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The development of antiidiotypic autoimmunity with respect to HLA alloantigens provides an attractive explanation for the phenomenon of maternal tolerance to the fetus and for the tandem selection of two antagonistic traits, major histocompatibility complex polymorphism and alloreactivity. We have demonstrated that both T and B lymphocyte responses to allogeneic HLA antigens are subjected to feedback regulation by autologous antiidiotypic immunity. Idiotypic receptors for the alloantigen expressed by T lymphocytes induce antiidiotypic antibodies that are readily detectable in serum during pregnancy, and antiidiotypic T cells that can be revealed in the autologous mixed lymphocyte culture system. Such antiidiotypic T cells and antibodies inhibit specifically the alloimmune function of autologous T cell lines. Similarly, antiidiotypic antibodies (Ab2) to HLA antibody molecules (Ab1) block the binding of the latter to the immunizing HLA antigen. The prevalence of Ab2 over Ab1 during pregnancy may explain the maternal tolerance to the fetus.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the technical breakthrough in generating MHC-peptide tetramers has revolutionized the analysis of T-cell responses. The major advantage of this technique over currently available methods is the ability of these tetramers to label T lymphocytes according to their antigenic specificity. The present review describes some technical aspects of tetramers generation and discusses some of the numerous possibilities opened up by this new technology.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins bearing one (sM2) or three (3sM2) copies of M2 epitope from influenza virus were expressed in Escherichia coli. Mice were administrated with these two proteins and systemic and mucosal immune responses were analyzed. Compared with sM2, 3sM2 induced M2-specific serum IgG and mucosal IgA antibodies with neutralizing activity more efficiently in the whole immune course and the later mucosal immunization improved this advantage. MDCK cells pretreated with 3sM2 antisera showed less pathogenic morphological changes compared with that of pretreated with sM2. Together, our results demonstrated that high epitope density in one recombinant protein can enhance humoral immune responses in both systemic and mucosal immunization, and combination of systemic and mucosal immunization enhances this advantage.  相似文献   

In 76 members of 13 large families, we investigated whether association exists between specific familialHLA haplotypes and immune responsiveness to four different highly purified pollen antigens (ragweed antigens E, Ra3, and Ra5 and rye grass Group I). Specific immune response was studied quantitatively by measurement of IgE-mediated skin sensitivity, serum IgG antibody, and antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferationin vitro. We found no evidence for association between specificHLA haplotype and specific response measured by any one or more of our indices of immune function. In several families we found evidence of specific response in one generation but not in another. We found a number of instances of individuals exhibiting lymphocyte responsiveness to an antigen, but no detectable specific IgE or IgG antibody. Surprisingly, we also found a few cases of individuals with marked IgE and/or IgG responses to a given antigen who showed no measurable lymphocyte responsiveness to that antigen, despite lymphocyte responsiveness to other nonimmunologically crossreacting antigens. In several cases, we also observed lymphocyte stimulation and serum IgG antibody, but no detectable IgE response. Our results conflict with previous investigators' reports of linkage betweenHLA haplotype and specific IgE-mediated skin sensitivity in families.HLA- linked immune response (Ir) loci may exist in humans, but genetic complexity and the limits of current technology preclude our ability to demonstrate their existence.  相似文献   

Peptides derived from pathogens or tumors are selectively presented by the major histocompatibility complex proteins (MHC) to the T lymphocytes. Antigenic peptide-MHC complexes on the cell surface are specifically recognized by T cells and, in conjunction with co-factor interactions, can activate the T cells to initiate the necessary immune response against the target cells. Peptides that are capable of binding to multiple MHC molecules are potential T cell epitopes for diverse human populations that may be useful in vaccine design. Bioinformatical approaches to predict MHC binding peptides can facilitate the resource-consuming effort of T cell epitope identification. We describe a new method for predicting MHC binding based on peptide property models constructed using biophysical parameters of the constituent amino acids and a training set of known binders. The models can be applied to development of anti-tumor vaccines by scanning proteins over-expressed in cancer cells for peptides that bind to a variety of MHC molecules. The complete algorithm is described and illustrated in the context of identifying candidate T cell epitopes for melanomas and breast cancers. We analyzed MART-1, S-100, MBP, and CD63 for melanoma and p53, MUC1, cyclin B1, HER-2/neu, and CEA for breast cancer. In general, proteins over-expressed in cancer cells may be identified using DNA microarray expression profiling. Comparisons of model predictions with available experimental data were assessed. The candidate epitopes identified by such a computational approach must be evaluated experimentally but the approach can provide an efficient and focused strategy for anti-cancer immunotherapy development.  相似文献   

The evaluation and characterization of epitope-specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-restricted memory T-cell reactivity is an important step for the development of preventive vaccines and peptide-based immunotherapies for viral and tumor diseases. The past decade has witnessed the use of HLA-restricted peptides as tools to activate strong immune responses of na?ve or memory T cells specifically. This has fuelled an active search for methodological approaches focusing on HLA and peptide associations. Here, we outline new perspective on the emerging opportunity of evaluating HLA and peptide restriction by using novel approaches, such as quantitative real-time PCR, that can identify epitope specificities that are potentially useful in clinical settings.  相似文献   

The lack of sufficient well-defined tumor-associated antigens is still a drawback on the way to a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-based immunotherapy of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We are trying to define a larger number of such targets by a combined approach involving HLA ligand characterization by mass spectrometry and gene expression profiling by oligonucleotide microarrays. Here, we present the results of a large-scale analysis of 13 RCC specimens. We were able to identify more than 700 peptides, mostly from self-proteins without any evident tumor association. However, some HLA ligands derived from previously known tumor antigens in RCC. In addition, gene expression profiling of tumors and a set of healthy tissues revealed novel candidate RCC-associated antigens. For several of them, we were able to characterize HLA ligands after extraction from the tumor tissue. Apart from universal RCC antigens, some proteins seem to be appropriate candidates in individual patients only. This underlines the advantage of a personalized therapeutic approach. Further analyses will contribute additional HLA ligands to this repertoire of universal as well as patient-individual tumor antigens.Tobias Krüger and Oliver Schoor contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The genetic polymorphism that has the greatest impact on immune control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is expression of HLA-B*57. Understanding of the mechanism for this strong effect remains incomplete. HLA-B*57 alleles and the closely related HLA-B*5801 are often grouped together because of their similar peptide-binding motifs and HIV disease outcome associations. However, we show here that the apparently small differences between HLA-B*57 alleles, termed HLA-B*57 micropolymorphisms, have a significant impact on immune control of HIV. In a study cohort of >2,000 HIV C-clade-infected subjects from southern Africa, HLA-B*5703 is associated with a lower viral-load set point than HLA-B*5702 and HLA-B*5801 (medians, 5,980, 15,190, and 19,000 HIV copies/ml plasma; P = 0.24 and P = 0.0005). In order to better understand these observed differences in HLA-B*57/5801-mediated immune control of HIV, we undertook, in a study of >1,000 C-clade-infected subjects, a comprehensive analysis of the epitopes presented by these 3 alleles and of the selection pressure imposed on HIV by each response. In contrast to previous studies, we show that each of these three HLA alleles is characterized both by unique CD8(+) T-cell specificities and by clear-cut differences in selection pressure imposed on the virus by those responses. These studies comprehensively define for the first time the CD8(+) T-cell responses and immune selection pressures for which these protective alleles are responsible. These findings are consistent with HLA class I alleles mediating effective immune control of HIV through the number of p24 Gag-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses generated that can drive significant selection pressure on the virus.  相似文献   

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that remains the leading vaccine-preventable cause of child mortality worldwide. Deaths from measles are due largely to an increased susceptibility to secondary bacterial and viral infections, attributed to a prolonged state of immune suppression. Several abnormalities of the immune system have been described, including changes in lymphocyte number and function, shifts in cytokine responses, immunomodulatory effects of interleukin-10, down regulation of interleukin-12, impaired antigen presentation, and altered interferon alpha/beta signaling pathways. Although the current vaccine is very effective, knowledge of the molecular basis of the immune responses to measles virus could contribute to the development of a safer, more immunogenic measles vaccine. However, the safety of new measles vaccines must be carefully investigated, as two measles vaccines have resulted in unintended immunologic consequences: atypical measles following administration of the formalin-inactivated measles vaccine and increased mortality in girls following administration of high-titer measles vaccines.  相似文献   

PAX3 is overexpressed in several human cancers and is absent from normal adult human tissues. It is known to have an oncogenic function in human malignancy, and is therefore a promising target for cancer immunotherapy. We screened the murine and human PAX3 amino acid sequences for peptides that bind common MHC class I types, and identified murine GVFINGRPL and human KLTEARVQV sequences. Mice immunised with either a selected PAX3 peptide, or with a PAX3 expressing DNA vector, developed specific anti-PAX3 immune responses that inhibited tumour growth. The intensity of the immune response was significantly enhanced by pulsing of the peptide onto dendritic cells. Anti-PAX3 T cell lines were established from splenocytes of immunised mice. Intravenous administration of anti-PAX3 T cells caused regression of established tumours indicating a promising clinical application for anti-PAX3 immunotherapy. The human peptide stimulated growth of similar T cell lines from peripheral blood of three out of three normal human blood donors. These showed specific cytotoxicity against a range of human PAX3+ and HLA-A2+ cancer cell lines. Moreover, an anti-PAX3 response was detected as a component of the anti-tumour immune response in a patient treated with lysate pulsed dendritic cell vaccination. The ability to generate strong and specific anti PAX3 immune responses from the T cell repertoire in both mice and humans, provides evidence for PAX3 as a promising target for immunotherapy of cancer.  相似文献   

Gene modification of tumor cells is commonly utilized in various strategies of immunotherapy preventive both as treatment and a means to modify tumor growth. Gene transfer prior to surgery as neoadjuvant therapy has not been studied systematically. We addressed, whether direct intra-tumoral injection of a recombinant adenovirus expressing the immunomodulatory molecule, heat shock protein 72 (ADHSP72), administered prior to surgery could result in sustainable anti-tumor immune responses capable of affecting tumor progression and survival in a number of different murine and rat tumor models. Using intra-dermal murine models of melanoma (B16), colorectal carcinoma (CT26), prostate cancer (TrampC2) and a rat model of glioblastoma (9L), tumors were treated with vehicle or GFP expressing adenovirus (ADGFP) or ADHSP72. Tumors were surgically excised after 72 h. Approximately 25–50% of animals in the ADHSP72 treatment group but not in control groups showed sustained resistance to subsequent tumor challenge. Tumor resistance was associated with development of anti-tumor cellular immune responses. Efficacy of ADHSP72 as neoadjuvant therapy was dependent on the size of the initial tumor with greater likelihood of immune response generation and tumor resistance associated with smaller tumor size at initial treatment. ADHSP72 neoadjuvant therapy resulted in prolonged survival of animals upon re-challenge with autologous tumor cells compared to ADGFP or vehicle control groups. To study the effects on tumor progression of distant metastases, a single tumor focus of animals with multifocal intra-dermal tumors was treated. ADHSP72 diminished progression of the secondary tumor focus and prolonged survival, but only when the secondary tumor focus was <50 mm3 . Our results indicate that gene modification of tumors prior to surgical intervention may be beneficial to prevent recurrence in specific circumstances.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes chronic infection in approximately two-thirds of cases, leading to chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver disease, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma in a substantial proportion of the 170 million HCV-infected individuals worldwide. It is generally accepted that the cellular immune response plays the most important role in determining the outcome of HCV infection. First, vigorous, multispecific and sustained CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses are associated with viral clearance. Second, depletion studies in chimpanzees, the only other host of HCV besides humans, have shown that both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells are required for virus elimination. Third, the host's human leukocyte antigen alleles, which restrict the repertoire of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses, influence the outcome of infection. Of note, protective immunity has been demonstrated in population-based studies, as well as in experimentally infected chimpanzees. Thus, a detailed understanding of the mechanisms contributing to the failure of the antiviral immune response should allow successful development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

Tumor growth and dissemination depend partly on the reactivity of natural killer (NK) cells and T cells expressing NK-associated receptors. Their effector functions are regulated by an array of activating and inhibitory cell surface receptors with MHC class I ligand specificity, such as the killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs). Given the extensive genomic diversity of KIRs and their HLA ligands, it is reasonable to speculate that HLA, KIR gene variations and specific KIR-ligand combinations will have an impact on disease susceptibility and/or progression. Here, we discuss how KIR genotypes and KIR/HLA immunogenetic profiles may be involved in tumorigenesis, especially in malignant melanoma (MM). A hypothetical model of the impact of KIR/ligand combinations on immune responses in MM is proposed.  相似文献   

Bla g allergens are major targets of IgE responses associated with cockroach allergies. However, little is known about corresponding T cell responses, despite their potential involvement in immunopathology and the clinical efficacy of specific immunotherapy. Bioinformatic predictions of the capacity of Bla g 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 peptides to bind HLA-DR, -DP, and -DQ molecules, and PBMC responses from 30 allergic donors, identified 25 T cell epitopes. Five immunodominant epitopes accounted for more than half of the response. Bla g 5, the most dominant allergen, accounted for 65% of the response, and Bla g 6 accounted for 20%. Bla g 5 induced both IL-5 and IFN-γ responses, whereas Bla g 6 induced mostly IL-5, and, conversely, Bla g 2 induced only IFN-γ. Thus, responses to allergens within a source are independently regulated, suggesting a critical role for the allergen itself, and not extraneous stimulation from other allergens or copresented immunomodulators. In comparing Ab with T cell responses for several donor/allergen combinations, we detected IgE titers in the absence of detectable T cell responses, suggesting that unlinked T cell-B cell help might support development of IgE responses. Finally, specific immunotherapy resulted in IL-5 down modulation, which was not associated with development of IFN-γ or IL-10 responses to any of the Bla g-derived peptides. In summary, the characteristics of T cell responses to Bla g allergens appear uncorrelated with IgE responses. Monitoring these responses may therefore yield important information relevant to understanding cockroach allergies and their treatment.  相似文献   

HLA expression in cancer: implications for T cell-based immunotherapy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Sette A  Chesnut R  Fikes J 《Immunogenetics》2001,53(4):255-263
HLA class I expression is altered in a significant fraction of the tumor types reviewed here, reflecting either immune pressure or, simply, the accumulation of pathological changes and alterations. However, in all tumor types analyzed, a majority of the tumors express HLA class I. with a general tendency for the more severe alterations to be found in later-stage and less differentiated tumors. These results are encouraging for the development of specific immunotherapies, especially considering that (1) the relatively low sensitivity of immunohistochemical techniques might underestimate HLA expression in tumors, (2) class I expression can be induced in tumor cells as a result of local inflammation and lymphokine release, and (3) class I-negative cells would be predicted to be sensitive to Iysis by natural killer cells.  相似文献   

Myiasis is responsible for significant losses to the livestock industry worldwide. Control programs have been successful in reducing the number of infested animals. However, serious concerns regarding the use of pesticides have prompted research into alternative strategies for pest control. In this article, Bob Baron and Doug Colwell discuss progress made towards the understanding of the immune response to Hypoderma spp and other myiasis-producing arthropods. Prospects for vaccination are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunization of amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice with fibrillar beta-amyloid (Abeta) prevents Alzheimer's disease (AD)-like neuropathology. The first immunotherapy clinical trial used fibrillar Abeta, containing the B and T cell self epitopes of Abeta, as the immunogen formulated with QS21 as the adjuvant in the vaccine. Unfortunately, the clinical trial was halted during the phase II stage when 6% of the participants developed meningoencephalitis. The cause of the meningoencephalitis in the patients that received the vaccine has not been definitively determined; however, analysis of two case reports from the AN-1792 vaccine trial suggest that the meningoencephalitis may have been caused by a T cell-mediated autoimmune response, whereas production of anti-Abeta Abs may have been therapeutic to the AD patients. Therefore, to reduce the risk of an adverse T cell-mediated immune response to Abeta immunotherapy we have designed a prototype epitope vaccine that contains the immunodominant B cell epitope of Abeta in tandem with the synthetic universal Th cell pan HLA DR epitope, pan HLA DR-binding peptide (PADRE). Importantly, the PADRE-Abeta(1-15) sequence lacks the T cell epitope of Abeta. Immunization of BALB/c mice with the PADRE-Abeta(1-15) epitope vaccine produced high titers of anti-Abeta Abs. Splenocytes from immunized mice showed robust T cell stimulation in response to peptides containing PADRE. However, splenocytes from immunized mice were not reactivated by the Abeta peptide. New preclinical trials in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mouse models may help to develop novel immunogen-adjuvant configurations with the potential to avoid the adverse events that occurred in the first clinical trial.  相似文献   

Preneoplastic lesions are more common than clinical cancer and define a population at increased risk for the development of malignancy. Recent studies suggest that the immune system has the capacity to recognize these lesions, and enrichment of preneoplasia-specific immune effectors can be detected in the tumor bed of some preneoplastic lesions such as monoclonal gammopathies. Here, I discuss the promise and challenges of harnessing the immune response against preneoplasia. Approaches to boost the natural host response to these lesions may have a major impact on reducing net cancer burden.  相似文献   

Kinetics and family transmission of antigen-specific in vitro cell-mediated responses were investigated in 68, and serum-antibody responses to tetanus toxoid (TT) in 73 individuals from a total of 12 families. Proliferative responses to highly purified TT monomer were studied in 6- to 7-day lymphocyte cultures. The effect of booster immunization was detectable 7 (D7) and 30 (D30), but not 120 days (D120) later. The sex of donors was not found to have any influence. A significant influence of the time interval since the last immunization was found for the responses at D7 and D30. Data were correspondingly adjusted for segregation and linkage analyses. Several transmission hypotheses for the data obtained at D7 and D30 were evaluated by likelihood ratio tests. Observations at D30 were compatible with the hypothesis of a control by a dominant genetic determinant for high responses closely linked to the major histocompatibility complex region. No such evidence could be found for D7. After booster immunization, mean antibody levels determined on D7, D30 (peak of response), and D120 were found to be higher than those prior to immunization (D0). The sex of the donors was found to have no influence on antibody responses. The time interval since the last immunization and the age of donors both had a slight influence, and data were correspondingly adjusted for segregation and linkage analyses, which showed no evidence of genetic control of the antibody responses or of linkage to HLA.  相似文献   

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