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Innate immunity is the first line of defense against pathogen infections. Extracellular ATP (eATP) is one of the most studied danger-associated molecular pattern molecules that can activate host innate immune responses through binding with and activating purinergic receptors on the plasma membrane. The detailed actions of eATP on fish innate immunity, however, remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated bacterial pathogen-induced ATP release in head kidney cells of the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. We also examined the actions of eATP on pro-inflammatory cytokine and immune-related gene expression, the activity of induced NO synthase (iNOS), and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and NO in Japanese flounder immune cells. We demonstrate that ATP is dynamically released from Japanese flounder head kidney cells into the extracellular milieu during immune challenge by formalin-inactivated Edwardsiella tarda and Vibrio anguillarum. In addition, we show that eATP administration results in profound up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression, iNOS activity, and inflammatory mediator production, including ROS and NO, in Japanese flounder immune cells. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that eATP is a potent signaling molecule for the activation of innate immune responses in fish.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c maturation process is carried out in the bacterial periplasm, where some specialized thiol‐disulfide oxidoreductases work in close synergy for the correct reduction of oxidized apocytochrome before covalent heme attachment. We present a structural and functional characterization of the soluble periplasmic domain of CcmG from the opportunistic pathogen P. aeruginosa (Pa‐CcmG), a component of the protein machinery involved in cyt c maturation in gram‐negative bacteria. X‐ray crystallography reveals that Pa‐CcmG is a TRX‐like protein; high‐resolution crystal structures show that the oxidized and the reduced forms of the enzyme are identical except for the active‐site disulfide. The standard redox potential was calculated to be E0′ = ?0.213 V at pH 7.0; the pKa of the active site thiols were pKa = 6.13 ± 0.05 for the N‐terminal Cys74 and pKa = 10.5 ± 0.17 for the C‐terminal Cys77. Experiments were carried out to characterize and isolate the mixed disulfide complex between Pa‐CcmG and Pa‐CcmH (the other redox active component of System I in P. aeruginosa). Our data indicate that the target disulfide of this TRX‐like protein is not the intramolecular disulfide of oxidized Pa‐CcmH, but the intermolecular disulfide formed between Cys28 of Pa‐CcmH and DTNB used for the in vitro experiments. This observation suggests that, in vivo, the physiological substrate of Pa‐CcmG may be the mixed‐disulfide complex between Pa‐CcmH and apo‐cyt. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Perforin is an essential component in the cytotoxic lymphocyte-mediated cell death pathway. The traditional view holds that perforin monomers assemble into pores in the target cell membrane via a calcium-dependent process and facilitate translocation of cytotoxic proteases into the cytoplasm to induce apoptosis. Although many studies have examined the structure and role of perforin, the mechanics of pore assembly and granzyme delivery remain unclear. Here we have employed quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) to investigate binding and assembly of perforin on lipid membranes, and show that perforin monomers bind to the membrane in a cooperative manner. We also found that cholesterol influences perforin binding and activity on intact cells and model membranes. Finally, contrary to current thinking, perforin efficiently binds membranes in the absence of calcium. When calcium is added to perforin already on the membrane, the QCM-D response changes significantly, indicating that perforin becomes membranolytic only after calcium binding.  相似文献   

A cluster of highly conserved leucine side chains from residues 9, 68, 85, 94, and 98 is located in the hydrophobic heme pocket of cytochrome c. The contributions of two of these, Leu 85 and Leu 94, have been studied using a protein structure-function-mutagenesis approach to probe their roles in the maintenance of overall structural integrity and electron transfer activity. Structural studies of the L85C, L85F, L85M, and L94S mutant proteins show that, in each case, the overall fold of cytochrome c is retained, but that localized conformational shifts are required to accommodate the introduced side chains. In particular, the side chains of Cys 85 and Phe 85 form energetically favorable interactions with Phe 82, whereas Met 85 takes on a more remote conformation to prevent an unfavorable interaction with the phenyl ring of Phe 82. In the case of the L94S mutant protein, the new polar group introduced is found to form hydrogen bonds to nearby carbonyl groups. In all proteins with substitutions at Leu 85, the hydrophobic nature of the heme pocket is preserved and no significant decrease in heme reduction potential is observed. Despite earlier predictions that Leu 85 is an important determinant in cytochrome c electron transfer partner complexation, our studies show this is unlikely to be the case because the considerable surface contour perturbations made by substitutions at this residue do not correspondingly translate into significant changes in electron transfer rates. For the L94S mutant protein, the substitution of a polar hydroxyl group directly into the hydrophobic heme pocket has a larger effect on heme reduction potential, but this is mitigated by two factors. First, the side chain of Ser 94 is rotated away from the heme group and, second, the side chain of Leu 98 shifts into a portion of the new space available, partially shielding the heme group. The Leu 94 Ser substitution does not perturb the highly conserved interface formed by the nearly perpendicular packing of the N- and C-terminal helices of cytochrome c, ruling this out as the cause of this mutant protein becoming thermally labile and having a lower functional activity. Our results show these effects are most likely attributable to disruption of the heme pocket region. Much of the ability of cytochrome c to absorb the introduction of mutations at Leu 85 and Leu 94 appears to be a consequence of the conformational flexibility afforded by the leucine cluster in this region as well as the presence of a nearby internal cavity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The capsid (CA) protein plays crucial roles in HIV infection and replication, essential to viral maturation. The absence of high-resolution structural data on unassembled CA hinders the development of antivirals effective in inhibiting assembly. Unlike enzymes that have targetable, functional substrate-binding sites, the CA does not have a known site that affects catalytic or other innate activity, which can be more readily targeted in drug development efforts. We report the crystal structure of the HIV-1 CA, revealing the domain organization in the context of the wild-type full-length (FL) unassembled CA. The FL CA adopts an antiparallel dimer configuration, exhibiting a domain organization sterically incompatible with capsid assembly. A small compound, generated in situ during crystallization, is bound tightly at a hinge site (“H site”), indicating that binding at this interdomain region stabilizes the ADP conformation. Electron microscopy studies on nascent crystals reveal both dimeric and hexameric lattices coexisting within a single condition, in agreement with the interconvertibility of oligomeric forms and supporting the feasibility of promoting assembly-incompetent dimeric states. Solution characterization in the presence of the H-site ligand shows predominantly unassembled dimeric CA, even under conditions that promote assembly. Our structure elucidation of the HIV-1 FL CA and characterization of a potential allosteric binding site provides three-dimensional views of an assembly-defective conformation, a state targeted in, and thus directly relevant to, inhibitor development. Based on our findings, we propose an unprecedented means of preventing CA assembly, by “conformationally trapping” CA in assembly-incompetent conformational states induced by H-site binding.  相似文献   

The conservation profile of a protein is a curve of the conservation levels of amino acids along the sequence. Biologists are usually more interested in individual points on the curve (namely, the conserved amino acids) than the overall shape of the curve. Here, we show that the conservation curves of proteins bear the imprints of molecules that are evolutionarily coupled to the proteins. Our method is based on recent studies that a sequence conservation profile is quantitatively linked to its structural packing profile. We find that the conservation profiles of nucleic acid (NA) binding proteins are better correlated with the packing profiles of the protein–NA complexes than those of the proteins alone. This indicates that a nucleic acid binding protein evolves to accommodate the nucleic acid in such a way that the residues involved in binding have their conservation levels closely coupled with the specific nucleotides. Proteins 2015; 83:1407–1413. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a bacterial cytochrome c were performed to investigate the lifetime and fluctuations of backbone hydrogen bonds and to correlate these data with protection factors for hydrogen exchange measured by NMR spectroscopy (Bartalesi et al. in Biochemistry, 42:10923–10930, 2003). The MD simulations provide a consistent pattern in that long lifetimes of hydrogen bonds go along with small amplitude fluctuations. In agreement with experiments, differences in stability were found with a rather flexible N-terminal segment as compared with a more rigid C-terminal part. Protection factors of backbone hydrogen exchange correlate strongly with the number of contacts but also with hydrogen-bond occupancy, hydrogen-bond survival times, as well as the inverse of fluctuations of backbone atoms and hydrogen-bond lengths derived from MD simulation data. We observed a conformational transition in the C-terminal loop, and significant motion in the N-terminal loop, which can be interpreted as being the structural units involved in the onset of the protein unfolding process in agreement with experimental evidence on mitochondrial cytochrome c. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Gernot Kieseritzky and Giulia Morra both contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The intracellular fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are a well-conserved family that function as lipid chaperones. Ongoing studies are focused on identification of the mechanistic complexity and vast biological diversity of different isoforms of FABPs. However, the molecular mechanism of FABP5 in the regulation of milk fat synthesis in the mammary gland of dairy cows is still largely unknown. Here, we report that FABP5 acts as a critical regulator of terol response element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) gene expression induced by methionine (Met) and estrogen (E2) in bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs). We observed that the expression of FABP5 was markedly higher in dairy cow mammary tissue during the lactating period than the puberty period and the dry period. FABP5 is located in the cytoplasm, and Met and E2 significantly increase the protein levels of FABP5 in BMECs. Using gene function study approaches, we revealed that FABP5 positively regulates SREBP-1c gene expression and promotes milk fat synthesis. We confirmed that FABP5 is required for Met- and E2-induced SREBP-1c gene expression and milk fat synthesis. We further uncovered that fatty acids are needed for FABP5-mediated SREBP-1c gene expression. Thus, our study demonstrates that FABP5 is a critical regulator of Met- and E2-induced SREBP-1c gene expression leading to milk fat synthesis.  相似文献   

Biological electron transfer is an efficient process even though the distances between the redox moieties are often quite large. It is therefore of great interest to gain an understanding of the physical basis of the rates and driving forces of these reactions. The structural relaxation of the protein that occurs upon change in redox state gives rise to the reorganizational energy, which is important in the rates and the driving forces of the proteins involved. To determine the structural relaxation in a redox protein, we have developed methods to hold a redox protein in its final oxidation state during crystallization while maintaining the same pH and salt conditions of the crystallization of the protein in its initial oxidation state. Based on 1.5 A resolution crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations of oxidized and reduced rubredoxins (Rd) from Clostridium pasteurianum (Cp), the structural rearrangements upon reduction suggest specific mechanisms by which electron transfer reactions of rubredoxin should be facilitated. First, expansion of the [Fe-S] cluster and concomitant contraction of the NH...S hydrogen bonds lead to greater electrostatic stabilization of the extra negative charge. Second, a gating mechanism caused by the conformational change of Leucine 41, a nonpolar side chain, allows transient penetration of water molecules, which greatly increases the polarity of the redox site environment and also provides a source of protons. Our method of producing crystals of Cp Rd from a reducing solution leads to a distribution of water molecules not observed in the crystal structure of the reduced Rd from Pyrococcus furiosus. How general this correlation is among redox proteins must be determined in future work. The combination of our high-resolution crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations provides a molecular picture of the structural rearrangement that occurs upon reduction in Cp rubredoxin.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the product of the Bacillus subtilis ykuD gene was solved by the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) method and refined using data to 2.0 A resolution. The ykuD protein is a representative of a distinctly prokaryotic and ubiquitous family found among both pathogenic and nonpathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The deduced amino acid sequence reveals the presence of an N-terminal LysM domain, which occurs among enzymes involved in cell wall metabolism, and a novel, putative catalytic domain with a highly conserved His/Cys-containing motif of hitherto unknown structure. As the wild-type protein did not crystallize, a double mutant was designed (Lys117Ala/Gln118Ala) to reduce excess surface conformational entropy. As expected, the structure of the LysM domain is similar to the NMR structure reported for an analogous domain from Escherichia coli murein transglycosylase MltD. The molecular model also shows that the 112-residue-long C-terminal domain has a novel tertiary fold consisting of a beta-sandwich with two mixed sheets, one containing five strands and the other, six strands. The two beta-sheets form a cradle capped by an alpha-helix. This domain contains a putative catalytic site with a tetrad of invariant His123, Gly124, Cys139, and Arg141. The stereochemistry of this active site shows similarities to peptidotransferases and sortases, and suggests that the enzymes of the ykuD family may play an important role in cell wall biology.  相似文献   

The Strep-tag II is a nine-amino acid peptide that was developed as an affinity tool for the purification of corresponding fusion proteins on streptavidin columns. The peptide recognizes the same pocket of streptavidin where the natural ligand is normally bound so that biotin or its chemical derivatives can be used for competitive elution. We report here the crystal structures of the streptavidin mutants '1' and '2,' which had been engineered for 10-fold higher affinity towards the Strep-tag II. Both streptavidin mutants carry mutations at positions 44, 45, and 47, that is, in a flexible loop region close to the binding site. The crystal structures of the two apo-proteins and their complexes with the Strep-tag II peptide were refined at resolutions below 2 A. Both in the presence and absence of the peptide, the lid-like loop next to the ligand pocket--comprising residues 45 through 52--adopts an 'open' conformation in all four subunits within the asymmetric unit. The same loop was previously described to be disordered in the wild-type apo-streptavidin and to close over the pocket upon complexation of the natural ligand biotin. Our findings suggest that stabilization of the 'open' loop conformation in the absence of a ligand abolishes the need for conformational rearrangement prior to the docking of the voluminous peptide. Because no direct contacts between the flexible part of the loop and the peptide ligand were detected, it seems likely that the higher affinity of the two streptavidin mutants for the Strep-tag II is caused by a predominantly entropic mechanism.  相似文献   

The occurrence of large domain motions associated with the mechanism of action of many proteins is well established. We present a general method of predicting domain closure applicable to proteins containing domains separated by an apparent hinge. The method attempts to allow for natural directional bias within the closing protein by repeatedly applying a weak pulling force over a short distance between pairs of atoms chosen at random in the two domains in question. Appropriate parameters governing the pulling function were determined empirically. The method was applied to the bi-lobal protein PGK and a closed-form activated ternary complex generated for Bacillus stearothermophilus PGK. This model was compared with the recently determined crystal structure of closed-form Trypanosoma brucei PGK. The model predicts the correct hinge regions, although the magnitude of movement at one hinge point was overestimated, and provides a reasonable representation of the closed-form ternary complex. Proteins 30:372–380, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Axonal growth cone guidance is a central process in nervous system development and repair. Collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2) is a neurite extension-promoting neuronal cytosolic molecule involved in the signalling of growth inhibitory cues from external stimuli, such as semaphorin 3A and the myelin-associated glycoprotein. We have determined the crystal structure of human tetrameric CRMP-2, which is structurally related to the dihydropyriminidases; however, the active site is not conserved. The wealth of earlier functional mapping data for CRMP-2 are discussed in light of the three-dimensional structure of the protein. The differences in oligomerisation interfaces between CRMP-1 and CRMP-2 are used to model CRMP-1/2 heterotetramers.  相似文献   

The ρ subunits that constitute the γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)C receptors of retinal neurons form a unique subclass of ligand‐gated chloride channels that give rise to sustained GABA‐evoked currents that exhibit slow offset (deactivation) kinetics. We exploited this property to examine the molecular mechanisms that govern the disparate response kinetics and pharmacology of perch GABA ρ1B and ρ2A subunits expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Using a combination of domain swapping and site‐directed mutagenesis, we identified the residues at amino acid position 320 in the second transmembrane domain as an important determinant of the receptor kinetics of GABAC receptors. When the site contains a proline residue, as in wild‐type ρ1 subunits, the receptor deactivates slowly; when serine occupies the site, as in wild‐type ρ2 subunits, the time course of deactivation is more rapid. In addition, we found that the same site also altered the pharmacology of GABA ρ receptors, e.g., when the serine residue of the ρ2A receptor was changed to proline, the response of the mutant receptor to imidazole‐4‐acetic acid (I4AA) mimicked that of the ρ1B receptor. However, despite gross changes in receptor pharmacology, the apparent binding affinity for the drug was not significantly altered. These findings provide further evidence that the second transmembrane domain is involved in the gating mechanism that governs the response properties of the various ρ receptor subunits. It is noteworthy that the proline residue in native ρ1 subunits and the serine residue of ρ2 subunits are well conserved in all species, a good indication that the presence of multiple GABA ρ subunits serves to generate GABAC receptors that display the wide range of response kinetics observed on various types of retinal neurons. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 67–76, 1999  相似文献   

Karle IL  Urry DW 《Biopolymers》2005,77(4):198-204
Tropoelastin is a complex polymeric protein composed primarily of repeating segments of Val-Pro-Gly-Gly, Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly, and Ala-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly-Val that occurs in connective tissue and arteries. It has rubber-like extensible properties. A synthetic cyclic dodecapeptide, with a double repeat of the hexapeptide sequence, has been shown to undergo a reversible inverse temperature transition; that is, crystals grow at 60 degrees C and dissolve in the mother liquor upon cooling. An x-ray crystal structure analysis established that the cyclic backbone formed an elongated loop with a Pro-Gly, type II beta turn at both ends. Six internal cross strand NH...OC hydrogen bonds form between six NH donors and four O=C acceptors where two of the carbonyl O atoms are bifurcated acceptors. As a result, the molecule is pulled up into a corrugated profile. The corrugated loops form extended beta-sheets by additional intermolecular hydrogen bonds. An analysis of the dome region in a corrugated sheet suggests a reversible mechanism for extending and contracting the length of the whole molecule, akin to the motion of opening and closing an umbrella, caused by the motion of a water molecule with its associated hydrogen bonds acting as spokes. Crystal parameters: C44H72N12O12.3H2O, sp. gr. P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 9.212 angstroms, b = 19.055 angstroms, c = 32.247 angstroms, d = 1.157 g/cm3.  相似文献   

The pathogens Vibrio cholerae and Haemophilus influenzae use tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporters (TRAPs) to scavenge sialic acid from host tissues. They use it as a nutrient or to evade the innate immune system by sialylating surface lipopolysaccharides. An essential component of TRAP transporters is a periplasmic substrate binding protein (SBP). Without substrate, the SBP has been proposed to rest in an open-state, which is not recognised by the transporter. Substrate binding induces a conformational change of the SBP and it is thought that this closed state is recognised by the transporter, triggering substrate translocation. Here we use real time single molecule FRET experiments and crystallography to investigate the open- to closed-state transition of VcSiaP, the SBP of the sialic acid TRAP transporter from V. cholerae. We show that the conformational switching of VcSiaP is strictly substrate induced, confirming an important aspect of the proposed transport mechanism. Two new crystal structures of VcSiaP provide insights into the closing mechanism. While the first structure contains the natural ligand, sialic acid, the second structure contains an artificial peptide in the sialic acid binding site. Together, the two structures suggest that the ligand itself stabilises the closed state and that SBP closure is triggered by physically bridging the gap between the two lobes of the SBP. Finally, we demonstrate that the affinity for the artificial peptide substrate can be substantially increased by varying its amino acid sequence and by this, serve as a starting point for the development of peptide-based inhibitors of TRAP transporters.  相似文献   

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