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An annual organic matter budget for a 1700 m segment of Fort River (Massachusetts, USA) is presented. Primary production in this fourth order stream exceeds litter input annually, however ecosystem P/R is 0.5. Respiration in excess of gross primary production is supported by allochthonous organic matter imported from upstream reaches. The relative contribution of organic matter size fractions to stream consumers depends upon biologic lability, rate of input, and residence time in the ecosystem. Particles of seston size (1 μm to 1 mm) are most heavily used by consumers, however dissolved organic matter represents the largest input component. Microorganisms are the predominant consumers in this soft-water, nutrient-poor stream ecosystem. A conceptual model for assessing the processing efficiency of stream ecosystems is presented and discussed in terms of several headwater to estuary gradients.  相似文献   

Leaf litter is a major basal resource to stream ecosystems, but few studies addressed their role in karst systems, mainly in intermittent springs and lakes. Patterns of resource use in perennial rivers are poorly known, although the input of leaf litter strongly influences macroinvertebrate assemblage structure. In this study, we evaluated the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages along the decomposition of leaf litter in a tropical karst river, using leaf litter cages made of coarse nylon mesh (25 mm) to allow colonization by macroinvertebrates. The experiment was followed weekly for 10 weeks. The assemblages were dominated by snails (90.5% of total fauna), hyalellid amphipods, and larval chironomid midges, with highest abundances in the intermediate stages of the experiment, resulting in a gradient in assemblage structure. The large abundance of snails, which are common in other karst systems, suggest that this group may have an important role in decomposer food webs, facilitating or directly contributing to leaf breakdown. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Kelley  R. H.  Jack  J. D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,482(1-3):41-47
Litter decomposition in temporary aquatic environments has not been experimentally studied as much as it has in perennial systems. However, litter is likely a critical resource for organisms inhabiting ephemeral aquatic habitats. In this study, we used litterbags under different conditions of submergence and water physical and chemical properties/characteristics to study mass and nutrient losses of terrestrial materials in an ephemeral karst lake in south-central Kentucky (USA). In the first experiment, which was designed to compare decomposition rates in submerged and dry sites, total mass and carbon declined more rapidly in the litter at fully submerged sites than in dry sites. In the second experiment, which was designed to compare decomposition rates in two different submerged environments, total mass and carbon showed similar decomposition trends between the two submerged areas with different seasonal temperature patterns. Nitrogen patterns were variable but in general nitrogen levels increased in the litter in both experiments over a period of several months. These results are similar to those found in some perennially inundated systems and indicate that litter decomposition dynamics in this temporary lake can be greatly affected by lake hydrology. Year-to-year variations in hydrology may thus have strong impacts on nutrient and energy release within this system, which may affect the organisms within this karst lake and in other areas of the karst ecosystem that are ecologically connected to it.  相似文献   

1. The single station diel oxygen curve method was used to determine the response of system metabolism to backfilling of a flood control canal and restoration of flow through the historic river channel of the Kissimmee River, a sub‐tropical, low gradient, blackwater river in central Florida, U.S.A. Gross primary productivity (GPP), community respiration (CR), the ratio of GPP/CR (P/R) and net daily metabolism (NDM) were estimated before and after canal backfilling and restoration of continuous flow through the river channel. 2. Restoration of flow through the river channel significantly increased reaeration rates and mean dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations from <2 mg L−1 before restoration of flow to 4.70 mg L−1 after flow was restored. 3. Annual GPP and CR rates were 0.43 g O2 m−2 day−1 and 1.61 g O2 m−2 day−1 respectively, before restoration of flow. After restoration of flow, annual GPP and CR rates increased to 3.95 O2 m−2 day−1 and 9.44 g O2 m−2 day−1 respectively. 4. The ratio of P/R (mean of monthly values) increased from 0.29 during the prerestoration period to 0.51 after flow was restored, indicating an increase in autotrophic processes in the restored river channel. NDM values became more negative after flow was restored. 5. After flow was restored, metabolism parameters were generally similar to those reported for other blackwater river systems in the southeast U.S.A. Postrestoration DO concentrations met target values derived from free flowing, minimally impacted reference streams.  相似文献   

三峡地区香溪河流域不同树种叶片凋落物的分解   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈书秀  江明喜 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2905-2912
在香溪河流域1160m、930m、658m 3个海拔梯度,利用网袋法,研究黄栌(Cotinus coggygria var.pubescens)、五裂槭(Acer oliverianum)、扇叶槭(Acer flabellatum)3个树种叶片凋落物在河流中和河岸陆地的分解速度和分解动态.结果表明,分解进行90d,叶片凋落物干重流失率为13﹪~74﹪.凋落物的干物质重量流失速度符合指数衰减方程(p<0.05).叶片凋落物分解前3d干物质迅速淋洗,在河流中,凋落物干重淋洗率为9﹪~18﹪,河岸陆地为4﹪~9﹪.叶片凋落物在河流中分解30d后,分解速度趋于稳定.叶片凋落物在河岸陆地分解90d的过程中,分解速度呈现一定的波动性.黄栌叶片的分解为中速(分解系数k值为0.0043~0.0079d^-1),显著慢于五裂槭和扇叶槭.五裂槭和扇叶槭作为同属物种,叶片的分解速度之间没有显著差异,在海拔1160m和930m河流中为快速分解(分解系数k值为0.0101~0.0140d^-1),在海拔658m河流中为中速分解(分解系数k值分别为0.0084d^-1、0.0078d^-1).扇叶槭在河岸陆地的分解速度在3个海拔间差异较小,干物质流失均缓慢,分解速度(分解系数k为0.0027~0.0036d^-1)显著低于河流.方差分析结果表明,海拔梯度与叶片凋落物的分解速度之间没有显著相关性(p>0.05).河流中叶片凋落物在春夏季节的快速分解对底栖生物群落和下游养分循环有重要作用.  相似文献   

1. Cladophora glomerata is the dominant filamentous green alga in the tailwaters of the Colorado River, U.S.A., below Glen Canyon Dam, but becomes co-dominant with filamentous cyanobacteria, Oscillatoria spp., below the confluence of the Paria River (26km below the dam) where suspended sediments are elevated. 2. Benthic algal assemblages played an important role in the distribution of the amphipod, Gammarus lacustris, in the dam-controlled Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Cladophara and G. lacustris showed a weak positive relationship at ten cobble-riffle habitats in the Colorado River from Lees Ferry (25km below the dam) to Diamond Creek (362km downstream), while no relationship was found between Oscillatoria and G. lacustris. 3. The relationship between algal substrata and G. lacustris was tested by a series of in situ habitat choice experiments. G. lacustris showed a significant preference for Cladophora (with epiphytes) over Oscillatoria spp., detritus and gravel in treatment pans at Lees Ferry. 4. Epiphytic diatoms (i.e. food) were the overriding determinant of subtratum choice by G. lacustris in laboratory experiments. Gammarus chose the Cladophora/epiphytic diatom community over sonicated Cladophora with few diatoms. The amphipods also chose string soaked in diatom extract over string without diatom extract. 5. Importance of mutualistic interactions in aquatic benthic community structure is discussed.  相似文献   

One of the largest riparian restoration projects in the United States is currently taking place in California on the Sacramento River. Nearly 2,000 ha of land adjacent to the river channel have been revegetated with native riparian species in an effort to reestablish riparian forests. The objective of this study was to compare leaf litter decomposition rates in restored riparian forests to those in mature, naturally established riparian forests, in order to monitor the development of this ecosystem function in restored forests. Leaf litter decomposition rates were measured over 1 year in six restored riparian forests (4, 7, and 9 years old) and two mature remnant riparian forests (>50 years old), in order to test two hypotheses: (1) decomposition rates of restored and mature forests are significantly different and (2) decomposition rates in the chronosequence of restored forests are moving along a trajectory, approaching the decomposition rates characteristic of mature forests as they age. Statistical analyses revealed no significant differences in annual decay rates among the four different forest ages and no trajectory among leaf litter decomposition rates in restored forests. These results suggest that a functionally equivalent process of leaf litter decomposition occurs in both restored and naturally established forests and show promise for the efficiency of nutrient cycling processes in these restored forests.  相似文献   

In order to better determine the currentstatus of desert pupfish populations (Cyprinodon macularius macularius) in the LowerColorado River Basin of Mexico, bimonthly fishsampling and habitat evaluations were carriedout from September 1996 to August 1997 in sixlocalities of Baja California and Sonora.Desert pupfish were collected using minnowseines and traps. Four sampling sites are inSonora, in shallow marginal habitats of theCiénega Santa Clara (Hunters' Camp, Outletof the Welton-Mohawk channel, El Doctor andFlor del Desierto) and two are in BajaCalifornia (Cerro Prieto and streams south ofCerro Prieto). The most abundant fish speciessampled was native desert pupfish (C.macularius, 59%) followed by sailfin molly(Poecilia latipinna, 19%), redbellytilapia (Tilapia cf. zilli, 10%) and western mosquito fish (Gambusiaaffinis, 7%). Significant temporalfluctuations in distribution and abundance ofdesert pupfish populations, as previouslyreported for these populations, was againdocumented. The main anthropogenic factorsaffecting distribution and abundance of desertpupfish populations in the Mexican portion ofthe Lower Colorado River Basin are progressivealteration of aquatic and riparian habitats, aswell as presence of exotic fishes that havecaused the displacement or elimination ofnative fish populations. Both habitat andpresence of the desert pupfish populations inthe study area are controlled by theperiodicity, quality and volume of dischargesinto the Mexican portion of the basin from theUnited States.  相似文献   

The longitudinal distribution and seasonal fluctuation of phytoplankton communities was studied along the middle to lower part of a regulated river system (Nakdong River, Korea). Phytoplankton biomass decreased sharply in the middle part of the river (182 km upward the estuary dam), and then increased downstream reaching a maximum at the last sampling station (27 km upward the estuary dam). In contrast, there was little downstream fluctuation in species composition, irrespective of pronounced differences in nutrient concentrations (TN, TP, NO3, NH4, PO4) as well as in algal biomass. In the main river channel, small centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana) and pennate diatoms (Synedra, Fragilaria, Nitzschia) were dominant from winter to early spring (November–April). A mixed community of cryptomonads, centric and pennate diatoms, and coenobial greens (Pediastrum, Scenedesmus) was dominant in late spring (May–June). Blue-green algae (Anabaena, Microcystis, Oscillatoria) were dominant in the summer (July–September). A mid-summer Microcystis bloom occurred at all study sites during the dry season, when discharge was low, though the nutrient concentration varied in each study site. Nutrients appeared everywhere to be in excess of algal requirement and apparently did not influence markedly the downstream and seasonal phytoplankton compositional differences in this river.  相似文献   

1. Knowledge of synchrony in trends is important to determining regional responses of lakes to disturbances such as atmospheric deposition and climate change. We explored the temporal coherence of physical and chemical characteristics of two series of mostly alpine lakes in nearby basins of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Using year‐to‐year variation over a 10‐year period, we asked whether lakes more similar in exposure to the atmosphere be‐haved more similarly than those with greater influence of catchment or in‐lake processes. 2. The Green Lakes Valley and Loch Vale Watershed are steeply incised basins with strong altitudinal gradients. There are glaciers at the heads of each catchment. The eight lakes studied are small, shallow and typically ice‐covered for more than half the year. Snowmelt is the dominant hydrological event each year, flushing about 70% of the annual discharge from each lake between April and mid‐July. The lakes do not thermally stratify during the period of open water. Data from these lakes included surface water temper‐ature, sulphate, nitrate, calcium, silica, bicarbonate alkalinity and conductivity. 3. Coherence was estimated by Pearson's correlation coefficient between lake pairs for each of the different variables. Despite close geographical proximity, there was not a strong direct signal from climatic or atmospheric conditions across all lakes in the study. Individual lake characteristics overwhelmed regional responses. Temporal coherence was higher for lakes within each basin than between basins and was highest for nearest neighbours. 4. Among the Green Lakes, conductivity, alkalinity and temperature were temporally coherent, suggesting that these lakes were sensitive to climate fluctuations. Water tem‐perature is indicative of air temperature, and conductivity and alkalinity concentrations are indicative of dilution from the amount of precipitation flushed through by snowmelt. 5. In Loch Vale, calcium, conductivity, nitrate, sulphate and alkalinity were temporally coherent, while silica and temperature were not. This suggests that external influences are attenuated by internal catchment and lake processes in Loch Vale lakes. Calcium and sulphate are primarily weathering products, but sulphate derives both from deposition and from mineral weathering. Different proportions of snowmelt versus groundwater in different years could influence summer lake concentrations. Nitrate is elevated in lake waters from atmospheric deposition, but the internal dynamics of nitrate and silica may be controlled by lake food webs. Temperature is attenuated by inconsistently different climates across altitude and glacial meltwaters. 6. It appears that, while the lakes in the two basins are topographically close, geologically and morphologically similar, and often connected by streams, only some attributes are temporally coherent. Catchment and in‐lake processes influenced temporal patterns, especially for temperature, alkalinity and silica. Montane lakes with high altitudinal gradients may be particularly prone to local controls compared to systems where coherence is more obvious.  相似文献   

Zooplankton, benthos and associated physico-chemical conditions were sampled in coal strip-mine ponds in northwestern Colorado from June 1977 to May 1978. Two spoils ponds derived all of their drainage from the coal mine, but differed in age; one pond received only partial drainage from mine spoils; a control pond was located in an adjacent drainage basin. Acid mine drainage was not observed, although total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrate and sulfate values were higher in the spoils ponds than in the control pond. Net zooplankton were less abundant in the spoils ponds, although standing stock of benthos exhibited a progressive decrease from the youngest spoils pond to the control pond. Zooplankton and benthos species diversity values were lower in the ponds affected by mine drainage. Certain groups of zooplankters (Cladocera) and benthos (Trichoptera, Amphipoda, Hydracarina, and Sphaeriidae) were rare or absent in the youngest spoils pond. Percentage Similarity Coefficients indicate that colonization phenomena (age and distance from a source of colonizers) may be responsible, in part, for the faunal differences between ponds, since the higher levels of nitrate, sulfate, and TDS in the spoils ponds were generally within the tolerance range of aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

South Park is a high‐elevation, semi‐arid, treeless intermountain basin in central Colorado. A few extreme rich fens occur on the western margin and in the center of South Park where regional and local groundwater flow systems discharge to the ground surface. Over the past 40 years there has been extensive peat mining in these fens, but restoration methods have yet to be developed and successfully applied. The first part of this study compared the naturally reestablished vegetation on six mined peatlands with six pristine sites, while the second part of the study tested different revegetation techniques in 27 plots with varying depths to the water table. The six mined sites had only 30 plant species as compared with 122 species in the unmined sites; 43% of the species in the mined sites were not present in the undisturbed fens. Even after 40 years the sedges and willows that dominate the undisturbed sites were largely absent on the mined sites. The revegetation experiments seeded eight species, transplanted Carex aquatilis (water sedge) seedlings, transplanted rhizomes from six species, and transplanted four species of willow cuttings. Of the eight species seeded, only Triglochin maritima (arrowgrass) germinated and established seedlings. C. aquatilis seedlings, rhizome transplants of C. aquatilis, Kobresia simpliciuscula (elk sedge), and Juncus arcticus (arctic rush), and willow cuttings all had differing patterns of survival with respect to the annual maximum height of the water table. These results indicate that the dominant species can be successfully reintroduced to mined surfaces with the appropriate hydrologic conditions, but human intervention will be necessary to rapidly re‐establish these species. The slow rate of peat accumulation means that restoration of the mined fens will require hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  相似文献   

用Gessner等提出的树叶凋落物分解模式对横石水河的功能完整性和生态系统健康进行评价,对比了藜蒴和荷木2个树种的树叶凋落物在横石水河各污染样点和未受污染样点的分解速率.结果表明:藜蒴和荷木树叶凋落物在研究区污染样点的分解速率均显著低于清洁样点(P<0.05);根据Gessner模式,各污染样点的环境得分均为0,而各清洁样点的环境得分均为2,表明横石水河污染河段的健康状态已受到严重破坏.研究区生态系统健康的生物学评价与水质分析结果一致,表明树叶凋落物分解模式是一个合适的评价河流状态的指数.  相似文献   

Geomorphology and fish assemblages in a Piedmont river basin, U.S.A.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. We investigated linkages between fishes and fluvial geomorphology in 31 wadeable streams in the Etowah River basin in northern Georgia, U.S.A. Streams were stratified into three catchment sizes of approximately 15, 50 and 100 km2, and fishes and geomorphology were sampled at the reach scale (i.e. 20–40 times stream width). 2. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) identified 85% of the among‐site variation in fish assemblage structure and identified strong patterns in species composition across sites. Assemblages shifted from domination by centrarchids, and other pool species that spawn in fine sediments and have generalised food preferences, to darter‐cyprinid‐redhorse sucker complexes that inhabit riffles and runs, feed primarily on invertebrates, and spawn on coarser stream beds. 3. Richness and density were correlated with basin area, a measure of stream size, but species composition was best predicted (i.e. |r| between 0.60–0.82) by reach‐level geomorphic variables (stream slope, bed texture, bed mobility and tractive force) that were unrelated to stream size. Stream slope was the dominant factor controlling stream habitat. Low slope streams had smaller bed particles, more fines in riffles, lower tractive force and greater bed mobility compared with high slope streams. 4. Our results contrast with the ‘River Continuum Concept’ which argues that stream assemblages vary predictably along stream size gradients. Our findings support the ‘Process Domains Concept’, which argues that local‐scale geomorphic processes determine the stream habitat and disturbance regimes that influence stream communities.  相似文献   

We examined how community composition of benthic invertebrates was related to current velocities and other environmental variables within the Sacramento River in California, USA. Invertebrates were collected in 1998 and 1999 from 10 sites over a gradient of 187 river kilometers. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that current velocity was the most important variable explaining community composition. Other predicator variables that influenced community composition included periphyton biomass, altitude, and disturbance. Because of the importance of velocity in structuring benthic communities in this system, alterations of flow caused by changes in river regulation structures should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Determining the source and flow of carbon, energy and nutrients through food webs is essential for understanding ecological connectivity and thus determining the impact of management practices on biodiversity. We combined DNA sequencing, microarrays and stable isotope analyses to test whether this approach would allow us to resolve the carbon flows through food webs in a weir pool on the lower Murray River, a highly impacted, complex and regulated ecosystem in southern Australia. We demonstrate that small fish in the Murray River consume a wide range of food items, but that a significant component of carbon and nitrogen entering the food web during dry periods in summer, but not spring, is derived from nonconventional sources other than in-channel primary producers. This study also showed that isotopic analyses alone cannot distinguish food sources and that a combined approach is better able to elucidate food-consumer dynamics. Our results highlight that a major river ecosystem, stressed by reduced environmental flows, can rapidly undergo significant and previously undetected changes that impact on the ecology of the system as a whole.  相似文献   

Comparisons of litter standing-stocks in low-lying and higher areas of the floodplain and the effects of controlled flooding events on leaf litter decomposition and leaf litter nutrients were examined during autumn and winter in a southeastern Australian river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) floodplain forest. The mean mass of total litter and some litter components was significantly greater in autumn than in winter but there were few differences in litter mass between low-lying flood runners and higher sites (1.5 m) on the floodplain, regardless of season. Leaf decomposition was more rapid in flooded areas than in non-flooded areas and was significantly faster in autumn than in winter. In flooded leaves, concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen dropped rapidly during the first 3 days of each experiment, increased to near original after 7–10 weeks and then decreased again. After 112 days of decomposition the C:N:P ratios of leaf litter increased, but this effect was most marked for flooded leaves. Simple models of leaf litter dynamics indicated that leaf litter standing-stocks in low-lying flood runners would be reduced by flooding, particularly during autumn. In contrast, models predicted a net gain in standing-stocks of leaf litter to be higher on the floodplain, particularly in autumn. Alteration to the seasonal timing of floods by river regulation has probably decreased litter standing-stocks and nutrients available in low-lying areas of the floodplain to support the production of macrophytes and biofilms during winter and spring floods.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that temperate stream fishes alter habitat use in response to changing water temperature and stream discharge was evaluated over a 1 year period in the Neosho River, Kansas, U.S.A. at two spatial scales. Winter patterns differed from those of all other seasons, with shallower water used less frequently, and low‐flow habitat more frequently, than at other times. Non‐random habitat use was more frequent at the point scale (4·5 m2) than at the larger reach scale (20–40 m), although patterns at both scales were similar. Relative to available habitats, assemblages used shallower, swifter‐flowing water as temperature increased, and shallower, slower‐flowing water as river discharge increased. River discharge had a stronger effect on assemblage habitat use than water temperature. Proportion of juveniles in the assemblage did not have a significant effect. This study suggests that many riverine fishes shift habitats in response to changing environmental conditions, and supports, at the assemblage level, the paradigm of lotic fishes switching from shallower, high‐velocity habitats in summer to deeper, low‐velocity habitats in winter, and of using shallower, low‐velocity habitats during periods of high discharge. Results also indicate that different species within temperate river fish assemblages show similar habitat use patterns at multiple scales in response to environmental gradients, but that non‐random use of available habitats is more frequent at small scales.  相似文献   

Organic material transport in the New River, Virginia, was investigated over a 12 month period. Collections were made using drift nets and grab water samples from bridges at two sites about 210 km apart. About midway between the two sampling sites is a 1920 ha impoundment used for flood control and power generation. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) ranged 1–50 mg l–1 at Site 1, upstream from the impoundment, and 11–19 mg l–1 at Site 2 and was the most abundant form of organic matter at both sites during most periods of the year. Fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) ranged 1–45 mg l–1 at Site 1 and 1–9 mg l–1 at Site 2. Concentration of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) ranged 0.1–0.7 mg l–1 at Site 1 and 0.1–0.2 mg l–1 at Site 2. On an annual basis, the organic matter loads at Site 1 and Site 2 were computed to be 67 000 and 76 800 T y–1, respectively, suggesting that the impoundment trapped and processed POM, and that municipal and industrial treatment facilities between the study sites supplemented DOM in the river.  相似文献   

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