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In many organisms, dispersal varies with the local population density. Such patterns of density-dependent dispersal (DDD) are expected to shape the dynamics, spatial spread, and invasiveness of populations. Despite their ecological importance, empirical evidence for the evolution of DDD patterns remains extremely scarce. This is especially relevant because rapid evolution of dispersal traits has now been empirically confirmed in several taxa. Changes in DDD of dispersing populations could help clarify not only the role of DDD in dispersal evolution, but also the possible pattern of subsequent range expansion. Here, we investigate the relationship between dispersal evolution and DDD using a long-term experimental evolution study on Drosophila melanogaster. We compared the DDD patterns of four dispersal-selected populations and their non-selected controls. The control populations showed negative DDD, which was stronger in females than in males. In contrast, the dispersal-selected populations showed DDD, where neither males nor females exhibited DDD. We compare our results with previous evolutionary predictions that focused largely on positive DDD, and highlight how the direction of evolutionary change depends on the initial DDD pattern of a population. Finally, we discuss the implications of DDD evolution for spatial ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of density-dependent dispersal in a structured metapopulation subject to local catastrophes that eradicate local populations. To this end we use the theory of structured metapopulation dynamics and the theory of adaptive dynamics.The set of evolutionarily possible dispersal functions (i.e., emigration rates as a function of the local population density) is derived mechanistically from an underlying resource-consumer model. The local resource dynamics is of a flow-culture type and consumers leave a local population with a constant probability per unit of time κ when searching for resources but not when handling resources (i.e., eating and digesting). The time an individual spends searching (as opposed to handling) depends on the local resource density, which in turn depends on the local consumer density, and so the average per capita emigration rate depends on the local consumer density as well.The derived emigration rates are sigmoid functions of local consumer population density. The parameters of the local resource-consumer dynamics are subject to evolution. In particular, we find that there exists a unique evolutionarily stable and attracting dispersal rate κ for searching consumers. The κ increases with local resource productivity and decreases with resource decay rate. The κ also increases with the survival probability during dispersal, but as a function of the catastrophe rate it reaches a maximum before dropping off to zero again.  相似文献   

Many theoretical studies support the notion that strong dispersal fosters spatial synchrony. Nonetheless, the effect of conditional vs. unconditional dispersal has remained a matter of controversy. We scrutinize recent findings on a desynchronizing effect of negative density-dependent dispersal based on spatially explicit simulation models. Keeping net emigration rates equivalent, we compared density-independent and density-dependent dispersal for different types of intraspecific density regulation, ranging from under-compensation to over-compensation. In general, density-independent dispersal possessed a slightly higher synchronizing potential but this effect was very small and sensitive compared to the influence of the type of local density regulation. Notably, consistent outcomes for the comparison of conditional dispersal strategies strongly relied on the control of equivalent emigration rates. We conclude that the strength of dispersal is more important for spatial synchrony than its density dependence. Most important is the mode of intraspecific density regulation.  相似文献   

Plant populations and species differ greatly in phenotypic plasticity. This could be because plasticity is advantageous under some conditions and disadvantageous or not advantageous under others. We distinguish adaptive from injurious and neutral plasticity and discuss when selection should favor adaptive plasticity over genetic differentiation or lack of phenotypic variation. It seems reasonable to hypothesize that selection is likely to favor plasticity when an environmental factor varies on the same spatial scale as the plant response unit, when the plant can respond to an environmental factor faster than the level of the factor changes, and when environmental variation is highly but not completely predictable. Phenotypic plasticity might also tend to be more advantageous when mean resource availability is high rather than low, when a response can occur late in development rather than early, and when a response is reversible rather than irreversible. There is substantial evidence for the hypothesis that predictability favors plasticity. However, available evidence does not support the hypothesis that high mean resource availability necessarily favors plasticity. Testing hypotheses about when it is good for a plant to adjust is central to understanding the diversity of plasticity in plants.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the ecological and evolutionary causes of dispersal can be crucial in understanding the behaviour of spatially structured populations, and predicting how species respond to environmental change. Despite the focus of much theoretical research, simplistic assumptions regarding the dispersal process are still made. Dispersal is usually regarded as an unconditional process although in many cases fitness gains of dispersal are dependent on environmental factors and individual state. Condition-dependent dispersal strategies will often be superior to unconditional, fixed strategies. In addition, dispersal is often collapsed into a single parameter, despite it being a process composed of three interdependent stages: emigration, inter-patch movement and immigration, each of which may display different condition dependencies. Empirical studies have investigated correlates of these stages, emigration in particular, providing evidence for the prevalence of conditional dispersal strategies. Ill-defined use of the term 'dispersal', for movement across many different spatial scales, further hinders making general conclusions and relating movement correlates to consequences at the population level. Logistical difficulties preclude a detailed study of dispersal for many species, however incorporating unrealistic dispersal assumptions in spatial population models may yield inaccurate and costly predictions. Further studies are necessary to explore the importance of incorporating specific condition-dependent dispersal strategies for evolutionary and population dynamic predictions.  相似文献   

Adaptive plasticity is expected to evolve when informative cues predict environmental variation. However, plastic responses can be maladaptive even when those cues are informative, if prediction mistakes are shared across members of a generation. These fitness costs can constrain the evolution of plasticity when initial plastic mutants use of cues of only moderate reliability. Here, we model the barriers to the evolution of plasticity produced by these constraints and show that dispersal across a metapopulation can overcome them. Constraints are also lessened, though not eliminated, when plastic responses are free to evolve gradually and in concert with increased reliability. Each of these factors be viewed as a form of bet-hedging: by lessening correlations in the fates of relatives, dispersal acts as diversifying bet-hedging, while producing submaximal responses to a cue can be understood as a conservative bet-hedging strategy. While poor information may constrain the evolution of plasticity, the opportunity for bet-hedging may predict when that constraint can be overcome.  相似文献   

Abstract In the presence of permanent spatial heterogeneity, local dispersal, especially short‐range dispersal, can facilitate coexistence by concentrating low‐density species in the areas where their rates of increase are higher. We present a framework for predicting the effects of local dispersal on coexistence for arbitrary forms of dispersal and arbitrary spatial patterns of environmental variation. Using the lottery model as an example, we find that local dispersal contributes to coexistence by enhancing the effects of environmental variation on scales longer than typical dispersal distances, which can be characterized solely by the variance of the dispersal kernel. Higher moments of the dispersal kernel are not important.  相似文献   

Dispersal and competition have both been suggested to drive variation in adaptability to a new environment, either positively or negatively. A simultaneous experimental test of both mechanisms is however lacking. Here, we experimentally investigate how population dynamics and local adaptation to a new host plant in a model species, the two‐spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), are affected by dispersal from a stock population (no‐adapted) and competition with an already adapted spider mite species (Tetranychus evansi). For the population dynamics, we find that competition generally reduces population size and increases the risk of population extinction. However, these negative effects are counteracted by dispersal. For local adaptation, the roles of competition and dispersal are reversed. Without competition, dispersal exerts a negative effect on adaptation (measured as fecundity) to a novel host and females receiving the highest number of immigrants performed similarly to the stock population females. By contrast, with competition, adding more immigrants did not result in a lower fecundity. Females from populations with competition receiving the highest number of immigrants had a significantly higher fecundity than females from populations without competition (same dispersal treatment) and than the stock population females. We suggest that by exerting a stronger selection on the adapting populations, competition can counteract the migration load effect of dispersal. Interestingly, adaptation to the new host does not significantly reduce performance on the ancestral host, regardless of dispersal rate or competition. Our results highlight that assessments of how species can adapt to changing conditions need to jointly consider connectivity and the community context.  相似文献   

In species with polygynous mating systems, females are regarded as food-limited, while males are limited by access to mates. When local density increases, forage availability declines, while mate access for males may increase due to an increasingly female-biased sex ratio. Density dependence in emigration rates may consequently differ between sexes. Here, we investigate emigration using mark-recovery data from 468 young red deer Cervus elaphus marked in Snillfjord, Norway over a 20-year period when the population size has increased sixfold. We demonstrate a strong negative density-dependent emigration rate in males, while female emigration rates were lower and independent of density. Emigrating males leaving the natal range settled in areas with lower density than expected by chance. Dispersing males moved 42 per cent longer at high density in 1997 (37 km) than at low density in 1977 (26 km), possibly caused by increasing saturation of deer in areas surrounding the marking sites. Our study highlights that pattern of density dependence in dispersal rates may differ markedly between sexes in highly polygynous species. Contrasting patterns reported in small-scale studies are suggestive that spatial scale of density variation may affect the pattern of temporal density dependence in emigration rates and distances.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have documented both positive and negative density-dependent dispersal, yet most theoretical models predict positive density dependence as a mechanism to avoid competition. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of negative density-dependent dispersal, but few of these have been formally modeled. Here, we developed an individual-based model of the evolution of density-dependent dispersal. This model is novel in that it considers the effects of density on dispersal directly, and indirectly through effects on individual condition. Body condition is determined mechanistically, by having juveniles compete for resources in their natal patch. We found that the evolved dispersal strategy was a steep, increasing function of both density and condition. Interestingly, although populations evolved a positive density-dependent dispersal strategy, the simulated metapopulations exhibited negative density-dependent dispersal. This occurred because of the negative relationship between density and body condition: high density sites produced low-condition individuals that lacked the resources required for dispersal. Our model, therefore, generates the novel hypothesis that observed negative density-dependent dispersal can occur when high density limits the ability of organisms to disperse. We suggest that future studies consider how phenotype is linked to the environment when investigating the evolution of dispersal.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation, the conversion of landscapes into patchy habitats separated by unsuitable environments, is expected to reduce dispersal among patches. However, its effects on dispersal should depend on dispersal syndromes, i.e. how dispersal covaries with phenotypic traits, because these syndromes can drastically alter dispersal and subsequent ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Our comprehension of whether environmental factors such as habitat fragmentation generate and/or modify dispersal syndromes (i.e. conditional dispersal syndromes) is therefore key for biodiversity forecasting. Here we tested whether habitat fragmentation modulates dispersal syndromes by experimentally manipulating matrix harshness, a critical feature of habitat fragmentation, in ciliate microcosms. We found evidence for dispersal syndromes involving multiple traits linked to morphology (elongation and size), movement (velocity and linearity) and demography (growth rate and maximal population density). More importantly, these syndromes were modified by matrix harshness, with increased differences between residents and dispersers in morphology and movement traits, and decreased differences in growth rate as the matrix became increasingly harsh. Our findings thus reveal that habitat fragmentation can mediate the intensity and form of dispersal syndromes, a context-dependence that could have important consequences for ecological and evolutionary dynamics under environmental changes.  相似文献   

I investigate two aspects of source-sink theory that have hitherto received little attention: density-dependent dispersal and the cost of dispersal to sources. The cost arises because emigration reduces the per capita growth rate of sources, thus predisposing them to extinction. I show that source-sink persistence depends critically on the interplay between these two factors. When the emigration rate increases with abundance at an accelerating rate, dispersal costs to sources is the lowest and risk of source-sink extinction the least. When the emigration rate increases with abundance at a decelerating rate, dispersal costs to sources is the highest and the risk of source-sink extinction the greatest. Density-independent emigration has an intermediate effect. Thus, density-dependent dispersal per se does not increase or decrease source-sink persistence relative to density-independent dispersal. The exact mode of dispersal is crucial. A key point to appreciate is that these effects of dispersal on source-sink extinction arise from the temporal density-dependence that dispersal induces in the per capita growth rates of source and sink populations. Temporal density-dependence due to dispersal is beneficial at low abundances because it rescues sinks from extinction, and detrimental at high abundances because it drives otherwise viable sources to extinction. These results are robust to the nature of population dynamics in the sink, whether exponential or logistic. They provide a means of assessing the relative costs and benefits of preserving sink habitats given three biological parameters.  相似文献   

Hughes AL 《Heredity》2012,108(4):347-353
Recent evidence suggests the frequent occurrence of a simple non-Darwinian (but non-Lamarckian) model for the evolution of adaptive phenotypic traits, here entitled the plasticity-relaxation-mutation (PRM) mechanism. This mechanism involves ancestral phenotypic plasticity followed by specialization in one alternative environment and thus the permanent expression of one alternative phenotype. Once this specialization occurs, purifying selection on the molecular basis of other phenotypes is relaxed. Finally, mutations that permanently eliminate the pathways leading to alternative phenotypes can be fixed by genetic drift. Although the generality of the PRM mechanism is at present unknown, I discuss evidence for its widespread occurrence, including the prevalence of exaptations in evolution, evidence that phenotypic plasticity has preceded adaptation in a number of taxa and evidence that adaptive traits have resulted from loss of alternative developmental pathways. The PRM mechanism can easily explain cases of explosive adaptive radiation, as well as recently reported cases of apparent adaptive evolution over ecological time.  相似文献   

Although dispersal is often considered to be a plastic, condition-dependent trait with low heritability, growing evidence supports medium to high levels of dispersal heritability. Obtaining unbiased estimates of dispersal heritability in natural populations nevertheless remains crucial to understand the evolution of dispersal strategies and their population consequences. Here we show that dispersal propensity (i.e. the probability of dispersal between habitat patches) displays a significant heritability in the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, as estimated by within-family resemblance when accounting for environmental factors. Offspring of dispersing mothers or fathers had a higher propensity to disperse to a new habitat patch themselves. The effect of parental dispersal status was additional to that of local habitat quality, as measured by local breeding population size and success, confirming previous results about condition-dependent dispersal in this population. The estimated levels of heritability varied between 0.30±0.07 and 0.47±0.10, depending on parent–offspring comparisons made and correcting for a significant assortative mating with respect to dispersal status. Siblings also displayed a significant resemblance in dispersal propensity. These results suggest that variation in between-patch natal dispersal in the collared flycatcher is partly genetically determined, and we discuss ways to quantify this genetic basis and its implications.  相似文献   

Body condition‐dependent dispersal strategies are common in nature. Although it is obvious that environmental constraints may induce a positive relationship between body condition and dispersal, it is not clear whether positive body conditional dispersal strategies may evolve as a strategy in metapopulations. We have developed an individual‐based simulation model to investigate how body condition–dispersal reaction norms evolve in metapopulations that are characterized by different levels of environmental stochasticity and dispersal mortality. In the model, body condition is related to fecundity and determined either by environmental conditions during juvenile development (adult dispersal) or by those experienced by the mother (natal dispersal). Evolutionarily stable reaction norms strongly depend on metapopulation conditions: positive body condition dependency of dispersal evolved in metapopulation conditions with low levels of dispersal mortality and high levels of environmental stochasticity. Negative body condition‐dependent dispersal evolved in metapopulations with high dispersal mortality and low environmental stochasticity. The latter strategy is responsible for higher dispersal rates under kin competition when dispersal decisions are based on body condition reached at the adult life stage. The evolution of both positive and negative body condition‐dependent dispersal strategies is consequently likely in metapopulations and depends on the prevalent environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Dispersers often differ in body condition from non-dispersers. The social dominance hypothesis explains dispersal of weak individuals, but it is not yet well understood why strong individuals, which could easily retain their natal site, are sometimes exposed to risky dispersal. Based on the model for dispersal under kin competition by Hamilton and May, we construct a model where dispersal propensity depends on body condition. We consider an annual species that inhabits a patchy environment with varying patch qualities. Offspring body condition corresponds to the quality of the natal patch and competitive ability increases with body condition. Our main general result balances the fitness benefit from not dispersing and retaining the natal patch and the benefit from dispersing and establishing somewhere else. We present four different examples for competition, which all hint that dispersal of strong individuals may be a common outcome under the assumptions of the present model. In three of the examples, the evolutionarily stable dispersal probability is an increasing function of body condition. However, we found an example where, counterintuitively, the evolutionarily stable dispersal probability is a non-monotone function of body condition such that both very weak and very strong individuals disperse with high probability but individuals of intermediate body condition do not disperse at all.  相似文献   

The ecological role of interference competition through toxin production is not well understood. In particular, it is unclear under what conditions the benefits of toxic killing outweigh the metabolic costs involved. A killer advantage has been suggested to rely on local competitive interactions where the benefits of killing accrue to the toxin producer preferentially, but this notion has little empirical support. In addition, contrasting predictions exist about the effect of resource abundance on the benefits of toxin production; this benefit should either be highest when resources are abundant and metabolic costs are relatively low or when resources are scarce and toxic killing is a 'last resort strategy' to obtain nutrients. Here, we test these predictions for one aspect of competitive ability, that is, the ability of toxin producers to invade a population of sensitive non-producers from a low initial frequency. We use competition experiments between isogenic K1 toxin-producing and non-producing strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where we manipulate dispersal under two extreme nutrient conditions: one environment with and the other without replenishment of nutrients. We find that toxin production is beneficial when dispersal is limited under both nutrient conditions, but only when resources are abundant these outweigh its cost and allow invasion of the producer.  相似文献   

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