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Inducible nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) was expressed and purified in the absence of 6(R)-tetrahydro-l-biopterin (H(4)B). Pterin-free NOS exhibits a Soret band (416-420 nm) characteristic of predominantly low spin heme and does not catalyze the formation of nitric oxide (. NO) (Rusche, K. M., Spiering, M. M., and Marletta, M. A. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 15503-15512). Reconstitution of pterin-free NOS with H(4)B was monitored by a shift in the Soret band to 396-400 nm, the recovery of.NO-forming activity, and the measurement of H(4)B bound to the enzyme. As assessed by these properties, H(4)B binding was not rapid and required the presence of a reduced thiol. Spectral changes and recovery of activity were incomplete in the absence of reduced thiol. Full reconstitution of holoenzyme activity and stoichiometric H(4)B binding was achieved in the presence of 5 mm glutathione (GSH). Preincubation with GSH before the addition of H(4)B decreased, whereas lower concentrations of GSH extended, the time required for reconstitution. Six protected cysteine residues in pterin-free NOS were identified by labeling of NOS with cysteine-directed reagents before and after reduction with GSH. Heme and metal content of pterin-free and H(4)B-reconstituted NOS were also measured and were found to be independent of H(4)B content. Additionally, pterin-free NOS was reconstituted with 6-methylpterin analogs, including redox-stable deazapterins. Reconstitution with the redox-stable pterin analogs was neither time- nor thiol-dependent. Apparent binding constants were determined for the 6-methyl- (50 microm) and 6-ethoxymethyl (200 microm) deazapterins. The redox-stable pterin analogs appear to bind to NOS in a different manner than H(4)B.  相似文献   

We studied the actions of purified Helicobacter pylori endotoxin (3 mg kg(-1), i.v.) on rat intestinal vascular permeability (assessed by the radiolabelled human serum albumin leakage technique) and on nitric oxide synthase induction (assessed by the citrulline assay) 4 h later. We found increased albumin leakage and expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase in jejunum and colon, effects reversed by a selective inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N-(8-(aminomethyl)benzyl)-acetamidine (1400W; 0.2-1 mg kg(-1), s.c., concurrently with endotoxin). Thus, H. pylori endotoxin seems to be capable of provoking an inflammatory response in the rat intestinal tissue. Systemic liberation of H. pylori endotoxin might possibly attenuate jejunal and colonic mucosal barrier function, a process mediated by the expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase.  相似文献   

The catalytic center of nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) consists of a thiolate-coordinated heme macrocycle, a tetrahydrobiopterin (H4B) cofactor, and an l-arginine (l-Arg)/N-hydroxyarginine substrate binding site. To determine how the interplay between the cofactor, the substrates, and the protein matrix housing the heme regulates the enzymatic activity of NOS, the CO-, NO-, and CN(-)-bound adducts of the oxygenase domain of the inducible isoform of NOS (iNOS(oxy)) were examined with resonance Raman spectroscopy. The Raman data of the CO-bound ferrous protein demonstrated that the presence of l-Arg causes the Fe-C-O moiety to adopt a bent structure because of an H-bonding interaction whereas H4B binding exerts no effect. Similar behavior was found in the CN(-)-bound ferric protein and in the nitric oxide (NO)-bound ferrous protein. In contrast, in the NO-bound ferric complexes, the addition of l-Arg alone does not affect the structural properties of the Fe-N-O moiety, but H4B binding forces it to adopt a bent structure, which is further enhanced by the subsequent addition of l-Arg. The differential interactions between the various heme ligands and the protein matrix in response to l-Arg and/or H4B binding is coupled to heme distortions, as reflected by the development of a variety of out-of-plane heme modes in the low frequency Raman spectra. The extent and symmetry of heme deformation modulated by ligand, substrate, and cofactor binding may provide important control over the catalytic and autoinhibitory properties of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Inducible NO synthase (iNOS) expression and production of NO are both up-regulated with Helicobacter pylori infection in vivo and in vitro. We determined whether major pathogenicity proteins released by H. pylori activate iNOS by coculturing macrophages with wild-type or mutant strains deficient in VacA, CagA, picB product, or urease (ureA(-)). When filters were used to separate H. pylori from macrophages, there was a selective and significant decrease in stimulated iNOS mRNA, protein, and NO(2)(-) production with the ureA(-) strain compared with wild-type and other mutants. Similarly, macrophage NO(2)(-) generation was increased by H. pylori protein water extracts of all strains except ureA(-). Recombinant urease stimulated significant increases in macrophage iNOS expression and NO(2)(-) production. Taken together, these findings indicate a new role for the essential H. pylori survival factor, urease, implicating it in NO-dependent mucosal damage and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori persistently colonizes the human stomach. In this study, immune responses to H. pylori that occur in the early stages of infection were investigated. Within the first 2 days after orogastric infection of mice with H. pylori, there was a transient infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils into the glandular stomach. By day 10 postinfection, the numbers of macrophages and neutrophils decreased to baseline levels. By 3 weeks postinfection, an adaptive immune response was detected, marked by gastric infiltration of T lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils, as well as increased numbers of H. pylori-specific T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells in paragastric lymph nodes. Neutrophil-attracting and macrophage-attracting chemokines were expressed at higher levels in the stomachs of H. pylori-infected mice than in the stomachs of uninfected mice. Increased expression of TNFalpha and IFNgamma (Th1-type inflammatory cytokines) and IL-17 (a Th17-type cytokine) was detected in the stomachs of H. pylori-infected mice, but increased expression of IL-4 (a Th2-type cytokine) was not detected. These data indicate that a transient gastric inflammatory response to H. pylori occurs within the first few days after infection, before the priming of T cells and initiation of an adaptive immune response. It is speculated that inappropriate waning of the innate immune response during early stages of infection may be a factor that contributes to H. pylori persistence.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a major human pathogen causing chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. One of the mechanisms whereby it induces damage depends on its interference with proliferation of host tissues. We here describe the discovery of a novel bacterial factor able to inhibit the cell-cycle of exposed cells, both of gastric and non-gastric origin. An integrated approach was adopted to isolate and characterise the molecule from the bacterial culture filtrate produced in a protein-free medium: size-exclusion chromatography, non-reducing gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, mutant analysis, recombinant protein expression and enzymatic assays. L-asparaginase was identified as the factor responsible for cell-cycle inhibition of fibroblasts and gastric cell lines. Its effect on cell-cycle was confirmed by inhibitors, a knockout strain and the action of recombinant L-asparaginase on cell lines. Interference with cell-cycle in vitro depended on cell genotype and was related to the expression levels of the concurrent enzyme asparagine synthetase. Bacterial subcellular distribution of L-asparaginase was also analysed along with its immunogenicity. H. pylori L-asparaginase is a novel antigen that functions as a cell-cycle inhibitor of fibroblasts and gastric cell lines. We give evidence supporting a role in the pathogenesis of H. pylori-related diseases and discuss its potential diagnostic application.  相似文献   

The oxygenase domain of inducible nitric-oxide synthase exists as a functional tight homodimer in the presence of the substrate L-arginine and the cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (H4B). In the absence of H4B, the enzyme is a mixture of monomer and loose dimer. We show that exposure of H4B-free enzyme to NO induces dissociation of the loose dimer into monomers in a reaction that follows single exponential decay kinetics with a lifetime of approximately 300 min. It is followed by a faster autoreduction reaction of the heme iron with a lifetime of approximately 30 min and the concurrent breakage of the proximal iron-thiolate bond, forming a five-coordinate NO-bound ferrous species. Mass spectrometry revealed that the NO-induced monomerization is associated with intramolecular disulfide bond formation between Cys104 and Cys109, located in the zinc-binding motif. The regulatory effect of NO as a dimer inhibitor is discussed in the context of the structure/function relationships of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a pleiotropic regulator of vascular function, and its overproduction by inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) in inflammatory conditions plays an important role in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases. iNOS activity is thought to be regulated primarily at the level of expression to generate "high output" NO compared with constitutive NO synthases. Here we show iNOS activity is acutely up-regulated by activation of the B1-kinin receptor (B1R) in human endothelial cells or transfected HEK293 cells to generate 2.5-5-fold higher NO than that stimulated by Arg alone. Increased iNOS activity was dependent on B1R activation of the MAPK ERK. In HEK293 cells transfected with human iNOS and B1R, ERK phosphorylated iNOS on Ser745 as determined by Western analysis using phospho-Ser antibody, in vitro kinase assays with activated ERK, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Mutation of Ser745 to Ala did not affect basal iNOS activity but eliminated iNOS phosphorylation and activation in response to B1R agonist. Mutation of Ser745 to Asp resulted in a basally hyperactive iNOS whose activity was not further increased by B1R agonist. ERK and phospho-ERK (after B1R activation) were co-localized with iNOS as determined by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, ERK co-immunoprecipitated with iNOS. The discovery that iNOS can be phosphorylated by ERK and acutely activated by receptor-mediated signaling reveals a new level of regulation for this isoform. These findings provide a novel therapeutic target to explore in the treatment of vascular inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS, NOS2) plays a prominent role in macrophage bactericidal and tumoricidal activities. A relatively large amount of NO produced via iNOS, however, also targets the macrophage itself for apoptotic cell death. To uncover the intrinsic mechanisms of iNOS regulation, we have characterized the SPRY domain- and SOCS box-containing protein 1 (SPSB1), SPSB2, and SPSB4 that interact with the N-terminal region of iNOS in a D-I-N-N-N sequence-dependent manner. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that these SPSB proteins can induce the subcellular redistribution of iNOS from dense regions to diffused expression in a SOCS box-dependent manner. In immunoprecipitation studies, both Elongin C and Cullin-5, components of the multi-subunit E3 ubiquitin ligase, were found to bind to iNOS via SPSB1, SPSB2, or SPSB4. Consistently, iNOS was polyubiquitinated and degraded in a proteasome-dependent manner when SPSB1, SPSB2, or SPSB4 was expressed. SPSB1 and SPSB4 had a greater effect on iNOS regulation than SPSB2. The iNOS N-terminal fragment (residues 1-124 of human iNOS) could disrupt iNOS-SPSB interactions and inhibit iNOS degradation. In lipopolysaccharide-treated macrophages, this fragment attenuated iNOS ubiquitination and substantially prolonged iNOS lifetime, resulting in a corresponding increase in NO production and enhanced NO-dependent cell death. These results not only demonstrate the mechanism of SPSB-mediated iNOS degradation and the relative contributions of different SPSB proteins to iNOS regulation, but also show that iNOS levels are sophisticatedly regulated by SPSB proteins in activated macrophages to prevent overproduction of NO that could trigger detrimental effects, such as cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

In mammals, nitric oxide (NO) is an essential biological mediator that is exclusively synthesized by nitric-oxide synthases (NOSs). However, NOSs are also directly or indirectly responsible for the production of peroxynitrite, a well known cytotoxic agent involved in numerous pathophysiological processes. Peroxynitrite reactivity is extremely intricate and highly depends on activators such as hemoproteins. NOSs present, therefore, the unique ability to both produce and activate peroxynitrite, which confers upon them a major role in the control of peroxynitrite bioactivity. We report here the first kinetic analysis of the interaction between peroxynitrite and the oxygenase domain of inducible NOS (iNOSoxy). iNOSoxy binds peroxynitrite and accelerates its decomposition with a second order rate constant of 22 x 10(4) m(-1)s(-1) at pH 7.4. This reaction is pH-dependent and is abolished by the binding of substrate or product. Peroxynitrite activation is correlated with the observation of a new iNOS heme intermediate with specific absorption at 445 nm. iNOSoxy modifies peroxynitrite reactivity and directs it toward one-electron processes such as nitration or one-electron oxidation. Taken together our results suggest that, upon binding to iNOSoxy, peroxynitrite undergoes homolytic cleavage with build-up of an oxo-ferryl intermediate and concomitant release of a NO(2)(.) radical. Successive cycles of peroxynitrite activation were shown to lead to iNOSoxy autocatalytic nitration and inhibition. The balance between peroxynitrite activation and self-inhibition of iNOSoxy may determine the contribution of NOSs to cellular oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) is a hemeprotein that requires tetrahydrobiopterin (H4B) for activity. The influence of H4B on iNOS structure-function is complex, and its exact role in nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is unknown. Crystal structures of the mouse iNOS oxygenase domain (iNOSox) revealed a unique H4B-binding site with a high degree of aromatic character located in the dimer interface and near the heme. Four conserved residues (Arg-375, Trp-455, Trp-457, and Phe-470) engage in hydrogen bonding or aromatic stacking interactions with the H4B ring. We utilized point mutagenesis to investigate how each residue modulates H4B function. All mutants contained heme ligated to Cys-194 indicating no deleterious effect on general protein structure. Ala mutants were monomers except for W457A and did not form a homodimer with excess H4B and Arg. However, they did form heterodimers when paired with a full-length iNOS subunit, and these were either fully or partially active regarding NO synthesis, indicating that preserving residue identities or aromatic character is not essential for H4B binding or activity. Aromatic substitution at Trp-455 or Trp-457 generated monomers that could dimerize with H4B and Arg. These mutants bound Arg and H4B with near normal affinity, but Arg could not displace heme-bound imidazole, and they had NO synthesis activities lower than wild-type in both homodimeric and heterodimeric settings. Aromatic substitution at Phe-470 had no significant effects. Together, our work shows how hydrogen bonding and aromatic stacking interactions of Arg-375, Trp-457, Trp-455, and Phe-470 influence iNOSox dimeric structure, heme environment, and NO synthesis and thus help modulate the multiple effects of H4B.  相似文献   

The role of nitric oxide in ulcer formation remains unknown. Accordingly, we assessed local expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and nitration of tyrosine as an indicator of peroxynitrite formation in patients with Helicobacter pylori (HP)-associated gastric ulcers compared with HP-negative ulcers. Biopsy specimens were taken from the ulcer margin and from an area remote from the ulcer portion. Inducible NOS, nitrotyrosine, and macrophage immunoreactivity were assessed immunohistochemically using a labeled streptavidin-biotin method. In HP-positive gastric ulcers, inducible NOS and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity was frequently observed at active ulcer margins, sometimes in surface epithelial cells as well as in the lamina propria. Occasionally, inducible NOS and nitrotyrosine reactivity were found in areas remote from the lesion in cases of HP-positive ulcer and HP-related gastritis. Macrophages accumulated significantly in the margin of HP-positive ulcers. In HP-negative gastric ulcers, inducible NOS and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity also were frequent at the ulcer margin, but no significant immunoreactivity was observed at a distance. HP eradication caused significant attenuation in inducible NOS and macrophage immunoreactivity. In conclusion, nitric oxide and peroxynitrite formation is increased in HP-infected gastric mucosa, suggesting that HP promotes nitric oxide stress.  相似文献   

The cytosolic innate immune molecule, NOD1, recognizes peptidoglycan (PG) delivered to epithelial cells via the Helicobacter pylori cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI), and has been implicated in host defence against cagPAI+H. pylori bacteria. To further clarify the role of NOD1 in host defence, we investigated NOD1‐dependent regulation of human β‐defensins (DEFBs) in two epithelial cell lines. Our findings identify that NOD1 activation, via either cagPAI+ bacteria or internalized PG, was required for DEFB4 and DEFB103 expression in HEK293 cells. To investigate cell type‐specific induction of DEFB4 and DEFB103, we generated stable NOD1‘knockdown’ (KD) and control AGS cells. Reporter gene assay and RT‐PCR analyses revealed that only DEFB4 was induced in an NOD1‐/cagPAI‐dependent fashion in AGS cells. Moreover, culture supernatants from AGS control, but not AGS NOD1 KD cells, stimulated with cagPAI+H. pylori, significantly reduced H. pylori bacterial numbers. siRNA studies confirmed that human β‐defensin 2 (hBD‐2), but not hBD‐3, contributes to the antimicrobial activity of AGS cell supernatants against H. pylori. This study demonstrates, for the first time, the involvement of NOD1 and hBD‐2 in direct killing of H. pylori bacteria by epithelial cells and confirms the importance of NOD1 in host defence mechanisms against cagPAI+H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

Yeo M  Park HK  Kim DK  Cho SW  Kim YS  Cho SY  Paik YK  Hahm KB 《Proteomics》2004,4(11):3335-3342
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are crucial for the maintenance of cell integrity during normal cellular growth as well as during pathophysiological conditions. While functioning mainly as molecular chaperones, HSPs also appear to be involved in diverse biological activities, such as apoptosis, carcinogenesis, and cytoprotection from cytotoxic damage. Infection with Helicobacter pylori causes inflammation in the gastric mucosa, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcer disease, and even gastric cancer, but the role of HSPs in H. pylori-associated gastropathy is not known. Using two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis, we have observed significant shifts in HSP profiles after H. pylori infection in RGM-1 cells. We therefore evaluated the effect of treatments that induce HSPs on H. pylori-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. We found that H. pylori infection significantly attenuated the expression of HSP70, whereas exposure of cells to noncytotoxic heat shock or geranylgeranylacetone restored HSP70 expression, as well as suppressing the expression of iNOS, a major cause of H. pylori-induced gastric tissue damage. Our results suggest that induction of HSP70 confers cytoprotection against H. pylori infection by inhibiting the expression of iNOS. In conclusion, these results provide important insights into the flux in HSPs profiles in response to H. pylori infection and highlight the cytoprotective role of HSP70 in H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

The stress protein heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is induced in endothelial cells exposed to nitric oxide (NO)-releasing agents, and this process is finely modulated by thiols (Foresti, R., Clark, J. E., Green, C. J., and Motterlini R. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 18411-18417). Here, we report that up-regulation of HO-1 in aortic endothelial cells by severe hypoxic conditions (pO(2) 相似文献   

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