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Cytogenetic effects of Anilofos which was widely used in agriculture, was evaluated in Allium cepa root meristematic cells. In the Allium root growth inhibition test EC50 value was determined 50 ppm and 1/2× EC50 (25 ppm), EC50 (50 ppm) and 2 × EC50 (100 ppm) concentrations of Anilofos were applied to onion roots. A negative and positive control were used in the experiment in parallel. According to results mitotic index decreased with increasing the Anilofos concentrations in all application groups and each exposure time, while disturbed anaphase–telophase, choromosome laggard(s), stickiness and anaphase bridge(s) were observed. In anaphase–telophase cells, c-metaphase, disturbed nucleus and binuclear cells were observed in other anomalies. The results were also analyzed statistically by using Dunnett t test (2-tailed) and all concentrations of Anilofos were found significant.  相似文献   

Plantago is the most important genus of Plantaginaceae family and is used in traditional medicine around the world for different purposes. Plantago coronopus L., Plantago major L., Plantago media L. and Plantago lanceolata L. are most commonly used species of Plantago in traditional medicine in Turkey. The main goal of this study was to investigate the eventual anti-mitotic and anti-genotoxic effects of P. lanceolata L. leaf aqueous extracts (15 g/L and 30 g/L) on Allium cepa L. root tip meristem cells which were treated with 0.7% hydrogen peroxide. For this purpose, two different experiments were performed under the same conditions. In the first experiment, Allium cepa onion bulbs were treated with 0.7% H2O2 for 1 h. After the H2O2 treatment, the onion bulbs were treated with two different concentrations (15 g/L and 30 g/L) of P. lanceolata extracts for 24 h. In the second experiment, A. cepa onion bulbs were treated with two different extract concentrations (15 g/L and 30 g/L) for 24 h and then with 0.7% H2O2 for 1 h. The test concentrations were determined according to doses which are recommended in alternative medicinal usage by people. As positive and negative control 0.7% H2O2 and tap water was used, respectively. As a result, it was determined that aqueous extracts reduced mitotic index and chromosome aberrations in treatment groups in comparison with controls. These results showed that P. lanceolata aqueous extracts have anti-mitotic and anti-genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Allium cepa L. leaves were subjected to enzymatic (pectolyase) and mechanical manipulation in order to ascertain the contribution made by various leaf tissues to the total sugar uptake by the leaf. In order to develop an understanding of the basic anatomy and ultrastructure of the Allium leaf and assess the integrity of the tissue before and after enzymatic and mechanical manipulation, a light- and transmission-electron-microscopy study was performed. One outcome of this study was the discovery that the chloroplasts of the bundle-sheath cells contain starch. The function of these inclusions in relation to carbohydrate pools and translocation is discussed. Kinetic curves for sucrose and fructose uptake by leaf discs derived from control and modified leaves are presented. In addition, kinetic curves for the tissues removed by the enzymatic treatment (inner parenchyma, bundle sheath and some vascular parenchyma) and the vascular bundles were also obtained. All tissues exhibited the same linear plus saturable profile as the dicotyledon, Beta vulgaris, with the exception of fructose uptake into the inner parenchyma and bundle-sheath cells; in this case the response was linear. The effect of anoxia on uptake of exogenous sucrose was also investigated. Anaerobiosis inhibited both the linear and saturable component of sucrose influx. Adenine-nucleotide levels were obtained using high-performance liquid chromatography for control (air) and anoxia-treated (N2) leaf discs. A general loss of adenine nucleotides was observed. The results presented indicate that all tissues of the leaf retrieve exogenous sugar such that the kinetic curves derived from leaf discs cannot represent phloem loading, per se.Abbreviations Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - E.C. energy charge  相似文献   

The role of natural antioxidants in preventing of age-relating diseases is evident. The vegetable industry generates a large amount of waste, which is a good source of antioxidants.The aim of the study was the investigation of the antioxidant effect of long-term consumption of ethanolic yellow onion husk extract in ageing laboratory rodents.Twenty male Wistar albino rats were divided randomly into two groups (n = 10): a control group and an experimental group that received ethanolic yellow onion husk extract (2 mL/rat diluted with distilled water; activity of 4.44 µmol-equiv. quercetin) for 188 days. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays were used to determine the total antioxidant capacity of the extract, which amounted to 941.4 ± 32.7 µmol equiv. Trolox/g raw material and 167.4 ± 16.4 µmol-equiv. quercetin/g raw material, respectively. Oral intake of the onion husk extract affected the indicators of the antioxidant system of the liver and the brain but not of the blood and plasma, mainly due to elevations in the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase in the liver by 44.4% and 79.1%, respectively, and in the brain by three-fold and 79.1%, respectively.The availability, cheapness and high antioxidant potential of onion waste qualifies it a good source of functional ingredients and bioactive substances applicable in the food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

Micrurgical studies on the tonoplast of Allium cepa   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Appropriate final disposal of sewage sludge (SS) generated by wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has been considered a serious environmental problem, but also a viable alternative to be applied in agriculture, once SS is rich in organic matter and nutrients. However, SS can be a source of contamination of several toxic agents. Therefore, its use in agriculture requires special care to avoid possible damage to the environment and exposed organisms. Detoxification of toxic wastes can be performed using the monitored natural attenuation, which involves biological, physical and chemical processes that frequently occur in the environment. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of decontaminating SS after different periods of monitored natural attenuation. To this end, samples of SS and associations of soil/SS with proportions of 10, 25 and 50% SS were buried for 0, 2, 6 and 12 months in holes prepared in a place free of contamination. Allium cepa was used as an indicator to assess the efficiency of the natural attenuation process. According to chemical analysis, the SS samples presented a high concentration of m- and p-cresol, especially for samples analyzed after 0 or 2 months of natural attenuation. The microorganisms present in the SS belonged to 17 different genera of bacteria, which varied in the microbial composition among samples. Both, raw SS and aqueous SS extracts induced DNA damage in A. cepa, even when associated with soil. However, this effect was observed to decline during the attenuation period, although significant effects were detected for the highest tested concentration (100% SS) even at the end of this process. These results thus indicated the necessity of applying a stabilization process associating SS and soil for a period of at least 12 months and showed that the studied raw SS is not a viable material for use as a soil reconditioner, even after natural attenuation. A. cepa test proved to be a useful tool to assess the efficiency of SS detoxification process. Therefore, we suggest that the application of SS in agriculture should be approached with caution and that the SS must be previously submitted to methodologies that evaluate its toxic potential.  相似文献   

Actin in the preprophase band of Allium cepa   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
F-actin has been identified in the preprophase band of Allium cepa. Cells attached to subbed slides were obtained from formaldehyde-fixed root tips digested in EGTA and Cellulysin. The air-dried cells were extracted in Triton X-100, treated with rhodamine-phalloidin, rinsed briefly in PBS, and viewed in the fluorescence microscope. Interphase cells contain a network of actin fibers that extends into all areas of the cytoplasm. During preprophase, the network is replaced by a band of fibers aligned in the position of the preprophase band. Colocalization of F-actin with rhodamine-phalloidin and microtubules with tubulin immunocytochemistry confirms that the two bands are coincident. The actin appears to comprise a thin layer of fibers next to the plasmalemma. Like the microtubule preprophase band, the actin band narrows as preprophase progresses and disappears by midprophase. Fluorescent actin bands are not seen in fixed cells pretreated with excess unlabeled phalloidin before staining. They are also absent in roots exposed to cytochalasins B and D before fixation, but preprophase band microtubules at all stages of aggregation are still present. Colchicine treatment leads to the loss of both preprophase band microtubules and actin. The possible function of preprophase band actin is discussed.  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banded idiograms that allow the identification of all chromosomes have been prepared for Allium cepa, Ornithogalum virens, and Secale cereale. An analysis of A. cepa DNA has determined that: (1) It has the lowest GC content so far reported for an angiosperm (32%). (2) It appears to have no satellite DNA detectable by CsCl or Cs2SO4-Ag+ density gradient centrifugation. (3) Aside from fold back DNA and unreactable fragments, a C0t curve indicates that most of the DNA can be adequately described as two major middle repetitive components (Fractions I and II) and a single copy component (Fraction III). And (4) most of the repeated DNA sequences are involved in a short period interspersion pattern with single copy and other repetitive sequences. In situ hybridization of tritiated cRNAs to fold back, long repeated, and Fraction I DNA from A. cepa to squash preparations of chromosomes and nuclei from A. cepa, O. virens, and S. cereale root tips indicates: (1) Sequences complementary to fold back DNA are scattered throughout the genome of A. cepa except for telomeric heterochromatin and nucleolus organizers while they are not detectable in the genomes of O. virens or S. cereale. (2) Although long repeated sequences are scattered throughout the genome of A. cepa, they are concentrated to some extent in telomeric heterochromatin and nucleolus organizers (NOs). Sequences complementary to long repeats of A. cepa occur primarily in chromosome three of O. virens while these sequences are more common in the genome of more distantly related S. cereale. (3) Fraction I DNA is scattered throughout the genome of A. cepa while it is hardly detectable in the genomes of O. virens and S. cereale. These results are discussed in regard to the evolutionary conservation and function of repeated DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The positive influence of anthocyanin (ATH) on toxic metal-treated plant material is well documented; however, it is still not explained if it is caused by changes in element absorption and distribution. Therefore, detailed analysis of the effect of the ATH-rich extract from red cabbage leaves on Pb uptake and localization at morphological, anatomical and ultrastructural level was the goal of this study. Two-day-old adventitious roots of Allium cepa L. (cv. Polanowska) were treated for 2 h with the aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2 at the concentration of 100 μM with or without preliminary incubation in the anthocyanin-rich extract from Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata rubra leaves (250 μM, 3 h). The red cabbage extract did not change the total Pb uptake but it enhanced the translocation of accumulated metal from roots to shoots. Within the pretreated roots, more Pb was deposited in their basal part and definitely smaller amount of the metal was bound in the apoplast of the outer layers of cortex cells. The ultrastructural analysis (transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis) revealed that the ATH-rich extract lowered the number of Pb deposits in intracellular spaces, cell wall and cytoplasm of root meristematic cells as well as in such organelles important to cell metabolism as mitochondria, plastids and nucleus. The Pb deposits were preferably localised in those vacuoles where ATH also occurred. This sequestration of Pb in vacuoles is probably responsible for reduction of metal cytotoxicity and consequently could lead to better plant growth.  相似文献   

Irrigation of industrial effluents may end in the bioaccumulation of various toxic metals and consequent genetic changes in contaminated food crops. To test this hypothesis and extent of genetic modifications, Allium cepa test was performed to food crops viz. tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and chili (Capsicum annum) as Allium cepa test is a useful tool to assess genetic variations in plants. Prior to A. cepa test, the plants were exposed to various metal concentrations 125–1000 mg/L in the synthetic wastewater. The extracts of harvested plants were used to grow the root of A. cepa following its standard method. The root tips were fixed, stained and examined under compound microscope (almost 300–400 dividing cells) to check the extent of chromosomal variations during various stages of mitosis. The results revealed various chromosomal abnormalities including laggards, stickiness, vagrant chromosomes, binucleated cells, nuclear lesions, giant cells and c-mitosis at different level of treatment. On the whole, aberrations were increasing with the increasing doses along the positive control. In comparison, chili crop had higher level of aberrations depicting the higher chromosomal changes. Lower mitotic index (MI) with increasing level of doses was also describing the hampered cell division due to increased metal stress. The study is showing that the cell division was ceased with increasing metal stress thus increasing the rate of cell aberrations.  相似文献   

Effects of Kinetin on the Permeability of Allium cepa Cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Feng KA 《Plant physiology》1973,51(5):868-870
Permeability changes of Allium cepa cells were studied by a plasmometric method. Onion epidermis was floated in phosphate buffer solution with kinetin (2.5 milligrams/liter), or buffer without kinetin as a control, for 10 hours. The treated and control tissues were then transferred to one of the following four permeants: thiourea, urea, maloamide, dimethylurea.  相似文献   

In Allium cepa mierospores, the nucleolar organizing region appears as an area of low density situated between two nucleolar masses. It consists of a series of zones with a density similar to that of the chromatin surrounded by areas of lower density. The dense zones are sometimes arranged in an orderly pattern of 2–4 rows. The organizing region consists of filaments, about 100 Å in diameter, which are seen to be concentrated in the dense areas, and more scattered in the rest of the region. — The alcoholic PTA staining technique reveals the presence of an appreciable quantity of arginine-Iysine rich histones in the organizing region, as well as a similarity between the dense areas of this region and the rest of the chromatin: a similarity which is also brought out by the thallium alcoholate technique, used for DNA staining. By means of uranyl-BDTA-lead RNP material can be shown to be predominantly located in the low-density areas of the organizing region in the form of fibres of about 80 Å in diameter, presumably representing the newly synthetized r-RNA (45 S RNA). A pattern is suggested for the organizing region, in which areas of functional chromatin (euchromatin) would appear alternating with areas of non-functional chromatin (heterochromatin).  相似文献   

Effects of phenethyl alcohol on chromosomes of Allium cepa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Khynriam D  Prasad SB 《Cytobios》1999,100(395):171-180
Allium cepa root growth was retarded by cisplatin treatment in a dose-dependent manner. A decrease in the mitotic index (MI) and an increase in the number of interphase cells was seen in cisplatin treated root tips. An increase in the frequency of abnormal mitoses and chromosomal aberrations was also observed in cisplatin treated groups which indicates its genotoxic effect on plant cells. The endogenous glutathione (GSH) level in the root tips decreased significantly after cisplatin treatment which may favour its increased interaction with cellular DNA thereby developing enhanced chromosomal aberrations and affecting cell divisions and root growth. It is suggested that the decrease in endogenous GSH may be related to the development of cisplatin-mediated genotoxic effects in plants.  相似文献   

Summary Naturally segregated nucleoli have been observed during the prophase in meiocytes of Allium cepa anthers. Under the light microscope the nucleolus is seen to consist of two clearly differentiated regions: a central core, which is strongly argyrophilic (ochre or dark brown) and slightly basophilic, surrounded by a basophilic peripheral region, which shows a low degree of argyrophilia. Under the electron microscope the central region appears as consisting of fibrillar elements (pars fibrosa), while the peripheral region proved to consist mainly of granules about 150 Å in diameter (pars granulosa).When the pachytene nucleolus of Allium cepa is stained with basic fuchsin, a small circular area appears intensely stained, which gradually grows larger as the pachytene proceeds. This characteristic structure, eventually reaching a size of 0.5–1.5 is regularly to be observed with a central vacuole. Under the electron microscope this area appears as a circular structure of high electron density, which corresponds in shape and size with the area revealed by the light microscope.The relationship between this new structure, which we have called globulus with other nucleolar structures is discussed.This work was partially supported by a grant from the Fondo de Ayuda a la Investigación, 1968, Spain. We wish to thank most especially Dr. M. C. Risueño, M.I. Rodriguez-García and J. M. Sogo, of the Cell Structures Section, (Department of Cytology) for their efficient collaboration. We also wish to thank M. C. Partearroyo and A. Partearroyo for technical assistance. One of the authors (J.C.S.) has a Research Training Fellowship awarded by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (World Health Organization).  相似文献   

Summary A diploid Allium cepa plant was recovered from the backcross of an interspecific triploid (2 x A. cepa + 1 x A. fistulosum) to an A. cepa diploid which exhibited both A. cepa and A. fistulosum Adh-1 alleles. Cytogenetic analyses revealed a recombinant sub-telocentric chromosome. The ADH-1 locus is believed to be on the long arm of the sub-telocentric A. fistulosum chromosome 5. Meiosis of the triploid progenitor gives strong evidence that recombination occurred. A. fistulosum chromosome 8 has been substituted for A. cepa chromosome 1.Contribution of the College of Agricultural Sciences, Texas Tech University, Journal No. T-4-275  相似文献   

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