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(Macro)autophagy encompasses both an unselective, bulk degradation of cytoplasmic contents as well as selective autophagy of damaged organelles, intracellular microbes, protein aggregates, cellular structures and specific soluble proteins. Selective autophagy is mediated by autophagic adapters, like p62/SQSTM1 and NBR1. p62 and NBR1 are themselves selective autophagy substrates, but they also act as cargo receptors for degradation of other substrates. Surprisingly, we found that homologs of NBR1 are distributed throughout the eukaryotic kingdom, while p62 is confined to the metazoans. As a representative of all organisms having only an NBR1 homolog we studied Arabidopsis thaliana NBR1 (AtNBR1) in more detail. AtNBR1 is more similar to mammalian NBR1 than to p62 in domain architecture and amino acid sequence. However, similar to p62, AtNBR1 homo-polymerizes via the PB1 domain. Hence, AtNBR1 has hybrid properties of mammalian NBR1 and p62. AtNBR1 has 2 UBA domains, but only the C-terminal UBA domain bound ubiquitin. AtNBR1 bound AtATG8 through a conserved LIR (LC3-interacting region) motif and required co-expression of AtATG8 or human GABARAPL2 to be recognized as an autophagic substrate in HeLa cells. To monitor the autophagic sequestration of AtNBR1 in Arabidopsis we made transgenic plants expressing AtNBR1 fused to a pH-sensitive fluorescent tag, a tandem fusion of the red, acid-insensitive mCherry and the acid-sensitive yellow fluorescent proteins. This strategy allowed us to show that AtNBR1 is an autophagy substrate degraded in the vacuole dependent on the polymerization property of the PB1 domain and of expression of AtATG7. A functional LIR was required for vacuolar import.  相似文献   

(Macro)autophagy encompasses both an unselective, bulk degradation of cytoplasmic contents as well as selective autophagy of damaged organelles, intracellular microbes, protein aggregates, cellular structures and specific soluble proteins. Selective autophagy is mediated by autophagic adapters, like p62/SQSTM1 and NBR1. p62 and NBR1 are themselves selective autophagy substrates, but they also act as cargo receptors for degradation of other substrates. Surprisingly, we found that homologs of NBR1 are distributed throughout the eukaryotic kingdom, while p62 is confined to the metazoans. As a representative of all organisms having only an NBR1 homolog we studied Arabidopsis thaliana NBR1 (AtNBR1) in more detail. AtNBR1 is more similar to mammalian NBR1 than to p62 in domain architecture and amino acid sequence. However, similar to p62, AtNBR1 homo-polymerizes via the PB1 domain. Hence, AtNBR1 has hybrid properties of mammalian NBR1 and p62. AtNBR1 has 2 UBA domains, but only the C-terminal UBA domain bound ubiquitin. AtNBR1 bound AtATG8 through a conserved LIR (LC3-interacting region) motif and required co-expression of AtATG8 or human GABARAPL2 to be recognized as an autophagic substrate in HeLa cells. To monitor the autophagic sequestration of AtNBR1 in Arabidopsis we made transgenic plants expressing AtNBR1 fused to a pH-sensitive fluorescent tag, a tandem fusion of the red, acid-insensitive mCherry and the acid-sensitive yellow fluorescent proteins. This strategy allowed us to show that AtNBR1 is an autophagy substrate degraded in the vacuole dependent on the polymerization property of the PB1 domain and of expression of AtATG7. A functional LIR was required for vacuolar import.  相似文献   

During macroautophagy/autophagy, SQSTM1/p62 plays dual roles as a key mediator of cargo selection and as an autophagic substrate. SQSTM1 links N-degrons and/or ubiquitinated cargoes to the autophagosome by forming homo- or hetero-oligomers, although its N-degron recognition and oligomerization mechanisms are not well characterized. We recently found that SQSTM1 is a novel type of N-recognin whose ZZ domain provides a negatively-charged binding pocket for Arg-charged N-degron (Nt-Arg), a prototype type-1 substrate. Although differences in binding affinity exist for each N-degron, SQSTM1 also interacts with type-2 N-degrons, such as Nt-Tyr and Nt-Trp. Intriguingly, interactions between SQSTM1’s ZZ domain and various N-degrons are greatly influenced by pH-dependent SQSTM1 oligomerization via its PB1 domain. Because cellular pH conditions vary from neutral to acidic depending on the stage of autophagy, the pH-dependent regulation of SQSTM1’s oligomerization must be tightly coupled with the autophagic process.  相似文献   

Gamma-secretase is an aspartyl protease complex that catalyzes the intramembrane cleavage of a subset of type I transmembrane proteins including the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) implicated in Alzheimer's disease. Presenilin (PS), nicastrin (NCT), anterior pharynx defective (APH-1) and presenilin enhancer-2 (PEN-2) constitute the active gamma-secretase complex. PEN-2, the smallest subunit, is required for triggering PS endoproteolysis. Stabilization of the resultant N- and C-terminal fragments, which carry the catalytically active site aspartates, but not endoproteolysis itself, requires the C-terminal domain of PEN-2. To functionally dissect the C-terminal domain we created C-terminal deletion mutants and mutagenized several evolutionary highly conserved residues. The PEN-2 mutants were then probed for functional complementation of a PEN-2 knockdown, which displays deficient PS1 endoproteolysis and impaired NCT maturation. Progressive truncation of the C-terminus caused increasing loss of function. This was also observed for an internal deletion mutant as well as for C-terminally tagged PEN-2 with a twofold elongated C-terminal domain. Interestingly, only simultaneous, but not individual substitution of the highly conserved D90, F94, P97 and G99 residues with alanine interfered with PEN-2 function. All loss of function mutants identified allowed PS1 endoproteolysis, but failed to stably associate with the resultant PS1 fragments, which like the PEN-2 loss of function mutants underwent proteasomal degradation. However, complex formation of the PEN-2 mutants with PS1 fragments could be recovered when proteasomal degradation was blocked. Taken together, our data suggest that the PS-subunit stabilizing function of PEN-2 depends on length and overall sequence of its C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The BRCA1 C-terminal region contains a duplicated globular domain termed BRCT that is found within many DNA damage repair and cell cycle checkpoint proteins. The unique diversity of this domain superfamily allows BRCT modules to interact forming homo/hetero BRCT multimers, BRCT-non-BRCT interactions, and interactions with DNA strand breaks. The sequence and functional diversity of the BRCT superfamily suggests that BRCT domains are evolutionarily convenient interaction modules.  相似文献   

Mice expressing a C-terminal fragment of the prion protein instead of wild-type prion protein die from massive neuronal degeneration within weeks of birth. The C-terminal region of PrPc (PrP121-231) expressed in these mice has an intrinsic neurotoxicity to cultured neurones. Unlike PrPSc, which is not neurotoxic to neurones lacking PrPc expression, PrP121-231 was more neurotoxic to PrPc-deficient cells. Human mutations E200K and F198S were found to enhance toxicity of PrP121-231 to PrP-knockout neurones and E200K enhanced toxicity to wild-type neurones. The normal metabolic cleavage point of PrPc is approximately amino-acid residue 113. A fragment of PrPc corresponding to the whole C-terminus of PrPc (PrP113-231), which is eight amino acids longer than PrP121-231, lacked any toxicity. This suggests the first eight amino residues of PrP113-121 suppress toxicity of the toxic domain in PrP121-231. Addition to cultures of a peptide (PrP112-125) corresponding to this region, in parallel with PrP121-231, suppressed the toxicity of PrP121-231. These results suggest that the prion protein contains two domains that are toxic on their own but which neutralize each other's toxicity in the intact protein. Point mutations in the inherited forms of disease might have their effects by diminishing this inhibition.  相似文献   

Linker histones are multifunctional proteins that are involved in a myriad of processes ranging from stabilizing the folding and condensation of chromatin to playing a direct role in regulating gene expression. However, how this class of enigmatic proteins binds in chromatin and accomplishes these functions remains unclear. Here we review data regarding the H1 structure and function in chromatin, with special emphasis on the C-terminal domain (CTD), which typically encompasses approximately half of the mass of the linker histone and includes a large excess of positively charged residues. Owing to its amino acid composition, the CTD was previously proposed to function in chromatin as an unstructured polycation. However, structural studies have shown that the CTD adopts detectable secondary structure when interacting with DNA and macromolecular crowding agents. We describe classic and recent experiments defining the function of this domain in chromatin folding and emerging data indicating that the function of this protein may be linked to intrinsic disorder.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive alpha-, beta-, gamma-endorphins and beta-lipotropin were detected in perfused calf thymus extracts at the following concentrations (fmol/mg) tissue, M +/- m): 1.32 +/- 0.08, 1.53 +/- 0.45, 0.0186 +/- 0.0022 and 0.741 +/- 0.157, respectively. It was demonstrated for all ligands tested that the synthetic peptide and increasing amounts of the extract cause a similar displacement of the corresponding 125I-peptide from its complex with specific antiserum. Using the immunoblotting technique with a highly specific antiserum to bovine beta-lipotropin, the extracts of calf thymus, rat thymocytes and bovine hypophysis were found to contain two polypeptides with Mr of 32 and 14 kD, whose mobility corresponds to that of proopiomelanocortin and beta-lipotropin.  相似文献   

Entry of cells into the cell division cycle requires the coordinated activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) and the deactivation of cyclin kinase inhibitors. Degradation of p27kip1 is known to be a central component of this process as it allows controlled activation of cdk2-associated kinase activity. Turnover of p27 at the G1/S transition is regulated through phosphorylation at T187 and subsequent SCF(skp2)-dependent ubiquitylation. However, detailed analysis of this process revealed the existence of additional pathways that regulate the abundance of the protein in early G1 and as cells exit quiescence. Here, we report on a molecular mechanism that regulates p27 stability by phosphorylation at T198. Phosphorylation of p27 at T198 prevents ubiquitin-dependent degradation of free p27. T198 phosphorylation also controls progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle by regulating the association of p27 with cyclin-cdk complexes. Our results unveil the molecular composition of a pathway, which regulates the abundance and activity of p27kip1 during early G1. They also explain how the T187- and the T198-dependent turnover systems synergize to allow cell cycle progression in G1.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1), which has been shown to have a critical role in mitosis, is one possible target for cancer therapeutic intervention. PLK1, at least in Xenopus, starts the mitotic cascade by phosphorylating and activating cdc25C phosphatase. Also, loss of PLK1 function has been shown to induce mitotic catastrophe in a HeLa cervical carcinoma cell line but not in normal Hs68 fibroblasts. We wanted to understand whether the selective mitotic catastrophe in HeLa cells could be extended to other tumor types, and, if so, whether it could be attributable to a tumor-specific loss of dependence on PLK1 for cdc25C activation. When PLK1 function was blocked through adenovirus delivery of a dominant-negative gene, we observed tumor-selective apoptosis in most tumor cell lines. In some lines, dominant-negative PLK1 induced a mitotic catastrophe similar to that published in HeLa cells (K. E. Mundt et al., Biochem. Biophys Res. Commun., 239: 377-385, 1997). Normal human mammary epithelial cells, although arrested in mitosis, appeared to escape the loss of centrosome maturation and mitotic catastrophe seen in tumor lines. Mitotic phosphorylation of cdc25C and activation of cdk1 was blocked by dominant-negative PLK1 in human mammary epithelial cells as well as in the tumor lines regardless of whether they underwent mitotic catastrophe. These data strongly argue that the mitotic catastrophe is not attributable to a lack of dependence for PLK1 in activating cdc25C.  相似文献   

N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (NSF) is an ATPase necessary for vesicle trafficking, including exocytosis. Current models hold that NSF is required in a step that readies vesicles for fusion by disassembling postfusion SNARE protein complexes allowing them to participate in further rounds of vesicle cycling. Whereas most organisms have only one NSF isoform, Drosophila has two. dNSF1 is the predominant functional isoform in the adult nervous system. Conditional mutations in the dNSF1 gene, comatose, are paralytic and lead to disruption of synaptic transmission and the rapid accumulation of SNARE complexes in adult flies. This isoform is not required for synaptic transmission in larvae. In contrast, dNSF2 is important at earlier developmental stages, and its broad expression indicates its importance in neural and non-neural tissues alike. To study dNSF2, and to circumvent the lethality of dNSF2 null mutants, we have constructed transgenic flies carrying a dominant negative form of dNSF2. When this construct was expressed in neurons we observed suppression of synaptic transmission, activity-dependent fatigue of transmitter release, and a reduction in the number of releasable vesicles. However, we unexpectedly found that there was no accumulation of SNARE complexes accompanying these physiological phenotypes. Intriguingly, we also found that expression of mutant dNSF2 induced pronounced overgrowth of the neuromuscular junction and some misrouting of axons. These results support the idea that dNSF2 has multiple roles in cellular function and adds that not all of its functions require disassembly of the SNARE complex.  相似文献   

Summary The action of Escherichia coli restriction endonuclease R1 (EcoR1) on DNA isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain MAR-33) generates three predominent homogenously sized DNA fragments (species of 1.8, 2.2 and 2.5 kilo nucleotide base pairs (KB). Many DNA species of molecular weight greater than 2 million daltons can be recognized upon incomplete EcoR1 digestion of yeast DNA. Four additional DNA species ranging from 0.3–0.9 KB can be identified as the second major class of EcoR1-yeast DNA products.Hybridization with radioactive ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and competition with nonradioactive rRNA show that of the three predominent EcoR1-yeast DNA species, the 2.5 KB species hybridizes only with the 25S rRNA while the lighter 1.8 KB species hybridizes with the 18S rRNA. The intermediate DNA species of 2.2 KB hybridizes to a small extent with the 25S rRNA and could be a result of the presence of the 2.5 KB DNA species. The mass proportions and hybridization values of these 3 DNA species account for about 60% of the total ribosomal DNA (rDNA).The 5EcoR1-yeast DNA species of less than 0.9 KB (4 major and 1 minor species) hybridize to varying degrees with the 2 rRNA and can be grouped in two classes. In one class there are 3 DNA species that hybridize exclusively with the 18S rRNA. In the second class there are 2 DNA species that besides hybridizing predominently with the 25S rRNA also hybridize with the 18S rRNA. The 7 EcoR1-yeast DNA species (excluding the 2.2 KB DNA species) that hybridize with the two rRNA account for nearly a 5 million dalton DNA segment, which is very close to the anticipated gene size of rRNA precursor molecule. If the 2.2 KB DNA species is a part of the rDNA that is not transcribed or 5 sRNA then the cistron encoding the rRNA in S. cerevisiae has at least 8 EcoR1 recognition sites resulting in 8 DNA fragments upon digestion with the EcoR1. Consideration is given to the relationship of the rRNA species generated by EcoR1 digestion and the chromosomes containing ribosomal cistrons.  相似文献   

Digestion of lactoferrin with pepsin at pH3.0 gave an iron-binding half-molecule that represents the C-terminal part of the native protein. Tryptic or chymotryptic digestion of 30%-iron-saturated lactoferrin yielded the N- and C-terminal half molecules, which could be separated by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. The N- and C-terminal fragments did not show any immunological cross-reaction. The carbohydrate of lactoferrin was distributed equally between the two fragments.  相似文献   

Yanan Wang  Wei-Guo Zhu 《Autophagy》2017,13(1):212-213
The importance of autophagy in the DNA damage repair process is clear; however, the detailed molecular mechanism is still largely unknown. Here we found that DNA damage-induced histone H2A ubiquitination is suppressed in autophagy-deficient cells in a SQSTM1/p62 dependent manner. SQSTM1 binds and inhibits E3 ligase RNF168s activity, which is essential for H2A ubiquitination. As a result, several important factors for DNA repair cannot be recruited to the sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in autophagy-deficient cells, leading to diminished DNA repair and increased sensitivity of cells to radiation.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential vanniloid 5 and 6 (TRPV5 and TRPV6) Ca(2+)-ion channels are crucial for the regulation of minute-to-minute whole body calcium homeostasis. They act as the gatekeepers of active Ca(2+) reabsorption in kidney and intestine, respectively. In spite of the great progress in the TRP channels characterization, very little is known at the atomic level about their structure and interactions with other proteins. To the major extent it is caused by difficulties in obtaining suitable samples. Here, we report expression and purification of 36 intracellular C-terminal fragments of TRPV5 and TRPV6 channels, for which no structural information is reported thus far. We demonstrate that these proteins contain intrinsically disordered regions and identify fragments suitable for biophysical characterization. By combining bioinformatic predictions and experimental results, we propose several criteria that may aid in designing a scheme for large-scale production of difficult proteins.  相似文献   

Two antibody single-chain Fv (scFv) fragments carrying five C-terminal histidine residues were expressed inEscherichia coli as periplasmic inclusion bodies. Their variable heavy (VH) and light (VL) domains are derived from the mouse monoclonal antibody 215 (MAb215), specific for the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II ofDrosophila melanogaster and rat MAb Yol1/34, specific for pig brain α-tubulin. ScFv-215 contains an additional cysteine residue near to its C-terminus. After solubilization of inclusion bodies followed by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) in 6M urea and a renaturation procedure, scFv monomers, noncovalent dimers, and aggregated antibody fragments were separated by size exclusion chromatography. In addition, a fraction of disulfide-bonded scFv-215 homodimers (scFv′)2 was also isolated. The various antibody forms appear to be in equilibrium after renaturation since first peak composed mainly of aggregates could be resolved into a similar pattern of aggregates, dimers, and monomers after repeating the denaturation/renaturation procedure. All fractions of the recombinant scFv-215 demonstrated high antigen-binding activity and specificity as shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot analysis. Affinity measurements carried out by competitive immunoassays showed that covalently linked (scFv′)2 have binding constants quite close to those of the parental MAbs and fourfold higher than scFv′ monomers. ScFv derivatives, specifically biotinylated through the free sulfhydryl group, recognize the corresponding antigen in ELISA and Western blot analysis, thus demonstrating the possibility of using chemically modified scFv antibodies for immunodetection.  相似文献   

Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus RNA was isolated at 5, 8, 11, 14, 20, and 24 days of infection and analyzed for yield, size distribution, 3′ adenosylation and valylation, and coat protein mRNA. Virus accumulation is slow from the third to tenth days and rapid to the third week of infection. Five-day RNA is composed of the 1.9×106D genomic RNA (78%) and the 0.22×106D coat protein in mRNA (6%). Later, intermediate size RNAs appear at 1.03, 0.46, 0.41, and 0.39×106D. The valine tRNA of all RNAs has 80% CpCOH and 6% CpCpAOH 3′ termini.  相似文献   

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