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ABSTRACT.   Snowy Plovers ( Charadrius alexandrinus ) and Wilson's Plovers ( C. wilsonia ) are shorebird species of increasing conservation concern, with populations apparently declining in North America. However, estimates of current populations are needed before initiating long-term monitoring or planning. In 2004, we estimated abundance of breeding Snowy and Wilson's plovers in the lower Laguna Madre region of Texas using occupancy abundance estimation. We made repeated visits to survey plots from April to June, recording the number of adults of both species observed and the amount of suitable breeding habitat within each plot. We considered Bayesian occupancy abundance models with and without habitat covariates to explain the abundance of both species. For both Snowy and Wilson's plovers, the number of birds counted in each plot was influenced by the amount of suitable breeding habitat within the plot (Snowy Plover αhabitat= 0.52, SD = 0.10, 95% CI = 0.33–0.71; Wilson's Plover αhabitat= 0.48, SD = 0.12, 95% CI = 0.24–0.71). Using the habitat covariate models for each species, we estimated that 416 adult Snowy Plovers (95% CI = 394–438) and 279 adult Wilson's Plovers (95% CI = 262–296) were present in our study area. Our results illustrate the use of a relatively new method for abundance estimation, and indicate that the lower Laguna Madre region of Texas is an important breeding area for both Snowy and Wilson's plovers. Given the documented and suspected population declines for Snowy and Wilson's plovers, we recommend protection of their breeding habitats along the coast of Texas from development and degradation resulting from unregulated use.  相似文献   

A bloom of the alga Aureoumbra lagunensis, known as the Texas‘brown tide’, persisted in the Laguna Madre of Texasfor most of the 1990s. The dominant mesozooplankter in LagunaMadre, Acartia tonsa, does not feed on A. lagunensis, and duringblooms there are few other suitably sized phytoplankton cellsavailable to feed on. We hypothesized that these copepods increasedtheir feeding on microzooplankton, thereby reducing grazingpressure by microzooplankton on A. lagunensis and contributingto the persistence of this bloom. A mesocosm experiment wascarried out to test this hypothesis during the summer of 1999.Twelve fiberglass corral-type mesocosms were deployed in thefield for 16 days, each enclosing 1.2 m3 of Laguna Madre waterand 1.1 m2 of natural benthos. Mesozooplankton were removedfrom six mesocosms with a 153 µm mesh dip net every 4days; the other six mesocosms were treated in the same way,except that the contents of the net were returned to the mesocosm.For each zooplankton treatment, half of the mesocosms were dosedwith 40 µm NH4 at 4 day intervals, and half received noadditions. Phytoplankton populations in these mesocosms at thestart of the experiment were dominated by A. lagunensis andthe cyanobacterium Synechococcus spp. Growth rates of A. lagunensiswere higher in mesocosms without ammonium additions, providingno evidence for nitrogen limitation. Acartia tonsa populationswere reduced by 50% in the zooplankton removal mesocosms, andciliate populations were significantly higher. The increasein ciliate population had no significant impact on A. lagunensispopulation dynamics, however, providing no evidence to supportthe hypothesis that a trophic cascade reducing microzooplanktonpopulations contributed to the persistence of the brown-tidebloom. In contrast, populations of Synechococcus sp. showedevidence of both ‘top–down’ and ‘bottom–up’control; they grew faster in nutrient addition mesocosms andhad lower populations in mesocosms with increased densitiesof ciliate grazers.  相似文献   

Grass shrimps Palaemon mundusnovus, P. pugio and P. vulgaris sympatrically inhabit in the Laguna Madre, Mexico. They exhibit very close morphological similarity and overlap in their diagnostic characteristics, which has hindered certainty in their identification and has raised doubt regarding their taxonomic validity. In this work, we analyse intra‐ and interspecific morphometric and meristic variability through a multivariate analysis, and we determine the molecular variation using mitochondrial sequences of the 12S, 16S and COX1 genes to confirm the validity of the three taxa as having distinct lineages or to recognize a smaller number of species with phenotypic plasticity. Our results corroborate the taxonomic validity of the three species; however, there is intraspecific plasticity, interspecific overlap of characteristics and greater morphological and molecular similarity between the species P. mundusnovus and P. pugio, whereas P. vulgaris was better delimited. These species form a monophyletic group but the phylogenetic relationship obtained is discussed. Telson length was the primary variable in the principal components analysis, whereas the length of the propodus of the second pereiopod was the best discriminant. The range of variation reported in the characteristics linked to the rostrum is extended, and its influence on the separation of these species is recognized. The joint application of multivariate analysis from morphological variables and molecular tools is recommended to clarify the taxonomic status of species featuring close morphological similarity and sympatric distribution.  相似文献   

The Laguna Madre Tamaulipas (LMT) is the largest hyperhaline coastal lagoon of Mexico, is diverse and provides a wide range of services, besides its economic importance for local and national fisheries. However, due to global and local pressures, the fish community is under stress. Here we study the LMT fish community to determine its biogeographical affinities with the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, understand its trophic relationships and habitat distribution, and to analyze the fisheries pressures in specific habitats and trophic groups (TGs). Our biogeographical analyses based on Parsimony Analysis of Endemism produce three provinces Center, South, and Northern, being this last the most related to the LMT, thus activities in this and the LMT directly affect each other. Through a nested cluster analysis using trophic values and size, 15 TGs were found, being the small‐species the most diverse and the largest the less diverse and most targeted by fishermen, which put on risk its ecological role and may provoke cascading effects on many species and processes. As well, mangroves and oyster banks habitats are supporting most of the fisheries. This is the first study of the whole fish community of the LMT, we pinpoint provinces, habitats, and TGs that need special attention and constant monitoring to generate integrative management plans that fit the actual needs of the community and prepare it to buffer future changes.  相似文献   

Metal-resistant bacteria were isolated from sediments of the Laguna Madre, a rare hypersaline estuary impacted by many anthropogenic compounds, including various metals and metalloids. Bacteria were initially isolated on nutrient agar supplemented with NaCl; random isolates (n = 100) were tested for metal resistance toward zinc, nickel, chromium, and cadmium using a pour plate disc assay. Metal-resistant cultures were assayed for plasmids that contained naturally-occurring heavy metal resistance genes. Putative metal-resistance plasmids were tested for metal-resistance efficacy by transforming a metal-sensitive strain of Escherichia coli. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) primers were designed to detect cnrA, part of a nickel–cobalt resistance gene cluster, and restriction endonuclease digests were performed to detect restriction sites within the plasmid. Results showed that many bacterial isolates tested were resistant toward most of the metals used in this study. Among tested bacteria cultures, 34 were resistant to zinc, 64 were resistant to chromium, and 51 resistant to cadmium. Only 8 cultures were resistant to nickel; however, most bacteria were found to be resistant to more than one metal. Several plasmids were found from the bacteria isolates. One plasmid, designated pDZ5, was isolated from a bacterium identified as Bacillus pumilus by 16S rRNA sequencing. Plasmid pDZ5 conferred nickel resistance to the metal-sensitive E. coli strain and was found to contain cnrA as confirmed by PCR amplification. Plasmid pDZ5 was successfully cut with restriction enzymes for potential ligation with reporter genes. The presence, abundance and expression of pDZ5 may prove to be a useful bio-indicator of metal contamination, specifically nickel pollution, in the Laguna Madre due to the fewer number of bacteria that were nickel-resistant compared to other metals.  相似文献   

Irruptive population dynamics are characteristic of a wide range of fauna in the world's arid (dryland) regions. Recent evidence indicates that regional persistence of irruptive species, particularly small mammals, during the extensive dry periods of unpredictable length that occur between resource pulses in drylands occurs as a result of the presence of refuge habitats or refuge patches into which populations contract during dry (bust) periods. These small dry‐period populations act as a source of animals when recolonisation of the surrounding habitat occurs during and after subsequent resource pulses (booms). The refuges used by irruptive dryland fauna differ in temporal and spatial scale from the refugia to which species contract in response to changing climate. Refuges of dryland fauna operate over timescales of months and years, whereas refugia operate on timescales of millennia over which evolutionary divergence may occur. Protection and management of refuge patches and refuge habitats should be a priority for the conservation of dryland‐dwelling fauna. This urgency is driven by recognition that disturbance to refuges can lead to the extinction of local populations and, if disturbance is widespread, entire species. Despite the apparent significance of dryland refuges for conservation management, these sites remain poorly understood ecologically. Here, we synthesise available information on the refuges of dryland‐dwelling fauna, using Australian mammals as a case study to provide focus, and document a research agenda for increasing this knowledge base. We develop a typology of refuges that recognises two main types of refuge: fixed and shifting. We outline a suite of models of fixed refuges on the basis of stability in occupancy between and within successive bust phases of population cycles. To illustrate the breadth of refuge types we provide case studies of refuge use in three species of dryland mammal: plains mouse (Pseudomys australis), central rock‐rat (Zyzomys pedunculatus), and spinifex hopping‐mouse (Notomys alexis). We suggest that future research should focus on understanding the species‐specific nature of refuge use and the spatial ecology of refuges with a focus on connectivity and potential metapopulation dynamics. Assessing refuge quality and understanding the threats to high‐quality refuge patches and habitat should also be a priority. To facilitate this understanding we develop a three‐step methodology for determining species‐specific refuge location and habitat attributes. This review is necessarily focussed on dryland mammals in continental Australia where most refuge‐based research has been undertaken. The applicability of the refuge concept and the importance of refuges for dryland fauna conservation elsewhere in the world should be investigated. We predict that refuge‐using mammals will be widespread particularly among dryland areas with unpredictable rainfall patterns.  相似文献   

The role of anti-lactoferrin activity (ALfA) of bacteria in the persistence phenomenon, i.e. long survival of a causative agent in a host body, was studied in experimental staphylococcal infection. In experimental animals infected with isogenic clones of Staphylococcus aureus with different level of ALfA, longer terms were noted in bacterial recovery of staphylococci with this ability. Analysis on the occurrence and level of ALfA in clinical isolates of bacteria, isolated from different forms of infectious process, confirmed the significance of this sign in the persistence of a causative agent. High values of penetrance and expression of ALfA in bacteria were revealed in strains of microorganisms, isolated from chronic inflammatory diseases and from bacterial carriers.  相似文献   

The fundamental processes that influence metapopulation dynamics (extinction and recolonization) will often depend on landscape structure. Disturbances that increase patch extinction rates will frequently be landscape dependent such that they are spatially aggregated and have an increased likelihood of occurring in some areas. Similarly, landscape structure can influence organism movement, producing asymmetric dispersal between patches. Using a stochastic, spatially explicit model, we examine how landscape-dependent correlations between dispersal and disturbance rates influence metapopulation dynamics. Habitat patches that are situated in areas where the likelihood of disturbance is low will experience lower extinction rates and will function as partial refuges. We discovered that the presence of partial refuges increases metapopulation viability and that the value of partial refuges was contingent on whether dispersal was also landscape dependent. Somewhat counterintuitively, metapopulation viability was reduced when individuals had a preponderance to disperse away from refuges and was highest when there was biased dispersal toward refuges. Our work demonstrates that landscape structure needs to be incorporated into metapopulation models when there is either empirical data or ecological rationale for extinction and/or dispersal rates being landscape dependent.  相似文献   

The publications, including those of the author, on persistence phenomenon of the obligatory intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, are updated. The latent form of toxoplasmosis was shown to be prevailing. The role of congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis in kids' and adults' pathology, the opportunistic nature of this infection, the reactivating factors of latent and chronic infection as well as the mechanism of pathogen persistence are under discussion.  相似文献   

Theiler's virus, a picornavirus, persists for life in the central nervous system of mouse and causes a demyelinating disease that is a model for multiple sclerosis. The virus infects neurons first but persists in white matter glial cells, mainly oligodendrocytes and macrophages. The mechanism, by which the virus traffics from neurons to glial cells, and the respective roles of oligodendrocytes and macrophages in persistence are poorly understood. We took advantage of our previous finding that the shiverer mouse, a mutant with a deletion in the myelin basic protein gene (Mbp), is resistant to persistent infection to examine the role of myelin in persistence. Using immune chimeras, we show that resistance is not mediated by immune responses or by an efficient recruitment of inflammatory cells into the central nervous system. With both in vivo and in vitro experiments, we show that the mutation does not impair the permissiveness of neurons, oligodendrocytes, and macrophages to the virus. We demonstrate that viral antigens are present in cytoplasmic channels of myelin during persistent infection of wild-type mice. Using the optic nerve as a model, we show that the virus traffics from the axons of retinal ganglion cells to the cytoplasmic channels of myelin, and that this traffic is impaired by the shiverer mutation. These results uncover an unsuspected axon to myelin traffic of Theiler's virus and the essential role played by the infection of myelin/oligodendrocyte in persistence.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical models of populations dynamics have paid little attention to the implications of density-dependent individual growth on the persistence and regulation of small freshwater salmonid populations. We have therefore designed a study aimed at testing our hypothesis that density-dependent individual growth is a process that enhances population recovery and reduces extinction risk in salmonid populations in a variable environment subject to disturbance events. This hypothesis was tested in two newly introduced marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) populations living in Slovenian streams (Zakojska and Gorska) subject to severe autumn floods. We developed a discrete-time stochastic individual-based model of population dynamics for each population with demographic parameters and compensatory responses tightly calibrated on data from individually tagged marble trout. The occurrence of severe flood events causing population collapses was explicitly accounted for in the model. We used the model in a population viability analysis setting to estimate the quasi-extinction risk and demographic indexes of the two marble trout populations when individual growth was density-dependent. We ran a set of simulations in which the effect of floods on population abundance was explicitly accounted for and another set of simulations in which flood events were not included in the model. These simulation results were compared with those of scenarios in which individual growth was modelled with density-independent Von Bertalanffy growth curves. Our results show how density-dependent individual growth may confer remarkable resilience to marble trout populations in case of major flood events. The resilience to flood events shown by the simulation results can be explained by the increase in size-dependent fecundity as a consequence of the drop in population size after a severe flood, which allows the population to quickly recover to the pre-event conditions. Our results suggest that density-dependent individual growth plays a potentially powerful role in the persistence of freshwater salmonids living in streams subject to recurrent yet unpredictable flood events. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Insect baculoviruses can survive between epidemics as infectious particles external to the host. Many pathogens persist in reservoirs, i.e., microhabitats where survival is enhanced, for example due to protection from the degrading effects of UV irradiation. However, the probability of infecting new susceptible hosts is usually reduced. Persistence of pathogens and their movement in and out of reservoirs is an important, albeit little understood, aspect of insect pathogen ecology. This study investigated interactions between the behaviour of infected insect hosts, virus distribution and plant species on the persistence of the winter moth (Operophtera brumata) nucleopolyhedrovirus. Habitat influenced the persistence of infectious baculovirus in the field: virus on Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and oak (Quercus robur) in forested areas retained more infectivity than virus on heather (Calluna vulgaris) in an unshaded habitat. Plant species per se did not directly affect the persistence of virus on the foliage of potted seedlings. Virally infected insects had altered behaviour and moved down plants relative to control insects, whereas in other systems larvae show height-seeking behaviour. Consequently, the majority of virus particles were distributed on plant stems. In two experiments (one using winter moth NPV and one Mamestra brassicae NPV) virus persisted better on plant stems relative to foliage. Neonate larvae were shown to be able to acquire infections from tree stems contaminated with a low level of virus. These data suggest that plant stems may be important reservoirs for between-year persistence of this pathogen. The observed virus-induced changes in host behaviour in winter moth could enhance the viral persistence by increasing the deposition of occlusion bodies in these reservoirs.  相似文献   

HIV persists in cellular and anatomical reservoirs during Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). In vitro studies as well as in vivo observations have identified cytokines as important factors regulating the immunological and virological mechanisms involved in HIV persistence. Immunosuppressive cytokines might contribute to the establishment of viral latency by dampening T cell activation and HIV production, thereby creating the necessary immuno-virological condition for the establishment of a pool of latently infected cells. Other cytokines that are involved in the maintenance of memory CD4(+) T cells promote the persistence of these cells during HAART. Conversely, proinflammatory cytokines may favor HIV persistence by exacerbating low levels of ongoing viral replication in lymphoid tissues even after prolonged therapy. The ability of several cytokines to interfere with the molecular mechanisms responsible for HIV latency makes them attractive candidates for therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing the pool of latently infected cells. In this article, we review the role of cytokines in HIV persistence during HAART and discuss their role as potential eradicating agents.  相似文献   

When studied in vivo (in guinea pigs) with the use of electron microscopy, B. mallei (strains C-5, 10230) were found to form a capsule. In the subacute course of infection, the encapsulated forms of B. mallei parasitized mainly in the cells of the system of mononuclear phagocytes in the liver, the spleen and the lungs. The capsule formed by B. mallei was shown to be one of the factors facilitating its persistence in the body.  相似文献   

The patterns of persistence and virulence factors expression in the representatives of human microbial biocenosis depends on a complex of the environmental conditions: influence of microbes-symbionts, biotope peculiarities, properties of microorganisms located within eukaryotes. Interactions of symbionts in pairs "indigen-indigen" isolated from mucous membrane of tonsils in healthy persons, did not lead to changes in expression of pathogenic properties. Interinfluence in pairs "pathogen-indigen" and "indigen-indigen", isolated from patients with chronic tonsilitis were accompanied by an increase of anti-lysozyme, hemolytic and lecithovitellase activities. Migration of strains of non-enzymatized gram-negative bacteria (NEYNB) from nasal into tympanic cavity in experimental acute purulent otitis is connected with an earlier increase of their number in the nasal cavity and the expression of anti-lysozyme activity. In acute and chronic pyoderma, expression of ALA is more marked in bacteria from a perifocal damage in contrast to focal damage of normal skin. In conditions of interaction between erythrocytes and staphylococcal clones with different levels of expression of pathogenic factors, differences were observed in dynamics of hemolytic and anti-hemoglobin activities.  相似文献   

Many diseases persist at a relatively low prevalence, seemingly close to extinction. For a chronic disease in a homogeneous population, reducing the transmission rate by a fraction proportional to the prevalence would be sufficient to eradicate the disease. This study examines how higher prevalence of the Sin Nombre virus in male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) might contribute to disease persistence. Analyzing data from over 2,000 individual mice captured in 19 sites over 4 years, we found prevalences of 18.5% in males and 8.8% in females. By examining recaptures, we determined that males are more likely to contract the infection because of higher susceptibility or higher encounter rates. Comparing across 86 sampling periods, we found a higher proportion of males when population densities were low. A capture-recapture analysis indicates that males live longer than females. A mathematical model based on the measured parameters and population size trajectories suggests that the combined heterogeneity in encounters, susceptibility, and mortality may buffer the disease from extinction by concentrating disease in the subgroup most likely to transmit the disease. This buffering effect is not significantly stronger in a fluctuating population, indicating that these forms of heterogeneity might not be the key for disease persistence through host population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

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