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The gut microbiota profoundly affects the biology of its host. The composition of the microbiota is dynamic and is affected by both host genetic and many environmental effects. The gut microbiota of laboratory mice has been studied extensively, which has uncovered many of the effects that the microbiota can have. This work has also shown that the environments of different research institutions can affect the mouse microbiota. There has been relatively limited study of the microbiota of wild mice, but this has shown that it typically differs from that of laboratory mice (and that maintaining wild caught mice in the laboratory can quite quickly alter the microbiota). There is also inter-individual variation in the microbiota of wild mice, with this principally explained by geographical location. In this study we have characterised the gut (both the caecum and rectum) microbiota of wild caught Mus musculus domesticus at three UK sites and have investigated how the microbiota varies depending on host location and host characteristics. We find that the microbiota of these mice are generally consistent with those described from other wild mice. The rectal and caecal microbiotas of individual mice are generally more similar to each other, than they are to the microbiota of other individuals. We found significant differences in the diversity of the microbiotas among mice from different sample sites. There were significant correlations of microbiota diversity and body weight, a measure of age, body-mass index, serum concentration of leptin, and virus, nematode and mite infection.  相似文献   

Islet autoimmunity in children who later progress to type 1 diabetes is preceded by dysregulated serum metabolite profiles, but the origin of these metabolic changes is unknown. The gut microbiota affects host metabolism and changes in its composition contribute to several immune-mediated diseases; however, it is not known whether the gut microbiota is involved in the early metabolic disturbances in progression to type 1 diabetes. We rederived non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice as germ free to explore the potential role of the gut microbiota in the development of diabetic autoimmunity and to directly investigate whether the metabolic profiles associated with the development of type 1 diabetes can be modulated by the gut microbiota. The absence of a gut microbiota in NOD mice did not affect the overall diabetes incidence but resulted in increased insulitis and levels of interferon gamma and interleukin 12; these changes were counterbalanced by improved peripheral glucose metabolism. Furthermore, we observed a markedly increased variation in blood glucose levels in the absence of a microbiota in NOD mice that did not progress to diabetes. Additionally, germ-free NOD mice had a metabolite profile similar to that of pre-diabetic children. Our data suggest that germ-free NOD mice have reduced glycaemic control and dysregulated immunologic and metabolic responses.  相似文献   



The gastrointestinal tract microbiota (GTM) of mammals is a complex microbial consortium, the composition and activities of which influences mucosal development, immunity, nutrition and drug metabolism. It remains unclear whether the composition of the dominant GTM is conserved within animals of the same strain and whether stable GTMs are selected for by host-specific factors or dictated by environmental variables.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The GTM composition of six highly inbred, genetically distinct strains of mouse (C3H, C57, GFEC, CD1, CBA nu/nu and SCID) was profiled using eubacterial –specific PCR-DGGE and quantitative PCR of feces. Animals exhibited strain-specific fecal eubacterial profiles that were highly stable (c. >95% concordance over 26 months for C57). Analyses of mice that had been relocated before and after maturity indicated marked, reproducible changes in fecal consortia and that occurred only in young animals. Implantation of a female BDF1 mouse with genetically distinct (C57 and Agoutie) embryos produced highly similar GTM profiles (c. 95% concordance) between mother and offspring, regardless of offspring strain, which was also reflected in urinary metabolite profiles. Marked institution-specific GTM profiles were apparent in C3H mice raised in two different research institutions.


Strain-specific data were suggestive of genetic determination of the composition and activities of intestinal symbiotic consortia. However, relocation studies and uterine implantation demonstrated the dominance of environmental influences on the GTM. This was manifested in large variations between isogenic adult mice reared in different research institutions.  相似文献   

人类肠道中定居着许多对宿主有益的微生物,包括细菌、病毒、真核生物等,它们在肠道内能与其他微生物及免疫系统相互作用,对人体健康具有重要影响,被称为"被遗忘的器官",它们的基因组也被誉为人类的"第二基因组",与人体的能量代谢及物质代谢有关。本文总结了人体肠道中病毒、真核生物、细菌和宿主免疫系统的相互作用,微生物群的失衡可能导致的疾病如肥胖和克罗恩病等,以及微生物环境在人体内的成熟过程,期望有助于诊断和治疗与肠道微生物失衡相关的疾病。  相似文献   

Plasminogen-deficient (FVB/NPan-plgtm1Jld, plgtm1Jld) mice, which are widely used as a wound-healing model, are prone to spontaneous rectal prolapses. The aims of this study were 1) to evaluate the fecal microbiome of plgtm1Jld mice for features that might contribute to the development of rectal prolapses and colonic inflammation and 2) to assess the relevance of the inflammatory phenotype to the variability in wound healing in this model. The plgtm1Jld mice exhibited delayed wound healing, and they could be divided into 3 distinct groups that differed according to the time until wound closure. Colonic lesions in plgtm1Jld mice, which were characterized by necrotizing ulcerations and cystically dilated glands, were restricted to the intermediate and distal parts of the colon. The cytokine profile was indicative of chronic tissue damage, but the genetic modification did not change the composition of the gut microbiota, and none of the clinical or biochemical parameters correlated with the gut microbiota composition.Several studies using plasminogen-deficient (plgtmJld) mice have demonstrated that plasminogen, the proenzyme of plasmin, can degrade fibrin and other extracellular matrix proteins.44 Plasminogen is essential for wound healing in skin,40 which begins with inflammation, followed by epithelial proliferation, and thereafter tissue remodeling. Because the migrating keratinocytes of plgtm1Jld mice have a decreased ability to dissect the platelet-rich fibrin matrix, they exhibit severely impaired wound healing.15,40 In addition, plasmin mediates various pathologic processes, such as tumor growth and cancer metastasis,8 and therapeutic intervention related to plasminogen has shown encouraging results in experimental tumors.31 Therefore, one important application of these mice is the induction of wound healing to study basic mechanistic functions of plasmin, such as the clearance of the extracellular matrix and activation of tumor growth factors.31Spontaneous rectal prolapse and colonic ulceration in plgtm1Jld mice compromise studies using these mice by leading to loss of body weight (wasting disease)6 and wellbeing-related, early study termination.6 Like other inflammatory conditions, rectal prolapse and chronic colonic inflammation might affect wound healing and contribute to the wide interindividual variation in the wound-healing processes of plgtm1Jld mice.28,40The development of rectal prolapses and colonic ulcerations in plgtm1Jld mice reportedly is due to vascular occlusion.6 This pathologic condition is alleviated by superimposing fibrinogen deficiency on plasminogen deficiency, suggesting that fibrin is the primary substrate for plasmin.7,15 The wide variation in effective tissue remodeling during the wound healing of plasminogen-deficient mice remains unexplained.Wound healing depends to a large extent on cells and factors of the immune system.3,53 We previously have shown that disease development in mouse models for various inflammatory conditions, including type 1 diabetes,17-19,35 type 2 diabetes,4,13,42 atopic dermatitis30 and inflammatory bowel disease,20 is influenced by the composition of gut microbiota. Therefore, gut inflammation can be presumed to interfere with wound healing and thus may increase the uncontrolled interindividual variation in these models. In addition, gut inflammatory conditions in humans, such as inflammatory bowel disease43 and irritable bowel syndrome,23 are linked to dysbiosis in the intestine. In mice deficient in IL10 or IL2 and in rats carrying HLA-B27,52 inflammatory bowel disease can be alleviated by germ-free status10,49,52 or ampicillin.20 However, the possible role of the gut microbiome in rectal prolapse, colonic lesions, and wound healing in plasminogen-deficient mice has not previously been assessed.The aims of the current study were 1) to evaluate the fecal microbiome of plgtm1Jld mice and their unaffected WT littermates for features that might contribute to their rectal prolapse and colonic inflammation phenotypes and 2) to assess the relevance of the inflammatory phenotype to the variability in wound healing in this model.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal microbiota are affected by a wide variety of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In the husbandry of laboratory mice and design of experiments, controlling these factors where possible provides more reproducible results. However, the microbiome is dynamic, particularly in the weeks immediately after weaning. In this study, we characterized the baseline gastrointestinal microbiota of immunocompromised mice housed under standard conditions for our facility for 6 weeks after weaning, with housing either in an isolator or in individually ventilated cages and a common antibiotic diet (trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole). We compared these conditions to a group fed a standard diet and a group that was weaned to a standard diet then switched to antibiotic diet after 2 weeks. We found no clear effect of diet on richness and α diversity of the gastrointestinal microbiota. However, diet did affect which taxa were enriched at the end of the experiment. The change to antibiotic diet during the experiment did not convert the gastrointestinal microbiome to a state similar to mice consistently fed antibiotic diet, which may highlight the importance of the initial post-weaning period in the establishment of the gastrointestinal microbiome. We also observed a strong effect of housing type (isolator compared with individually ventilated cage) on the richness, α diversity, β diversity, and taxa enriched over the course of the experiment. Investigating whether the diet or microbiome affects a certain strain’s phenotype is warranted in some cases. However, our findings do not suggest that maintaining immunocompromised mice on antibiotic feed has a clinical benefit when potential pathogens are operationally excluded, nor does it result in a more consistent or controlled microbiome in the post-weaning period.

Gastrointestinal microbiota (GM) have significant effects on animal health and are affected by many factors including diet, antibiotic administration, age, sex, strain, and cage environment.4,5,7,8,11,16 When using mice to study human disease, particularly when studying immune response to disease, recognizing which portions of a study are or are not controlled is an important element.9 In the case of the GM, characterizing the populations of bacteria under defined housing conditions for commonly used strains is an important step in improving reproducibility and translatability of these models.9Feeding diets compounded with antibiotics is common practice in irradiated animals to prevent opportunistic infections in the postprocedural period, and that practice has been extended to other populations that are known to be immunocompromised, such as SCID or nude mice.3,19 In our facility, standard practice is to maintain populations of known and presumed immunodeficient mice as well as immunologically-humanized mice, on trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMS) antibiotic chow after weaning. However, mice that consume TMS from ad libitum commercial diets or water do not achieve therapeutic plasma concentrations of antibiotic against most pathogens.14,15 Non-judicious use of antibiotics also contributes to the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance.19 Because immunodeficient mice are used to study human disease, immunity, and autoimmunity, the use of an antibiotic that may affect immunity and be clinically irrelevant for preventing disease creates a significant confounding variable.1,9,10,20,21 In addition, medicated chow is more expensive than standard rodent chow, so this policy represents a significant operational cost.This study had 2 primary goals. The first was to characterize the microbiome of our most common immunodeficient mouse model after weaning under 2 standard housing (individually ventilated cage (IVC) or open-top cage within a semirigid isolator (isolator)) and 3 diet (TMS diet, standard rodent chow, or a switch from standard to TMS diet) conditions. This information may be important for future model characterization and may assist in rescue of model phenotypes that depend on an inhouse microbiome that may drift over time. We hypothesized that housing would have a greater effect on the GM than would the type of chow because of the low concentration of TMS in the medicated chow. We also hypothesized that mice fed only a TMS diet would show lower GM species richness and α diversity as compared with groups fed standard rodent chow due to antibiotic dampening of certain bacterial populations.Concern about maintaining disease phenotypes that depend on diet is a major roadblock to changing our current practice of providing TMS diet. Therefore, our second goal was to determine the stability of the GM after a diet change in the post-weaning period. To assess this, we changed the diet of a subset of cages from standard diet back to TMS diet 2 weeks after weaning. We hypothesized that a change to the TMS diet after a 2-week period on standard chow would24 negate any TMS-related effects on the microbiome. This outcome would be expressed as an alignment in richness, diversity, and relative populations with that found in the group fed TMS diet over the entire experiment under a given housing condition.  相似文献   

Lentinula edodes-derived polysaccharides possess many therapeutic characteristics, including anti-tumor and immuno-modulation. The gut microbes play a critical role in modulation of immune function. However, the impact of Lentinula edodes-derived polysaccharides on the gut microbes have not yet been explored. In this study, high-throughput pyrosequencing technique was employed to investigate the effects of a new heteropolysaccharide L2 from Lentinula edodes on microbiota diversity and composition of small intestine, cecum, colon and distal end of colon (feces) in mice. The results demonstrated that along mouse intestine the microbiota exhibit distinctly different space distribution. L2 treatment reduced the diversity and evenness of gut microbiota along the intestine, especially in the cecum and colon. In the fecal microbial communities, the decrease of Bacteroidetes by significantly increasing Proteobacteria were observed, which were characterized by the increased Helicobacteraceae and reduced S24-7 at family level. Some OTUs, corresponding to Bacteroides acidifaciens, Alistipes and Helicobacter suncus, were found to be significantly increased in L2 treated-mice. In particular, 4 phyla Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospirae and Planctomycetes are exclusively present in L2-treated mice. This is helpful for further demonstrating healthy action mechanism of Lentinula edodes-derived polysaccharide L2.  相似文献   

Animal guts and plant roots have absorption roles for nutrient uptake and converge in harboring large, complex, and dynamic groups of microbes that participate in degradation or modification of nutrients and other substances. Gut and root bacteria regulate host gene expression, provide metabolic capabilities, essential nutrients, and protection against pathogens, and seem to share evolutionary trends.  相似文献   

肠道菌群在维持宿主免疫和消化系统功能方面发挥着重要作用,肠道菌群的多样性和丰富度是衡量宿主健康状况的重要生理指标。性激素对动物生长发育发挥重要作用,但其对肠道菌群构成影响的相关实验研究相对较少。本研究以模式生物小鼠(Mus musculus)为对象,探究性激素的变化对小鼠肠道菌群构成的影响。采用外科手术方式建立小鼠去势模型,通过16S r RNA高通量测序技术,研究性激素对小鼠肠道菌群构成的影响。研究结果表明,雌性小鼠和雄性小鼠去势后,性激素水平显著下降。肠道菌群在门水平上,正常小鼠和去势小鼠肠道细菌群落均由拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、埃普西隆杆菌门(Epsilonbacteraeota)、髌骨细菌门(Patescibacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、软壁菌门(Tenericutes)、脱铁杆菌门(Deferribacteres)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)和蓝藻细菌门(Cyanobacteria)组成,主要菌群为厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门物种,两门占物种相对丰度百分比...  相似文献   

The gut microbiota of fish larvae evolves fast towards a complex community. Both host and environment affect the development of the gut microbiota; however, the relative importance of both is poorly understood. Determining specific changes in gut microbial populations in response to a change in an environmental factor is very complicated. Interactions between factors are difficult to separate and any response could be masked due to high inter-individual variation even for individuals that share a common environment. In this study we characterized and quantified the spatio-temporal variation in the gut microbiota of tilapia larvae, reared in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) or active suspension tanks (AS). Our results showed that variation in gut microbiota between replicate tanks was not significantly higher than within tank variation, suggesting that there is no tank effect on water and gut microbiota. However, when individuals were reared in replicate RAS, gut microbiota differed significantly. The highest variation was observed between individuals reared in different types of system (RAS vs. AS). Our data suggest that under experimental conditions in which the roles of deterministic and stochastic factors have not been precisely determined, compositional replication of the microbial communities of an ecosystem is not predictable.  相似文献   



Osteopontin (OPN) is a multifunctional protein expressed in a variety of tissues and cells. Recent studies revealed increased OPN expression in the inflamed intestinal tissues of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The role of OPN in the pathophysiology of IBD, however, remains unclear.


To investigate the role of OPN in the development of intestinal inflammation using a murine model of IBD, interleukin-10 knock out (IL-10 KO) mice.


We compared the development of colitis between IL-10 KO and OPN/IL-10 double KO (DKO) mice. OPN expression in the colonic tissues of IL-10 KO mice was examined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Enteric microbiota were compared between IL-10 KO and OPN/IL-10 DKO mice by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The effect of OPN on macrophage phagocytic function was evaluated by phagocytosis assay.


OPN/IL-10 DKO mice had an accelerated onset of colitis compared to IL-10 KO mice. FISH analysis revealed enhanced OPN synthesis in the colonic epithelial cells of IL-10 KO mice. OPN/IL-10 DKO mice had a distinctly different enteric bacterial profile with a significantly lower abundance of Clostridium subcluster XIVa and a greater abundance of Clostridium cluster XVIII compared to IL-10 KO mice. Intracellular OPN deletion in macrophages impaired phagocytosis of fluorescence particle-conjugated Escherichia coli in vitro. Exogenous OPN enhanced phagocytosis by OPN-deleted macrophages when administered at doses of 1 to 100 ng/ml, but not 1000 ng/ml.


OPN deficiency accelerated the spontaneous development of colitis in mice with disrupted gut microbiota and macrophage phagocytic activity.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that changing the gut microbiota using pectic oligosaccharides (POS) or inulin (INU) differently modulates the progression of leukemia and related metabolic disorders. Mice were transplanted with Bcr-Abl-transfected proB lymphocytes mimicking leukemia and received either POS or INU in their diet (5%) for 2 weeks. Combination of pyrosequencing, PCR-DGGE and qPCR analyses of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that POS decreased microbial diversity and richness of caecal microbiota whereas it increased Bifidobacterium spp., Roseburia spp. and Bacteroides spp. (affecting specifically B. dorei) to a higher extent than INU. INU supplementation increased the portal SCFA propionate and butyrate, and decreased cancer cell invasion in the liver. POS treatment did not affect hepatic cancer cell invasion, but was more efficient than INU to decrease the metabolic alterations. Indeed, POS better than INU delayed anorexia linked to cancer progression. In addition, POS treatment increased acetate in the caecal content, changed the fatty acid profile inside adipose tissue and counteracted the induction of markers controlling β-oxidation, thereby hampering fat mass loss. Non digestible carbohydrates with prebiotic properties may constitute a new nutritional strategy to modulate gut microbiota with positive consequences on cancer progression and associated cachexia.  相似文献   

Gut microbiota of higher vertebrates is host-specific. The number and diversity of the organisms residing within the gut ecosystem are defined by physiological and environmental factors,such as host genotype, habitat, and diet. Recently, culture-independent sequencing techniques have added a new dimension to the study of gut microbiota and the challenge to analyze the large volume of sequencing data is increasingly addressed by the development of novel computational tools and methods. Interestingly, gut microbiota maintains a constant relative abundance at operational taxonomic unit(OTU) levels and altered bacterial abundance has been associated with complex diseases such as symptomatic atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and colorectal cancer. Therefore, the study of gut microbial population has emerged as an important field of research in order to ultimately achieve better health. In addition, there is a spontaneous, non-linear, and dynamic interaction among different bacterial species residing in the gut. Thus, predicting the influence of perturbed microbe–microbe interaction network on health can aid in developing novel therapeutics. Here, we summarize the population abundance of gut microbiota and its variation in different clinical states,computational tools available to analyze the pyrosequencing data, and gut microbe–microbe interaction networks.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2014,426(23):3866-3876
The human gut is home to trillions of microbes that form a symbiotic relationship with the human host. During health, the intestinal microbiota provides many benefits to the host and is generally resistant to colonization by new species; however, disruption of this complex community can lead to pathogen invasion, inflammation, and disease. Restoration and maintenance of a healthy gut microbiota composition requires effective therapies to reduce and prevent colonization of harmful bacteria (pathogens) while simultaneously promoting growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics). Here we review the mechanisms by which the host modulates the gut community composition during health and disease, and we discuss prospects for antibiotic and probiotic therapy for restoration of a healthy intestinal community following disruption.  相似文献   


Background & Aims

While it is widely accepted that obesity is associated with low-grade systemic inflammation, the molecular origin of the inflammation remains unknown. Here, we investigated the effect of endotoxin-induced inflammation via TLR4 signaling pathway at both systemic and intestinal levels in response to a high-fat diet.


C57BL/6J and TLR4-deficient C57BL/10ScNJ mice were maintained on a low-fat (10 kcal % fat) diet (LFD) or a high–fat (60 kcal % fat) diet (HFD) for 8 weeks.


HFD induced macrophage infiltration and inflammation in the adipose tissue, as well as an increase in the circulating proinflammatory cytokines. HFD increased both plasma and fecal endotoxin levels and resulted in dysregulation of the gut microbiota by increasing the Firmicutes to Bacteriodetes ratio. HFD induced the growth of Enterobecteriaceae and the production of endotoxin in vitro. Furthermore, HFD induced colonic inflammation, including the increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines, the induction of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), iNOS, COX-2, and the activation of NF-κB in the colon. HFD reduced the expression of tight junction-associated proteins claudin-1 and occludin in the colon. HFD mice demonstrated higher levels of Akt and FOXO3 phosphorylation in the colon compared to the LFD mice. While the body weight of HFD-fed mice was significantly increased in both TLR4-deficient and wild type mice, the epididymal fat weight and plasma endotoxin level of HFD-fed TLR4-deficient mice were 69% and 18% of HFD-fed wild type mice, respectively. Furthermore, HFD did not increase the proinflammatory cytokine levels in TLR4-deficient mice.


HFD induces inflammation by increasing endotoxin levels in the intestinal lumen as well as in the plasma by altering the gut microbiota composition and increasing its intestinal permeability through the induction of TLR4, thereby accelerating obesity.  相似文献   

Human gut microbiota play an essential role in both healthy and diseased states of humans. In the past decade, the interactions between microorganisms and tumors have attracted much attention in the efforts to understand various features of the complex microbial communities, as well as the possible mechanisms through which the microbiota are involved in cancer prevention, carcinogenesis, and anti-cancer therapy. A large number of studies have indicated that microbial dysbiosis contributes to cancer susceptibility via multiple pathways. Further studies have suggested that the microbiota and their associated metabolites are not only closely related to carcinogenesis by inducing inflammation and immune dysregulation, which lead to genetic instability, but also interfere with the pharmacodynamics of anticancer agents. In this article, we mainly reviewed the influence of gut microbiota on cancers in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (including esophageal, gastric, colorectal, liver, and pancreatic cancers) and the regulation of microbiota by diet, prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, antibiotics, or the Traditional Chinese Medicine. We also proposed some new strategies in the prevention and treatment of GI cancers that could be explored in the future. We hope that this review could provide a comprehensive overview of the studies on the interactions between the gut microbiota and GI cancers, which are likely to yield translational opportunities to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality by improving prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.  相似文献   

Highlights? Detailed analysis of diet-induced obesity in more than 100 inbred mouse strains ? Identification of 11 genetic loci associated with obesity and dietary responsiveness ? Significant overlap between mouse loci with human GWAS loci for obesity ? Strain-specific shifts in gut microbiota composition in response to dietary intervention  相似文献   

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