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利用滇西地区两个不同海拔采样点的云南松树轮样本,建立树轮宽度标准化年表,研究其径向生长对气候和水文要素的响应。结果表明:滇西云南松径向生长主要受降水量、气温和径流量的影响,其中高海拔(2413.3 m)云南松径向生长受夏季高温的制约和季风季节径流量影响,而低海拔(1062.6 m)云南松径向生长受生长季的降水量和全年径流量影响。滇西高海拔云南松径向生长对气温变化的响应受温度阈值影响表现出不稳定性;低海拔云南松径向生长对降水量和径流量的响应,在20世纪80年代均受到东亚夏季风的减弱而出现波动。滇西不同海拔云南松径向生长与亚洲夏季风活动及厄尔尼诺存在联系。  相似文献   

为评估径级对树木的气候-生长关系的影响,建立太行山南麓低海拔地区栓皮栎全轮、早材、晚材宽度年表,对比两个径级栓皮栎人工林径向生长对气候响应的敏感性差异,使用叠加时代分析揭示干旱事件对不同径级栓皮栎的影响,为气候变化背景下研究区栓皮栎人工林可持续经营提供参考数据。结果表明: 大径级栓皮栎全轮、晚材年表的平均敏感度高于小径级栓皮栎年表,但小径级栓皮栎早材年表的平均敏感度高于大径级栓皮栎早材年表。晚材是树轮气候响应最敏感的组分。两径级栓皮栎标准年表指数对当年气候因子的响应模式相似。小径级栓皮栎全轮、晚材生长对当年6—8月的气候因子更敏感,其早材对生长季之前(1—2月)气候因子更敏感;而大径级栓皮栎早材对去年的气候因子更敏感,有更强的滞后效应。研究区栓皮栎对干旱非常敏感,干旱年份两径级栓皮栎全轮、晚材的径向生长量显著低于上一年,且大径级栓皮栎的减少幅度更高,但干旱后大径级栓皮栎生长恢复程度更高。  相似文献   

为探究广西金钟山细叶云南松径向生长及其对气候的响应,该文建立了细叶云南松树木年轮标准年表,采用响应分析探讨了径向生长与气候因子的关系,并使用逐步回归和方差分解量化了不同气候因子对径向生长的影响。结果表明:(1)响应分析结果显示,上一年1月、8月、9月、11月的日照时数以及上一年10月的平均最低气温和平均气温与标准年表年轮宽度均呈显著正相关,而上一年6月降雨量>10 mm的天数与年轮宽度呈显著负相关; 当年2月的降雨量、3月的空气相对湿度和平均最低气温、6月的日照时数以及9月的平均气温和平均最高气温均与年轮宽度呈显著正相关。(2)逐步回归最终模型的方差分解结果显示,上一年10月的平均最低气温对细叶云南松径向生长的影响最大(方差解释量达23.35%),其次是当年9月的平均最高气温(方差解释量为10.39%); 上一年1月和11月的日照时数分别解释了径向生长变异的3.94%和6.58%。综上表明,秋季的温度和冬季的光照条件是限制细叶云南松径向生长最主要的气候因子,早春干旱和雨季大降雨量会降低细叶云南松的径向生长。  相似文献   

李腾  何兴元  陈振举   《生态学杂志》2014,25(7):1841-1848
蒙古栎是东北森林中最重要的阔叶树种之一.本研究利用树木年代学方法研究中国东北南部千山地区蒙古栎的径向变化,结合1951—2010年的温度和降水等气象数据,利用相关函数分析了树木生长与气候变化的关系,揭示蒙古栎径向生长对气候响应规律.结果表明:研究区4—7月的降水量与蒙古栎年轮宽度呈显著正相关,是限制该地区蒙古栎径向生长的主要限制因子;5月极端最高温度与蒙古栎年轮宽度呈显著负相关,也是影响蒙古栎生长的关键因素.研究期间,蒙古栎年轮宽度与4月降水量的相关显著且稳定,自20世纪80年代开始蒙古栎径向生长对夏季温度的响应敏感性逐渐减弱,对温度的响应表现出从响应夏季温度向响应春季温度的转变.  相似文献   

Climate change could modify the biogeography of many forest species. Elevational gradients have been documented as strategic sites to better understand tree growth response to regional climate variables. Pinus cooperi Blanco is one of the most important species in Northern Mexico. However, little is known concerning effects of climate responses on growth of this species. We used tree data records to compare the influence of precipitation and temperature on radial growth among P. cooperi populations across a mountain landscape at elevation gradient. Correlation and regression analysis of the regional growth–climate relationships showed that radial growth was correlated with previous winter conditions at most sites along the gradient. Wet and cold winters were positively associated with radial growth. Although our results showed significant climate influences on tree radial growth, other site factors also may have affected growth–climate responses. The results support the idea that climate change influences P. cooperi growth.  相似文献   

雷帅  张劲松  孟平  何子兵  程顺  孙守家 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4479-4492
通过树木年代学方法,测定了毛乌素和塞罕坝相同密度樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)全木(Ringwood,RW)、早材(Earlywood,EW)和晚材(Latewood,LW)宽度,计算胸高断面积增量(Basal area increment,BAI),并建立了樟子松年轮宽度年表,分析其对气候响应的差异。结果显示,毛乌素(Mu Us)樟子松轮宽随树龄呈"升-降"的曲线变化,塞罕坝(Saihanba)呈线性下降,两地樟子松BAI变化相似,呈"升-降"的曲线变化,EW占RW的65%—70%,表明EW对RW贡献较大。生长期间,毛乌素樟子松早晚材比例保持平稳,塞罕坝EW/RW值下降,LW/RW值上升,两地干旱事件均使LW/RW值下降,EW/RW值上升。差值年表(Residual chronology,RES)相关性分析显示,毛乌素樟子松径向生长主要与4、7月平均降雨,7月标准化降水蒸散发指数(Standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index,SPEI),3、8月平均温度及上年12月和当年3月最低温度呈正...  相似文献   

阿尔泰山萨彦岭4种优势树种径向生长对气候因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
康剑  蒋少伟  黄建国 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6135-6146
气候变化深刻地影响森林树木的生长,而树种对气候变化敏感度的差异可能影响了气候变化下的森林生态系统响应。因此,研究优势树种间生长对气候变化的敏感度差异,对正确认识气候变化下林分生长动态及分布格局十分重要。基于树木年代学的方法,研究了阿尔泰山萨彦岭西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)、西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)、西伯利亚冷杉(Abies sibirica)以及西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)4种优势树种的径向生长-气候关系。结果显示:(1)西伯利亚冷杉径向生长与上一年10-11月、当年1-9月的干旱指数、2-4月的降水显著正相关,与1月的平均温和最高温呈显著负相关关系,与当年4、6月份的水汽压正相关;(2)西伯利亚落叶松径向生长与上一年8月和当年8月的平均温、最高温以及当年8月的最低温显著负相关,而与当年6月的最低温则正相关,与8月份的水汽压显著负相关;(3)西伯利亚红松径向生长与3月降水、7月最低温、上一年10月的水汽压显著正相关;(4)西伯利亚云杉径向生长与6月平均温、最高温、水汽压正相关,与上一年10-11月、当年2-4月和9月的干旱指数正相关,同时与3、4月的降水量显著正相关。西伯利亚冷杉和西伯利亚云杉、西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚落叶松、西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚红松对于特定气候因子表现出相似的响应结果,与年表间相关性的结果一致。但差异也是明显的,西伯利亚冷杉和西伯利亚云杉对区域水分变化敏感,而西伯利亚落叶松和西伯利亚红松主要对区域温度变化敏感。综上所述,气候变化下,该区域优势树种对气候变化响应的差异可能导致区域林分动态和格局的改变,因此,多树种径向生长-气候关系研究有助于正确反映森林动态。研究结果可以为区域森林管理与生态保护工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带地区主要造林树种之一,其在区域碳循环和缓解气候变化中起着重要的作用。以亚热带地区6个站点(荆关、马鬃岭、分宜、将乐、东风、高峰)杉木人工林为研究对象,建立树轮标准化年表,分析树木年轮年表与气候因子的关系,解析不同研究区杉木径向生长对气候变化的响应机制,探讨不同站点杉木对干旱事件的响应策略,为该地区杉木人工林的经营管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明,6个研究区杉木树轮宽度对气候变化的平均敏感度大于0.15,样本总体代表性大于0.85,均处于可接受水平,表明6个站点的杉木样本具有区域代表性,适用于进行气候相关分析。杉木径向生长主要与生长季的平均温度和降水量、上一年夏季的最低温度正相关,与当年夏季最高温度负相关,高峰站点的径向生长与7—10月的相对湿度显著正相关,其他地点径向生长与月相对湿度相关性较弱,分宜、东风和高峰站的径向生长与干旱指数显著正相关,其他地点的杉木树轮宽度与干旱指数相关性较弱。干旱事件对6个站点杉木生长均产生了负面影响,胸高断面积增长(Basal area increment, BAI)呈先上升后下降的趋势,在生长后...  相似文献   

为探究林分密度和气候因子对蒙古栎径向生长的影响,利用树木年代学方法研究了不同林分密度调控(间伐)下次生蒙古栎林径向生长变化,并结合气象数据,分析了蒙古栎生长变化的驱动因子。结果表明: 次生蒙古栎林径向生长受林分密度的影响显著。低密度原始林蒙古栎径向年均增长量为3.12 mm,2个中密度次生蒙古栎林分别为1.55和1.42 mm,高密度次生蒙古栎林为0.96 mm。20%的间伐强度对促进高密度(1900 株·hm-2以上)栎林径向生长恢复作用有限,而对于中等密度(1600 株·hm-2)栎林效果显著。该地区蒙古栎径向生长主要对当年1月和2月的降水变化敏感。抚育间伐降低了蒙古栎径向生长对气候因子的敏感性。在未来暖干化的气候情境下,密度调控有利于减缓气候变化对蒙古栎生长的不利影响。  相似文献   

湖北省地区植被覆盖变化及其对气候因子的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁沫汐  邹玲  林爱文  朱弘纪 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5315-5323
归一化植被指数(NDVI)作为一个重要的遥感参数,能够准确地反映植被覆盖程度和植被生长状况、生物物理化学性质及生态系统参数的变化,其时序数据也已成为基于生物气候特征开展大区域植被和土地覆盖分类的基本手段。基于2001—2012年MODIS-NDVI数据,利用趋势分析法以及线性相关分析等方法对湖北省植被年际变化趋势、月变化趋势进行详细分析;并且研究该区植被覆盖时空变化及其与气温和降水的关系。结果表明近12年来,研究区大部分区域植被覆盖度良好,其中鄂西北及鄂南地区NDVI值较高为0.82,鄂中东部城市NDVI值较低为0.13;2001—2012年间年均NDVI整体呈增加趋势,增速1%/10a;植被覆盖度基本不变区域占研究区总面积的92.8%,大致符合我国中部地区植被覆盖变化趋势;分析NDVI与气候因子的相关关系可知,降水量对湖北植被NDVI年变化起有重要影响;逐月NDVI与月平均气温及月降水量的回归分析表明,降水和气温对生长季不同月份的植被NDVI影响明显不同,同时呈现一定的滞后性。  相似文献   

曾林辉  周蕾  寇亮  迟永刚 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6637-6648
树干径向变化的多尺度研究提供了树木生长及其和环境因子关系的详细信息,有助于准确评估全球气候变化背景下森林生态系统碳汇变异。以往树干径向变化研究主要集中在温带和热带地区,且大多数研究方法基于时间分辨率较粗的树木年轮法,然而缺少亚热带地区高时间分辨率树干径向变化的研究。利用树干径向变化记录仪连续监测亚热带地区马尾松13个月的树干径向变化动态,探索不同时间尺度树干径向变化规律及与环境因子的关系。结果表明:(1)在日尺度,马尾松径向变化模式为白天收缩夜晚膨胀,秋冬季节夜晚膨胀没有春夏季明显。(2)在季节尺度,马尾松树干径向变化可分为4个时期,其中3-8月是主要生长月份,4月是累计生长量最大的月份。(3)在日尺度上,相对湿度和饱和水汽压亏缺是调节马尾松径向变化主要环境因素;在季节尺度上,土壤温度对树干径向变化的影响大于空气温度,降水量与相对湿度等水分因素对树干径向生长的促进作用在生长季中后期更为明显。研究结果有助于深入理解亚热带季风气候区树干径向变化及其对环境变化的响应,为气候变化背景下亚热带地区的植树造林设计和森林可持续管理提供依据。  相似文献   

利用树木径向生长监测仪(Dendrometer)和自动气象站在祁连山西部对8棵青海云杉的径向生长及环境因子进行了连续监测研究。结果表明: Gompertz函数拟合结果显示,2018—2020年青海云杉的径向生长分别开始于4月19日、4月17日和4月10日,在日平均气温超过5.5 ℃时径向生长开始;青海云杉生长结束时间分别为8月17日、8月21日和7月19日,生长结束时间与生长季末期降水量有关。研究区青海云杉径向生长量受干旱抑制强烈,其中与7月的日均温(负相关)和日降水量(正相关)相关性最高,与生长季初期(5月)的日降水量的相关关系存在年际间差异。  相似文献   

Testing how populations are locally adapted and predicting their response to their future environment is of key importance in view of climate change. Landscape genomics is a powerful approach to investigate genes and environmental factors involved in local adaptation. In a pooled amplicon sequencing approach of 94 genes in 71 populations, we tested whether >3500 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the three most common oak species in Switzerland (Quercus petraea, Q. pubescens, Q. robur) show an association with abiotic factors related to local topography, historical climate and soil characteristics. In the analysis including all species, the most frequently associated environmental factors were those best describing the habitats of the species. In the species‐specific analyses, the most important environmental factors and associated SNPs greatly differed among species. However, we identified one SNP and seven genes that were associated with the same environmental factor across all species. We finally used regressions of allele frequencies of the most strongly associated SNPs along environmental gradients to predict the risk of nonadaptedness (RONA), which represents the average change in allele frequency at climate‐associated loci theoretically required to match future climatic conditions. RONA is considerable for some populations and species (up to 48% in single populations) and strongly differs among species. Given the long generation time of oaks, some of the required allele frequency changes might not be realistic to achieve based on standing genetic variation. Hence, future adaptedness requires gene flow or planting of individuals carrying beneficial alleles from habitats currently matching future climatic conditions.  相似文献   

为探讨杉木径向变化的季节动态及其气候响应特征,利用径向生长仪连续2年(2016—2017年)监测了江西中部杉木的径向变化过程,分析了径向变化的日动态、季节动态规律及其与气候因子的相关性。结果表明: 杉木日径向昼夜变化呈白天收缩、夜间膨胀的格局;2017年径向生长开始时间比2016年提前一个月,但旱季持续的水分亏缺使生长季也早一个月结束;在主要生长季内(4—9月),无论湿季与旱季,径向增长量与降雨、相对湿度呈显著正相关,与光合有效辐射、饱和水汽压差呈显著负相关,而水分亏缺量的气候相关性与径向增长量相反;旱季严重缺水时土壤含水量对径向变化的影响显著增强。水分条件始终是影响杉木径向变化的关键因素,夏季干旱时可通过提高土壤含水量等有效途径促进杉木径向生长。  相似文献   

通过对祁连山中部葫芦沟流域的祁连圆柏连续采集微树芯,对其形成层活动和径向生长动态进行了连续两年的监测研究。结果表明,2012年细胞壁加厚和细胞成熟阶段开始时间分别发生在6月26日和7月24日,比2013年细胞壁加厚(6月22日)和细胞成熟阶段(6月26日)开始时间分别晚5 d和28 d。2012年细胞扩大、细胞壁加厚和细胞成熟阶段结束时间分别为7月16日、8月9日和9月8日,比2013年各阶段结束时间分别晚7、28 d和24 d。2012年最大细胞分裂速率为0.33细胞/d,共形成20.9个细胞,细胞分裂速率和木质部细胞总数均高于2013年。通过与附近气象站记录的气象数据进行对比,发现祁连圆柏生长开始时间在温暖年份显著早于寒冷年份,说明祁连圆柏的径向生长开始时间与温度有关。但2013年春季和夏初的高温导致区域干旱程度加剧,使祁连圆柏生长结束时间显著早于2012年,并导致2013年的木质部细胞总量和生长速率都小于2012年。研究表明,在寒冷干旱地区,尽管升温会使生长季提前,但升温导致的干旱胁迫可能对树木的生长速率和木质部细胞总量产生重要影响。  相似文献   

运用树木年代学的原理和方法,对普达措国家公园大果红杉、长苞冷杉、高山松和麦吊云杉4个优势针叶树种的年轮宽度进行测量,建立年轮宽度差值年表。分析年表与香格里拉气象站的日、月气候数据的相关性,研究4个优势针叶树种的径向生长对气候因子的响应。结果表明: 大果红杉的年生长速率最高,长苞冷杉的年生长速率最低;4种针叶树径向生长对气候因子的响应存在物种特异性,大果红杉与气候因子的相关性最强,麦吊云杉的径向生长对气候因子的响应不敏感;长苞冷杉树轮宽度年表与上年冬季(11、12月)和当年夏季(7月)的平均温度呈显著正相关;大果红杉树轮宽度年表与生长季早期(6月)温度呈显著正相关,与同期降水量和相对湿度呈显著负相关;而高山松树轮宽度年表与生长季早期(5月)的降水量和相对湿度呈显著正相关,与同期最高温度呈显著负相关,表明高山松的径向生长主要受生长季早期水分可利用性的影响。  相似文献   

Different tree species growing in the same area may have different, or even contrasting growth responses to climate change. Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and Mongolia oak (Quercus mongolica) are two crucial tree species in temperate forest ecosystems. Six tree-ring chronologies for Korean pine and Mongolia oak were developed by using the zero-signal method to explore their growth response to the recent climate warming in northeast China. Results showed that Mongolia oak radial growth was mainly limited by precipitation in the growing season, while Korean pine growth depended on temperature condition, especially monthly minimum temperature. With the latitude decrease, the relationships between Korean pine growth and monthly precipitation changed from negative to positive correlation, while the positive correlation with monthly temperature gradually weakened. In the contrary, Mongolia oak growth at the three sampling sites was significantly and positively correlated with precipitation in the growing season, while it was negatively correlated with temperature and this relationship decreased with the latitude decrease. The radial growth of Korean pine at different sites showed a clearly discrepant responses to the recent warming since 1980. Korean pine growth in the north site increased with the temperature increase, decreased in the midwest site, and almost unchanged in the southeast site. Conversely, Mongolia oak growth was less affected by the recent climate warming. Our finding suggested that tree species trait and sites are both key factors that affect the response of tree growth to climate change. In addition, the suitable distribution area of Korean pine may be moved northward with the continued global warming in the future, but Mongolia oak may not shift in the same way.  相似文献   

Question: Lower montane treeline ecotones such as the inner Alpine dry valleys are regarded as sensitive to climate change. In the dry Valais valley (Switzerland) the composition of the widespread, low altitude Pinus forests is shifting towards a mixed deciduous state. The sub‐boreal P. sylvestris shows high mortality rates, whereas the deciduous sub‐mediterranean Quercus pubescens is spreading. These species may act as early indicators of climate change. We evaluate this hypothesis by focusing on their differences in drought tolerance, which are hardly known, but are likely to be crucial in the current forest shift and also for future forest development. Methods: We used dendroecological methods to detect species‐specific patterns in the growth response to drought. The relationship between radial growth of 401 trees from 15 mixed stands and drought was analysed by calculating response functions using yearly tree‐ring indices and monthly drought indices. PCA was applied to the response ratios to discover spatial patterns of drought response. Results: A species‐specific response to moisture as well as a sub‐regional differentiation of the response patterns were found. While Quercus showed a response mainly to the conditions of the previous autumn and those of current spring, Pinus did not start responding before May, but showed responses throughout the whole summer. Quercus may restrict physiological activity to moist periods; growth of Pinus was much more dependent on prior growth. Conclusions: Given that the climate is changing towards (1) longer summer drought periods, (2) higher mean temperatures and (3) shifted seasonally of moisture availability, Quercus may benefit from adapting better to drier conditions. Pinus may increasingly face problems related to drought stress as it depends on summer moisture and has a smaller adaptive capacity due to its long‐lived photosynthetic tissue.  相似文献   

鼎湖山马尾松径向生长动态与气候因子的关系   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Dendroclimatology method was used to study the relationship between ring index of Pinus massoniana and three climate factors in Dinghushan,South China.The ring indices were negatively correlated with the average tem-perature in June,August and September,and positively correlated with the average temperature of March,whereas no statistically significant correlation was found with monthly precipitation,showing that high summer temperature could limit the radial growth of the species,Meanwhile,tree ring indices showed a strong positive correlation with the relative humidity of April June,August,September,October and November,and also with the average humidity of the whole year,indicating that atmospheric moisture could not fully satisfy the growth of Pinus massoniana despite of abundant rainfall,The possible impact of climate change on the growth of Pinus massoniana was discussed accordingly.  相似文献   

Stand growth and developmental processes were investigated in Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zucc. stands of different ages in the central eastern region of Korea. Stands were inventoried and five trees per stand were sampled for stem analysis, age estimation, and growth analysis. More than 80% of sampled trees in a stand were established within 3–5 years, and most stands had a single cohort structure. The initial growth of pine seedlings was slow, but the height growth accelerated beyond 2–3 m height, 5–10 years after establishment. Linear growth was maintained until 10–12 m height, at which suppressed trees fell behind and might die out. The young stand was composed of pure pines, while few pine seedlings and saplings were found in the understory of older stands. The peak of diameter growth rate occurred around 5–15 years after tree establishment, implying that competition begins during that period. The pine stand development follows four stages: (1) the young stage when the growth rate increases and peaks; (2) the height competition stage when trees focus on height growth for light while maintaining a narrow DBH and height distribution; (3) the differentiation stage when suppressed trees die out, and the DBH distribution becomes wider; and (4) the mature stage when stands have a multi-canopy structure with a wide DBH and height distribution, while the understory is dominated by other tree species. The changes in growth rates and stand structure through forest development would be implemented to predict alterations of above-ground carbon sequestration rates.  相似文献   

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