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探讨嗅鞘细胞(OECs)复合聚乳酸-聚羟基乙酸共聚物(PLGA)导管对大鼠坐骨神经缺损的修复作用。方法:SD大鼠80只,随机分成4组,切除右侧部分神经干造成10mm的神经缺损。OECs PLGA组用充满细胞外基质凝胶和OECs悬液(CM-DiI预标记)的PLGA导管桥接坐骨神经缺损;OECs 硅胶管组用含相同内容物的硅胶管桥接;PLGA组和硅胶管组则分别用充满细胞外基质凝胶和DMEM/F12培养基的PLGA导管和硅胶管桥接。术后每周进行感觉运动功能检测,8周时行腓肠肌湿重恢复率、乙酰胆碱脂酶(AChE)染色、电生理和组织形态学分析等检测,同时移植细胞的两组每周进行细胞示踪观察。结果:移植细胞沿神经纵轴分布;除坐骨神经功能指数(SFI)指标外,OECs PLGA组的各项再生功能指标均优于其它三组。结论:OECs复合PLGA导管能够促进再生神经的成熟和靶组织功能的恢复,二者联合移植是一种有效的周围神经缺损修复方法。  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) may lead to disability and neuropathic pain, which constitutes a substantial economic burden to patients and society. It was found that the peripheral nervous system (PNS) has the ability to regenerate after injury due to a permissive microenvironment mainly provided by Schwann cells (SCs) and the intrinsic growth capacity of neurons; however, the results of injury repair are not always satisfactory. Effective, long-distance axon regeneration after PNI is achieved by precise regulation of gene expression. Numerous studies have shown that in the process of peripheral nerve damage and repair, differential expression of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) significantly affects axon regeneration, especially expression of microRNAs (miRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and circular RNAs (circRNAs). In the present article, we review the cellular and molecular mechanisms of axon regeneration after PNI, and analyze the roles of these ncRNAs in nerve repair. In addition, we discuss the characteristics and functions of these ncRNAs. Finally, we provide a thorough perspective on the functional mechanisms of ncRNAs in nervous injury repair, and explore the potential these ncRNAs offer as targets of nerve injury treatment.  相似文献   

The transplantation of neural stem/progenitor cells is a promising therapeutic strategy for spinal cord injury (SCI). In this study, we tested whether combination of neurotrophic factors and transplantation of glial-restricted precursor (GRPs)-derived astrocytes (GDAs) could decrease the injury and promote functional recovery after SCI. We developed a protocol to quickly produce a sufficiently large, homogenous population of young astrocytes from GRPs, the earliest arising progenitor cell population restricted to the generation of glia. GDAs expressed the axonal regeneration promoting substrates, laminin and fibronectin, but not the inhibitory chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). Importantly, GDAs or its conditioned medium promoted the neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro. GDAs were infected with retroviruses expressing EGFP or multi-neurotrophin D15A and transplanted into the contused adult thoracic spinal cord at 8 days post-injury. Eight weeks after transplantation, the grafted GDAs survived and integrated into the injured spinal cord. Grafted GDAs expressed GFAP, suggesting they remained astrocyte lineage in the injured spinal cord. But it did not express CSPG. Robust axonal regeneration along the grafted GDAs was observed. Furthermore, transplantation of D15A-GDAs significantly increased the spared white matter and decreased the injury size compared to other control groups. More importantly, transplantation of D15A-GDAs significantly improved the locomotion function recovery shown by BBB locomotion scores and Tredscan footprint analyses. However, this combinatorial strategy did not enhance the aberrant synaptic connectivity of pain afferents, nor did it exacerbate posttraumatic neuropathic pain. These results demonstrate that transplantation of D15A-expressing GDAs promotes anatomical and locomotion recovery after SCI, suggesting it may be an effective therapeutic approach for SCI.  相似文献   

Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons, located in the intervertebral foramina of the spinal column, can be used to create an in vitro system facilitating the study of nerve regeneration and myelination. The glial cells of the peripheral nervous system, Schwann cells (SC), are key facilitators of these processes; it is therefore crucial that the interactions of these cellular components are studied together. Direct contact between DRG neurons and glial cells provides additional stimuli sensed by specific membrane receptors, further improving the neuronal response. SC release growth factors and proteins in the culture medium, which enhance neuron survival and stimulate neurite sprouting and extension. However, SC require long proliferation time to be used for tissue engineering applications and the sacrifice of an healthy nerve for their sourcing. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) differentiated into SC phenotype are a valid alternative to SC for the set-up of a co-culture model with DRG neurons to study nerve regeneration. The present work presents a detailed and reproducible step-by-step protocol to harvest both DRG neurons and ASC from adult rats; to differentiate ASC towards a SC phenotype; and combines the two cell types in a direct co-culture system to investigate the interplay between neurons and SC in the peripheral nervous system. This tool has great potential in the optimization of tissue-engineered constructs for peripheral nerve repair.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) can self-renew and differentiate into neurons and glia. Transplanted NSCs can replace lost neurons and glia after spinal cord injury (SCI), and can form functional relays to re-connect spinal cord segments above and below a lesion. Previous studies grafting neural stem cells have been limited by incomplete graft survival within the spinal cord lesion cavity. Further, tracking of graft cell survival, differentiation, and process extension had not been optimized. Finally, in previous studies, cultured rat NSCs were typically reported to differentiate into glia when grafted to the injured spinal cord, rather than neurons, unless fate was driven to a specific cell type. To address these issues, we developed new methods to improve the survival, integration and differentiation of NSCs to sites of even severe SCI. NSCs were freshly isolated from embryonic day 14 spinal cord (E14) from a stable transgenic Fischer 344 rat line expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and were embedded into a fibrin matrix containing growth factors; this formulation aimed to retain grafted cells in the lesion cavity and support cell survival. NSCs in the fibrin/growth factor cocktail were implanted two weeks after thoracic level-3 (T3) complete spinal cord transections, thereby avoiding peak periods of inflammation. Resulting grafts completely filled the lesion cavity and differentiated into both neurons, which extended axons into the host spinal cord over remarkably long distances, and glia. Grafts of cultured human NSCs expressing GFP resulted in similar findings. Thus, methods are defined for improving neural stem cell grafting, survival and analysis of in vivo findings.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) derived from adult bone marrow represent a potentially useful source of cells for cell replacement therapy after nervous tissue damage. They can be expanded in culture and reintroduced into patients as autografts or allografts with unique immunologic properties. The aim of the present study was to investigate (i) survival, migration, differentiation properties of hMSCs transplanted into non-immunosuppressed rats after spinal cord injury (SCI) and (ii) impact of hMSC transplantation on functional recovery. Seven days after SCI, rats received i.v. injection of hMSCs (2×106 in 0.5 mL DMEM) isolated from adult healthy donors. Functional recovery was assessed by Basso–Beattie–Bresnahan (BBB) score weekly for 28 days. Our results showed gradual improvement of locomotor function in transplanted rats with statistically significant differences at 21 and 28 days. Immunocytochemical analysis using human nuclei (NUMA) and BrdU antibodies confirmed survival and migration of hMSCs into the injury site. Transplanted cells were found to infiltrate mainly into the ventrolateral white matter tracts, spreading also to adjacent segments located rostro-caudaly to the injury epicenter. In double-stained preparations, hMSCs were found to differentiate into oligodendrocytes (APC), but not into cells expressing neuronal markers (NeuN). Accumulation of GAP-43 regrowing axons within damaged white matter tracts after transplantation was observed. Our findings indicate that hMSCs may facilitate recovery from spinal cord injury by remyelinating spared white matter tracts and/or by enhancing axonal growth. In addition, low immunogenicity of hMSCs was confirmed by survival of donor cells without immunosuppressive treatment.  相似文献   

目的:探究骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)与施万细胞(SCs)联合移植对大鼠周围神经损伤端侧吻合的修复效果。方法:选取SD雌性大鼠60只均制作成坐骨神经损伤端侧吻合模型,并将其随机分为联合移植组、MSCs组和SCs组,分别对吻合端进行骨髓间充质干细胞与SCs联合移植、MSCs移植、SCs移植。观察分析三组大鼠的神经电生理学指标和腓神经功能指数(PFI)和神经传导速度(NCV)。结果:三组大鼠的PFI和NCV均有所改善,且联合移植组的PFI和NCV均优于其他两组,并随着时间推移损伤坐骨神经功能恢复越来越好。结论:MSCs与SCs均具有促进大鼠周围神经身上修复的功能,且两种细胞联合移植效果更加明显。  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury is a devastating clinical condition, characterized by a complex of neurological dysfunctions. Animal models of spinal cord injury can be used both to investigate the biological responses to injury and to test potential therapies. Contusion or compression injury delivered to the surgically exposed spinal cord are the most widely used models of the pathology. In this report the experimental contusion is performed by using the Infinite Horizon (IH) Impactor device, which allows the creation of a reproducible injury animal model through definition of specific injury parameters. Stem cell transplantation is commonly considered a potentially useful strategy for curing this debilitating condition. Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of transplanting a variety of stem cells. Here we demonstrate an adapted method for spinal cord injury followed by tail vein injection of cells in CD1 mice. In short, we provide procedures for: i) cell labeling with a vital tracer, ii) pre-operative care of mice, iii) execution of a contusive spinal cord injury, and iv) intravenous administration of post mortem neural precursors. This contusion model can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stem cell transplantation in a regenerative medicine approach.  相似文献   

Human primary muscle cells cultured aneurally in monolayer rarely contract spontaneously because, in the absence of a nerve component, cell differentiation is limited and motor neuron stimulation is missing1. These limitations hamper the in vitro study of many neuromuscular diseases in cultured muscle cells. Importantly, the experimental constraints of monolayered, cultured muscle cells can be overcome by functional innervation of myofibers with spinal cord explants in co-cultures.Here, we show the different steps required to achieve an efficient, proper innervation of human primary muscle cells, leading to complete differentiation and fiber contraction according to the method developed by Askanas2. To do so, muscle cells are co-cultured with spinal cord explants of rat embryos at ED 13.5, with the dorsal root ganglia still attached to the spinal cord slices. After a few days, the muscle fibers start to contract and eventually become cross-striated through innervation by functional neurites projecting from the spinal cord explants that connecting to the muscle cells. This structure can be maintained for many months, simply by regular exchange of the culture medium.The applications of this invaluable tool are numerous, as it represents a functional model for multidisciplinary analyses of human muscle development and innervation. In fact, a complete de novo neuromuscular junction installation occurs in a culture dish, allowing an easy measurement of many parameters at each step, in a fundamental and physiological context.Just to cite a few examples, genomic and/or proteomic studies can be performed directly on the co-cultures. Furthermore, pre- and post-synaptic effects can be specifically and separately assessed at the neuromuscular junction, because both components come from different species, rat and human, respectively. The nerve-muscle co-culture can also be performed with human muscle cells isolated from patients suffering from muscle or neuromuscular diseases3, and thus can be used as a screening tool for candidate drugs. Finally, no special equipment but a regular BSL2 facility is needed to reproduce a functional motor unit in a culture dish. This method thus is valuable for both the muscle as well as the neuromuscular research communities for physiological and mechanistic studies of neuromuscular function, in a normal and disease context.  相似文献   

Previous data have shown that pluripotent stem cells engrafted into the contused spinal cord differentiate only along an astrocytic lineage. The unknown restrictive cues appear to be quite rigid as even neuronal-restricted precursors fail to differentiate to the mature potential they exhibit in vitro after similar grafting into the contused spinal cord. It has been hypothesized that this potent lineage restriction is, in part, the result of the significant loss of both gray and white matter observed following spinal contusion, which elicits a massive acute inflammatory response and is manifested chronically by dramatic cystic cavitation. To evaluate the gray matter component, we developed a clinically relevant model of focal gray matter ischemic injury using the potent vasoconstrictor endothelin (ET-1) and characterized the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells transplanted into this atraumatic vascular SCI. Results demonstrate that low dose ET-1 microinjection into cervical spinal gray matter results in an inflammatory response that is temporally comparable to that observed following traumatic SCI, as well as chronic gray matter loss, but without significant cystic cavitation or white matter degeneration. However, despite the preservation of host spinal parenchyma, no elaboration of neuronal phenotypes was observed from engrafted stem or precursor cells. These results suggest that a common pathologic component responsible for this lineage restriction exists between contusive SCI and ET-1 mediated focal ischemic SCI.  相似文献   

Injured CNS axons fail to regenerate and often retract away from the injury site. Axons spared from the initial injury may later undergo secondary axonal degeneration. Lack of growth cone formation, regeneration, and loss of additional myelinated axonal projections within the spinal cord greatly limits neurological recovery following injury. To assess how central myelinated axons of the spinal cord respond to injury, we developed an ex vivo living spinal cord model utilizing transgenic mice that express yellow fluorescent protein in axons and a focal and highly reproducible laser-induced spinal cord injury to document the fate of axons and myelin (lipophilic fluorescent dye Nile Red) over time using two-photon excitation time-lapse microscopy. Dynamic processes such as acute axonal injury, axonal retraction, and myelin degeneration are best studied in real-time. However, the non-focal nature of contusion-based injuries and movement artifacts encountered during in vivo spinal cord imaging make differentiating primary and secondary axonal injury responses using high resolution microscopy challenging. The ex vivo spinal cord model described here mimics several aspects of clinically relevant contusion/compression-induced axonal pathologies including axonal swelling, spheroid formation, axonal transection, and peri-axonal swelling providing a useful model to study these dynamic processes in real-time. Major advantages of this model are excellent spatiotemporal resolution that allows differentiation between the primary insult that directly injures axons and secondary injury mechanisms; controlled infusion of reagents directly to the perfusate bathing the cord; precise alterations of the environmental milieu (e.g., calcium, sodium ions, known contributors to axonal injury, but near impossible to manipulate in vivo); and murine models also offer an advantage as they provide an opportunity to visualize and manipulate genetically identified cell populations and subcellular structures. Here, we describe how to isolate and image the living spinal cord from mice to capture dynamics of acute axonal injury.  相似文献   

This protocol specifically focuses on tools for assessing phrenic motor neuron (PhMN) innervation of the diaphragm at both the electrophysiological and morphological levels. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) recording following phrenic nerve stimulation can be used to quantitatively assess functional diaphragm innervation by PhMNs of the cervical spinal cord in vivo in anesthetized rats and mice. Because CMAPs represent simultaneous recording of all myofibers of the whole hemi-diaphragm, it is useful to also examine the phenotypes of individual motor axons and myofibers at the diaphragm NMJ in order to track disease- and therapy-relevant morphological changes such as partial and complete denervation, regenerative sprouting and reinnervation. This can be accomplished via whole-mount immunohistochemistry (IHC) of the diaphragm, followed by detailed morphological assessment of individual NMJs throughout the muscle. Combining CMAPs and NMJ analysis provides a powerful approach for quantitatively studying diaphragmatic innervation in rodent models of CNS and PNS disease.  相似文献   

Keyword index     
《Journal of neurochemistry》2003,87(6):1579-1582

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