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Music is a human universal, which suggests a biological adaptation. Several evolutionary explanations have been proposed, covering the entire spectrum of natural, sexual, and group selection. Here we consider the hypothesis that musical behaviour constitutes a reliable or even costly signal of fitness, and thus may have evolved as a human trait through sexual selection. We experimentally tested how musical performance quality (MPQ), in improvisations on the drums, saxophone, and violin, affects mate values and mate preferences perceived by a prospective partner. Swedish student participants (27 of each sex) saw a face of a person of the opposite sex and heard a piece of improvised music being played. The music occurred in three levels of MPQ and the faces in three levels of facial attractiveness (FA). For each parametric combination of MPG and FA, the participants rated four mate value scales (intelligence, health, social status, and parenting skill) and four mate preference scales (date, intercourse, and short- and long term relationship). Consistent with sexual selection theory, mate value ratings were generally increased by MPQ for raters of both sexes. Consistent with more specific hypotheses that follow from combining sexual selection and parental investment theory, women’s but not men’s preference for a long-term, but not short-term, relationship was significantly increased by MPQ, MPQ generally affected women’s ratings more than men’s, FA generally affected men’s ratings more than women’s, and women’s ratings of intelligence were even more influenced by MPQ than by FA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In our series of investigations concerning the causes of seasonal change in fat accumulation in young university students, we could not find any contribution of seasonal variation in the ratio of carbohydrate and fat metabolism to that of body fat percentage in Japanese and Thai participants. After our previous study, we examined the effect of daily physical activity on body fat percentage to look for the major causes of seasonal change in fat accumulation in young university students. FINDINGS: In this study, we measured participants' (young Japanese and Thai university students) daily physical activity by a uniaxial accelerometer in addition to the measurements of body fat percentage and body mass index by a bioelectrical impedance meter. We found that there was significant and moderate negative correlation between body fat percentage and daily step counts among Japanese but not Thai participants. We observed significant, moderate and positive correlations between the percentage of body fat and body mass index among Japanese and Thai participants. CONCLUSIONS: Daily physical activity plays an important role in the seasonal variation of body fat percentage of Japanese female students. Our present study also confirmed the importance of daily physical activity for controlling body mass index and for the prevention of obesity.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined how spatial distribution and the use of aggressive behavior by blue gouramis, Trichogaster trichopterus (Belontiidae), in the presence of a concentrated food source were affected by group size and by the short-term presence and absence of food. Gouramis aggregated in the area of the food source, and the frequency of aggressive acts per fish was higher for fish near the food source than for fish away from it. The frequency of aggressive acts per fish near the food source decreased with group size and was about 50 times higher in groups of 2 and 4 than it was in groups of 16 and 32. In group sizes 2 and 4, the frequency of aggression was unaffected by the presence and absence of food, but in larger group sizes aggression increased during short intervals without food. The mean proportion of time spent near the food source increased from group size 2 to group size 8 and decreased from group size 8 to group size 32 and was greater during intervals of food availability than during intervals in which food was not available. We suggest that gouramis adjust their relative use of contest and scramble competition according to the costs and benefits of aggression as determined by the number of competitors and by the potential for missed feeding opportunities. The average proportion of time spent in the vicinity of the food source appears to be influenced by both the rate of aggression and by the net rate of gain available.  相似文献   

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