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Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and multicolor genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) are useful tools to precisely characterize genetic stocks derived from crosses of wheat (Triticum aestivum) with Thinopyrum intermedium and Thinopyrum elongatum. The wheat x Th. intermedium derived stocks designated Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, and Z6 were initially screened by multicolor GISH using Aegilops speltoides genomic DNA for blocking and various combinations of genomic DNA from Th. intermedium, Triticum urartu, and Aegilops tauschii for probes. The probing (GISH) results indicated that lines Z1 and Z3 were alien disomic addition lines with chromosome numbers of 2n = 44. Z2 was a substitution line in which chromosome 2D was substituted by a pair of Th. intermedium chromosomes; this was confirmed by RFLP and muticolour GISH. Z4 (2n = 44) contained two pairs of wheat--Th. intermedium translocated chromosomes; one pair involved A-genome chromosomes, the other involved D- and A- genome chromosomes. Z5 (2n = 44) contained one pair of wheat--Th. intermedium translocated chromosomes involving the D- and A-genome chromosomes of wheat. Z6 (2n = 44) contained one pair of chromosomes derived from Th. intermedium plus another pair of translocated chromosomes involving B-genome chromosomes of wheat Line Z2 was of special interest because it has some resistance to infection by Fusarium graminearum.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Cynodon is a genus with a wide distribution in tropical and subtropical areas. Ploidy levels in Cynodon range from diploid to hexaploid; hence, polyploidy is the...  相似文献   

The genus Cynodon (Gramineae), comprised of 9 species, is geographically widely distributed and genetically diverse. Information on the amounts of molecular genetic variation among and within Cynodon taxa is needed to enhance understanding of phylogenetic relations and facilitate germplasm management and breeding improvement efforts. Genetic relatedness among 62 Cynodon accessions, representing eight species, was assessed using DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Ten 8-mer oligonucleotides were used to amplify specific Cynodon genomic sequences. The DNA amplification products of individual accessions were scored for presence (1) or absence (0) of bands. Similarity matrices were developed and the accessions were grouped by cluster (UPGMA) and principal coordinate analysis. Analyses were conducted within ploidy level (2x = 18 and 4x = 36) and over ploidy levels. Each primer revealed polymorphic loci among accessions within species. Of 539 loci (bands) scored, 496 (92%) were polymorphic. Cynodon arcuatus was clearly separated from other species by numerous monomorphic bands. The strongest species similarities were between C. aethiopicus and C. arcuatus, C. transvaalensis and C. plectostachyus, and C. incompletus and C. nlemfuensis. Intraspecific variation was least for C. aethiopicus, C. arcuatus, and C. transvaalensis, and greatest for C. dactylon. Accessions of like taxonomic classification were generally clustered, except the cosmopolitan C. dactylon var. dactylon and C. dactylon var. afganicus. Within taxa, accessions differing in chromosome number clustered in all instances indicating the 2x and 4x forms to be closely related. Little, if any, relationship was found between relatedness as indicated by the DAF profiles and previous estimates of hybridization potential between the different taxa.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe intergeneric hybrids between Ascocenda John De Biase ‘Blue’ and Phalaenopsis Chih Shang''s Stripes have been generated to introduce the blue color into the Phalaenopsis germplasm in prior study. In order to confirm the inheritance in hybrid progenies, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis were conducted to confirm the intergeneric hybridization status.Methods/ResultsGISH analysis showed the presence of both maternal and paternal chromosomes in the cells of the putative hybrids indicating that the putative hybrid seedlings were intergeneric hybrids of the two parents. Furthermore, twenty-seven putative hybrids were randomly selected for DNA analysis, and the external transcribed spacer (ETS) regions of nrDNA were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and RFLP analyses to identify the putative hybrids. RFLP analysis showed that the examined seedlings were intergeneric hybrids of the two parents. However, PCR-RFLP analysis showed bias to maternal genotype.ConclusionsBoth GISH and RFLP analyses are effective detection technology to identify the intergeneric hybridization status of putative hybrids. Furthermore, the use of PCR-RFLP analysis to identify the inheritance of putative hybrids should be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

Why is it needed to develop system biology initiatives such as ENCODE on non-model organisms?  相似文献   

M Cao  D A Sleper  F Dong  J Jiang 《Génome》2000,43(2):398-403
Intergeneric hybridizations have been made between species of Lolium and Festuca. It has been demonstrated, largely through conventional cytogenetic analysis, that the genomes of the two genera are related, however, much information is lacking on exactly how closely related the genomes are between the two species. We applied genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) techniques to the F1 hybrids of tetraploid Festuca mairei with a genomic constitution of M1M1M2M2 and diploid Lolium perenne with a genomic constitution of LL. It was shown in the triploid hybrids (LM1M2) that the chromosomes of M1 and M2 from F. mairei could pair with each other, and it was further discovered that L chromosomes of L. perenne paired with M1 and M2 chromosomes. Our results showed that meiocytes of Lolium-Festuca are amenable to GISH analysis, and provided direct evidence for the hypothesis that the chromosomes of Lolium and Festuca may be genetically equivalent and that reciprocal mixing of the genomes may be possible.  相似文献   

N. L. Wallin 《Human Evolution》2000,15(3-4):199-242
Musical experience and creativity are regarded to be largely depending on cultural conditions and hence on higher cognitive functions. True as this may be, there are, however, numerous responses to music-the urge to make music taken into account-which derive from deeper levels of the human organism, namely from arousing alternatively moderating vegetative and limbic functions. Although the behavioral intensity and quality emanating from such evolutionary early nervous structures may be affected by cultural influence, they still seem to be essentially independent. Similar specific responses to acoustical and/or motor patterned stimuli are found among some other higher vertebrates which like humans are equipped with sophisticated mechanisms for hearing, sound production and locomotion, well tuned to each other. However, it is even today an open question whether these manifestations of auditive-phonatory-locomotor abilities just are analogues or if they share a common evolutionary background. The current discussion on this matter has accumulated data which apparently support the latter view pointing to that sexual selection would be the common force, first suggested by Charles Darwin (153). Other, and still more recent data in genetics and neuroscience, may be interpreted as hints at that the common origin would be a more elemental organismic feature, a metabolic-homeostatic variable which due to its evolutionary strength eventually created the platform for a radiation of adaptations concerning species-specific patterned sounds and locomotions with a broad spectrum of tasks, among them sexual selection. This line of reasoning is here, under reference to recent biological data, made the basis for a hypothetical model of music as an expression of an early homeostatic feedback mechanism. Accordingly, in music there is a central variable, a “heart” or a “core”, which is not to be found exclusively in music but appears globally as a releasing mechanism for basic endocrine, autonomous and elementally cognitive functions. It is of acoustical or motoric nature, or of a combination of these characters, and is performed in repetitive trains of impulses. It is further assumed that the target of its operations is mainly proteins with a regulatory effect on the cellular and synaptic states. The principal representatives for these proteins are growth factors, especially the NGF which originally was regarded as a growth stimulator within the peripheral and sympathetical systems but which eventually appeared to be also a synergetic modulator of neuro-endocrine-immuno-reactions, i.e. of the three central homeostatic systems (5, 80). One can speculate that this variable is functionally active at an elemental level such that it has escaped to be knocked out by forceful “higher” and evolutionary younger factors (49:13). This hypothesis — that music has its roots within and is a part of a globally occurring natural acoustical-motoric stimulus, manifested in a great variety of auditory and motoric behavior in humans and among some other higher vertebrates — implies that humankind has developed this stimulus into a category of acoustical structures which oscillate round an instable point of equilibrium. Exactly such structures, not stochastic but neither too predictable, affect the organism mainly on a sensory-vegetative level (59, 102, 137, 151). They are in addition perceptionally optimal in creating cortical space-temporal neural patterns with strong interhemispheric coherence (110, 130). According to this scenario, music did not originate from a human need of communication or as an aspect of sexual selection. It emerged from elemental processes within the individual organism with the aspiration to maintain his bodily and mental fitness, thus on a pre-social level. What was beneficial to the single individual in his fight for survival, was good also for the group and its survival. Starting from that platform music has evolved in symbiosis with dance and play within a large spectrum of social functions, where sexual selection and ritual and autonomously aesthetical tasks got a focal role that increased over time and always was accompanied by emotional events. Behind, the ticking in the deep structure of music of this in cultural-ethical terms totally value-neutral archaic mechanism goes on without pause, contributing to the maintenance of an optimal functional balance in body and mind of the individual, and the group as well.  相似文献   

Arachis hypogaea is a natural, well-established allotetraploid (AABB) with 2n = 40. However, researchers disagree on the diploid genome donor species and on whether peanut originated by a single or multiple events of polyploidization. Here we provide evidence on the genetic origin of peanut and on the involved wild relatives using double GISH (genomic in situ hybridization). Seven wild diploid species (2n = 20), harboring either the A or B genome, were tested. Of all genomic DNA probe combinations assayed, A. duranensis (A genome) and A. ipaensis (B genome) appeared to be the best candidates for the genome donors because they yielded the most intense and uniform hybridization pattern when tested against the corresponding chromosome subsets of A. hypogaea. A similar GISH pattern was observed for all varieties of the cultigen and also for A. monticola. These results suggest that all presently known subspecies and varieties of A. hypogaea have arisen from a unique allotetraploid plant population, or alternatively, from different allotetraploid populations that originated from the same two diploid species. Furthermore, the bulk of the data demonstrated a close genomic relationship between both tetraploids and strongly supports the hypothesis that A. monticola is the immediate wild antecessor of A. hypogaea.  相似文献   

Mitochondria fragment prior to caspase activation during many pathways of apoptosis. Inhibition of the machinery that normally regulates mitochondrial morphology in healthy cells inhibits the fission that occurs during apoptosis and actually delays the process of cell death. Interestingly, there are certain parallels between mitochondrial fission and bacterial sporulation. As bacterial sporulation can be considered a stress response we suggest that a primordial stress response of endosymbiont mitochondrial progenitors may have been adopted for the stress response of early eukaryotes. Thus, the mitochondrial fission process may represent an early stress response of primitive mitochondria that could have integrated the stress signals and acted as an initial sensor for the eukaryotic response system. The fact that mitochondria fragment during apoptosis using the machinery descended from or that superceded the bacterial stress response of sporulation is consistent with this hypothesis. This hypothesis would explain why what is generally considered the "power house" of the cell came to integrate the cell death response and regulate apoptosis.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to investigate genomic relationships between different Setaria species of the foxtail millet gene pool (S. italica) and one interspecific F1 hybrid. The GISH patterns obtained on the two diploid species S. viridis (genome A) and S. adhaerans (genome B), and on their F1 hybrid showed clear differentiation between these two genomes except at the nucleolar organizing regions. Similar GISH patterns allowed differentiation of S. italica from S. adhaerans. However, GISH patterns did not distinguish between the genomes of S. italica and its putative wild ancestor S. viridis. GISH was also applied to polyploid Setaria species and enabled confirmation of the assumed allotetraploid nature of S. faberii and demonstration that both S. verticillata and S. verticillata var. ambigua were also allotetraploids. All these tetraploid species contained two sets of 18 chromosomes each, one from genome A and the other from genome B. Only one polyploid species, S. pumila, was shown to bear an unknown genomic composition that is not closely related either to genome A or to genome B.  相似文献   

Genomic in situhybridization (GISH) to root-tip cells at mitotic metaphase, using genomic DNA probes from Thinopyrum intermedium and Pseudoroegneria strigosa, was used to examine the genomic constitution of Th. intermedium, the 56-chromosome partial amphiploid to wheat called Zhong 5 and disease-resistant derivatives of Zhong 5, in a wheat background. Evidence from GISH indicated that Th. intermedium contained seven pairs of St, seven JS and 21 J chromosomes; three pairs of Th. intermedium chromosomes with satellites in their short arms belonging to the St, J, J genomes and homoeologous groups 1, 1, and 5 respectively. GISH results using different materials and different probes showed that seven pairs of added Th. intermedium chromosomes in Zhong 5 included three pairs of St chromosomes, two pairs of JS chromosomes and two pairs of St-JS reciprocal tanslocation chromosomes. A pair of chromosomes, which substituted a pair of wheat chromosomes in Yi 4212 and in HG 295 and was added to 21 pairs of wheat chromosomes in the disomic additions Z1, Z2 and Z6, conferred BYDV-resistance and was identical to a pair of St-JS tanslocation chromosomes (StJS) in Zhong 5. The StJS chromosome had a special GISH signal pattern and could be easily distinguished from other added chromosomes in Zhong 5; it has not yet been possible to locate the BYDV-resistant gene(s) of this translocated chromosome either in the St chromosome portion belonging to homoeologous group 2 or in the JS chromosome portion whose homoeologous group relationship is still uncertain. Among 22 chromosome pairs in disomic addition line Z3, the added chromosome pair had satellites and belonged to the St genome and homoeologous group 1. Disomic addition line Z4 carried a pair of added chromosomes which was composed of a group-7 JS chromosome translocated with a wheat chromosome; this chromosome was different to 7 Ai-1, but was identical to 7 Ai-2. The leaf rust and stem rust resistance genes were located in the distal region of the long arm, whereas the stripe rust resistance gene(s) was located in the short arm or in the proximal region of the long arm of 7 Ai-2. A pair of JS-wheat translocation chromosomes, which originated from the WJS chromosomes in Z4, was added to the disomic addition line Z5; the added chromosomes of Z5 carried leaf and stem rust resistance but not stripe rust resistance; Z5 is a potentially useful source for rust resistance genes in wheat breeding and for cloning these novel rust-resistant genes. GISH analysis using the St genome as a probe has proved advantageous in identifying alien Th. intermedium in wheat. Received: 17 May 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

The nature of the chiasma as a cytological parameter for analysing cross-over was reexamined quantitatively by an improved chiasma graph method. It was reconfirmed in Mus platythrix (n =13) that interstitial chiasmata at diakinesis are distributed randomly and almost uniformly along bivalents except for the centromere and telomere regions. The size of these chiasma blank regions was consistently 0.8% of the total length of haploid autosomes in all chromosomes. There was a minimum value of chiasma interference distance between two adjacent chiasmata, which was constantly 1.8% in all chromosomes. The chiasma frequency at diakinesis was 20.1+/-2. 0 by the conventional method including terminal chiasmata. However, the primed in situ labeling technique revealed that terminal chiasmata were mostly telomere-telomere associations. From these data and also from recent molecular data we concluded that the terminal chiasma is cytologically functional for ensuring the normal disjunction of bivalents at anaphase I, but genetically non-functional for shuffling genes. The chiasma frequency excluding terminal chiasmata was 14.6+/-1.8. Reexamination of the chiasma frequency of 106 animal species revealed that the chiasma frequency increased linearly in proportion to the haploid chromosome number in spite of remarkable difference in their genome size. The increase in chiasma frequency would be evolution-adaptive, because gene shuffling is expected to be accelerated in species with high chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Daphnia commonly includes parthenogenesis, sexual reproduction, and diapause. Although there are no genotypic transformations during diapause, it separates the clonal and pseudopanmictic states of the population. During parthenogenetic reproduction primarily polymorphic natural populations gradually degenerate into a mixture of a few clones. As resting eggs are usually produced sexually (= by means of sexual reproduction), after the diapause the vast diversity of individual genotypes normal for panmictic populations is observed. It is the competitive interactions between parthenogenetic clones which again eventually decrease the genotypic polymorphism. Forms in which the sexual process and diapause are rare (or species which are represented by parthenogenetic populations in one part of their area and by bisexual ones in another) demonstrate the most significant differences between clonal and panmictic populations.Parthenogenesis, apomixis and other kinds of reproduction without genetic recombination are widely spread in branchiopod crustaceans (Notostraca, Anostraca, Conchostraca, Cladocera) and in many other animals and plants. Moreover, reproduction without recombination plays an important role in evolution of faunas and floras. It is emphasized that non-recombinating races and species having high heterozygosity but a low level of genetic variation, enjoy short term advantages, but die out after change in the environment.  相似文献   

双探针原位杂交揭示稻属BB、cc 和EE基因组之间的分化 李常宝1 张大明1* 葛颂1 卢宝荣2 洪德元1  相似文献   

The cee (conserved edge expressed protein) gene was recently identified in a genome-wide screen to discover genes associated with myotube formation in fast muscle of pufferfish. Comparative genomic analyses indicate that cee arose some 1.6-1.8 billion years ago and is found as a single-copy gene in most eukaryotic genomes examined. The complexity of its structure varies from an intronless gene in yeast and tunicates to nine exons and eight introns in vertebrates. cee is particularly conserved among vertebrates and is located in a syntenic region within tetrapods and between teleosts and invertebrates. Low dN/dS ratios in the cee coding region (0.02-0.09) indicate that the Cee protein is under strong purifying selection. In Atlantic salmon, cee is expressed in the superficial layers of developing organs and tissues. These data, together with functional screens in yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans, indicate that cee has a hitherto uncharacterized role in normal growth and development.  相似文献   

Five short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs) were found fortuitously in the introns of a steroid hormone receptor AaHR3-2 gene of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, constituting a novel family of tRNA-related SINEs named Feilai. In addition, nine other Feilai elements were found in currently available sequences in Ae. aegypti, six of which were also near genes. Approximately 5.9 x 10(4) copies of Feilai were present in Ae. aegypti, equivalent to 2% of the entire genome. An additional 35 Feilai elements were isolated from a genomic library. Of the total 49 Feilai elements, 20 were full-length. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of the full-length elements strongly suggest that there are at least two subfamilies within the Feilai family. There is a high degree of conservation within the two subfamilies. However, sequence divergence between the subfamilies, along with the presence of highly degenerate Feilai elements, suggests that Feilai is likely a diverse family of SINEs that has existed in Ae. aegypti for a long time. Many Feilai elements were closely associated with other transposons, especially with fragments of non-LTR retrotransposons and miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements. The 500-bp sequences immediately flanking a Feilai element were highly A + T-rich, which is consistent with the fact that no Feilai has been found in the coding regions of genes. It is likely that the highly reiterated and interspersed Feilai elements are partially responsible for the pattern of short-period interspersion of the Ae. aegypti genome. The evolutionary relationship between Feilai and the Ae. aegypti genome is likely complex.  相似文献   

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