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Rallinyssus sorae sp. n. is described from the nasal turbinates of the sora, Porzana carolina, collected in Maryland and Ohio. The new species is most similar to Rallinyssus verheyeni Fain but differs in number of setae on the female ventral opisthosoma, structure of the fixed and movable digits of the male and female chelicerae, chaetotaxy of legs I to IV, and presence of a sternal plate in the male. The taxonomy and host-parasite relationships of the various species of Rallinyssus are discussed.  相似文献   

Four new species of Cyclopoida from deep-sea waters are described and placed in two new genera: Giselina gen. n. and Sensogiselina gen. n. The new genera and species belong to a new monophyletic group within the cyclopinid cyclopoids. A new name, Giselinidae, is proposed for this monophylum. The new family is characterised by the combination of the following characters: (1) tergite of leg 1 fused to cephalosome dorsally, but incompletely fused laterally, (2) absence of aesthetascs on ancestral antennulary segments XVI, XXI and XXV, (3) absence of antennary exopodal setae, (4) presence of only three spines on distal exopodal segment of leg 1, (5) absence of inner setae on first endopodal segments of legs 1–4, (6) outer terminal and distal inner elements of distal endopodal segment of leg 4 transformed into spines, (7) distal outer element of leg 5 exopod transformed into a spine, (8) leg 6 with only one seta, and (9) furcal setae I and III located on dorsal margin. Received in revised form: 16 June 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Five new species and two new genera belonging to the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Cheyletoidea) are described from birds that died in the Antwerp Zoo during their quarantine: Charadriaulobia vanelli n. g., n. sp. from Vanellus chilensis (Charadriiformes: Charadriidae) in Brazil; Fritschisyringophilus lonchurae n. g., n. sp. from Lonchura punctulata (Passeriformes: Estrildidae) in India; Mironovia coturnae n. sp. from Coturnix coturnix (Galliformes: Phasianidae) in Europe; Syringophiloidus daberti n. sp. from Passerina ciris (Passeriformes: Emberizidae) in Mexico; and S. serini n. sp. from Serinus mozambicus (Passeriformes: Fringillidae) in Central Africa. Charadriaulobia n. g. differs from the closely related Aulobia Kethley, 1970, in both sexes, by the divergent epimeres I; in females, by the absence of protuberances on the hypostomal apex and by the situation of the bases of setae l4 distinctly anterior the bases of setae d4. Fritschisyringophilus n. g. differs from the closely related Syringophiloidus Kethley, 1972, in both sexes, by the presence of setae vs ' on legs II, the absence of setae dT on legs III and IV; in females, by the presence of median hypostomal protuberances and by short setae l1, l2 and l3. The relationships between the Syringophilidae and their hosts are briefly discussed. A list of all known syringophilid genera and their distribution on bird families is provided.  相似文献   

Ricinuleids are one of the least investigated groups of Arachnida. In particular, knowledge of their ultrastructure is poor. Observations of the distal tarsomeres of ricinuleids show differences in their shape and equipment of surface structures. Legs I and II are used by the Ricinulei to explore their surroundings with tentative movements. The tarsomeres of these legs show similarities in shape and surface structures that distinguish them from those of legs III and IV. In this study, 11 different structures of the tarsomere surfaces of two cave-dwelling species, Pseudocellus pearsei and P. boneti from México, were investigated for the first time with scanning and transmission electron microscopy and discussed regarding their possible function: 1) a single treelike ramifying seta resembles a no pore single-walled (np-sw) sensillum; 2) setae occurring in a small number and possessing a bipartite shaft represent terminal pore single-walled (tp-sw) sensilla. The surface of the proximal half of the shaft shows small branches. The distal half has a smooth surface; 3) long setae with conspicuous longitudinal lamellae show characteristics of chemoreceptive wall pore single-walled (wp-sw) sensilla; 4) frequent small wp-sw sensilla with flat and irregular lamellae; 5) very short wp-sw sensilla occurring solitary or in groups; 6) a few short setae with smooth surface correspond to wp-sw sensilla; 7) a single short clubbed seta articulating in a flat pit is considered to be a np-sw sensillum; 8) common long setae with a pointed tip show characteristics of mechanoreceptive np-sw sensilla; 9) ventral setae with adhesive and mechanosensory function are accompanied by multicellular "class III" glands; 10) slit organs with mechanoreceptive function; and 11) dome-like tubercles with no indication of sensorial function. Several of these sensilla form a sensory field on the dorsofrontal surface which is particularly pronounced on the distal tarsomeres of legs I and II.  相似文献   

Summary The lung mite P. africanus Fain, 1959 and its larva from a new host (Mandrillus leucophaeus) is described and compared to the most frequently found species, P. simicola Banks, 1901. The chaetotaxy of the legs is essentially identical, but leg IV of P. simicola bears 5 spines and 10 setae, while in P. africanus one of the spines is replaced by a seta. Also, very fragile small setae were discovered at the base of the ambulacra on legs II, III and IV in P. africanus and only on leg IV in P. simicola. The chaetae of the ‘Haller's organ’ on leg I are described in detail, and formulae for the chaetotaxy of all legs and measurements of both species are given. ac]19860213  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic glands often release sexual pheromones both in vertebrates and invertebrates. Species of Laniatores (Arachnida, Opiliones) seem to depend on chemical communication but few studies have addressed this topic. In this study, we review the literature for the Phalangida and present new data for 23 species of Laniatores. In 16 taxa, we found previously undescribed sexually dimorphic glandular openings on the femur, patella, metatarsus, and tarsus of legs I and metatarsus of legs III and IV. For the other species, we provide scanning electron micrographs of previously undescribed sexually dimorphic setae and pegs located on swollen regions of the legs. We also list additional species in which males have swollen regions on the legs, including the tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus of legs I, trochanter and tibia of legs II, femur, metatarsus, and tarsus of legs III, and metatarsus and tarsus of legs IV. The function and biological role of the secretions released by these glands are discussed. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Both genders of Paramphiascella choi sp. nov. were collected from the green alga Enteromorpha clathrata in Rayong province, Thailand. P. choi shares with other species of the genus: cylindrical body shape, rostrum not bifid, eight-segmented antennules, three-segmented exopodal antenna, and female P5 exopod with five setae. The new species distinguished from other conspecific species by: three-segmented exopodal antenna, inner edge of basis of male P1 and P2 bear a bare ovate-knob each. Enp-1 very elongate, Enp-2 of male P2 transformed into a large, strong, slightly curved and tapering attenuation with two central chitinous ridges, and bearing one medially directed knob close to enp-1. At the base of this knob arise three plumose setae of unequal length. These characters are suggested to be autapomorphies of the new species. Six naupliar stages are obtained and described a key for the identification of stages is provided. Nauplius I has one pair of caudal setae; three-segmented antennules; antenna consists of a coxa, basis, endopod and exopod; mandible has a coxa, basis, endopod and exopod; hindbody bears two caudal setae. Nauplius II develops one aesthetasc on the antennule; antenna has added an arthrite arising from the coxa; mandible has a row of tiny spinulose setae. Nauplius III has added two pairs of caudal setae. Nauplius IV bears bilobed bud of the maxillule armed with two setae and four pairs of caudal setae. Nauplius V bears a multilobed bud of the maxillule with three setae and five pairs of caudal setae. At Nauplius VI, the buds of swimming legs 1 and 2 are added.  相似文献   

Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2000,34(6):534-538
The mites of genus Neharpyrhynchus Fain, 1972 (Acari: Harpirhynchidae) are recorded from Rissia for first time. Two species, N. hippolae sp. n. from Hippolais icterina (Passeriformes: Sylviidae) and N. plumaris (Fritsch) from Fringilla coelebs (Passeroformes: Fringillidae) from N. W. Russia was found. N. hippolae sp. n., female holotype (all measurements in mkm, abbreviations--see Fain e.a., 1999): L 517, W 382, LS 179, WS 325, PA 27, thicker than PI 49 and PE 24, pts smooth, vi, ve [symbol: see text] sci are subequal, about 94, l5 247; propodosomal shield not divided; anterior region of pronotum with rounded verrucosites; venter without scales; legs I-II with 2 free segments and strongly developed lobes at their bases; legs III-IV with one segment, bears 4 and 5 setae respectively (in paratypes number of these setae is variable, 4-5). Male: L 227-254, W 210-219, LS 129-134, WS 170-183, pts are smooth, ve 78-87, sci 83-90, sce 89-95, h 90-110; penis 49-56 long; legs III with 2 free segments, basal segment bears seta, apical segment with 5-6 setae; legs IV with one free segment, it bears 4-5 setae. The new species is closely related to N. pilirostris (Berlese et Trouessart, 1889) and distinguished by characters as follows. N. hippolae sp. n. (female): the setae PI about 2 times are longer than PA and PE; the apical segment of legs III-IV bears 4-5 setae. N. pilirostris: setae PA, PI [symbol: see text] PE are subequal; the apical segment of legs III-IV bears 4 setae only. N. plumaris differs from closely related species N. novoplumaris Moss e.a., 1968 by characters as follows. In female of N. plumaris, the setae PA are subequal to PE and 1.6-1.8 times shorter than PI. In N. novoplumaris, the setae PA shorter than PI and PE.  相似文献   

A new species of mites of the genus Tarsopolipus (Acari: Prostigmata: Podapolipidae) is described from southern Iran. Tarsopolipus husbandi Mortazavi and Hajiqanbar n. sp. is a sub-elytral ectoparasite of the scarabaeid beetle, Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) acuticollis. The new species is closely related to Tarsopolipus corrugatus Berlese 1911, but is distinguished from it by the following characters. Adult female: presence of vestigial setae v(2) and shorter setae sc(2). Adult male: presence of setae v' on tibia IV and shorter setae sc(2) and c(2). Larval female: shorter cheliceral stylets and longer distance between setae v(1) and ch. Species of Tarsopolipus are currently distributed in Afro-tropical, Palaearctic, and Oriental regions and parasitize species in 3 genera of scarabaeid beetles, i.e., Scarabaeus , Kheper, and Drepanopodes, all belonging to the tribe Scarabaeini.  相似文献   

Abstract Parobia husbandi gen. n., sp. n. is described from material collected from the subelytra of the southern eucalyptus leaf beetle, Chrysophtharta agricola (Chapuis), in Tasmania, Australia. Parobia gen. n. is distinguished from other podapolipid genera adult males and females with four pairs of legs and no setae on genua I−IV and femora III−IV, adult females with setae v1 and sc2 < 20 µm, and at least two pairs of coxal setae peg-like, adult males with dorso-terminal genitalia, dorsal shields C-D-E fused, and physogastric larval females with plates C and D entire. A series of morphological plesiomorphies and biological apomorphies link Parobia gen. n. with Chrysomelobia Regenfuss, the most basal genus of Podapolipidae.  相似文献   

Troglocyclops janstocki is proposed to accommodate cyclopids from Hatchet Bay Cave, Eleuthera Island, Bahamas. The species is the most primitive member of the Halicyclopinae because of the presence of 15-segmented antennules, mandibular palp reduced to 3 setae, one of them quite long and plumose, a bisegmented maxillary endopodite, and 3 segments in the maxilliped endopodite. These copepods possess the first pediger still distinct, being partially enclosed dorsally and laterally by a carapace-like extension of the posterior margin of the dorsal cephalic shield. This latter character represents a plesiomorphic state shared with the primitive cyclopinids and, within the Cyclopidae, only with the Euryteinae. The new taxon is the only known species of Halicyclopinae having two apical spines on the terminal segment of the exopodite of legs 2 to 4, and the intercoxal sclerites of the legs 1 and 2 sexually dimorphic. The phylogenetic importance of each of these characters is discussed.  相似文献   

The complete postembryonic development of Tropodiaptomus informiscomprises six naupliar and six copepodid stages of which thelast is the adult. Of all the characteristics, it is the shapeand number of setae on the terminal segments of the antennulesin the late naupliar stages, and the shape and setae of exo-and endopods of the fifth legs from copepodids III to V whichare most useful in constructing relationships among eight diaptomidsreared.  相似文献   

Abe W  Okabe K 《Zoological science》2006,23(10):929-935
A new species of Ensliniella is described from deutonymphs from two localities in central Japan as the seventh species of the genus. Ensliniella asiatica sp. nov., found in the nests and acarinaria (mite chambers) of the vespid wasp Allodynerus mandschuricus, differs from the most similar species, E. kostylevi, in having a more reduced, shorter, subconical solenidion psi on tibia IV and ensiform setae e and r on tarsus III. It is readily distinguished from the remaining five known congeners in having a solenidion omega2 on tarsus I. This is the second species of Ensliniella known from Japan.  相似文献   

A new and unique harpacticoid copepod from Spartina altemiflora salt marshes of the southeastern coast of the United States is described. Stenhelia bifidia sp. nov., differs from its closest allies in having bifid P5 setae, reduced number of setae on the swimming legs, reduced length of the mandibular enpododite setae and a sexually dimorphic rostrum.
A table listing the salient morphological features of Stenhelia (Delavalia) is given as a new key to the subgenus along with a discussion on the validity of the Stenhelia related genus Me lima Por.  相似文献   

A new species, Siteroptes longisetissimus Khaustov et Ermilov sp. n., is described from European Russia (Nizhnii Novgorod Province). The new species differs from all the congeners in the presence of very small oval stigmata and in the absence of setae v on femora III and IV. A key to families of the superfamily Pygmephoroidea is provided.  相似文献   

A new oribatid mite species, Protoribates aethiopicus sp. n., from Ethiopia is described. This species is morphologically similar to Protoribates dentatus (Berlese, 1883), but differs from it in the longer lamellae and notogastral setae, shorter adanal setae ad 1 and smaller notogastral porous areas, as well as in the presence of two claws on all legs.  相似文献   

A new species of the Macrochironidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), Pseudomacrochiron aureliae n. sp., is described based on adult specimens extracted from the gastrovacular cavity of the scyphistomae of Aurelia sp. (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) collected in the Seto Inland Sea and Ise Bay off the coast of Japan. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: a caudal ramus with a length to width ratio of 3.1; an accessory flagellum on caudal setae II, III and VI; three apical setae on the maxillule; only setae I and II on the maxillary basis; two short spines on the female maxilliped claw (endopod); an armature of III, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of I, II, 2 on the terminal endopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of II, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 4; and a short free exopodal segment of leg 5 (length to width ratio of 1.4) armed with a long seta and short spine. P. aureliae n. sp. is the first member of the genus reported from off Japan and from the scyphistomae of its scyphozoan host.  相似文献   

In February 2010, dermatitis characterized by scale and self-trauma due to puritis was recognized in a group of 22 four-toed hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris Wagner, 1841) from a local pet shop in Gwangju, Korea. Microscopic examinations of skin scraping samples showed numerous mites of all developmental stages. Morphologically, pedicels of adult mites were short and unjointed. Tarsal caruncles were bell-shaped on all legs of males while they were absent on legs III and IV of females. Three long setae on the third pair of legs in both sexes were present. Adult males had posterior end of the abdomen with trilobate projection on each side, each lobe with a long seta. Based on these features, the mites were identified as Caparinia tripilis. This is the first report of caparinic mite infestation in hedgehogs from Korea. Identification keys for the family Psoroptidae and the genus Caparinia are provided.  相似文献   

Halicyclops tetracanthus sp.n. and H. venezuelaensis Lindberg were found in the Sittee River Estuary, Belize. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by having a distal spine and two spiniform heterogeneously ornamented setae on the inner margin of the terminal endopodal segment of legs 2 and 3. Halicyclops venezuelaensis, previously known only from Venezuela is redescribed based on specimens of both sexes. Differences in the ornamentation as well as in the relative length of some setae of the maxilla and maxilliped are pointed out as additional useful characters in the taxonomy of Halicyclops. This is the first record of Halicyclops in Belize.  相似文献   

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