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Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics as Affected by Solarization Alone or Combined with Organic Amendment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Antonio Gelsomino Luigi Badalucco Loretta Landi Giovanni Cacco 《Plant and Soil》2006,279(1-2):307-325
Soil solarization, alone or combined with organic amendment, is an increasingly attractive approach for managing soil-borne
plant pathogens in agricultural soils. Even though it consists in a relatively mild heating treatment, the increased soil
temperature may strongly affect soil microbial processes and nutrients dynamics. This study aimed to investigate the impact
of solarization, either with or without addition of farmyard manure, in soil dynamics of various C, N and P pools. Changes
in total C, N and P contents and in some functionally-related labile pools (soil microbial biomass C and N, K2SO4-extractable C and N, basal respiration, KCl-exchangeable ammonium and nitrate, and water-soluble P) were followed across
a 72-day field soil solarization experiment carried out during a summer period on a clay loam soil in Southern Italy. Soil
physico-chemical properties (temperature, moisture content and pH) were also monitored. The average soil temperature at 8-cm
depth in solarized soils approached 55 °C as compared to 35 °C found in nonsolarized soil. Two-way ANOVA (solarization×organic
amendment) showed that both factors significantly affected most of the above variables, being the highest influence exerted
by the organic amendment. With no manure addition, solarization did not significantly affect soil total C, N and P pools.
Whereas soil pH, microbial biomass and, at a greater extent, K2SO4-extractable N and KCl-exchangeable ammonium were greatly affected. An increased release of water-soluble P was also found
in solarized soils. Yet, solarization altered the quality of soluble organic residues released in soil as it lowered the C-to-N
ratio of both soil microbial biomass and K2SO4-extractable organic substrates. Additionally, in solarized soils the metabolic quotient (qCO2) significantly increased while the microbial biomass C-to-total organic C ratio (microbial quotient) decreased over the whole
time course. We argued that soil solarization promoted the mineralization of readily decomposable pools of the native soil
organic matter (e.g. the microbial biomass) thus rendering larger, at least over a short-term, the available fraction of some
soil mineral nutrients, namely N and P forms. However, over a longer prospective solarization may lead to an over-exploitation
of labile organic resources in agricultural soils. Manure addition greatly increased the levels of both total and labile C,
N and P pools. Thus, addition of organic amendments could represent an important strategy to protect agricultural lands from
excessive soil resources exploitation and to maintain soil fertility while enhancing pest control. 相似文献
Plants of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) were raised in a sand root medium watered with nutrient solutions, under greenhouse conditions. As the N-supply increased,
shoot dry mass was enhanced to a greater extent than root dry mass, thus leading to an increased shoot to root ratio. In leaves,
contents of total soluble saccharides, non-reducing saccharides, and inorganic phosphate increased linearly with increasing
N-supply. An opposite response was found for reducing saccharides and starch. In general, content of non-reducing saccharides
was considerably greater than starch content. Activity of sucrose synthase was not detected, regardless of the N-treatments;
by contrast, activity of neutral and acid invertases increased with increasing N-availability. Roots accumulated more total
soluble saccharides, but less reducing saccharides and starch, as the N-supply increased. Photosynthetic rates decreased with
increasing N-deficiency. Such a decrease was circumstantially associated to reducing saccharide, but not starch, accumulation.
Results suggest a limited capacity for carbon export from source leaves under N-limitation.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The microbial activity of Pahokee muck, a lithic medisaprist, and the effect of various environmental factors, such as position in the profile and type of plant cover, were examined. Catabolic activity for [7-14C]salicylic acid, [1,4-14C]succinate, and [1,2-14C]acetate remained reasonably constant in surface (0 to 10 cm) soil samples from a fallow (bare) field from late in the wet season (May to September) through January. Late in January, the microbial activity toward all three compounds decreased approximately 50%. The microbial activity of the soil decreased with increasing depth of soil. Salicylate catabolism was the most sensitive to increasing moisture deep in the soil profile. At the end of the wet season, a 90% decrease in activity between the surface and the 60- to 70-cm depth occurred. Catabolism of acetate and succinate decreased approximately 75% in the same samples. Little effect of crop was observed. Variation in the microbial activity, as measured by the catabolism of labeled acetate, salicylate, or succinate, was not significant between a sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) field and a fallow field. The activity with acetate was insignificantly different in a St. Augustine grass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt) Kuntz] field, whereas the catabolism of the remaining substrates was elevated in the grass field. These results indicate that the total carbon evolved from the different levels of the soil profile by the microbial community oxidizing the soil organic matter decreased as the depth of the soil column increased. However, correction of the amount of carbon yielded at each level for the bulk density of that level reveals that the microbial contribution to the soil subsidence is approximately equivalent throughout the soil profile above the water table. 相似文献
Xin Zhao Jian-Fu Xue Xiang-Qian Zhang Fan-Lei Kong Fu Chen Rattan Lal Hai-Lin Zhang 《PloS one》2015,10(6)
Tillage practices can redistribute the soil profiles, and thus affects soil organic carbon (SOC), and its storage. The stratification ratio (SR) can be an indicator of soil quality. This study was conducted to determine tillage effects on the profile distribution of certain soil properties in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) systems in the North China Plain (NCP). Three tillage treatments, including no till (NT), rotary tillage (RT), and plow tillage (PT), were established in 2001 in Luancheng County, Hebei Province. The concentration, storage, and SR of SOC and soil total nitrogen (TN) were assessed in both the wheat and maize seasons. Compared with RT and PT, the mean SRs for all depth ratios of SOC under NT increased by 7.85% and 30.61% during the maize season, and by 14.67% and 30.91% during the wheat season, respectively. The SR of TN for 0–5:30–50 cm increased by 140%, 161%, and 161% in the maize season, and 266%, 154%, and 122% in the wheat season compared to the SR for 0–5:5–10 cm under NT, RT and PT, respectively. The data indicated that SOC and TN were both concentrated in the surface-soil layers (0–10 cm) under NT but were distributed relatively evenly through the soil profile under PT. Meanwhile, the storage of SOC and TN was higher under NT for the surface soil (0–10 cm) but was higher under PT for the deeper soil (30–50 cm). Furthermore, the storage of SOC and TN was significantly related to SR of SOC and TN along the whole soil profile (P<0.0001). Therefore, SR could be used to explain and indicate the changes in the storage of SOC and TN. Further, NT stratifies SOC and TN, enhances the topsoil SOC storage, and helps to improve SOC sequestration and soil quality. 相似文献
In grassland ecosystems, N and P fertilization often increase plant productivity, but there is no concensus if fertilization affects soil C fractions. We tested effects of N, P and N+P fertilization at 5, 10, 15 g m−2 yr−1 (N5, N10, N15, P5, P10, P15, N5P5, N10P10, and N15P15) compared to unfertilized control on soil C, soil microbial biomass and functional diversity at the 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm depth in an alpine meadow after 5 years of continuous fertilization. Fertilization increased total aboveground biomass of community and grass but decreased legume and forb biomass compared to no fertilization. All fertilization treatments decreased the C:N ratios of legumes and roots compared to control, however fertilization at rates of 5 and 15 g m−2 yr−1 decreased the C:N ratios of the grasses. Compared to the control, soil microbial biomass C increased in N5, N10, P5, and P10 in 0–20 cm, and increased in N10 and P5 while decreased in other treatments in 20–40 cm. Most of the fertilization treatments decreased the respiratory quotient (qCO2) in 0–20 cm but increased qCO2 in 20–40 cm. Fertilization increased soil microbial functional diversity (except N15) but decreased cumulative C mineralization (except in N15 in 0–20 cm and N5 in 20–40 cm). Soil organic C (SOC) decreased in P5 and P15 in 0–20 cm and for most of the fertilization treatments (except N15P15) in 20–40 cm. Overall, these results suggested that soils will not be a C sink (except N15P15). Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization may lower the SOC pool by altering the plant biomass composition, especially the C:N ratios of different plant functional groups, and modifying C substrate utilization patterns of soil microbial communities. The N+P fertilization at 15 g m−2 yr−1 may be used in increasing plant aboveground biomass and soil C accumulation under these meadows. 相似文献
Improved management of agricultural soils has potential for sequestering carbon (C) and reducing the accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Development of management practices to increase C sequestration is dependent on improved understanding of soil processes influencing long-term storage of C. A field study was conducted to compare surface C source quality and above- vs. belowground addition of annual or perennial plant biomass effects on particulate organic matter (POM), total labile C (TLC), and total organic C (TOC). Since microaggregate stabilization within macroaggregates is the main mechanism for sequestering C, aggregate size distribution, expressed as mean weight diameter (MWD), and wet aggregate stability (WAS) was also measured. After 5 years, POM decreased in plots receiving surface application of readily available substrate (sucrose and alfalfa pellets) and the bare surface control. Plots receiving plant additions [wood chips, growing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop, growing switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) crop, and fallow receiving either wheat or switchgrass residue] exhibited higher TLC and TOC content. Plots receiving plant residue maintained MWD, and those supporting live plants exhibited increasing WAS. Surface plant residue protected the soil against raindrop impact and reduced the intensity of wetting and drying cycles allowing the development of larger more stable aggregates resulting in C accrual. 相似文献
The Effect of Soil Erosion on Europe’s Crop Yields 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Martha M. Bakker Gerard Govers Robert A. Jones Mark D. A. Rounsevell 《Ecosystems》2007,10(7):1209-1219
Soil erosion negatively affects crop yields and may have contributed to the collapse of ancient civilizations. Whether erosion
may have such an impact on modern societies as well, is subject to debate. In this paper we quantify the relationship between
crop yields and soil water available to plants, the most important yield-determining factor affected by erosion, at the European
scale. Using information on the spatial distribution of erosion rates we calculate the potential threat of erosion-induced
productivity losses. We show that future reductions in productivity in Europe as a whole are relatively small and do not pose
a substantial threat to crop production within the coming century. However, within Europe there is considerable variability,
and although productivity in northern Europe is not likely to be significantly reduced by soil erosion, for the southern countries
the threat of erosion-induced productivity declines is stronger. 相似文献
秸秆还田与施肥对土壤酶活性和作物产量的影响 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
通过大田定位试验,在小麦-玉米轮作条件下,以小麦品种‘西农889’和玉米品种‘郑单958’为供试作物,采取不施肥秸秆不还田(CK)、秸秆还田(S)、秸秆还田+腐熟有机肥(SM)、秸秆还田+氮肥(SN)、秸秆还田+氮肥+磷肥(SNP)共5种处理,对不同处理下土壤电导率、蔗糖酶活性和脲酶活性的动态变化及作物产量进行了研究。结果显示:(1)秸秆还田后土壤的电导率变化呈先上升后下降趋势,不同处理间周年电导率平均值表现为SNP>SN>SM>S>CK,且差异显著。(2)秸秆还田配合施用氮肥处理的土壤蔗糖酶活性和脲酶活性最高,蔗糖酶活性最大值(70.62mg.g-1.d-1)为对照的1.36倍,脲酶活性最大值(3.58mg.g-1.d-1)比对照提高了9.15%。(3)土壤有机碳含量在S、SM处理之间差异不显著,而S、SM处理与CK、SN、SNP处理之间差异显著,SM处理比对照处理提高了8.91%。(4)土壤全氮含量在不同处理之间差异显著,并以SNP处理最高,其次是SM处理,S、SN处理再次之,且SNP、SM、S、SN处理土壤全氮含量分别比对照提高了19.8%、11.1%、9.88%和7.41%。(5)秸秆还田处理的作物产量显著高于CK,并以秸秆配施氮磷肥处理的小麦产量最高,比CK提高了50.6%;秸秆配施氮肥处理的玉米产量最高,比CK提高了34.3%。研究表明,秸秆还田配施有机肥、无机肥可以有效促进有机物矿质化,显著增加土壤养分含量,增强土壤酶活性,提高土壤有机碳含量,从而促进作物增产。 相似文献
Soil Phosphorus Fractions and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation across a Substrate-Age Gradient in Hawaii 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We evaluated soil phosphorus (P) fractions, other soil characteristics, and rates of symbiotic N2 fixation across a substrate-age gradient in Hawaii that was dominated by the leguminous tree Acacia koa (koa). Patterns of soil P observed on this gradient were compared to those on a slightly wetter gradient dominated by the
nonfixer Metrosideros polymorpha (ohia). Along both gradients, concentrations of primary-mineral P fell sharply between the young and intermediate-aged sites,
while labile inorganic P declined most steeply between the intermediate-aged and old sites. The most marked difference between
the two gradients was that total soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and P, as well as nonoccluded organic P, were more variable
across the ohia gradient, increasing to the intermediate-aged sites, then declining sharply at the old site. On the koa gradient,
specific nitrogenase activity, measured by the acetylene-reduction (AR) assay, decreased three- to eightfold between the young
site and the intermediate-aged and old sites, respectively. Nodule biomass showed no clear pattern. N2 fixation rates, estimated by combining AR activity and nodule biomass measurements, were up to 8 kg N · ha−1 · y−1 at the young site and no more than 2 kg N · ha−1 · y−1 at the older sites, suggesting that koa may be a modest source of N in these Hawaiian forests.
Received 26 September 2000; accepted 15 February 2002 相似文献
Harvesting crop residues for bioenergy or bio-product production may decrease soil organic matter (SOM) content, resulting in the degradation of soil physical properties and ultimately soil productivity. Using the least limiting water range (LLWR) to evaluate improvement or degradation of soil physical properties in response to SOM changes has generally been hampered by the extensive amount of data needed to parameterize limiting factor models for crop production. Our objective was to evaluate five pedotransfer functions to determine their effectiveness in predicting soil water holding capacity in response to different SOM levels. Similarly, two other pedotransfer functions were evaluated to determine the effects of SOM on cone index values. Predictions of field capacity and wilting point water content as well as the cone index–water content–bulk density relationship of soil strength using the pedotransfer functions were compared with field data from two tillage experiments near Akron, CO that had a range of SOM concentrations. Equations previously developed by da Silva and Kay gave the best estimates of LLWR for the pedotransfer functions we evaluated. These equations were then used to illustrate LLWR changes in response to different soil and crop management practices on a Duroc loam near Sidney, NE. The results showed that tillage and, possibly, soil erosion decreased the LLWR as tillage intensity increased. Therefore, we recommend that crop residue removal rates be limited to rates that maintain or increase SOM content to ensure soil physical conditions are not degraded. 相似文献
Leaching losses of nitrate from forests can have potentially serious consequences for soils and receiving waters. In this study, based on extensive sampling of forested watersheds in the Catskill Mountains of New York State, we examine the relationships among stream chemistry, the properties of the forest floor, and the tree species composition of watersheds. We report the first evidence from North America that nitrate export from forested watersheds is strongly influenced by the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the watershed soils. We also show that variation in soil C:N ratio is associated with variation in tree species composition. This implies that N retention and release in forested watersheds is regulated at least in part by tree species composition and that changes in species composition caused by introduced pests, climate change, or forest management could affect the capacity of a forest ecosystem to retain atmospherically deposited N. Received 4 March 2002; Accepted 4 June 2002. 相似文献
Laccase Gene Composition and Relative Abundance in Oak Forest Soil is not Affected by Short-Term Nitrogen Fertilization 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition affects a wide range of soil processes including phenol oxidase (PO) activity and soil
organic matter dynamics. Depression of phenol oxidase activity in response to N saturation is believed to be mediated by the
activity of white-rot basidiomycetes, whose production of extracellular oxidative enzymes can be limited by high N availability.
We examined the effect of short-term N deposition on basidiomycete laccase gene diversity and relative abundance in temperate
oak forest soil in which significant decreases in phenol oxidase and increased SOM have been recorded in response to experimental
N deposition. UniFrac was used to compare the composition of laccase genes between three control- and three nitrogen-fertilized
(80 kg−1 ha−1 per year) oak forest soils. The relative abundance of laccase genes was determined from qPCR analysis of laccase and basidiomycete
ITS gene abundances. Our results indicate that there was no significant shift in the composition of laccase genes between
control- and N-fertilized soils, nor was there a significant change in the relative abundance of laccase genes. These data
suggest that N deposition effects on mineral soil PO activity do not result from changes in laccase gene diversity of white-rot
basidiomycetes but are likely the result of altered microbial abundance or expression in this ecosystem type. Furthermore,
laccase gene composition may be tied to factors that structure microbial communities in general, as soil laccase gene communities
are more similar to other forest soils than with the corresponding litter. 相似文献
José G. de Abreu Sousa Junior Maurício R. Cherubin Bruna G. Oliveira Carlos E. P. Cerri Carlos C. Cerri Brigitte J. Feigl 《Bioenergy Research》2018,11(2):249-261
Green harvest sugarcane management has increased soil organic C and N stocks over time. However, emerging sugarcane straw removal to meet increasing bioenergy demands has raised concerns about soil C and N depletions. Thus, we conducted a field study in southeast Brazil over nearly three years (1100 days) for assessing soil C and N responses to increasing sugarcane straw removal rates. In order to detect the C input as a function of the different amounts of straw over three years, a field simulation was performed, where the original soil layer (0–0.30 m) was replaced by another from an adjacent area with low total C and δ13C. The treatments tested were as follows: (i) 0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (i.e., 100% removal), (ii) 3.5 Mg ha?1 year?1 (i.e., 75% removal), (iii) 7.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (i.e., 50% removal), (iv) 14.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (i.e., no removal), and (v) 21.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (i.e., no removal + extra 50% of the straw left on the field). The results showed that sugarcane straw removal affected the soil C and total N pools. In the first 45 days of straw decomposition, a small but important straw-derived C portion enters into the soil as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The lower the straw removal rate, the higher was straw-derived DOC content found into the soil, down to 0.50 m depth. After 3 years of management, keeping sugarcane straw on soil surface significantly increased C and N stocks within surface soil layer (0–0.025 m). Our findings suggest that under no straw removal management (i.e., 14 Mg ha?1), approximately 364 kg ha?1 of C and 23 kg ha?1 of N are annually stored into this low-C soil. The contribution of the straw-derived C (C-C4) to the total soil C increases over time, which accounted for about 60% under no straw removal rate. The greatest contribution of the C storage preferentially occurs into the fraction of organic matter (<?0.53 μm) associated with soil clay minerals. We concluded that indiscriminate sugarcane straw removal to produce cellulosic ethanol or bioelectricity depletes soil C stocks and reduces N cycling in sugarcane fields, impairing environmental gains associated with bioenergy production. Therefore, this information, linked with other agronomic and environmental issues, should be taken into account towards a more sustainable straw removal management for bioenergy production in Brazil. 相似文献
Jay B. Norton Laura J. Jungst Urszula Norton Hayley R. Olsen Kenneth W. Tate William R. Horwath 《Ecosystems》2011,14(8):1217-1231
Though typically limited in aerial extent, soils of high-elevation riparian wetlands have among the highest density of soil
carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) of terrestrial ecosystems and therefore contribute disproportionally to ecosystem services such
as water retention, forage production, wildlife habitat, and reactive N removal. Because much soil C and N is stored in labile
forms in anaerobic conditions, management activities or environmental changes that lead to drying cause mineralization of
labile soil organic matter, and loss of C and N. Meadows are focal points of human activities in mountain regions, often with
incised stream channels from historically heavy grazing exacerbated by extreme runoff events. To quantify soil C and N stores
in montane riparian meadows across hydrologic conditions, 17 meadows between 1950- and 2675-m elevation were selected in the
central Sierra Nevada Range, California, that were classified using the proper functioning condition (PFC) system. Results
indicate that C and N density in whole-solum soil cores were equivalent at forest edge positions of properly functioning,
functioning at-risk, and nonfunctioning condition. Soils under more moist meadow positions in properly functioning meadows
have at least twice the C, N, dissolved organic C, and dissolved organic N (DON) than those under nonfunctioning meadows.
Densities of total N and DON, but not C, of functioning at-risk meadows are significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of properly functioning meadows at mid-slope and stream-bank positions, suggesting accelerated loss of
N early in degradation processes. Though variable, the soil attributes measured correspond well to the PFC riparian wetland
classification system. 相似文献
In Situ Dynamics and Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Bacterial Communities Under Different Crop Residue Management 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Noémie Pascault Bernard Nicolardot Fabiola Bastian Pascal Thiébeau Lionel Ranjard Pierre-Alain Maron 《Microbial ecology》2010,60(2):291-303
The effect of the location of wheat residues (soil surface vs. incorporated in soil) on their decomposition and on soil bacterial communities was investigated by the means of a field experiment. Bacterial-automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis of DNA extracts from residues, detritusphere (soil adjacent to residues), and bulk soil evidenced that residues constitute the zone of maximal changes in bacterial composition. However, the location of the residues influenced greatly their decomposition and the dynamics of the colonizing bacterial communities. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene in DNA extracts from the residues at the early, middle, and late stages of degradation confirmed the difference of composition of the bacterial community according to the location. Bacteria belonging to the γ-subgroup of proteobacteria were stimulated when residues were incorporated whereas the α-subgroup was stimulated when residues were left at the soil surface. Moreover, Actinobacteria were more represented when residues were left at the soil surface. According to the ecological attributes of the populations identified, our results suggested that climatic fluctuations at the soil surface select populations harboring enhanced catabolic and/or survival capacities whereas residues characteristics likely constitute the main determinant of the composition of the bacterial community colonizing incorporated residues. 相似文献
Andong Cai Hu Xu Xingfang Shao Ping Zhu Wenju Zhang Minggang Xu Daniel V. Murphy 《PloS one》2016,11(3)
Long-term manure application is recognized as an efficient management practice to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation and nitrogen (N) mineralization capacity. A field study was established in 1979 to understand the impact of long-term manure and/or chemical fertilizer application on soil fertility in a continuous maize cropping system. Soil samples were collected from field plots in 2012 from 9 fertilization treatments (M0CK, M0N, M0NPK, M30CK, M30N, M30NPK, M60CK, M60N, and M60NPK) where M0, M30, and M60 refer to manure applied at rates of 0, 30, and 60 t ha−1 yr−1, respectively; CK indicates no fertilizer; N and NPK refer to chemical fertilizer in the forms of either N or N plus phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Soils were separated into three particle-size fractions (2000–250, 250–53, and <53 μm) by dry- and wet-sieving. A laboratory incubation study of these separated particle-size fractions was used to evaluate the effect of long-term manure, in combination with/without chemical fertilization application, on the accumulation and mineralization of SOC and total N in each fraction. Results showed that long-term manure application significantly increased SOC and total N content and enhanced C and N mineralization in the three particle-size fractions. The content of SOC and total N followed the order 2000–250 μm > 250–53μm > 53 μm fraction, whereas the amount of C and N mineralization followed the reverse order. In the <53 μm fraction, the M60NPK treatment significantly increased the amount of C and N mineralized (7.0 and 10.1 times, respectively) compared to the M0CK treatment. Long-term manure application, especially when combined with chemical fertilizers, resulted in increased soil microbial biomass C and N, and a decreased microbial metabolic quotient. Consequently, long-term manure fertilization was beneficial to both soil C and N turnover and microbial activity, and had significant effect on the microbial metabolic quotient. 相似文献
通过土壤镉污染对作物影响的盆栽模拟试验,以揭示重金属镉在土壤—植物系统中的转移、分布规律及其对植物生长、发育的影响。试验证明不同化合形态的镉施入土壤(砂壤质褐土,pH值8.2),水稻对镉吸收的多寡依次为CdCl2>CdSO4>CdO>CdS>CdCO3。白菜的镉吸收表现为CdSO4>CdCl2>CdO>CdCO3。土壤的不同镉浓度(施加CdCl2,以纯镉计)对作物影响的试验结果表明,可食部位达到食品污染标准(谷物含镉量0.4ppm、蔬菜0.2ppm为暂定标准)时的土壤镉污染临界值分别为:小麦、莴苣、白菜<1ppm,茄子、萝卜<2.5ppm,番茄、菜豆<20ppm。土壤因子的处理影响镉的活动性;降低土壤pH值,水稻的镉吸收增加。增施有机肥、ZnSO4、S、CaO、CaSO4可降低糙米含镉量13.4%一30%。白菜的镉吸收,由于增施有机肥、FeSO4、Fe2O3、CaO或S而降低菜叶含镉量28%一61%。以Cd,Zn比1:100或1:200施入土壤,叶内含镉量分别下降61%和76.4%,但白菜产量减少61%和76%。 相似文献
Changes in the quantity and/or quality of soil labile organic matter between and after different types of cultivation system could play a dominant role in soil nitrogen (N) mineralization. The quantity and quality of particulate organic matter (POM) and potentially mineralizable-N (PMN) contents were measured in soils from 16 paired rice-rapeseed (RR)/cotton-rapeseed (CR) rotations sites in Hubei province, central China. Then four paired soils encompassing low (10th percentile), intermediate (25th and 75th percentiles), and high (90th percentile) levels of soil PMN were selected to further study the effects of POM on soil N mineralization by quantifying the net N mineralization in original soils and soils from which POM was removed. Both soil POM carbon (POM-C) and N (POM-N) contents were 45.8% and 55.8% higher under the RR rotation compared to the CR rotation, respectively. The PMN contents were highly correlated with the POM contents. The PMN and microbial biomass N (MBN) contents concurrently and significantly decreased when POM was removed. The reduction rate of PMN was positively correlated with changes in MBN after the removal of POM. The reduction rates of PMN and MBN after POM removal are lower under RR rotations (38.0% and 16.3%, respectively) than CR rotations (45.6% and 19.5%, respectively). Furthermore, infrared spectroscopy indicated that compounds with low-bioavailability accumulated (e.g., aromatic recalcitrant materials) in the soil POM fraction under the RR rotation but not under the CR rotation. The results of the present study demonstrated that POM plays a vital role in soil N mineralization under different rotation systems. The discrepancy between POM content and composition resulting from different crop rotation systems caused differences in N mineralization in soils. 相似文献
Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Responses to Nitrogen Fertilizer and Harvesting Rates in Switchgrass Cropping Systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zachary P. Valdez William C. Hockaday Caroline A. Masiello Morgan E. Gallagher G. Philip Robertson 《Bioenergy Research》2017,10(2):456-464
The environmental sustainability of bioenergy cropping systems depends upon multiple factors such as crop selection, agricultural practices, and the management of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and water resources. Perennial grasses, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), show potential as a sustainable bioenergy source due to high yields on marginal lands with low fertilizer inputs and an extensive root system that may increase sequestration of C and N in subsurface soil horizons. We quantified the C and N stocks in roots, free particulate, and mineral-associated soil organic matter pools in a 4-year-old switchgrass system following conversion from row crop agriculture at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station in southwest Michigan. Crops were fertilized with nitrogen at either 0, 84, or 196 kg N ha?1 and harvested either once or twice annually. Twice-annual harvesting caused a reduction of C and N stocks in the relatively labile roots and free-particulate organic matter pools. Nitrogen fertilizer significantly reduced total soil organic C and N stocks, particularly in the stable, mineral-associated C and N pools at depths greater than 15 cm. The largest total belowground C stocks in biomass and soil occurred in unfertilized plots with annual harvesting. These findings suggest that fertilization in switchgrass agriculture moderates the sequestration potential of the soil C pool. 相似文献
Earthworms Increase Nitrogen Leaching to Greater Soil Depths in Row Crop Agroecosystems 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Many biological functions of soil organisms are replaced in intensive agricultural systems, but earthworms and other soil invertebrates may continue to have significant effects on nutrient cycling in these disturbed systems. We investigated the influence of earthworms on leaching of water and nitrogen in corn (Zea mays L.) agroecosystems in a long-term (6-year) field experiment in Wooster, Ohio, USA. We employed a split-plot experimental design in which main plots received one of three nutrient treatments (cow manure, legume–grass mixture, inorganic fertilizer) and contained three 4.5 × 4.5-m field enclosures in which earthworm populations were increased, decreased, or unmodified. We installed zero-tension lysimeters beneath enclosures with increased or decreased populations and collected leachates regularly in 1996, analyzing them for water volume and concentrations of NH4+, NO3–, and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). Earthworms did not influence concentrations of inorganic N or DON but greatly increased leachate volume. The total flux of N in soil leachates was 2.5-fold greater in plots with increased earthworm populations than in those with decreased populations. Earthworm population density was positively correlated with total N leaching flux (r2 = 0.49). Leaching losses of N to a depth of 45 cm were greater in the inorganically fertilized than in the organically fertilized plots, possibly due to greater inorganic N concentrations and lower immobilization potential in inorganically fertilized systems. Our results indicate that earthworms can increase the leaching of water and nitrogen to greater soil depths, potentially increasing N leaching from the system.Present address: Departamento de Ecoloxia e Bioloxía Animal, Universidade de Vigo, E-36200, Spain.
Present address: Archbold Biological Station, 300 Buck Island Ranch Rd., Lake Placid, Florida 33852, USA.
¶Present address: P.O. Box 303, Yucca Valley, California 92286, USA. 相似文献