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Summary The movement of IAA has been investigated in roots of dark-grown seedlings of Zea mays using IAA-I-14C.With 6-mm segments excised 1 mm below the apex of the root it has been shown that: (a) There is a strictly acropetal flux of IAA through the tissues, the amount of IAA found in an apical receiving block increasing almost linearly with increasing transport period up to about 6–7 hours, but thereafter declining for at least a further 18 hours. The onset of this decline appears to be dependent upon the concentration of IAA in the donor block. (b) The amount of IAA recovered in the apical receiving block increases with increasing concentration of IAA in the donor block over the range from 0.1–10 M, with transport periods of both 4 and 9 hours. (c) The radioactivity in the receiving block is confined to the IAA molecule. (d) The orientation of the segment with respect to gravity did not significantly affect the acropetal polar flux of IAA in the tissue.With non-decapitated 7-mm root apices it has been found that the presence of the apex has no effect on the strictly acropetal flux of IAA in the tissues, but that it entirely prevented the emergence of IAA into an apical receiving block.  相似文献   

Summary Light promotes the net acropetal movement of 14C through 6-mm subapical segments of dark-grown roots of Zea mays supplied at their basal ends with 1 M IAA-1-14C in agar blocks. This promotion occurs only when the segments are irradiated during the transport period, and both red and blue light appear to be as effective as white light at the radiant flux densities used in this investigation. The promotion is not found if the segments are pretreated with light and then returned to darkness before the trasport of IAA-1-14C is determined. The very slight basipetal movement of 14C through the segments supplied with an apical source of IAA-1-14C is unaffected by light.Only one radioactive substance is found in the apical receiver blocks. This substance has an Rf virtually identical to those of the stock solution of IAA incorporated into the donor block and of unlabelled IAA. The movement of radioactivity into the receiver blocks through, the illuminated segments therefore appears to reflect the movement of IAA. Light thus increases the acropetal movement of IAA through the Zea root segment.The primary roots of Zea mays var. Giant Horse Tooth seedlings grown in total darkness do not exhibit a positive geotropic response. When the seed is orientated with the embryo uppermost the radicle grows out horizontally. On exposure to light, however, the roots bend down. This reaction appears about 3–9 hours after the onset of illumination, and white, red and blue light appear to be equally effective at the flux densities employed in this study. Green light in the spectral band between 510–530 nm did not appear to induce this positive geotropic responsiveness.  相似文献   

Growth of nuclei of a marked population of cells was determined from G1 to prophase in roots of Vicia faba. The cells were marked by inducing them to become tetraploid by treatment with 0.002% colchicine for 1 hr. Variation in nuclear volume is large; it is established in early G1 and maintained through interphase and into prophase. One consequence of this variation is that there is considerable overlap between volumes of nuclei of different ages in the cell cycle; nuclear volume, we suggest, cannot be used as an accurate indicator of the age of the cell in its growth cycle. Nuclei exhibit considerable variation in their growth rate through the cell cycle. Of the marked population of cells, about 65% had completed a cell cycle 14--15 hr after they were formed. These tetraploid nuclei have a cell cycle duration similar to that of fast cycling diploid cells of the same roots. Since they do complete a cell cycle, at least 65% of the nuclei studied must come from rapidly proliferating cells, showing that variability in nuclear volumes must be present in growing cells and cannot be attributed solely to the presence, in our samples, of non-cycling cells.  相似文献   

Summary The net uptake and movement of radioactivity by 12-mm root segments of Zea mays have been studied as a function of time at 5, 15 and 25° C. Segments were supplied with an agar donor block containing 1 M IAA-1-14C or IAA-2-14C continuously or for a limited period of time (pulse-labelling). In the latter case the original donor block was replaced either by a plain agar block or by one containing 1 M unlabelled IAA. Receiver blocks were placed at the other end of the segments.The net uptake of radioactivity from the donor block at 15° C was greater at the basal end than at the apical end of the segment. At 5 and 15° C, the net uptake from a basal donor was virtually linear with time but at 25° C the rate of net accumulation decreased after about 10 h. Decarboxylation of IAA undoubtedly occurred at 15 and 25° C when the concentration in the tissue attained a high value.An acropetally polarised movement of radioactivity into the receiver blocks occurred regardless of whether the results were based on the actual amounts of radioactivity in the receiver block, or on the amounts in the receiver block expressed as a percentage of the net total radioactivity accumulated from the donor block. Only one radioactive substance was present in the receiver block and it ran to the same Rf as IAA in the isopropanol: ammonium: water solvent system.The amounts of radioactivity moving into that part of the root segment at least 6 mm distant from the end in contact with either an apical or a basal donor block were assessed. An acropetal polarity in the movement of radioactivity was observed on the basis of the actual amounts of radioactivity in these distal parts of the segments, but no such polarity was evident when the amounts of radioactivity were expressed as a percentage of the net total accumulated from the donor block. At least 3 radioactive substances were present in the tissue in addition to the substance running to the same Rf as IAA. The distribution of radioactivity in the segment cannot therefore be used to assess the distribution of IAA.Acropetal movement of radioactivity into an apical receiver block is not dependent upon the continued uptake of IAA at the basal end of the segment. No distinct pulses of radioactivity were detected moving through the root segments.Only a small part of the radioactivity in the root segment appears to be located in the polar transport system, while the bulk is not. The polarity found in the movement of the bulk radioactivity within the segment seems to be related to the polarity in IAA uptake from the donor blocks.  相似文献   

Summary The reasons underlying the initial increase and subsequent decrease in the amount of radioactivity in the receiver block at the apical end of a Zea root segment supplied with a basal donor block containing labelled IAA have been investigated.The phenomenon was observed in segments supplied with IAA-1-14C, IAA-2-14C and IAA-5-3H. An acropetal polarity in the movement of radioactivity into the receiver blocks was observed using donor blocks containing IAA-5-3H at concentrations as low as 10-10M.The decrease in the amount of radioactivity in the receiver block begins after 6–8 h of transport at 25° C, and is unaffected by renewal of the donor block every 2 h, or the presence of 2% sucrose in the donor and receiver blocks.The net export of radioactivity into the receiver block at the apical end of the segment virtually ceases after 6–8 h of transport at 25° C, and is not prolonged by the presence of 2% sucrose in the donor and receiver blocks. At 10° C, net export of radioactivity continues for at least the first 50 h of transport, and the amount of radioactivity in a continuously applied receiver block continues to increase over this period.Receiver blocks removed from the apical end of segments after 8 h of transport and placed on planchettes show little or no decrease in the amount of radioactivity they contain as a function of time, in marked contrast to those left in contact with the segment.There is a marked, and metabolically dependent, resorption of radioactivity from the receiver block at the apical end of the segment after about 8 h of transport at 25° C; most of the resorbed radioactivity remains in the apical 2–4 mm of the segment.There is a loss of radioactive CO2 from segments supplied with a basal donor block containing 10-6M IAA-1-14C at 25° C, the emission beginning after 6–8 h of transport. Segments similarly supplied with 10-6M IAA-2-14C did not begin to lose radioactive CO2 until after about 10–12 h of transport.The ability of the segments to transport radioactivity in a polar manner declines with time after they are excised from the root, regardless of whether their cut ends are kept in the intervening period in contact with plain agar blocks, or ones containing unlabelled IAA at 10-6M. By the 6th h after excision at 25° C no transport of radioactivity through the segments and into the receiver blocks could be detected in either the aropetal or basipetal direction.The decrease in radioactivity in the receiver block after transport periods of 6–8 h at 25° C is therefore due to (1) a cessation of net export of radioactivity into the block, and (2) the onset of a metabolically-dependent, net resorption of radioactivity. At this time substantial amounts of radioactive CO2 begin to be evolved from segments supplied with IAA-1-14C, whereas with IAA-2-14C radioactive CO2 is not evolved for a further 4–6 h.  相似文献   

Roots of Vicia faba were treated with solutions of colchicine or IAA or both. Mitotic indices and the frequencies of the different stages of mitosis were determined immediately after a three hour treatment or following a 24 hour period of recovery. Roots scored after treatment with colchicine for three hours showed several effects, none of which were reversed by simultaneous treatment with IAA. Treatment with IAA for three hours had little detectable effect on mitotic index (MI) on the frequencies of the various stages of mitosis. After a recovery period, following a three hour treatment, of 24 hours, colchicine treated roots showed a significant increase in their MI; this was due largely to an increase in the number of metaphases but it was also due in part to the presence of tetraploid cells in division. IAA treated roots revealed an inhibition of mitotic activity, which was most marked at 3.13–6.26×10–4 M IAA. The results from roots treated with mixtures of colchicine and IAA for three hours and fixed 24 hours later showed: 1) the increase in MI induced by colchicine is reversed by IAA, the intensity of the reversal increasing with increasing concentrations of IAA; 2) reductions in the total numbers of cells in prophase or in metaphase occur after treatment with different concentrations of IAA; 3) IAA leads to a reduction in the number of tetraploid cells seen in division.It appears that colchicine induces a change in the pattern of mitotic activity 24 hours after the end of treatment and its effects are reversed by IAA. At 4.2×10–4 M IAA a balance occurs between the opposing effects of colchicine and IAA and the MI is not significantly different from that of the controls. It is suggested that one result of a treatment with colchicine is a change in the level of growth factors in root meristems. This change, which appears to result in a temporary increase in MI is reversed by the addition of IAA. Thus one of the growth factors, the level of which has been affected, is replaceable by exogenous IAA.  相似文献   

Cd2+对蚕豆根生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探明Cd^2+对蚕豆根生长发育的影响及其规律,为培育耐Cd^2+新品种提供一定的科学依据。方法以不同浓度的Cd^2+处理蚕豆根,然后在不同时间检测其色泽、弯曲程度和长度变化,同时利用改良的苯酚品红染色,在显微镜下观察根尖细胞的有丝分裂。结果当Cd^2+浓度〈10μmol/L时,它能促进根的生长和细胞有丝分裂,但对根的色泽和弯曲程度的影响不明显。在Cd^2+的浓度〉10μmol/L后,则逐渐使根色泽加深,弯曲程度增大,细胞有丝分裂指数下降,生长减慢。结论Cd^2+对蚕豆根生长发育有影响,其影响的程度与Cd^2+的浓度和处理时间有关。  相似文献   

Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) values of different neutron beams produced at the variable energy cyclotron "Cyclone" of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) were determined. The neutrons were obtained by bombarding a beryllium target with 34-, 45-, 65-, or 75-MeV protons or with 50-MeV deuterons. The biological system was growth inhibition in Vicia faba bean roots. Taking the p(65) + Be neutron beam as a reference, RBE values were found equal to 1.36 +/- 0.2, 1.20 +/- 0.1, 1.00 (ref), 0.98 +/- 0.1, and 1.18 +/- 0.1, respectively; the doses corresponding to 50% growth inhibition were 0.39, 0.44, 0.53, 0.54, and 0.45 Gy. For the same beams, OER values were found equal to 1.55 +/- 0.1, 1.38 +/- 0.1, 1.29 +/- 0.1, 1.41 +/- 0.1, and 1.60 +/- 0.2, respectively.  相似文献   

R. D. MacLeod 《Planta》1966,71(3):257-267
Summary Roots of Vicia faba were treated with colchicine (0.025%), or IAA (4.7×10-6 M), or both, for 3 hours and fixed at various intervals over the following 11 days. The axis of spindle orientation and the distribution of mitotic figures, lateral root primordia and xylem vessel elements was examined in the apical 10 mm of median longitudinal sections of these roots.No effect of IAA was found on the orientation of the spindle. However, evidence was obtained indicating that the systems controlling the polarity of cell division and cell expansion differ in some way.The number of lateral root primordia formed was greater in roots treated with IAA or colchicine than in control roots. These primordia were always initiated adjacent to a xylem vessel. Thus, no primordium was closer to the apex than the most apical xylem vessel, suggesting that an endogenous factor involved in primordia initiation is transported in the xylem. The primordia which develop after colchicine treatment grow out as lateral roots; this is in contrast with those which form after IAA treatment and which do not undergo elongation. These results, which it must be emphasized apply only to the apical 1 cm of treated roots, indicate that lateral root primordia become sensitive to IAA at a certain stage in their development. Exogenous IAA acts as an inhibitor.The new meristem, which forms in the primary root apex after colchicine treatment, contains both diploid and polyploid cells, i.e. it was formed from cells that were unaffected and from cells that were affected by colchicine. Following colchicine treatment the size of the meristem shrinks and this can be prevented by treatment with IAA. This and other evidence presented here, suggests that IAA is a factor involved in the control of the size of the apical meristem in normal roots.  相似文献   

洗涤剂对蚕豆根和叶片的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
毛学文  王弋博  陈荃 《广西植物》2003,23(2):185-187,192
研究了家用洗衣粉对蚕豆根生长、细胞分裂和叶片叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明:不同浓度的洗衣粉均能抑制蚕豆根的生长,降低根尖细胞有丝分裂指数,诱发细胞产生高频率的微核且是明显的时间与剂量效应关系和叶绿素含量明显下降。  相似文献   

Summary Lateral roots of Vicia faba have been examined cytochemically to determine the distribution of naphthol AS esterases, bromo-indoxyl esterases, acid -glycerophosphatases and acid naphthol AS phosphatases in the various tissues during differentiation. Attempts have been made to correlate the observed differences in the distribution of the hydrolases with respect to physiological and to structural differentiation processes in cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Auxin transport in Convolvulus roots cultured in vitro.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

At a concentration of 9.6 x 10(-5)M, 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP) completely inhibited cell enlargement, cell division, and DNA synthesis (determined by microphotometric measurement of Feulgen dye) in Vicia faba roots. Inhibition of cell enlargement was partially reversed by adenine, guanine, xanthine, adenosine, and desoxyadenosine. Guanine and the nucleosides gave the greatest reversal, suggesting that one point of DAP action upon cell enlargement is a disruption of nucleoside or nucleotide metabolism, possibly during pentosenucleic acid synthesis. DAP inhibited cell division by preventing onset of prophase. At the concentrations used it had no significant effect on the rate or appearance of mitoses in progress. Inhibition of entrance into prophase was not directly due to inhibition of DNA synthesis since approximately half of the inhibited nuclei had the doubled (4C) amount of DNA. Adenine competitively reversed DAP inhibition of cell division, giving an inhibition index of about 0.5. Guanine gave a slight reversal while xanthine, hypoxanthine, adenosine, and desoxyadenosine were inactive. A basic need for free adenine for the onset of mitosis was suggested by this reversal pattern. Meristems treated with DAP contained almost no nuclei with intermediate amounts of DNA, indicating that DAP prevented the onset of DNA synthesis while allowing that underway to reach completion. The inhibition of DNA synthesis was reversed by adenine, adenosine, and desoxyadenosine although synthesis appeared to proceed at a slower rate in reversals than in controls. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by DAP is probably through nucleoside or nucleotide metabolism. A small general depression of DNA content of nuclei in the reversal treatments was observed. This deviation from DNA "constancy" cannot be adequately explained at present although it may be a result of direct incorporation of DAP into DNA. The possible purine precursor, 4-amino-5-imidazolecarboxamide gave no reversal of DAP inhibition of cell elongation and cell division and only a slight possible reversal of inhibition of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Coupling between electron transport and proton flux has been compared in chloroplasts from Vicia faba (cv. Windsor) plants grown at 20 and 5°C. Proton uptake by warm-grown thylakoids was sensitive to external pH and stimulated by micromolar adenine nucleotide above pH 7.0. Electron transport was modulated by pH, adenine nucleotide and energy transfer inhibitors (triphenyltin and Hg2+). By contrast, proton uptake by cold-grown thylakoids was generally lower and was insensitive to micromolar ATP. The rate of non-phosphorylating electron flow in cold-grown thylakoids was relatively insensitive to pH and Hg2+ and was not modulated by adenine nucleotides or triphenyltin. Stimulation of electron transport by phosphorylating conditions in cold-grown thylakoids was generally lower and insensitive to pH. It is concluded that the control of proton efflux through CF0-CF1 differs in thylakoids of V. faba grown at warm and cold temperatures.  相似文献   

Activities of nitrate reduction enzymes, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and nitrite reductase activity (NiRA) from roots and nodules of 5 mutant genotypes and one commercial cultivar (Alameda) of faba bean ( Vicia faba L. var. minor) grown in the presence of N2 alone or with additional NO3 in the medium have been studied. A naturally occurring mutant (VFM109) with impaired ability to reduce nitrate in its nodules is described. All the other cultivars of V. faba showed nodule NRA, although the range was very wide, from almost negligible (VFM72) up to 2 μmol h−1 (g FW)−1. This activity was entirely of plant origin. Root NRA also ranged widely accross cultivars. However, the level of activity expressed as well as the response of NRA to nitrate followed a pattern opposite to that observed in nodules. Roots and nodules of all cultivars showed very high rates of NiRA, respectively 50 and 150-fold higher than NRA, thus precluding accumulation of nitrite in these tissues. Root enzymes were significantly stimulated by nitrate while negative (NRA) or little effect (NiRA) was found for nodules. Nitrate and nitrite reduction are carried out by inducible enzymes in roots of V. faba and by constitutive enzymes in nodules, indicating that there may be different forms of these enzymes in each tissue. Differences in the plant genotype were a major cause of the variability in nitrate and nitrite reduction by nodulated root systems of V. faba .  相似文献   

Apoplastic pH of intact leaves of Vicia faba as influenced by light   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fluorochrome FITC-dextran was used to measure the effectof light on the apoplastic pH of intact Vicia faba leaves withthe ratio imaging technique. In darkadapted leaves the apoplasticpH varied depending on the leaf between 5.2 and 5.9. Red light(660 nm, 4–12 W m–2) leads to multiphasic responses:in the first seconds an alkalinization ({small tilde}0.3 pHunits), and thereafter an acidification of the leaf apoplast({small tilde}0.4 pH units) were observed. Both effects couldbe inhibited by DCMU. While variation of CO2 concentration revealedno effect on light-induced apoplastic pH changes, a decreasein O2 concentration decreased the effect. On the basis of ourdata it is suggested that the influence of photosynthesis onplasmalemma H+ ATPase is responsible for the observed effects,rather than altered CO2 uptake. Key words: Leaf apoplast, apoplastic pH, light, ratio imaging, pH-sensitive fluorescent dye, Vicia fab  相似文献   

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