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探讨森林植物群落物种多样性、功能性状与化学计量特征及其内在关联,有助于构建结构-性状-功能的研究脉络,深入理解生态系统的过程与功能,为群落结构优化配置和调控提供科学依据。以贵州喀斯特高原峡谷区森林草灌、灌木、灌乔和乔木4个演替阶段的植物群落为对象,通过群落学调查和植物功能性状、生态化学计量测度,研究其物种多样性、功能性状和化学计量特征及其互作关系。结果表明:(1)乔木阶段的Shannon-Wiener指数与Pielou均匀度指数均为最高,依次达8.62、2.41,表明伴随着群落演替,物种分布的均匀程度增加。(2)植物群落物种多样性指数之间仅Margalef丰富度指数与Simpson优势度指数未呈显著相关(-0.644),其余均为显著或极显著相关关系,表明物种多样性指数之间存在较强的促进或抑制作用。(3)叶片厚度与其余指标,以及群落物种多样性指数与功能性状、化学计量之间均未呈显著相关,比叶面积(SLA)仅与土壤N∶P呈显著正相关(0.742),表明群落物种多样性、功能性状和生态化学计量特征之间的相关性较弱。(4)SLA为灌木阶段的272.13 cm2/g为最大,δ13C值在演替后期略高,草灌、灌木阶段倾向于受N、P共同限制,说明随演替进展,植物的适应策略和资源利用对策等均发生了一定的调整,表明植物和环境之间存在较强的协变关系。(5)该区森林培育时,应构建完整的乔木、灌木和草本层片,提高生态系统对养分矿化、转化和循环等的自调控能力。  相似文献   

景观格局与植物多样性之间的关系已被广泛研究,然而,斑块格局如何影响植物多样性,以及这些影响的边缘类型差异尚不清楚。为从植物功能性状角度揭示斑块格局影响植物多样性的机制,该研究采用不同边缘类型的斑块,利用两年调查的705个样方数据,结合遥感卫星图像解译和空间信息分析,根据植物群落的空间位置和斑块格局,按照向内、向外、向内成核和向外成核4种边缘类型将浑善达克沙地中部的斑块进行分类,采用Duncan新复极差法比较了4种边缘类型斑块格局与植物功能性状多样性关系的差异,应用Pearson相关系数和冗余分析(RDA)法量化了斑块格局对植物多样性的影响。结果发现,植物丰富度和多样性指数与斑块格局密切相关,这些关系存在着边缘类型的显著差异,表现出不同的功能性状。对于向内边缘,边缘指数与丰富度负相关,和C4植物比例正相关;对于向外边缘,边缘指数与C4植物比例正相关;对于向内成核边缘,边缘密度与多年生植物和虫媒植物比例正相关;对于向外成核边缘,边缘角度和指数与物种Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数正相关,与Pielou指数、丰富度和动物传播植物...  相似文献   

Aims Although the niche concept is of prime importance in ecology, the quantification of plant species' niches remains difficult. Here we propose that plant functional traits, as determinants of species performance, may be useful tools for quantifying species niche parameters over environmental gradients.Important findings Under this framework, the mean trait values of a species determine its niche position along gradients, and intraspecific trait variability determines its niche breadth. This trait-based approach can provide an operational assessment of niche for a potentially large number of species, making it possible to understand and predict species niche shifts under environmental changes. We further advocate a promising method that recently appeared in the literature, which partitions trait diversity into among- and within-community components as a way to quantify the species niche in units of traits instead of environmental parameters. This approach allows the switch of the focus from ecological niches to trait niches, facilitating the examination of species coexistence along undefined environmental gradients. Altogether, the trait-based approach provides a promising toolkit for quantifying the species ecological niche and for understanding the evolution of species niche and traits.  相似文献   

The distribution of species and communities in relation to environmental heterogeneity is a central focus in ecology. Co‐occurrence of species with similar functional traits is an indication that communities are determined in part by environmental filters. However, few studies have been designed to test how functional traits are selectively filtered by environmental conditions at local scales. Exploring the relationship between soil characteristics and plant traits is a step toward understanding the filtering hypothesis in determining plant distribution at local scale. Toward this end, we mapped all individual trees (diameter >1 cm) in a one‐ha subtropical forest of China in 2007 and 2015. We measured topographic and detailed soil properties within the field site, as well as plant leaf functional traits and demographic rates of the seven most common tree species. A second one‐ha study plot was established in 2015, to test and validate the general patterns that were drawn from first plot. We found that variation in species distribution at local scale can be explained by soil heterogeneity and plant functional traits. (From first plot). (1) Species dominant in habitats with high soil ammonium nitrogen and total phosphorus tended to have high specific leaf area (SLA) and relative growth rate (RGR). (2) Species dominant in low‐fertility habitats tended to have high leaf dry matter content (LDMC), ratio of chlorophyll a and b (ratioab), and leaf thickness (LT). The hypothesis that functional traits are selected in part by environmental filters and determine plant distribution at local scale was confirmed by the data of the first plot and a second regional site showed similar species distribution patterns.  相似文献   

伏牛山自然保护区森林生态系统草本植物功能群的分类   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
伏牛山国家级自然保护区是中国东部森林样带中的亚热带和暖温带的结合点,随着环境梯度(海拔)的变化,林下植物优势种变化明显.草本植物对环境的反应较为敏感,能较好的反映出植被与环境的动态关系.采用群落学调查方法,对伏牛山南北坡的植被进行调查.以X2检验为基础,结合联结系数AC和共同出现百分率PC来测定草本层优势种间的联结性,根据优势种间的联系性及其在海拔梯度上的变化异同,以优势种为主体划分伏牛山自然保护区林下草本植物功能群.研究结果表明,以优势种为主体对森林生态系统草本植物进行功能群划分可行性高,有较强的代表性.对草本优势种共划分了7组植物功能群:Ⅰ"伴人型",Ⅱ"高山型",Ⅲ"阴湿型",Ⅳ"耐旱型",Ⅴ"林隙型",Ⅵ"基础型",Ⅶ"原始型".每一组都有其特定的分布区域和形态特征,较好了反应出环境与植被的动态关系,为今后森林生态系统研究和植物功能群划分寻找新的思路.  相似文献   

亚热带次生常绿阔叶林普遍存在生长滞缓、固碳功能和经济价值低下等问题,迫切需要通过人工抚育提高其生态系统功能。对植物功能性状及其多样性的深入研究,能够找寻植物共存与群落稳定发展的内在机制,为提升森林生态系统功能的实践提供基础。为了探究人工抚育对亚热带次生常绿阔叶林质量提升的影响,以杭州午潮山国家森林公园内的次生常绿阔叶林为研究对象,实施了不同强度的抚育措施,通过群落植被复查,分析群落植物功能性状以及功能多样性对不同强度人工抚育的响应。结果发现:抚育2年后,群落最大潜在树高与叶片氮、磷、钾含量显著上升,而叶片干物质含量和叶片叶绿素含量均有显著下降,比叶面积有下降趋势,两种强度的抚育之间差异不显著;叶片干物质含量、叶绿素含量与叶片氮含量间的相关性由不显著变为了显著负相关,而叶片干物质含量与叶片叶绿素含量,叶片磷、钾含量与叶片氮含量,叶片磷含量与叶片钾含量间的相关性由不显著变为显著正相关;在20%强度抚育下,功能丰富度指数均值从对照的0.52显著下降为0.16,功能均匀度指数与功能分离度指数的均值则分别上升到0.61和0.67,显著高于对照组的0.51和0.56;在10%强度抚育下,功能丰富度有所下降,功能均匀度与功能分离度均有所上升,但差异不显著。研究表明,人工抚育在一定程度上改变了群落水平的植物功能性状与功能多样性,提高了群落植物利用资源的能力和效率;而适度的抚育强度更能解放资源空间,对群落产生的影响更加明显。该结果为亚热带次生常绿阔叶林的经营与管理提供依据与参考。  相似文献   

Plant functional trait variation in tropical forests results from taxonomic differences in phylogeny and associated genetic differences, as well as, phenotypic plastic responses to the environment. Accounting for the underlying mechanisms driving plant functional trait variation is important for understanding the potential rate of change of ecosystems since trait acclimation via phenotypic plasticity is very fast compared to shifts in community composition and genetic adaptation. We here applied a statistical technique to decompose the relative roles of phenotypic plasticity, genetic adaptation, and phylogenetic constraints. We examined typically obtained plant functional traits, such as wood density, plant height, specific leaf area, leaf area, leaf thickness, leaf dry mass content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf phosphorus content. We assumed that genetic differences in plant functional traits between species and genotypes increase with environmental heterogeneity and geographic distance, whereas trait variation due to plastic acclimation to the local environment is independent of spatial distance between sampling sites. Results suggest that most of the observed trait variation could not be explained by the measured environmental variables, thus indicating a limited potential to predict individual plant traits from commonly assessed parameters. However, we found a difference in the response of plant functional traits, such that leaf traits varied in response to canopy‐light regime and nutrient availability, whereas wood traits were related to topoedaphic factors and water availability. Our analysis furthermore revealed differences in the functional response of coexisting neotropical tree species, which suggests that endemic species with conservative ecological strategies might be especially prone to competitive exclusion under projected climate change.  相似文献   

The pace of on‐going climate change calls for reliable plant biodiversity scenarios. Traditional dynamic vegetation models use plant functional types that are summarized to such an extent that they become meaningless for biodiversity scenarios. Hybrid dynamic vegetation models of intermediate complexity (hybrid‐DVMs) have recently been developed to address this issue. These models, at the crossroads between phenomenological and process‐based models, are able to involve an intermediate number of well‐chosen plant functional groups (PFGs). The challenge is to build meaningful PFGs that are representative of plant biodiversity, and consistent with the parameters and processes of hybrid‐DVMs. Here, we propose and test a framework based on few selected traits to define a limited number of PFGs, which are both representative of the diversity (functional and taxonomic) of the flora in the Ecrins National Park, and adapted to hybrid‐DVMs. This new classification scheme, together with recent advances in vegetation modeling, constitutes a step forward for mechanistic biodiversity modeling.  相似文献   

Michael P. Perring  Markus Bernhardt‐Römermann  Lander Baeten  Gabriele Midolo  Haben Blondeel  Leen Depauw  Dries Landuyt  Sybryn L. Maes  Emiel De Lombaerde  Maria Mercedes Carón  Mark Vellend  Jörg Brunet  Markéta Chudomelová  Guillaume Decocq  Martin Diekmann  Thomas Dirnböck  Inken Dörfler  Tomasz Durak  Pieter De Frenne  Frank S. Gilliam  Radim Hédl  Thilo Heinken  Patrick Hommel  Bogdan Jaroszewicz  Keith J. Kirby  Martin Kopecký  Jonathan Lenoir  Daijiang Li  František Máliš  Fraser J.G. Mitchell  Tobias Naaf  Miles Newman  Petr Petřík  Kamila Reczyńska  Wolfgang Schmidt  Tibor Standovár  Krzysztof Świerkosz  Hans Van Calster  Ondřej Vild  Eva Rosa Wagner  Monika Wulf  Kris Verheyen 《Global Change Biology》2018,24(4):1722-1740
The contemporary state of functional traits and species richness in plant communities depends on legacy effects of past disturbances. Whether temporal responses of community properties to current environmental changes are altered by such legacies is, however, unknown. We expect global environmental changes to interact with land‐use legacies given different community trajectories initiated by prior management, and subsequent responses to altered resources and conditions. We tested this expectation for species richness and functional traits using 1814 survey‐resurvey plot pairs of understorey communities from 40 European temperate forest datasets, syntheses of management transitions since the year 1800, and a trait database. We also examined how plant community indicators of resources and conditions changed in response to management legacies and environmental change. Community trajectories were clearly influenced by interactions between management legacies from over 200 years ago and environmental change. Importantly, higher rates of nitrogen deposition led to increased species richness and plant height in forests managed less intensively in 1800 (i.e., high forests), and to decreases in forests with a more intensive historical management in 1800 (i.e., coppiced forests). There was evidence that these declines in community variables in formerly coppiced forests were ameliorated by increased rates of temperature change between surveys. Responses were generally apparent regardless of sites’ contemporary management classifications, although sometimes the management transition itself, rather than historic or contemporary management types, better explained understorey responses. Main effects of environmental change were rare, although higher rates of precipitation change increased plant height, accompanied by increases in fertility indicator values. Analysis of indicator values suggested the importance of directly characterising resources and conditions to better understand legacy and environmental change effects. Accounting for legacies of past disturbance can reconcile contradictory literature results and appears crucial to anticipating future responses to global environmental change.  相似文献   

杨晓艳  张世雄  温静  徐满厚 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6642-6654
为研究气候变暖背景下森林群落草本层植物物种多样性对温度升高的响应及其随海拔、纬度的空间分布格局,按照纬度梯度选择吕梁山系北段的管涔山和南段的五鹿山为研究区,并在每个山地的不同海拔梯度(高、中、低)分别设置对照(CK)、低度增温(OTC1)和高度增温(OTC2) 3种试验样地。于2017年植被生长季对植物多度、频度、盖度、高度进行调查,计算物种多样性指数(Simpson指数、Shannon指数、Pielou指数、Patrick指数)。结果表明:(1)吕梁山森林群落草本层植物物种多样性随海拔呈"v型"变化格局,即在中间海拔梯度处最低,且海拔梯度对各多样性指数的影响均达到极显著水平(P0.01)。(2)物种多样性随纬度升高呈递增趋势(P0.05),即较高纬度山地具有较高的物种多样性。(3)物种多样性随温度升高整体呈递减趋势(P0.05),即温度升高可抑制林下草本层植物物种多样性。(4)在增温处理下,五鹿山草本植物的Simpson指数、Shannon指数和Patrick指数呈递减趋势,Pielou指数先降低后升高;管涔山草本植物的Simpson指数、Shannon指数和Pielou指数先增加后减小,Patrick指数呈递增趋势。整体来说,在吕梁山较低海拔,持续增温会使物种多样性降低;在中等海拔,物种多样性随温度升高呈现先下降后上升的变化趋势;在较高海拔,适度增温可提高物种多样性,持续增温则抑制多样性。因此,增温对吕梁山森林群落草本植物物种多样性的影响随海拔升高整体呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

黄林娟  于燕妹  安小菲  余林兰  薛跃规 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10264-10275
以天坑内部-边缘-外部森林植物群落为研究对象,通过调查植物的群落结构、叶功能性状,探究天坑内外森林植物群落叶功能性状、物种多样性和功能多样性变化特征及其内在关联,为深入了解负地形森林生态系统的功能和恢复退化喀斯特地区的植被提供一定参考。研究结果如下:(1)比叶面积(SLA: 198.75 cm2/g))、叶面积(LA: 42.70 cm2)、叶磷含量(LPC: 1.70 g/kg)和叶钾含量(LKC: 10.27 g/kg)在天坑内部最高,叶组织密度(LTD: 0.32 g/cm3)和叶干物质含量(LDMC: 0.41 g/g)在天坑外部最高,天坑内外森林均易受到磷限制,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境变化,植物对环境的适应机制和生存策略发生了部分调整,物种的防御策略增强,生长投入策略减弱。(2)Shannon-Wiener指数(2.82)、Simpson指数(0.92)和Pielou’s均匀度指数(0.87)均以天坑外部最高,功能丰富度(1.05)、功能离散度(1.88)和Rao’s二次熵(4.52)以天坑内部最高,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境的变化,植物功能性状的差异减少,物种分布及其功能性状分布总体上更为均匀、物种数量增多。(3)物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在较强的相关性,表明物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在不同的制约关系。(4)叶功能性状与物种多样性、功能多样性的相关性强,物种多样性和功能多样性之间相关性较弱,表明叶性状对生态学过程的变化较为敏感,叶功能性状与物种多样性之间存在较强的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Temperate forests cover 16% of the global forest area. Within these forests, the understorey is an important biodiversity reservoir that can influence ecosystem processes and functions in multiple ways. However, we still lack a thorough understanding of the relative importance of the understorey for temperate forest functioning. As a result, understoreys are often ignored during assessments of forest functioning and changes thereof under global change. We here compiled studies that quantify the relative importance of the understorey for temperate forest functioning, focussing on litter production, nutrient cycling, evapotranspiration, tree regeneration, pollination and pathogen dynamics. We describe the mechanisms driving understorey functioning and develop a conceptual framework synthesizing possible effects of multiple global change drivers on understorey‐mediated forest ecosystem functioning. Our review illustrates that the understorey's contribution to temperate forest functioning is significant but varies depending on the ecosystem function and the environmental context, and more importantly, the characteristics of the overstorey. To predict changes in understorey functioning and its relative importance for temperate forest functioning under global change, we argue that a simultaneous investigation of both overstorey and understorey functional responses to global change will be crucial. Our review shows that such studies are still very scarce, only available for a limited set of ecosystem functions and limited to quantification, providing little data to forecast functional responses to global change.  相似文献   

Testing how local environmental conditions influence plant community assembly is important to understand the underlying mechanisms that promote and/or maintain biodiversity. Functional traits are used to find the broad spectrum of resource use strategies that plants use to respond to environmental variation. The patterns and drivers of plant community assembly through the lens of traits and phylogeny; however, remain to be studied in a uniquely biodiversity rich but poorly known fragmented dry Afromontane forest of Ethiopia. Here, we combined trait and community phylogenetic data from thirty sampling plots of 20 × 20 m size to determine the functional and phylogenetic structures and their drivers in a fragmented, human-dominated dry evergreen Afromontane forest. We found phylogenetic and functional clustering of plants in which the effect of environment was found to be trait specific. A weak phylogenetic signal for traits was detected suggesting that species resource use strategies may not be inferred using species phylogenetic distance. Additionally, we found functional traits to be weak in predicting species abundance distribution. Overall, while this study shows a non-random community assembly pattern, it also highlights the importance of deterministic processes being trait specific.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional dispersion of drosophilid flies was studied within a secondary broad-leaved forest in relation to forest structure. The survey area included the forest margin and old canopy gaps and varied in the foliage height profile from place to place. Using multivariate analyses on the data of drosophilid dispersion, five microhabitats which were different from one another for drosophilids were recognized: (i) canopy layer; (ii) middle layer; (iii) floor layer of forest interior; (iv) upper layer of forest margin; and (v) herbaceous layer of forest margin and gap. The height of living space of canopy species was remarkably lowered at the forest margin. The forest edge was richer in both numbers of individuals and species than the forest interior from the overlap of the grassland and the forest canopy subcommunities and the addition of invaders from other habitats. However, no ‘edge’ species, which were mostly restricted to or spend most of their time in ecotones, were found. It is hypothesized that the above-ground forest structure consists fundamentally of three zones: (i) the canopy; (ii) the floor; and (iii) the edge. A significant positive correlation was found between the foliage height diversity and the degree of vertical habitat segregation among drosophilid species. The patchiness of vegetation structure influential to the three-dimensional dispersion in a forest drosophilid community was estimated to be on the scale of 110–450 m2. This scale of subjective habitat patchiness or ‘ecological neighbourhood’ corresponds well with the most prevalent size of canopy gaps occurring in various forests.  相似文献   

An unresolved question of temperate forests is how pioneer tree species persist in mature forests. In order to understand the responsible mechanisms, we investigated a near‐climax mixed temperate forest dominated by Betula albosinensis in the Qinling Mountains of China. Through establishing four 50 m × 50 m plots, we examined the canopy disturbance characteristics and its effects on tree recruitments. We further test the intra‐ and interspecific effects on the recruitment of B. albosinensis. The obtained data demonstrated canopy disturbance was frequent but most small‐sized. The canopy gaps are caused mainly by adult B. albosinensis by snapping. The regeneration of coexistent tree species shows a distinct preference for gap size. B. albosinensis were clumped at the juvenile stage and small scales. B. albosinensis juveniles were positively associated with B. utilis juveniles and negatively associated with the conspecific and B. utilis large trees. In addition, B. albosinensis juveniles showed negative associations with contemporary other tree species. Our results suggested that canopy disturbance caused by canopy trees and gap partitioning among the coexistent tree species are important for the persistence of the mixed forest. As a main gapmaker, B. albosinensis appear to develop a self‐perpetuating life‐history trait and allow them to persist.  相似文献   

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