situ VSMCs (IC(50) ≈ 4-8 μM). Complete electrical isolation of the recorded VSMC was achieved at 100 μM. A similar gap junction blockade was observed in endothelial cell tubules of the spiral modiolar artery. Similar to the action of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid (18β-GA), 2-APB and DPBA depolarized VSMCs. In dissociated VSMCs, 2-APB and DPBA inhibited the delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(K)) with an IC(50) of ~120 μM in the three vessels but with no significant effect on G(input) or the current-voltage relation between -140 and -40 mV. 2-APB inhibition of I(K) was more pronounced at potentials of ≤20 mV than at +40 mV and more marked on the fast component than on the slow component, which was mimicked by 4-aminopyridine but not by tetraethylammonium, nitrendipine, or charybdotoxin. In contrast, 18β-GA caused a linear inhibition of I(K) between 0 to +40 mV, which was similar to the action of tetraethylammonium or charybdotoxin. Finally, the 2-APB-induced inhibition of electrical coupling and I(K) was not affected by the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor antagonist xestospongin C. We conclude that 2-APB analogs are a class of potent and reversible vascular gap junction blockers with a weak side effect of voltage-gated K(+) channel inhibition. They could be gap junction blockers superior to 18β-GA only when Ca(2+)-actived K(+) channel inhibition by the latter is a concern but inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and voltage-gated K(+) channel inhibitions are not.  相似文献   

Cell-attached and cell-free configurations of the patch-clamptechnique were used to investigate the conductive properties andregulation of the major K+channels in the basolateral membrane of outer hair cells freshly isolated from the guinea pig cochlea. There were two majorvoltage-dependent K+ channels. ACa2+-activatedK+ channel with a high conductance(220 pS,PK/PNa = 8) was found in almost 20% of the patches. The inside-out activityof the channel was increased by depolarizations above 0 mV andincreasing the intracellular Ca2+concentration. External ATP or adenosine did not alter thecell-attached activity of the channel. The open probability of theexcised channel remained stable for several minutes without rundown andwas not altered by the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A (PKA)applied internally. The most frequentK+ channel had a low conductanceand a small outward rectification in symmetricalK+ conditions (10 pS for inwardcurrents and 20 pS for outward currents, PK/PNa = 28). It was found significantly more frequently in cell-attached andinside-out patches when the pipette contained 100 µM acetylcholine. It was not sensitive to internalCa2+, was inhibited by4-aminopyridine, was activated by depolarization above 30 mV,and exhibited a rundown after excision. It also had a slow inactivationon ensemble-averaged sweeps in response to depolarizing pulses. Thecell-attached activity of the channel was increased when adenosine wassuperfused outside the pipette. This effect also occurred with permeantanalogs of cAMP and internally applied catalytic subunit of PKA. Bothchannels could control the cell membrane voltage of outer hair cells.


A major difficulty in the investigation of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) is in identifying these cells within intact, living gastrointestinal tissues. To overcome this difficulty we developed a method to visualize ICC in the myenteric plexus region (ICC-MP) of the guinea pig ileum. Cells were identified with Nomarski optics and were injected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow. The identity of the cells as ICC was verified by immunohistochemical labeling for the protein c-Kit. Using the dye coupling method we found that 24.4% (93/381) of ICC-MP were coupled to 1-21 other ICC. Octanol reduced dye coupling incidence among ICC-MP to 2% (1/49). Raising the pH in the medium to 7.8-7.9 increased the dye-coupling incidence to 86% (37/43, P<0.001). Lowering the pH to 6.4-6.8 had the opposite effect (coupling incidence 1/44). These findings demonstrate that ICC are mutually connected by channels, apparently gap junctions, that can allow the passage of both electrical currents and small molecules. As it was modulated by pH, it is likely that ICC coupling is under physiological control.  相似文献   

Chang Q  Gong SS  Ding J  Tang M  Hescheler J 《生理学报》2005,57(2):217-224
为观察胞外钙对豚鼠耳蜗单个离体Deiters细胞钾电流的调控作用并探讨其机制,实验记录了Deiters细胞在正常细胞外液和无钙外液中的全细胞钾电流(whole cell K^ currents,IK),并分析了其电生理学特性的改变。结果观察到,Deiters细胞与在正常细胞外液中相比,在祛除细胞外液中的Ca^2 后Ik电流幅值明显增加,弦电导值亦明显增加,但其平衡电位未明显改变。在无钙外液中Ik电流的反转电位向超极化方向明显移位,更接近于按照Ner-nst方程得出的K^ 理论平衡电位;而且其稳态激活曲线亦向超极化方向明显移位,但其激活趋势与正常相比无明显改变。此外,观察了Deiters细胞中钙抑制性钾电流的电流-电压关系和电导-电压关系,发现两者均呈“S”形,提示此钙抑制性钾电流可能存在2种不同的钾电导成分。由此,推测可能有两种机制参与胞外钙对Deiters细胞钾电流的调控:(1)Deiters细胞中的Ik通道可能存在一个Ca^2 敏感结构域,胞外Ca^2 可能通过改变此结构域而对Ik电流产生调制;(2)Deiters细胞中可能存在一种新型的双相门控性钾通道或钾通道耦联型受体或是一种新型的钾通道亚型,祛除胞外Ca^2 可激活此新型钾电导而对L电流产生调制。由此推测,在听觉形成过程中,胞外钙浓度下降可以对Deiters细胞的全细胞钾电流产生调制,从而更有利于Deiters细胞内K^ 外流,进而有效地缓冲外毛细胞周围的K^ 浓度:而且还可以使Deiters细胞产生更快的复极化并有利于维持其静息状态。  相似文献   

In the present study, we aim to explore whether the caspase-3-dependent pathway is involved in the apoptotic cell death that occurs in the hair cells (HCs) of guinea pig cochlea following a salicylate treatment. Guinea pigs received sodium salicylate (Na-SA), at a dose of 200 mg·kg(-1)·d(-1) i.p., as a vehicle for 5 consecutive days. In some experiments, N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-fluoromethylketone (zDEVD-FMK), a specific apoptosis inhibitor, was directly applied into the cochlea via the round window niche (RWN) prior to salicylate treatment for determination of caspase-3 activation. Alterations in auditory function were evaluated with auditory brainstem responses (ABR) thresholds. Caspase-3 activity was determined by measuring the proteolytic cleavage product of caspase-3 (N-terminated peptide substrate). DNA fragmentation within the nuclei was examined with a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL) method. Ultrastructure variation in the target cell was assessed by electron microscopy (EM). Salicylate treatment initiated an obvious elevation in ABR thresholds with a maximum average shift of 60 dB sound pressure level (SPL), and caused significant apoptosis in both inner (IHCs) and outer (OHCs) hair cells resulted from an evident increasing in immunoreactivity to caspase-3 protease. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) displayed chromatin condensation and nucleus margination accompanied by cell body shrinkage in the OHCs, but not in the IHCs. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed breakdown, fusion, and loss in the stereociliary bundles at the apex of OHCs rather than IHCs. zDEVD-FMK pretreatment prior to salicylate injection substantially attenuated an expression of the apoptotic protease and protected HCs against apoptotic death, followed by a moderate relief in the thresholds of ABR, an alleviation in the submicroscopic structure was also identified. In particular, disorientation and insertion in the hair bundles at the apex of OHCs was exhibited though no classic apoptotic change found. The above changes were either prevented or significantly attenuated by zDEVD-FMK. These findings indicate that salicylate could damage cochlear hair cells via inducing apoptosis associated with caspase-3 activation.  相似文献   

Following perilymphatic perfusion and injection into the cisterna cerebello-medullaris, respectively, the distribution pattern of horseradish peroxidase in the cochlea of the guinea pig was studied light and electron microscopically. The findings prove effective tight junctions (zonulae occludentes) between the cells of the epithelial lining of the endolymphatic compartment. At the level of the reticular membrane the tight junctions are far more extended than elsewhere at the cochlear duct epithelium. From the findings a fairly rapid exchange is suggestive between the lymphatic space of the organ of Corti and the tympanic scale. Various types of cells of the cochlear duct actively take up considerable amounts of peroxidase. However, endocytosis of peroxidase by hair cells and particularly by the outer ones is rather scanty. Passive permeation of the tracer through the membran of undamaged hair cells was disproven.  相似文献   

Isolated mammalian outer hair cells elongate or shorten respectively by several micrometres when electrically hyperpolarized or depolarized. The experiments in this paper were designed to locate the force-generating mechanism that drives length changes in outer hair cells, and to determine some of its basic properties. The whole-cell mode of the patch-clamp technique was used to stimulate cells electrically and to perfuse them with specific drugs. The pattern of displacement of cellular organelles, and the relative displacements of the cell base and apex during electrical stimulation with the cell mechanically anchored at various points along its length, suggest that the force-generating mechanism is distributed throughout the length of the cell. Further experiments altering the shape, volume and intracellular pressure of outer hair cells suggest that the mechanism is closely associated with the plasma membrane. These experiments also demonstrate that the characteristic tubular shape of outer hair cells is maintained by membrane-associated structures with elastic properties that enable the cell to return to its original shape after deformation. The mechanism controlling length changes may, therefore, be composed of two elements in parallel, namely a force generating element and a passive elastic element. Inhibitors of ATP synthesis, or the presence of the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue AMP.PNP, perfused into outer hair cells, failed to inhibit length changes. Drugs against actin, including phalloidin, cytochalasin B and cytochalasin D, and against tubulin, including colchicine, nocodazole and colcemid, also failed to inhibit length changes. We conclude that the force-generating mechanism is, therefore, unlike most other forms of cell motility, and possible alternative hypotheses are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine has long been thought to be the neurotransmitter of the cochlear efferent system in mammals although the evidence is largely indirect. By using whole-cell recordings from isolated outer hair cells, we show that acetylcholine activates a large rapidly desensitizing outward potassium current. This corresponds to hyperpolarization of the membrane potential from rest. The half maximal dose for acetylcholine was 13.5 microM with a cooperativity of 2. The response was not due to a conventional muscarinic action of acetylcholine for it was not blocked by 0.1 microM atropine and muscarinic antagonists but it could be blocked by 0.1 microM curare, suggesting that it shared many properties of a nicotinic receptor. It was, however, inhibited by 10 microM strychnine. The potassium current activated by acetylcholine required external calcium and was characterized by a significant delay at room temperature. This points to the involvement of a second messenger system, possibly calcium itself.  相似文献   

The Reissner's membrane (RM) separates in the mammalian cochleathe K+-rich endolymph from theNa+-rich perilymph. Thepatch-clamp technique was used to investigate the transport mechanismsin epithelial cells of RM freshly dissected from the guinea pigcochlea. This study shows a stretch-activated nonselective cationicchannel (SA channel) with a linear current-voltage relationship (23 pS)highly selective for cations over anions [K+  Na+ (1) > Ba2+ (0.65) > Ca2+ (0.32)  Cl (0.14)] andactivated by the intrapipette gradient pressure. The openprobability-pressure relationship is best fitted by a Boltzmanndistribution (half-maximal pressure = 37.8 mmHg, slope constant = 8.2 mmHg). SA channels exhibit a strong voltage dependency and areinsensitive to internal Ca2+, ATP,and fenamates but are blocked by 1 µMGdCl3 in the pipette. They arereversibly activated by in situ superfusion of the cell with hyposmoticsolutions. Kinetic studies show that depolarization and mechanical orosmotic stretch modify the closed and open time constants probably by adifferent mechanism. These channels could participate inpressure-induced modifications of ionic permeability of the RM.


Caffeine and excitation-contraction coupling in the guinea pig taenia coli   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
The effects of caffeine (0.2–10 mM) on the electrical and mechanical activities of guinea pig taenia coli were investigated with the double sucrose-gap method. Caffeine evoked a small tension with a latency of 20–30 sec, then phasic contraction developed and finally relaxation. The initial tension development also appeared in the Na-free solution without any marked changes in the membrane potential and membrane resistance. The phasic contraction disappeared in the Na-free solution. The relaxation in the presence of caffeine was accompanied by depolarization block of the spike generation. The minimum concentration of Ca ion needed to evoke the tension development by the caffeine was 10-7 M. Caffeine also potentiated the twitch tension below a concentration of 5 mM either in the Na-free solution or at low temperature (5°C). NO3 - and Br- showed a similar response to caffeine on the potentiation of the twitch tension at low temperature.  相似文献   

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