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A study focusing on traditional uses of wild plants for gastronomic and medicinal purposes was carried out among three linguistic communities in Calabria, southern Italy. Ninety interviews with local elderly informants were conducted among Occitans and Arbëreshë, two linguistic minorities, and the dominant culture of autochthonous Calabrians. We recorded 85 taxa belonging to 39 botanical families and 66 different detailed use-reports including 35 culinary and 31 medicinal uses. Our overall data show the permanence of traditional ecological knowledge related to wild and semi-domesticated food and medicinal plants; however, high similarity indices among the three communities demonstrate that traditional ecological knowledge is following the pathway of homogenization and standardization toward the dominant culture, facilitated by a context of linguistic erosion, limited intergenerational transmission, and a centuries-old diffusion with Calabrian culture. Moreover, our study calls for further field surveys in isolated areas of Calabria to analyze how traditional ecological practices can be key tools in the development of local small-scale economies through the promotion of artisanal food entrepreneurship of wild food plant transformation.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - An updated checklist of the Calabrian alien vascular flora is presented. By way of field, bibliographic, and herbarium research, we recorded 382 alien taxa (representing...  相似文献   

RFLPs of mtDNA for HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII and HincII were analyzed in 100 individuals from 15 Albanian villages of the Cosenza province (Calabria, Southern Italy). Thirteen mtDNA types were identified, one of which is new and is due to an AvaII morph (AvaII 27Alb) never described before. Other two types (15-2 and 40-2) previously unfound in Italians were detected in one and two individuals respectively. The intra-group homogeneity (F=.49) resulted to be the highest found among the Italian groups examined so far. It is however very similar to that of a control sample of the Calabria population (F=.46). On the whole no important differences have emerged in the comparison between Albanians and not Albanians from Calabria. These results can indicate either that the markers we examined are not discriminative or that genetic admixture has occurred at least by immigration of Calabrian women into the Albanian group.  相似文献   

Summary  This paper is focused on the facies associations of an Early-Middle Norian stratigraphic succession cropping outin the Northern Calabria (Buonvicino, Cosenza). These carbonate deposits, pertaining to the Verbicaro Unit, represent a dolomitized platform characterized by a clear dominance of automicrites over skeletal metazoans. On the basis of the chronostatigraphic data and sedimentary evolution, two stratigraphic units have been distinguished: the Lower Unit (object of the present paper) and the Upper Unit. The Lower Unit consists of an Early-Middle Norian high-relief prograding carbonate platform. The Upper Unit is represented by Middle p.p.-Upper Norian basinal deposits. Three main facies associations, indicative of different depositional settings, have been identified. The inner platform facies association is characterized by automicrite (cauliflower-columnar subordinate planar stromatolites) associated with detrital carbonates (intraclastic breccia, bioclastic grainstone and packstone). Apeculiar facies is represented by megalodontid-bearing beds. Mud-cracked horizons and low-developed teepees occur quite frequently. The margin facies association is dominated by automicrite (planar to low relief stromatolites associated with thrombolitic fenestral boundstone) and detrital carbonates with subaerial exposure features. The slope facies association includes detrital carbonates (breccia/megabreccia) associated with serpulid/sphinctozoan bioconstructions and automicrite (planar stromatolites/thrombolitic boundstone). The whole carbonate body is completely dolomitized; nevertheless the morphology and microarchitecture of carbonate components (cements, grains and automicrite) is still clearly recognizable. The dolomite Mg content ranges from 40 to 48 mole%, sometimes reaching the stoichiometric value. Cements, primary and late, represent a minor component of the rock volume; they occur more frequently on the margin and upper slope setting. Quantitative tacies analyses lead to the following conclusions:
–  ⊙ the entire platform is largely led by automicrite (50% in the inner platform, 70% in the margin, and 30% in the slope), with planar to columnar stromatolitic or thrombolitic fabrics;
–  ⊙ primary skeletal framework is usually missing, although small bioconstructions of sphinctozoans and, subordinately, serpulids, occur on the slope;
–  ⊙ automicrite has been affected by early cementation, as witnessed by non-gravitative microfabric, early fracturing and boring.
The sedimentary facies and the low-diversity fossil associations seem to indicate a stressed marine environment; the platform margin probably flanked an intra-platform basin, not an open marine basin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify plant species among the diverse flora of the caatinga ecosystem that are used therapeutically. Research was undertaken in the municipalities of Piranhas and Delmiro Gouveia, in the Xingó region (state of Alagoas, NE Brazil). In order to identify the medicinal plants used in this region, semi-structured questionnaires were applied. The species cited were collected and sent to the Xingó Herbarium for taxonomic analysis. The relative importance (RI) of each species cited was calculated to verify their cultural importance. The therapeutic indications attributed to the species were classified under 16 body systems. A total of 187 medicinal species were cited, from 64 families and 128 genera. The main indications for medicinal plant use were against common colds, bronchitis, cardiovascular problems, kidney problems, inflammations in general, and as tranquilizers. Approximately 16% (30 plant species) were versatile in relation to their use, with an Relative Importance value over 1, having been indicated for up to nine body systems. The body systems that stood out the most were: the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal system, and infectious diseases. Most cited plant parts used for medicinal purposes were flowers, leaves, and inner stem bark.  相似文献   

A survey of grapevine viruses present in the region of Calabria (southern Italy) was carried out, and the sanitary selection was conducted on various indigenous varieties. Serological (ELISA) and molecular (multiplex RT‐PCR) tests were used to detect the viruses included in the Italian certification programme: Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), Grapevine leafroll associated virus 1 (GLRaV‐1), Grapevine leafroll associated virus 2 (GLRaV‐2), Grapevine leafroll associated virus 3 (GLRaV‐3), Grapevine virus A (GVA), Grapevine virus B (GVB) and Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV). The frequency with which the above viruses have been detected was 37.4, 32.6, 12.8, 7.7, 7.3, 1.9 and 0.3%, respectively, for GVA, GLRaV‐3, GFLV, GFKV, GLRaV‐1, GLRaV‐2 and GVB. ArMV was never found. The sanitary selection allowed for the detection of 6 putative clones of ‘Arvino’, 2 of ‘Magliocco dolce’ and 2 of the rootstock ‘17–37’ free of the above‐mentioned viruses. The necessary process for the commercialization of these clones as ‘certified’ propagation material was accomplished, and their official approval by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture is currently in progress.  相似文献   

The present study aims to document data about the traditional uses of plants in health-care trainers among the local peoples of areas which may lead to natural drug invention development. There is urgency in recording such data for ethnobotanical studies using many statistical calculations were applied. Totally, 137 informants were selected from 8 villages by their traditional knowledge about medicinal plants. The collected specimens were statistically analyzed by Frequency citation (FC), Relative frequency citation (RFC), Use values (UV), Relative importance (RI), Cultural index (CI), Frequency index (FI) and Pearson correlation Co-efficient. Totally, 85 medicinal plants belonging to 73 families were documented through traditional people of Thanjavur for the treatment of 17 different ailments in which paste based herbal medicine is highly used (30%). Among the families, Acanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Malvaceae are dominant species with each five, Solanaceae with four species, Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Convulcacaeae, Aizoaceae, Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae and Rubiaceae with each three species and Capparaceae, Lythraceae, Anacardiaceae are recorded each two species and remaining families were one species respectively. In this quantitative ethnobotanical analysis, the high use values were recorded as Solanum trilobatum (1.31), Thespesia populnea (1.30), Cissus quadrangularis (1.26), Trianthema portulacastrum (1.76), and Hygrophila auriculata. Phyllanthus niruri showed high RI values than other plants. Pearson correlation coefficient between RFC and UV was 0.802 with P-value <1%. From this study, we can recommend that statistically proved medicinal plants like Solanum trilobatum, Thespesia populnea, Cissus quadrangularis, Trianthema portulacastrum, Hygrophila auriculata, Phyllanthus niruri and Achyranthes aspera were also needed for further investigation on pharmacologically which leads to natural drug invention development.  相似文献   


Cardamine battagliae Cesca & Peruzzi sp. nova is related to Cardamine heptaphylla (Vill.) O. E. Schulz. (2n = 48). On the other hand, the new species is well distinguished both from a morphological and karyological point of view. Because of its distribution and high ploidy level (2n = ca. 160) C. battagliae can be considered as a new apoendemic taxon. Morphological and karyological data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A new dasyclad alga—Acicularia boniae n.sp.—is discribed from Middle Triassic (?Ladinian) of the Piano del Minatore Formation, outcropping in the Cozzo del Pellegrino area (Calabria, southern Italy). The systematic position of this species, with respect to the genusAcicularia and morphogeneraAciculella andTerquemella, is discussed.
Riassunto Viene descritta una nuova specie di dasicladale—Acicularia boniae—proveniente dal Triassico Medio della formazione del Piano del Minatore affiorante nel massiccio del Cozzo del Pellegrino (Calabria, Italia meridionale). Viene discussa la posizione sistematica rispetto al genereAcicularia ed ai morfogeneriTerquemella edAciculella.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In Europe, only a limited number of cross-cultural comparative field studies or meta-analyses have been focused on the dynamics through which folk plant knowledge changes over space and time, while a few studies have contributed to the understanding of how plant uses change among newcomers. Nevertheless, ethnic minority groups and/or linguistic "isles" in Southern and Eastern Europe may provide wonderful arenas for understanding the various factors that influence changes in plant uses. METHODS: A field ethnobotanical study was carried out in Mundimitar (Montemitro in Italian), a village of approx. 450 inhabitants, located in the Molise region of South-Eastern Italy. Mundimitar is a South-Slavic community, composed of the descendants of people who migrated to the area during the first half of the 14th century, probably from the lower Neretva valley (Dalmatia and Herzegovina regions). Eighteen key informants (average age: 63.7) were selected using the snowball sampling technique and participated in in-depth interviews regarding their Traditional Knowledge (TK) of the local flora. RESULTS: Although TK on wild plants is eroded in Montemitro among the youngest generations, fiftyseven taxa (including two cultivated species, which were included due to their unusual uses) were quoted by the study participants. Half of the taxa have correspondence in the Croatian and Herzegovinian folk botanical nomenclature, and the other half with South-Italian folk plant names. A remarkable link to the wild vegetable uses recorded in Dalmatia is evident. A comparison of the collected data with the previous ethnobotanical data of the Molise region and of the entire Italian Peninsula pointed out a few uses that have not been recorded in Italy thus far: the culinary use of boiled black bryony (Tamus communis) shoots in sauces and also on pasta; the use of squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium) juice for treating malaria in humans; the aerial parts of the elderberry tree (Sambucus nigra) for treating erysipelas in pigs; the aerial parts of pellitory (Parietaria judaica) in decoctions for treating haemorrhoids. CONCLUSIONS: The fact that half of the most salient species documented in our case study - widely available both in Molise and in Dalmatia and Herzegovina - retain a Slavic name could indicate that they may have also been used in Dalmatia and Herzegovina before the migration took place. However, given the occurrence of several South-Italian plant names and uses, also a remarkable acculturation process affected the Slavic community of Montemitro during these last centuries. Future directions of research should try to simultaneously compare current ethnobotanical knowledge of both migrated communities and their counterparts in the areas of origin.  相似文献   

Attention is directed to the latent possibilities of Polymnia sonchifolia (Asteraceae), long cultivated in the Andean cloud forest for its tuberous, inulin-reserving roots.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study was carried out among the inhabitants of the province of Tarfaya (Moroccan Center South), in order to make an inventory of the medicinal plants used in traditional herbal medicine by the local population.MethodsInformation was obtained by means of open interviews with local people using the questionnaires. The data was analyzed using Use Value (UV), Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC), Fidelity Level (FL) and Informant Consensus Factor (ICF).ResultsThe analysis of the results allowed us to identify 130 vascular plant species in 57 families with a significant representativeness of Lamiaceae (10%), Asteraceae (9.23%), Fabaceae (8.46%), Apiaceae (6.15%), Poaceae (3.85%), Solanaceae (3.07%) and Amaranthaceae (3.07%). These species are mainly used in the care of the digestive and genito-urinary disorders. The UV ranged from 0.01 (Aframomum melegueta) to 0.34 (Maerua crassifolia). The RFC ranged from 0.01 (Aframomum melegueta) to 0.32 (Maerua crassifolia). The highest FL (100%) was found for 38 species, while the highest values of ICF were recorded for gastrointestinal pains (0.972).ConclusionThis study revealed rich ethnomedicinal knowledge in the Tarfaya province. Furthermore, ethnobotanical analysis will provide data for further pharmacological studies.  相似文献   

During the winter 2003--2004 a serious disease was observed in protected tomato crops in Castrovillari, Reggio Calabria province, Southern Italy. Symptoms consisted in marginal leaf yellowing, leaf curling, plant stunting, flower abortion. The disease was detected in a group of greenhouses (about 10ha) where several tomato cultivars were grown hydroponically. The highest incidence of infection (60-100%) was observed in tomatoes grafted on Beaufort DRS tomato rootstock. Since the symptoms were similar to those described for Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), detection assays for these viruses were used. In DAS-ELISA positive results were obtained with a abroad-spectrums reagent combination (distributed by Bioreba AG) detecting TYLCV, TYLCSV, and other begomoviruses. When DNA probes were used in tissue print assays, positive reactions were obtained for TYLCSV, but not for TYLCV. The two probes consisted of digoxigenin-labelled DNAs representing the coat protein gene of either TYLCSV or TYLCV. Attempts to isolate the viral agent by mechanical inoculation failed, except in few cases where Potato virus Y and Tobacco mosaic virus were identified following transmission from symptomatic plants to herbaceous indicatorpplants. By contrast, grafting onto tomato seedlings always successfully transmitted the disease. In the Castrovillari area TYLCSV was not reported before. The rootstocks that nurseries used for grafting were obtained from Sicily, where the disease is endemic and both TYLCSV and TYLCV are widespread. Probably the grafted plantlets represented the primary source of infection from which subsequent diffusion by way of the vector Bemisia tabaci followed. In fact the vector had previously been detected in both the glasshouse-grown and open field tomato crops in Calabria region. TYLCV was previously reported in a different area of Calabria in 1991, but apparently it was an occasional outbreak, and B. tabaci was not detected. Since in the Castrovillari area surveyed in the present study tomato is grown throughtout the year in protected crops, the whitefly vector of the virus is present, and some natural hosts of the virus are found, it is feared that TYLCSV may become endemic, as already happened in Sicily, Sardinia, and Spain several years ago. In Spain and Sicily TYLCV, together with TYLCSV, was reported as the causal agent of very severe tomato crop losses. Therefore the danger exists that also TYLCV will reach this area, furthermore complicating the management of tomato crops.  相似文献   

Human societies utilize mollusks for myriad material and spiritual ends. An example of their use in a religious context is found in Brazil's African-derived belief systems. Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion introduced during the 18th-19th centuries by enslaved Yoruba, includes various magical and liturgical uses of mollusks. This work inventoried the species utilized by adherents and to analyzed their symbolic and magical context. Data were obtained from Candomblé temples in two cities in the northeast of Brazil-Caruaru, in the state of Pernambuco, and Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba. Questionnaires administered to eleven adepts revealed that at least nineteen mollusk species are being used. Shells from Monetaria moneta, M. annulus and Erosaria caputserpentis were cited by all of the interviewees. Three uses stood out: divination (jogo de búzios); utilization as ritual objects; and employment as sacrificial offerings (Igbin or Boi-de-Oxalá). The jogo de búzios (shell toss), employed in West Africa, Brazil and Cuba, is of fundamental importance to the cult, representing the means by which the faithful enter in contact with the divinities (Orixás) and consult people's futures (Odu). The utilization of mollusks in Candomblé is strongly influenced by ancient Yoruba myths (Itãs) which, having survived enslavement and generations of captive labor, continue to guide the lives of Brazil's African Diaspora.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The paper refers to the knowledge and uses of plants and to the linked ritual practices as referred by Matteo (It.'Zi Matteo', En. 'Uncle Matthew'), one of the last elder healers in the Basilicata Region (South Italy). Particular attention is also paid to the uses of 'Vruca' (Tamarix gallica L.) as a medicinal and magical plant used to heal common warts on various parts of the body. METHODS: After obtaining prior informed consent, we collected data through an open interview about the uses of the plants and on the associated ritual practices. For each species, data were collected that included the vernacular names, preparation, plant parts utilized and their method of use. RESULTS: The uses of 52 taxa are described. Among these, 43 are or were employed medicinally, eight as culinary foodstuffs, and 4 for domestic, handicraft or ethnoveterinary uses. Among the major findings: the ritual and magical use of Tamarix gallica L. to heal warts is described in detail; so far, no records of similar use were found in any Italian ethnobotanical studies conducted in southern Italy. CONCLUSION: Phytotherapy in the Basilicata region is practiced by elderly people who resort to medicinal plants for mild illnesses; we interviewed one of those traditional healers who is very experienced in the field, and possesses rich ethno-pharmacological knowledge.  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis of precipitation and temperature data has been performed over 67 series observed in a region of southern Italy (Calabria). At first, to detect possible trends in the time series, an analysis was performed with the Mann–Kendall non-parametric test applied at monthly and seasonal scale. An additional investigation, useful for checking the climate change effects on vegetation, has also been included analysing bioclimatic indicators. In particular, Emberger, Rivas-Martinez and De Martonne indices were calculated by using monthly temperature and precipitation data in the period 1916–2010. The spatial pattern of the indices has been evaluated and, in order to link the vegetation and the indices, different indices maps have been intersected with the land cover data, given by the Corine Land Cover map. Moreover, the temporal evolution of the indices and of the vegetation has been analysed. Results suggest that climate change may be responsible for the forest cover change, but, given also the good relationship between the various types of bioclimate and forest formations, human activities must be considered.  相似文献   

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