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A critical look at conserving the British Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Abstract A number of studies on mammalian species that have adapted to urban areas suggest survival may be higher for urban populations than rural populations. We examined differences in fatalities between an urban and rural population of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). We radiocollared (n = 50 rural, n = 78 urban) fox squirrels during approximately 2 years. We found monthly survival of rural fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.936) was lower than urban fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.976) over the same 12-month period. Nonetheless, when comparing a 24-month period of survival data on urban squirrels with an 18-month period on the rural squirrels (periods overlapped for 12 months), survival rates were more similar between urban (Ŝ = 0.938) and rural squirrels (Ŝ = 0.945). Our data suggest that sex and season may influence survival of urban squirrels and not rural squirrels. We also found that cause of fatalities differed between the urban and rural squirrels, with >60% of fatalities on the rural site caused by predation. In contrast, <5% of the fatalities on the urban site were caused by predation and >60% of urban fox squirrel fatalities were caused by motor vehicle collisions. This study illustrates the need to advance our ability to understand, predict, and mitigate effects of urbanization on wildlife resources.  相似文献   

The assumption that the poor constitute a subsociety with a homogeneous subculture is examined empirically in an urban poverty sample. The existence of subcultural differences in the sample was tested by using a number of criteria that have been suggested for classifying cultural systems. The data indicate that for the sample studied there are two subcultures–one Black and one White. A hypothesis for the development and persistence of subcultural variations is proposed. The research which is reported and that which is suggested is seen as a necessity for providing an objective basis for the structuring of domestic social change programs.  相似文献   

Wildlife-Habitat Restoration in an Urban Park in Southern California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Within an urban park in southern California, the relationship between the structure and floristics of vegetation and the distribution, abundance, and behavior of wildlife was studied in relatively undisturbed areas (San Luis Rey) and in contiguous areas (Guajome Park) in need of restoration. These data were used to develop recommendations for the enhancement of native animal species in the park. The abundance of amphibians and reptiles was highest in native upland scrub and willow (Salix)-riparian vegetation types, and lowest in dry, disturbed sites. Western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) were the most abundant reptile throughout both study areas. Overall, bullfrogs (Rana catesbiana), an exotic species, were the dominant amphibians; the native Pacific treefrog (Hyla regilla) was rare throughout. At both study areas, the small mammal community was dominated by western harvest mice (Reithrodontomys megalotis) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and, to a lesser extent, by brush mice (P. boylii) and exotic house mice (Mus musculus). Negative correlations in abundance existed between house mice and harvest mice, and between house mice abundance and overall small mammal abundance. In riparian sites, cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and various height classes of willow were the dominant factors in the majority of bird abundance–habitat‘correlations and where foraging activities were concentrated. Recommendations for enhancing native animal species include reduction of marsh sedimentation, removal of feral species, and development of connections between the park and nearby natural areas. A corridor of native riparian vegetation (primarily cottonwood-willow) should be developed to replace the existing agricultural fields, thereby linking Guajome with the San Luis Rey River.  相似文献   

The distributions of the Red and Grey Squirrel were surveyed in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland between 1994 and 1996. Survey methods differed between the two studies. In the former, all suitable habitat, of at least 15 ha, was inspected for species presence or absence. In the Republic, data were gathered through questionnaires to governmental and independent wildlife bodies. The combined results indicate that the Red Squirrel remains widespread and locally abundant, and is present in all but two counties. The Grey Squirrel is now more widespread than ever before, and can be found in 22 of the 32 counties. Its range expansion has varied from 0 km/yr to an estimated 13.4 km/yr, as various geographical features, principally rivers, have hindered its progress in certain directions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Habitat destruction and degradation are major factors in reducing abundance, placing populations and species in jeopardy. Monitoring changes to habitat and identifying locations of habitat for a species, after disturbance, can assist mitigation of the effects of human-caused or -amplified habitat disturbance. Like many areas in the western United States, the Pinaleño Mountains of southeastern Arizona, USA, have suffered catastrophic fire and large-scale insect outbreaks in the last decade. The federally endangered Mt. Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) is only found in the Pinaleño Mountains, and to assess effects of forest disturbance on habitat we modeled their potential habitat by identifying characteristics of cover surrounding their centrally defended middens. We classified high-spatial resolution satellite imagery into ground cover classes, and we used logistic regression to determine areas used by squirrels. We also used known midden locations in conjunction with slope, elevation, and aspect to create a predictive habitat map. Squirrels selected areas of denser forest with higher seedfall for midden sites. Among active middens, those in the densest and least damaged forests were occupied in more seasons than those in more fragmented and damaged areas. The future conservation of red squirrels and the return of healthy mature forests to the Pinaleño Mountains will rely on preservation of mixed conifer zones of the mountain and active restoration of spruce-fir forests to return them to squirrel habitat. Our ability to evaluate the spectrum of fine- to coarse-scale disturbance effects (individual tree mortality to area wide boundaries of a disturbance) with high-resolution satellite imagery shows the utility of this technique for monitoring future disturbances to habitat of imperiled species.  相似文献   

The decline of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in several European countries due to the introduction of the American grey squirrel (S. carolinensis) and the predicted arrival of the grey squirrel in France in the near future has lead to the development of a preventative conservation project in this country. In this study, we conducted an extensive survey of mitochondrial DNA variation in French red squirrels using a fragment of the mitochondrial D-loop and we compared the results with previously published data from other European populations. Our main aims were: (1) to determine whether genetically differentiated populations, which could represent prioritized units for conservation purposes, were present in France and (2) to determine whether the French population, which is currently largely undisturbed, could provide information on the postglacial recolonization history of the species. We found that French D-loop haplotypes show almost no tendency to cluster by geographic origin, be it region or country, suggesting that French red squirrels have not been isolated from other populations during an evolutionarily significant period and that they do not constitute an Evolutionary Significant Unit. The French red squirrels showed strong signals of population expansion, the opposite to what is observed in most other European populations, making them of particular interest to study the postglacial expansion history of the species.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2016,22(11):1296-1302
Objective: To determine the prevalence of primary aldosteronism (PA) in hypertensive patients presenting to the primary care clinic at The Mount Sinai Hospital, regardless of the degree of hypertension and to identify clinical criteria that should prompt screening for PA.Methods: An aldosterone:renin ratio (ARR, cutoff ≥20, with plasma aldosterone concentration [PAC] ≥10 and suppressed renin) was used to prospectively screen 296 hypertensive patients (blood pressure [BP] ≥140/90) over the age of 18 from August 2012 through May 2013. Subjects who screened positive then underwent confirmatory oral salt load testing (OSLT).Results: Of the 296 patients, 14 screened positive for PA, an overall prevalence of 4.7%. Six of the 14 cases underwent confirmatory OSLT, upon which 2 were confirmed positive, for a prevalence of 0.7%. Overall, patients with confirmed PA were more likely to have resistant hypertension (42.9% vs. 18.1% (P =.0334)) and require more antihypertensive agents (2.8 ± 1.2 agents vs. 2.1 ± 1.1 agents, P =.0213). There was a trend toward lower potassium values in the cases.Conclusion: The prevalence of PA in our clinic is much lower than in reports from certain “at-risk” populations. PA screening is indicated in patients with resistant hypertension, regardless of serum potassium levels.Abbreviations:ARR = aldosterone:renin ratioACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormoneAVS = adrenal venous samplingBP = blood pressureMRA = mineralocorticoid receptor antagonistOSLT = oral salt load confirmatory testPA = primary aldosteronismPAC = plasma aldosterone concentrationPCP = primary care providerPRA = plasma renin activity  相似文献   

The N-terminal region of the mammalian prion protein (PrP) contains an 'octapeptide' repeat which is involved in copper binding. This eight- or nine-residue peptide is repeated four to seven times, depending on the species, and polymorphisms in repeat number do occur. Alleles with three repeats are very rare in humans and goats, and deduced PrP sequences with two repeats have only been reported in two lemur species and in the red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris. We here describe that the red squirrel two-repeat PrP sequence actually represents a retroposed pseudogene, and that an additional and older processed pseudogene with three repeats also occurs in this species as well as in ground squirrels. We argue that repeat numbers may tend to contract rather than expand in prion retropseudogenes, and that functional prion genes with two repeats may not be viable.  相似文献   

We present preliminary data on genetic aspects of preserving viability of the free-living population of European bison (Bison bonasus L.) created in the Orlovskoe Poles'e National Park.  相似文献   

Some animals modify the environment in ways that can influence the resources available to other species. Because red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) create large piles of conifer-cone debris (middens) in which they store cones, squirrels concentrate resources that might affect biodiversity locally. To determine whether other animals are attracted to midden sites beyond their affinity for the same resources that attract red squirrels, we assessed associations between middens, mammals, and birds at population and community levels. We surveyed 75 middens where residency rates of red squirrels varied during the previous five years; sampling along this residency gradient permitted us to evaluate the influence of resources at middens beyond the influence of a resident squirrel. At each location, we quantified vegetation, landscape structure, abundance of conifer cones, and midden structure, and used capture–recapture, distance sampling, and remote cameras to quantify presence, abundance, and species richness of mammals and birds. Red squirrels and the resources they concentrated at middens influenced mammals and birds at the population scale and to a lesser extent at the community scale. At middens with higher residency rates of red squirrels, richness of medium and large mammals increased markedly and species richness of birds increased slightly. After accounting for local forest characteristics, however, only species richness of medium-to-large mammals was associated with a red squirrel being resident during surveys. In areas where red squirrels were resident during surveys or in areas with greater amounts of resources concentrated by red squirrels, abundances of two of four small mammal species and two of four bird species increased. We conclude that the presence of this ecosystem modifier and the resources it concentrates influence abundance of some mammals and birds, which may have implications for maintaining biodiversity across the wide geographic range inhabited by red squirrels and other larderhoarding animals.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) is constrained to the Pinaleño Mountains in southeastern Arizona, USA. The population's endangered status and extensive forest damage from insects and fire warrants a better understanding of habitat variables important for nest site selection. We examined characteristics of cavity (n = 91) and drey (n = 38) nests and compared these to random sites (n = 113). Dreys were found primarily in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and corkbark fir (Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica). Cavity nests occurred primarily in aspen (Populus tremuloides) and corkbark fir. Squirrels selected nest sites with higher canopy cover and more corkbark fir, decayed logs, and living trees. Forest management plans emphasizing thinning must consider how altering these habitat characteristics could affect availability and suitability of tree stands for nesting squirrels.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a 4-year study examining the use of nest boxes by Red Squirrels. Two different designs of nest box were erected in a conifer woodland which supported a high density of animals; spring population estimates were between 3.5 and 4.0 individuals per hectare. Boxes were used by adults, subadults, lactating females and their young. Breeding females more frequently used the larger of the two box designs, although this preference was not statistically significant. There was no difference in the mean sizes of litters found within the two box types. The mean size of litters present in boxes was 2.7 (n = 31, SE = 0.23) which was similar to the mean litter size of 2.5 (n = 8, SE = 0.50) found in dreys. Thus, nest boxes proved to be a valuable research tool for monitoring parturition dates, litter sizes, nestling sex ratios, and preweaning mortality.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a model for source–sink population dynamics where the locations of source and sink habitats change over time. We do this in the context of the population dynamics of the North American red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, within a forest environment subject to harvesting and regrowth. Harvested patches of forest are initially sinks, then eventually become source habitat again as the forest regrows. At the same time, each harvested patch is gradually recolonized by squirrels from other forest patches. We are interested in the interaction of forest harvesting dynamics with squirrel population dynamics. This depends on the harvesting schedule, and on the choices squirrels make when deciding whether to settle in a mature forest patch or in a recently harvested patch. We find that the time it takes for a second-growth forest patch to be recolonized at the mature forest level is longer than the time required for the habitat quality to be restored to the mature forest level. We also notice that recolonization pressure decreases squirrel populations in neighbouring patches. The connectivity between forest patches and the cutting schedule used also affect the time course of recolonization and steady-state population levels.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is a vector-borne disease endemic in Latin America. Triatoma infestans, a common vector of this disease, has recently expanded its range into rapidly developing cities of Latin America. We aim to identify the environmental features that affect the colonization and dispersal of T. infestans in an urban environment. We amplified 13 commonly used microsatellites from 180 T. infestans samples collected from a sampled transect in the city of Arequipa, Peru, in 2007 and 2011. We assessed the clustering of subpopulations and the effect of distance, sampling year, and city block location on genetic distance among pairs of insects. Despite evidence of genetic similarity, the majority of city blocks are characterized by one dominant insect genotype, suggesting the existence of barriers to dispersal. Our analyses show that streets represent an important barrier to the colonization and dispersion of T. infestans in Arequipa. The genetic data describe a T. infestans infestation history characterized by persistent local dispersal and occasional long-distance migration events that partially parallels the history of urban development.  相似文献   

The conservation of beetles that depend on dying or dead wood (i.e. saproxylic), has received a great deal of attention in many parts of the world in recent years. Human activities such as urbanization and logging, and their results, e.g. global warming, destroy natural ecosystems and threaten unusual species such as Lucanus cervus (L. 1758), Rosalia alpina (L. 1758), Limoniscus violaceus (Müller 1821) and Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763). Attempts have been made to conserve the habitats upon which these species depend. Although represented by a large number of species, saproxylic beetles in Turkey have not received much attention. Although some Turkish studies have acknowledged their value, comprehensive investigations of these species are very limited. The aim of this study is to make a list, from the literature, of the species that are endangered in Europe and found in Turkey, to highlight the importance of these species. The research includes 151 saproxylic beetle species belonging to the families Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae, Elateridae, Eucnemidae, Scarabaeidae, Euchiridae, Lucanidae and Mycetophagidae. The list of Turkish saproxylic beetles was prepared using the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. Information is provided about the IUCN Red List category in Europe, the locations of the species in Turkey, and their global geographic range. We gathered all data about these species from the international literature. Furthermore, we also include in the list certain species whose locations are not specified, but which inhabit Turkey. We obtained their records from some catalogs in Turkey. In addition to the list, we prepared three distribution maps for Turkey. The maps show distribution in Turkey of some species in the Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened categories in the European Red List. It is expected that this study will lead to comprehensive studies on saproxylic beetles from Turkey.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We assessed the potential for reestablishing elk (Cervus elaphus) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP), USA, by estimating vital rates of experimentally released animals from 2001 to 2006. Annual survival rates for calves ranged from 0.333 to 1.0 and averaged 0.592. Annual survival for subadult and adult elk (i.e., ≥ 1 yr of age) ranged from 0.690 to 0.933, depending on age and sex. We used those and other vital rates to model projected population growth and viability using a stochastic individual-based model. The annual growth rate (λ) of the modeled population over a 25-year period averaged 0.996 and declined from 1.059 the first year to 0.990 at year 25. The modeled population failed to attain a positive 25-year mean growth rate in 46.0% of the projections. Poor calf recruitment was an important determinant of low population growth. Predation by black bears (Ursus americanus) was the dominant calf mortality factor. Most of the variance of growth projections was due to demographic variation resulting from the small population size (n = 61). Management actions such as predator control may help increase calf recruitment, but our projections suggest that the GSMNP elk population may be at risk for some time because of high demographic variation.  相似文献   

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