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In connection with our discovery of the adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanism (ACSM) of action of some peptides belonging to the insulin superfamily, a possibility of its involvement in action of another insulin superfamily peptide, relaxin, was studied. It was shown for the first time that human relaxin-2 (10–12–10–8 M) activated adenylyl cyclase (AC) in a dose-dependent manner. The maximal peptide effect was revealed at a concentration of 10–8 M. Under condition of the hormonal action the basal enzyme activity increased by +310% in human myometrium, by +117%, in rat skeletal muscles, and by +49%, in foot smooth muscles of the bivalve mollusc Anodonta cygnea. Insulin and mammalian insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) also produced the AC activating effect in these muscles. The order of efficiency of these peptides, based on their ability to induce the maximal AC stimulating effect, was as follows: relaxin > IGF-I > insulin (human myometrium); IGF-I > relaxin > insulin (rat skeletal muscle); insulin-like peptide of Anodonta (ILPA) > IGF-I > insulin > relaxin (molluscan muscle). The relaxin activating effect on AC was potentiated by a guanine nucleotide, the non-hydrolyzed analog of GTP, guanylylimidodiphosphate (Gpp[NH]p), which indicates participation of Gs-protein in realization of this effect. This effect was inhibited by a tyrosine kinase selective blocker, tyrphostin 47, and a phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI-3-K) selective blocker, wortmannin. Thus, for the first time, participation of ACSM in the relaxin action has been established. This mechanism, as suggested at the present time state of its study, includes the following signal pathway: receptor-tyrosine kinase PI-3-K Gs-protein AC.  相似文献   

1.The D2-type dopamine receptors are thought to inhibit adenylyl cyclase (AC), via coupling to pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G proteins of the Gi family. We examined whether and to what extent the various D2 receptors (D2S, D2L, D3S, D3L, and D4) couple to the PTX-insensitive G protein Gz, to produce inhibition of AC activity.2.COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with the individual murine dopamine receptors alone, as well as together with the subunit of Gz. PTX treatment was employed to inactivate endogenous i, and coupling to Gi and Gz was estimated by measuring the inhibition of cAMP accumulation induced by quinpirole, in forskolin-stimulated cells.3.D2S or D2L receptors can couple to the same extent to Gi and to Gz. The D4 dopamine receptor couples preferably to Gz, resulting in about 60% quinpirole-induced inhibition of cAMP accumulation. The D3S and D3L receptor isoforms couple slightly to Gz and result in 15 and 30% inhibition of cAMP accumulation, respectively.4.We have demonstrated for the first time that the two D3 receptor isoforms, and not any of the other D2 receptor subtypes, also couple to Gs in both COS-7 and CHO transfected cells, in the presence of PTX.5.Thus, the differential coupling of the D2 dopamine receptor subtypes to various G proteins may add another aspect to the diversity of dopamine receptor function.  相似文献   

In terms of the subsequent study of the earlier discovered adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanism of insulin action [1, 2], we studied participation in it of various isoforms of protein kinase C. As object of study, a culture of mouse fibroblast cells of the L line (LSM subline) was chosen. It has been shown that insulin and a non-hydrolyzed analog of GTP, Gpp[NH]p, stimulate the adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity in these cells both individually and in combination. Activators of phorbol-sensitive isoforms of protein kinase C, diacylglycerol and phorbol ester (phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate) at their concentrations of 1–100 nM stimulate basal activity of AC. In their presence, a significant decrease of stimulating effects of insulin and Gpp[NH]p or their complete disappearance are observed. Calphostin C (1–100 nM), an inhibitor of both phorbol-sensitive and atypical, phorbol-insensitive isoforms of protein kinase C, somewhat increased the basal AC activity. However, the stimulating effects of insulin and Gpp[NH]p in the presence of calphostin C decreased markedly. On the whole, the obtained data allow us to suggest participation of various isoforms of protein kinase C (sensitive and insensitive to the phorbol esters) in regulation of the process of the insulin signal transduction in mouse fibroblasts through the adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanism. Thus, mechanisms of functioning of the insulin-regulated AC-system in fibroblasts, representatives of connective tissue cells, are similar to those that we described earlier in muscle tissues of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Taken together, these data indicate the absence of tissue- and species-specificity in functioning of the insulin-regulated AC system and its wide spread in tissues of different animals.  相似文献   

This review considers the literature data and author's own results on the role of SH-groups in functioning of the hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase system (ACS). It has been shown that the state of SH-groups affects crucially all main stages of the hormonal signal transudation: the ligand-binding properties of receptor and its coupling to G-proteins, interaction of G-proteins with adenylyl cyclase (AC) and its catalytic activity. It is noted that for the receptors, coupled to AC by a stimulating mode, the central aspect of the SH-dependent regulation of ACS is shifted to the receptor, while for the receptors coupled to AC by an inhibiting mode, it coincides with G-protein of the inhibiting type, which is sensitive to the SH-group state. Based on the performed comparative analysis of primary structures of signalling proteins—ACS components and of literature data, there are revealed the cysteine residues determining the functional activity of these proteins in the process of the hormonal signal transudation. The conclusion is made that the SH-group state (the ratio of free SH-groups and disulfide bonds) is the main factor determining the ACS reactivity to hormonal effects and selectivity of process of the signal transudation.  相似文献   

A substantial body of evidence shows the capacity of the dopamine D3 receptor to couple functionally to G proteins when expressed in an appropriate milieu in heterologous expression systems. In these systems, activation of D3 receptors inhibits adenylate cyclase, modulates ion flow through potassium and calcium channels, and activates kinases, most notably mitogen-activated protein kinase. Coupling to Gi/Go is implicated in many of these effects, but other G proteins may contribute. Studies with chimeric receptors implicate the third intracellular loop in the mediation of agonist-induced signal transduction. Finally, D3-preferring drugs modulate expression of c-fos in neuronal cultures and brain. Signaling mechanisms of the D3 receptor in brain, however, remain to be definitively determined.  相似文献   

主要嗅觉表皮(main olfactory epithelium, MOE)是哺乳动物感知气味分子的主要嗅觉器官。在MOE组织内,大多数嗅觉神经元通过cAMP信号传导通路感知气味信息。作为嗅觉cAMP信号通路的主要成员之一,腺苷酸环化酶3(adenylyl cyclase 3, ac3)基因敲除小鼠嗅觉探测功能丧失。除cAMP信号传导通路外,MOE内AC3相关因子AC2和AC4,以及肌醇1,4,5-三磷酸(inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate,IP3)信号通路和Sonic Hedgehog(Shh)信号通路均有表达。然而,敲除ac3是否会对ac2和ac4以及IP3和Shh信号通路成员产生影响,尚不清楚。本文以AC3缺失(AC3-/-)及其野生型小鼠(AC3+/+)MOE为材料,采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)和免疫荧光组织化学方法,发现AC3缺失后,MOE内的ac2和ac4,以及IP3信号通路中的IP3受体ip3r1及钙调蛋白calm1和calm2表达水平均明显降低。Shh信号通路中的受体patched(ptch)与smoothened(smo)、以及核转录因子gli1与gli2的表达也受到了影响。总之,AC3基因缺失不但导致小鼠MOE组织中cAMP信号通路受损,同时AC3相关因子,IP3信号通路和Shh信号通路的传导也受到抑制。本文对于阐明AC3基因敲除小鼠嗅觉丧失的原因及其嗅觉探测机制具有重要启示作用。  相似文献   

The antisense strategy was used to unravel the functional contribution of the mRNAs encoding dopamine (DA) receptors to the multiple transduction mechanisms operated by DA in rat pituitary cells. An antisense oligonucleotide was designed to recognize seven nucleotides upstream and 11 nucleotides downstream from the initiation translation codon of the mRNA that encodes the DA D2 receptor. Addition of the antisense oligonucleotide for 7 days to primary culture of rat pituitary cells resulted in a decreased expression of DA D2 receptor as shown by (a) the virtual disappearance of [3H]spiroperidol binding sites and (b) the marked reduction in the levels of both the long and the short splice variant of the D2 receptor mRNAs. After this treatment, the DA D2 receptor agonist bromocriptine lost its capability both to inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity and to reduce prolactin mRNA levels. On the contrary, the inhibition of prolactin release induced by bromocriptine was affected minimally by the antisense oligonucleotide treatment. These data indicate that (a) translation of the mRNA encoding DA D2 receptors results in receptors that are negatively coupled with adenylyl cyclase and functionally linked to inhibition of prolactin synthesis; and (b) the release of prolactin might be regulated, at least in part, by a DA receptor that is encoded by mRNA species distinct from those encoding the D2 receptor.  相似文献   

We investigated the regulatory effects of GRK2 on D2 dopamine receptor signaling and found that this kinase inhibits both receptor expression and functional signaling in a phosphorylation-independent manner, apparently through different mechanisms. Overexpression of GRK2 was found to suppress receptor expression at the cell surface and enhance agonist-induced internalization, whereas short interfering RNA knockdown of endogenous GRK2 led to an increase in cell surface receptor expression and decreased agonist-mediated endocytosis. These effects were not due to GRK2-mediated phosphorylation of the D2 receptor as a phosphorylation-null receptor mutant was regulated similarly, and overexpression of a catalytically inactive mutant of GRK2 produced the same effects. The suppression of receptor expression is correlated with constitutive association of GRK2 with the receptor complex as we found that GRK2 and several of its mutants were able to co-immunoprecipitate with the D2 receptor. Agonist pretreatment did not enhance the ability of GRK2 to co-immunoprecipitate with the receptor. We also found that overexpression of GRK2 attenuated the functional coupling of the D2 receptor and that this activity required the kinase activity of GRK2 but did not involve receptor phosphorylation, thus suggesting the involvement of an additional GRK2 substrate. Interestingly, we found that the suppression of functional signaling also required the Gβγ binding activity of GRK2 but did not involve the GRK2 N-terminal RH domain. Our results suggest a novel mechanism by which GRK2 negatively regulates G protein-coupled receptor signaling in a manner that is independent of receptor phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Adenosine A2a receptor (A2aR) colocalizes with dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) in the basal ganglia and modulates D2R-mediated dopaminergic activities. A2aR and D2R couple to stimulatory and inhibitory G proteins, respectively. Their opposing roles in regulating neuronal activities, such as locomotion and alcohol consumption, are mediated by their opposite actions on adenylate cyclase, which often serves as “co-incidence detector” of various activators. On the other hand, the neural actions of A2aR and D2R are also, at least partially, independent of each other, as indicated by studies using D2R and A2aR knock-out mice. Here we co-expressed human A2aR and human D2LR in CHO cells and examined their signaling characteristics. Human A2aR desensitized rapidly upon agonist stimulation. A2aR activity (80%) was diminished after 2 hr of pretreatment with its agonist CGS21680. In contrast, human D2LR activity was sustained even after 2 hr and 18 hr pretreatment with its agonist quinpirole. Long-term (18 hr) stimulation of human D2LR also increased basal cAMP levels in CHO cells, whereas long-term (18 hr) activation of human A2aR did not affect basal cAMP levels. Furthermore, long-term (18 hr) activation of D2LR dramatically sensitized A2aR-induced stimulation of adenylate cyclase in a pertussis toxin-sensitive way. Forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation was significantly increased after short-term (2 hr) human D2LR stimulation and further elevated after long-term (18 hr) D2LR activation. However, neither short-term (2 hr) nor long-term (18 hr) stimulation of A2aR affected the inhibitory effects of D2LR on adenylate cyclase. Co-stimulation of A2aR and D2LR could not induce desensitization or sensitization of D2LR either. In summary, signaling t hrough A2aR and D2LR is distinctive and synergistic, supporting their unique and yet integrative roles in regulating neuronal functions when both receptors are present.  相似文献   

主要嗅觉表皮组织(MOE)是哺乳动物感知气味分子的重要器官,气味诱导是嗅觉受体神经元(ORN)活动的起点,嗅觉受体(OR)结合气味分子后通过环腺苷酸(cAMP)信号通路向下游传递信号。腺苷酸环化酶3(AC3)是此通路中的重要分子。为了探讨AC3缺失对小鼠MOE内ORs基因表达的影响,本文以AC3敲除型小鼠(AC3-/-)和野生型小鼠(AC3+/+)为材料,采用荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)、荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术分析了部分ORs基因及与其相关因子在MOE中的表达。qRT-PCR表明,3月龄AC3-/-小鼠MOE中嗅觉受体 Olfr15、Olfr16、Olfr533、Olfr536、Olfr1507和Olfr642的表达量均显著下降。出生后PND7、PND30和PND90 三个不同发育时期的AC3-/-小鼠MOE原位杂交显示,嗅觉受体Olfr15、Olfr536和Olfr1507表达的细胞数目均减少。进一步qRT-PCR分析发现,3月龄AC3-/-小鼠嗅觉受体相关因子Rtp1、Rtp2、Reep1、Lhx2、Emx2和Ric-8b的表达也均发生显著下调。由此推测,AC3缺失导致的ORs及其相关因子的表达下调可能是嗅觉行为障碍的原因之一。  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite a high degree of sequence homology, the dopamine D2 and D3 receptors have substantially different second messenger coupling properties. We have used chimeric D2/D3 receptors to investigate the contribution of the intracellular loops to the signaling properties of these receptors. In HEK 293 cells, D2 receptors inhibit prostaglandin E1-stimulated cyclic AMP levels by >90%, whereas D3 receptors inhibit cyclic AMP accumulation by only 20%. In chimeras that have the second or third intracellular loop, or both loops simultaneously, switched between the D2 and D3 receptors, the maximal inhibition of adenylyl cyclase is 60–90%. In addition, the potency of quinpirole to inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity at some of the chimeras is altered compared with the wild-type receptors. It appears that the intracellular loops of the D3 receptor are capable of interacting with G proteins, as when these loops are expressed in the D2 receptor, the chimeras inhibit adenylyl cyclase similarly to the wild-type D2 receptor. Our data suggest that the overall conformation of the D3 receptor may be such that it interacts with G proteins only weakly, but when the intracellular loops are expressed in another context or the D3 receptor structure is altered by the introduction of D2 receptor sequence, this constraint may be lifted.  相似文献   

The dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) is a key receptor that mediates dopamine-associated brain functions such as mood, reward, and emotion. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is a proline-directed serine/threonine kinase whose function has been implicated in the brain reward circuit. In this study, we revealed that the serine 321 residue (S321) in the third intracellular loop of DRD2 (D2i3) is a novel regulatory site of Cdk5. Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation of S321 in the D2i3 was observed in in vitro and cell culture systems. We further observed that the phosphorylation of S321 impaired the agonist-stimulated surface expression of DRD2 and decreased G protein coupling to DRD2. Moreover, the downstream cAMP pathway was affected in the heterologous system and in primary neuronal cultures from p35 knockout embryos likely due to the reduced inhibitory activity of DRD2. These results indicate that Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation of S321 inhibits DRD2 function, providing a novel regulatory mechanism for dopamine signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sodium is generally required for optimal inhibition of adenylyl cyclase by Gl/o-coupled receptors. Canna-binoids bind to specific receptors that act like other members of the Gl/o-coupled receptor superfamily to inhibit adenylyl cyclase. However, assay of cannabinoid inhibition of adenylyl cyclase in rat cerebellar membranes revealed that concentrations of NaCI ranging from 0 to 150 mM had no effect on agonist inhibition. This lack of effect of sodium was not unique to cannabinoid receptors, because the same results were observed using baclofen as an agonist for GABAB receptors in cerebellar membranes. The lack of sodium dependence was region-specific, because assay of cannabinoid and opioid inhibition of adenylyl cyclase in striatum revealed an expected sodium dependence, with 50 mM NaCI providing maximal inhibition levels by both sets of agonists. This difference in sodium requirements between these two regions was maintained at the G protein level, because agonist-stimulated low Km GTPase activity was maximal at 50 mM NaCI in striatal membranes, but was maximal in the absence of NaCI in cerebellar membranes. Assay of [3H]WIN 55212–2 binding in cerebellar membranes revealed that the binding of this labeled agonist was sensitive to sodium and guanine nucleotides like other Gl/o-coupled receptors, because both NaCI and the nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue Gpp(NH)p significantly inhibited binding. These results suggest that differences in receptor-G protein coupling exist for cannabinoid receptors between these two brain regions.  相似文献   

Under normal conditions the brain maintains a delicate balance between inputs of reward seeking controlled by neurons containing the D1-like family of dopamine receptors and inputs of aversion coming from neurons containing the D2-like family of dopamine receptors. Cocaine is able to subvert these balanced inputs by altering the cell signaling of these two pathways such that D1 reward seeking pathway dominates. Here, we provide an explanation at the cellular and biochemical level how cocaine may achieve this. Exploring the effect of cocaine on dopamine D2 receptors function, we present evidence of σ1 receptor molecular and functional interaction with dopamine D2 receptors. Using biophysical, biochemical, and cell biology approaches, we discovered that D2 receptors (the long isoform of the D2 receptor) can complex with σ1 receptors, a result that is specific to D2 receptors, as D3 and D4 receptors did not form heteromers. We demonstrate that the σ1-D2 receptor heteromers consist of higher order oligomers, are found in mouse striatum and that cocaine, by binding to σ1 -D2 receptor heteromers, inhibits downstream signaling in both cultured cells and in mouse striatum. In contrast, in striatum from σ1 knockout animals these complexes are not found and this inhibition is not seen. Taken together, these data illuminate the mechanism by which the initial exposure to cocaine can inhibit signaling via D2 receptor containing neurons, destabilizing the delicate signaling balance influencing drug seeking that emanates from the D1 and D2 receptor containing neurons in the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: Long-term (48-h) forskolin treatment of rat astroglial cells led to a slight decrease (30–40%) in the response to isoproterenol, vasoactive-intestinal peptide, guanyl 5'-(βγ-imido)diphosphate, guanosine 5'- O -(3-thiotriphosphate) [GTP(S)], and AIF4 in crude membrane fractions. In contrast, the acute stimulatory effect of forskolin was increased by 1.25–1.5-fold. These two opposite effects of forskolin were mediated by a cyclic AMP-dependent mechanism. No changes in Gsα, Giα, or Gβ protein levels could be determined by immunoblotting using specific antisera. No significant differences were observed in the ability of G proteins extracted from control and forskolin-treated cells to reconstitute a full adenylyl cyclase activity in membranes from S49 cyc cells, lacking Gsα protein. Gsα proteins were detected in two pools of membranes, one in the heavy sucrose fractions and the other in light sucrose fractions. Forskolin treatment of the cells shifted Gsα protein toward the light-density membranes. We did not find any significant change in the distribution of adenylyl cyclase. In contrast to the decreased stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity by agonists acting via Gsα, observed in the crude membrane fraction, the responses of adenylyl cyclase to forskolin as well as to GTP(S) were increased in the purified plasma membrane fractions. These results may indicate that sensitization of the catalyst appears to be the dominant component in the astroglial cell response to long-term treatment by forskolin.  相似文献   

Effects of glucagon and biogenic amines as well as of non-hormonal agents (manganese cations, forskolin, guanine nucleotides) on activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC) was studied in the infusorian Tetrahymena pyriformis, a representative of unicellular eukaryotes. The infusorian cultures at different growth stages were chosen for the study. It has been revealed that the AC basal activity measured in the cultures at the stationary stage is much lower than in those at the exponential stage. The stimulating effects of hormones (glucagon, serotonin, isoproterenol) and of non-hormonal agents were shown to depend markedly on the tetrahymena AC basal activity. These effects are pronounced at the stationary stage of growth (the low basal activity), whereas in cultures at the active division stage (the high basal activity) they either are reduced or change their sign to opposite (inhibition of AC activity. The obtained results not only are another evidence in favor of the existence of the functionally active ACS in lower eukaryotes, but also indicate an important role of this system in regulation of sensitivity of infusoria at different growth stages to external actions.  相似文献   

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