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The fermentation of cellulose and cellobiose by Clostridium thermocellum monocultures and C. thermocellum/Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum cocultures was studied. All cultures were grown under anaerobic conditions in batch culture at 60 degrees C. When grown on cellulose, the coculture exhibited a shorter lag before initiation and growth and celluloysis than did the monoculture. Cellulase activity appeared earlier in the coculture than in the monoculture; however, after growth had ceased, cellulase activity was greater in the monoculture. Monocultures produced primarily ethanol, acetic acid, H2 and CO2. Cocultures produced more H2 and acetic acid and less ethanol than did the monoculture. In the coculture, conversion of H2 to methane was usually complete, and most of the methane produced was derived from CO2 reduction rather than from acetate conversion. Agents of fermentation stoppage were found to be low pH and high concentrations of ethanol in the monoculture and low pH in the coculture. Fermentation of cellobiose was more rapid than that of cellulose. In cellobiose medium, the methanogen caused only slight changes in the fermentation balance of the Clostridium, and free H2 was produced.  相似文献   

Cultures of Clostridium thermocellum ATCC-27405, maintained on cellulose and not adapted to grow on glucose utilize cellobiose preferentially over D-glucose, and are only able to initiate growth on D-glucose when the cellobiose has been exhausted from the growth medium. However, D-glucose is the carbon source preferentially utilized when cultures of this microorganism, previously adapted for growth on glucose, are transferred to a medium with equivalent concentrations of both sugars. One reason for the preferential utilization of glucose over that of cellobiose might be the competitive inhibition of cellobiose phosphorylase by intracellular glucose accumulation. When in the glucose-adapted cultures the pressure to grow on glucose as the sole carbon source is again released, both sugars can be simultaneously utilized.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum consumed glucose in preference to cellobiose as an energy source for growth. The rates of substrate uptake in glucose- and cellobiose-grown cell suspensions were 45 and 24 nmol/min per mg (dry weight), respectively, at 65 degrees C. The molar growth yields (i.e., grams of cells per mole of glucose equivalents) were similar on cellobiose and glucose (19 and 16, respectively). Both glucose- and cellobiose-grown cells contained a glucose permease activity and high levels of hexokinase (greater 0.34 mumol/min per mg of protein at 40 degrees C). Growth on cellobiose was associated with induction of a cellobiose permease activity. In contrast, Clostridium thermocellum metabolized cellobiose in preference to glucose as an energy source and displayed lower growth rates on both substrates. The substrate uptake rates in cellobiose- and glucose-grown cell suspensions were 18 and 17 nmol/min per mg (dry weight), respectively. The molar yields were 38 on cellobiose and 20 on glucose. Extracts of glucose- and cellobiose-grown cells both contained cellobiose phosphorylase and phosphoglucomutase activities, whereas only glucose-grown cells contained detectable levels of glucose permease and hexokinase activities. The general catalytic and kinetic properties of the glucose- and cellobiose-catabolizing enzymes in the two species are described, and a model is proposed to distinguish differential saccharide metabolism by these thermophilic ethanologens.  相似文献   

Significant quantitative differences in ethanol yields along with repression in acetic acid production were observed in Clostridium thermocellum strains SS21 and SS22 in the presence of H 2 , acetone and sodium azide. Exogenous H 2 addition (1.0 atm) increased the ethanol yields to 0.40 g/g and ethanol to acetate ratio to 5.75 in strain SS21 but was inhibitory in strain SS22. Addition of acetone reversed the inhibition caused by H 2 and increased the ethanol yields and ethanol to acetate ratio of strain SS22 up to 0.40 g/g and 7.9, respectively. Enhancement in ethanol yields up to 0.40 g/g and 0.41 g/g and ethanol to acetate ratio up to 3.63 and 8.1 were observed in the presence of 0.2 mM and 0.15 mM concentration of sodium azide by strains SS21 and SS22, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Two strains of Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 and NRCC 2688 demonstrated similar product yields and cellulase activities when grown on solka floc. A sequential culture of C. thermocellum and Zymomonas anaerobia supplemented with cellobiase could produce 1.8 mg/ml of ethanol when grwon on 1% solka floc. Different media were evaluated for their ability to enhance the product and cellulase yields of C. thermocellum grown on cellulose substrates. Ethanol and reducing sugar values of 1.5 and 3.8 mg/ml respectively and an endoglucanase activity of 3 IU/ml were obtained after growth of Clostridium thermocellum in a modified medium containing 1% solka floc. Three different pretreated wood fractions were assessed as substrates for growth. A steam exploded wood fraction gave comparable values to those obtained after growth on solka floc. Sequential cultures of C. thermocellum and Zymomonas anaerobia grown on a 1% steam exploded wood fraction could produce 1.6 mg/ml ethanol after 3 days growth.  相似文献   

Cancer-testis (CT) Ags are expressed in testis and malignant tumors but rarely in nongametogenic tissues. Due to this pattern, they represent attractive targets for cancer vaccination approaches. The aims of the present study are: 1) to assess the expression of CT genes on a pangenomic base in multiple myeloma (MM); 2) to assess the prognosis value of CT gene expression; and 3) to provide selection strategies for CT Ags in clinical vaccination trials. We report the expression pattern of CT genes in purified MM cells (MMC) of 64 patients with newly diagnosed MM and12 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance, in normal plasma cell and B cell samples, and in 20 MMC lines. Of the 46 CT genes interrogated by the Affymetrix HG-U133 set arrays, 35 are expressed in the MMC of at least one patient. Of these, 25 are located on chromosome X. The expression of six CT genes is associated with a shorter event-free survival. The MMC of 98% of the patients express at least one CT gene, 86% at least two, and 70% at least three CT genes. By using a set of 10 CT genes including KM-HN-1, MAGE-C1, MAGE-A3/6/12, MAGE-A5, MORC, DDX43, SPACA3, SSX-4, GAGE-1-8, and MAGE-C2, a combination of at least three CT genes-desirable for circumventing tumor escape mechanisms-is obtained in the MMC of 67% of the patients. Provided that the immunogenicity of the products of these 10 CT genes is confirmed, gene expression profiling could be useful in identifying which CT Ags could be used to vaccinate a given patient.  相似文献   

A thermostable beta-glucosidase from Clostridium thermocellum which is expressed in Escherichia coli was used to determine the substrate specificity of the enzyme. A restriction map of the beta-glucosidase gene cloned in plasmid pALD7 was determined. Addition of the E. coli cell extract (containing the beta-glucosidase) to the cellulase complex from C. thermocellum increased the conversion of crystalline cellulose (Avicel) to glucose. The increase was specifically due to hydrolysis of the accumulated cellobiose. A cellulose degradation process using beta-glucosidase to assist the potent cellulase complex of C. thermocellum, as shown here can open the way for industrial saccharification of cellulose to glucose.  相似文献   

The influence of cell shape on phenotypic expression was studied in chick vertebral chondroblasts maintained for several weeks in suspension culture. To monitor phenotypic expression, synthesis of proteoglycans was studied in cultures of freshly-isolated 1-day-old chondroblasts and 1-to-6-week-old chondroblasts. The rate of proteoglycan synthesis was virtually identical in 1-week or older chondroblasts; however, this rate was 3- to 5-fold higher than in 1-day-old cells. When compared to the latter cells, the various populations of older chondroblasts synthesized monomers of the major cartilage proteoglycan (KS: CS-PG) of slightly lower molecular size and a lower level of unsubstituted N-acetylgalactosamine residues on their core protein but with similar chondroitin sulfate chains and levels of O-linked oligosaccharides. At no time of culture were changes in the proportions of the major vs the minor cartilage proteoglycans detected. The results suggest that in contrast to epithelioid chondroblasts in standard monolayer cultures studied previously, the round floating chondroblasts express very stable biosynthetic properties for a prolonged time in suspension. The distinct biosynthetic properties of 1-day-old chondroblasts are discussed in terms of an initial, transitory response to the culture condition and in relation to regulatory mechanisms for proteoglycan elaboration.  相似文献   

The endoglucanase gene of Clostridium thermocellum F7 was cloned in Escherichia coli cells using pKM4 vector. Both the physical mapping and analysis of the gene products in the E. coli mini-cells system suggest cloning of a new cel gene different from those described earlier. The activity of endoglucanase in E. coli cells is localized in the periplasm, which correlates with secretion of enzymes of this type in C. thermicellum. Apart from 2 major components with Mr 42.5 and 43 kDa, corresponding to mature protein forms, we observed the formation of minor products of various electrophoretic motilities. Cloning of the endoglucanase gene on bhr vector pBS954 controlled by its own regulatory signal yielded high level of the endoglucanase activity in the recombinant strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens and Erwinia carotovora comparable with the level of the gene expression in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

The Clostridium thermocellum cellobiose and cellodextrin phosphorylases (glucosyl transferases) in the cell extract were used to synthesize radiolabeled cellodextrins with a degree of polymerization (DP=2–6) from nonradioactive glucose-1-phosphate and radioactive glucose. Chain lengths of synthesized cellodextrin were controlled by the absence or presence of dithiothreitol and by reaction conditions. All cellodextrins have the sole radioactive glucose unit located at the reducing ends. Mixed cellodextrins (G2–G6) were separated efficiently by size-exclusion chromatography or less efficiently by thin-layer chromatography. A new rapid sampling device was developed using disposable syringes containing an ultracold methanol-quenching buffer. It was simple, less costly, and especially convenient for anaerobic fermentation. After an impulse feed of radiolabeled cellobiose, the intracellular sugar levels were measured after a series of operations—sampling, extracting, concentrating, separating, and reading. Results showed that the largest amount of radioactivity was cellobiose with lesser amounts of glucose, cellotriose, and cellotetraose, and an average DP of intracellular cellodextrins was ca. 2.  相似文献   

Abstract The anaerobic degradation of microcrystalline cellulose by thermostable cellulolytic enzyme complexes from Clostridium thermocellum JW20 (ATCC 31449) was monitored. For quantitative investigations as enzyme-coupled spectrophotometric assay has been developed. The assay allows for the evaluation of the release of cellubiose-/glucose-units from native cellulose. Kinetic studies revealed that the anaerobic breakdown of crystalline cellulose (CC) at 60°C follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics K m CC values have been determined for different aggregation states of the cellulolytic complex. The presented assay seems well suited to screen for CC-degrading enzymes of various sources, and to further explore the mechanism of CC-breakdown.  相似文献   

In this study, we utilize fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) of cells from transgenic zebrafish coupled with microarray analysis to globally analyze expression of cell type specific genes. We find that it is possible to isolate cell populations from Tg(fli1:egfp)(y1) zebrafish embryos that are enriched in vascular, hematopoietic and pharyngeal arch cell types. Microarray analysis of GFP+ versus GFP- cells isolated from Tg(fli1:egfp)(y1) embryos identifies genes expressed in hematopoietic, vascular and pharyngeal arch tissue, consistent with the expression of the fli1:egfp transgene in these cell types. Comparison of expression profiles from GFP+ cells isolated from embryos at two different time points reveals that genes expressed in different fli1+ cell types display distinct temporal expression profiles. We also demonstrate the utility of this approach for gene discovery by identifying numerous previously uncharacterized genes that we find are expressed in fli1:egfp-positive cells, including new markers of blood, endothelial and pharyngeal arch cell types. In parallel, we have developed a database to allow easy access to both our microarray and in situ results. Our results demonstrate that this is a robust approach for identification of cell type specific genes as well as for global analysis of cell type specific gene expression in zebrafish embryos.  相似文献   

Summary Xylanase was produced with Bacillus subtilis(pJX18), constructed previously, which contains Clostridium thermocellum xylanase gene expressing with a strong Bacillus promoter. The enzyme hydrolyzed oat spelt xylan to mostly xylobiose and xylotriose which are preferred for industrial applications. The optimal temperature and pH for the activity of this enzyme were 60°C and 5.4, respectively, with moderate stability under these conditions.  相似文献   

Cellulase is one of the most widely distributed enzymes with wide application. They are involved in conversion of biomass into simpler sugars. Cellulase of Trichoderma longibrachiatum, a known cellulolytic fungus was compared with Clostridium thermocellum [AAA23226.1] cellulase. Blastp was performed with AAA23226.1 as query sequence to obtain nine similar sequences from NCBI protein data bank. The physicochemical properties of cellulase were analyzed using ExPASy’s ProtParam tool namely ProtParam, SOPMA and GOR IV. Homology modeling was done using SWISS MODEL and checked quality by RMSD values using VMD1.9.1. Active sites of each model were predicted using automated active site prediction server of SCFBio. Study revealed instability of cellulase of two eukaryotic strains namely Trichoderma longibrachiatum [CAA43059.1] and Melanocarpus albomyces [CAD56665.1]. The negative GRAVY score value of cellulases ensured better interaction and activity in aqueous phase. It was found that molecular weight (M. Wt) ranges between 25-127.56 kDa. Iso-electric point (pI) of cellulases was found to be acidic in nature. GOR IV and SOPMA were used to predict secondary structure of cellulase, which showed that random coil, was dominated. Neighbor joining tree with C. thermocellum [AAA23226.1] cellulase as root showed that cellulases of Thermoaerobacter subterraneus [ZP_07835928] and C. thermocellum [CAA4305.1] were more similar to eukaryotic cellulases supported by least boot strap values. Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis cellulase was found to be the ideal model supported by least RMSD score among the predicted structures. Trichoderma longibrachiatum cellulase was found to be the best compared to other cellulases, which possess high number of active sites with ASN and THR rich active sites. CYS residues were also present ensuring stable interaction and better bonding. Hydrophilic residues were found high in active sites of all analyzed models and template.  相似文献   

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