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Recording electrical auditory brainstem responses (EABR) provides clinical insight about responses of the residual post-cochlear neural system to electrical stimulation in profoundly deaf patients. A new strategy is presented for stimulating patients already implanted with a 15-electrode cochlear implant. Since the device is fully re-programmable via a RS-232 PC interface, it was possible to load a specific stimulating strategy designed to improve the spatial locus and the temporal structure of the impulse stimulation. Waves III to V emerge more clearly when this method is applied.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal source modeling (STSM) of event-related potentials was used to estimate the loci and characteristics of cortical activity evoked by acoustic stimulation in normal hearing subjects and by electrical stimulation in cochlear implant (CI) subjects. In both groups of subjects, source solutions obtained for the N1/P2 complex were located in the superior half of the temporal lobe in the head model. Results indicate that it may be possible to determine whether stimulation of different implant channels activates different regions of cochleotopically organized auditory cortex. Auditory system activation can be assessed further by examining the characteristics of the source wave forms. For example, subjects whose cochlear implants provided auditory sensations and normal hearing subjects had similar source activity. In contrast, a subject in whom implant activation evoked eyelid movements exhibited different source wave forms. STSM analysis may provide an electrophysiological technique for guiding rehabilitation programs based on the capabilities of the individual implant user and for disentangling the complex response patterns to electrical stimulation of the brain.  相似文献   

In an arboreal habitat, primates have to cope with a complex meshwork of flexible supports in order to obtain food, find mates and avoid predators. To understand how animals interact with such complex environments we can study their positional behaviour. However, due to the intricate variation in locomotion and posture it can be difficult to capture details such as limb use (i.e. weight and balance), limb flexion and substrate use. This paper presents a suitable method replicable for any primate species, based on the movement notation technique, Sutton Movement Writing (SMW), aiming to record the spatial arrangement of limbs during positional behaviours on multiple, compliant supports. This method was piloted during a year-long field study of wild orangutans (Pongo abelii) and validated and tested for inter- and intraobserver reliability using videos from the field. Overall, SMW shows considerable promise for increasing the resolution with which positional behaviours can be recorded under field conditions and provides a way to extract numerical data for use in statistical analyses. This will facilitate our understanding of how behaviours vary in response to the environment, and the capabilities of primates to perform key tasks in their distinct niches.  相似文献   

It has traditionally been assumed that cochlear implant users de facto perform atypically in audiovisual tasks. However, a recent study that combined an auditory task with visual distractors suggests that only those cochlear implant users that are not proficient at recognizing speech sounds might show abnormal audiovisual interactions. The present study aims at reinforcing this notion by investigating the audiovisual segregation abilities of cochlear implant users in a visual task with auditory distractors. Speechreading was assessed in two groups of cochlear implant users (proficient and non-proficient at sound recognition), as well as in normal controls. A visual speech recognition task (i.e. speechreading) was administered either in silence or in combination with three types of auditory distractors: i) noise ii) reverse speech sound and iii) non-altered speech sound. Cochlear implant users proficient at speech recognition performed like normal controls in all conditions, whereas non-proficient users showed significantly different audiovisual segregation patterns in both speech conditions. These results confirm that normal-like audiovisual segregation is possible in highly skilled cochlear implant users and, consequently, that proficient and non-proficient CI users cannot be lumped into a single group. This important feature must be taken into account in further studies of audiovisual interactions in cochlear implant users.  相似文献   

摘要: 国内外研究表明GJB2、SLC26A4(PDS)和线粒体DNA(Mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)的病理性突变导致了大部分的遗传性聋。 文章收集了2006年4月~2007年9月接受人工耳蜗(Cochlear implant, CI)植入的14 例患儿及其父母的外周血, 应用基因诊断方法进行 GJB2、SLC26A4(PDS)和mtDNA 1555位点突变检测。结果显示, 35.7%的患儿检测到致病突变, 其中28.6%为GJB2基因突变, 类型均为235delC纯和突变, 其父母为携带GJB2 235delC的杂和子; 7.1%为mtDNA A1555G突变, 其母亲亦携带mtDNA A1555G突变。这表明CI 植入聋儿最常见的基因突变是GJB2 235delC突变, 其次是mtDNA A1555G突变, 通过对耳聋家系常见致病基因的检测和家系分析, 可以对优生优育及减少耳聋发病率提供科学准确的遗传信息。  相似文献   

Gross electrical responses to tone bursts were measured in adult barn owls, using a single-ended wire electrode placed onto the round window. Cochlear microphonic (CM) and compound action potential (CAP) responses were evaluated separately. Both potentials were physiologically vulnerable. Selective abolishment of neural responses at high frequencies confirmed that the CAP was of neural origin, while the CM remained unaffected. CAP latencies decreased with increasing stimulus frequency and CAP amplitudes were correlated with known variations in afferent fibre numbers from the different papillar regions. This suggests a local origin of the CAP along the tonotopic gradient within the basilar papilla. The audiograms derived from CAP and CM threshold responses both showed a broad frequency region of optimal sensitivity, very similar to behavioural and single-unit data, but shifted upward in absolute sensitivity. CAP thresholds rose above 8 kHz, while CM responses showed unchanged sensitivity up to 10 kHz.  相似文献   

To investigate the possibility of transmural recording of repolarization through the ventricular wall, KCl monophasic action potential (MAP) electrodes positioned along plunge needles were developed and tested. The MAP electrode consists of a silver wire surrounded by agarose gel containing KCl, which slowly eluted into the adjacent tissue to depolarize it. In six dogs, a plunge needle containing three KCl MAP electrodes was inserted into the left ventricle to simultaneously record from the subepicardium, midwall, and subendocardium. In six pigs, eight plunge needles containing three KCl MAP electrodes and two plunge needles containing similar electrodes except for the absence of KCl were inserted into the ventricles. In three guinea pig papillary muscles, a KCl electrode was used to record MAPs along with two microelectrodes for recording transmembrane potentials. Transmural MAP recordings could be made for >1 h in dogs and >2 h in pigs with a significant decrease in MAP amplitude over time but without a significant change in MAP duration. With the electrodes without KCl in pigs, the injury potentials subsided in <30 min. When the pacing rate was changed to alter the action potential duration and refractory period in dogs, the MAP duration correlated with the local effective refractory period (r = 0.94). The time course of the MAP duration recorded with a KCl MAP electrode in guinea pig papillary muscles corresponded well with that of the transmembrane potential recorded with an adjacent microelectrode. It is possible to record transmural repolarization of the ventricles with KCl MAP electrodes on plunge needles. The MAP is caused by the KCl rather than being a nonspecific injury potential.  相似文献   

A method is described for repeated recording sessions of cortical thalamic units in the unanaesthetized but paralyzed animal. Because the recording chamber is miniaturized, it is well tolerated by the subject between sessions. The system also permits painless and stable immobilization of the head without the use of earbars, avoiding surgical preparation during the actual recording sessions and allowing long periods of recording. Between sessions the animals always display normal behavior.  相似文献   

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