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【目的】重大入侵害虫红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren广泛分布传播于世界各地,为了掌握红火蚁在新入侵地的传播和扩散的规律,对红火蚁入侵史进行溯源,以期为预防红火蚁入侵提供重要依据。【方法】本文对福建省各地入侵红火蚁的基本入侵参数进行分析,分别对入侵时间与蚁巢数量、蚁巢发生密度以及不同生境蚁巢密度进行模型拟合。【结果】结果表明,入侵方式和入侵地生境的差异导致了入侵红火蚁不同种群的发展状态。由废旧资源携带传入的入侵红火蚁种群,其发生面积较小,扩散的速率较慢,为28.1~116.4 m/年;由草皮苗木携带传入的入侵红火蚁种群,其发生面积较大,扩散的速率较快,为126.1~555.5 m/年。【结论】建立了蚁巢数量、密度与入侵时间之间的关系模型,分别为N=1 003.9Ln(t)+336.27,D=0.0966e~(0.583t),并以此推测三个入侵事件的发生时间范围。  相似文献   

[背景]红火蚁是一种严重威胁公共设施、动植物和人类安全的重要害虫,在国际上被列为极具破坏性和攻击性的入侵生物之一。自2004年在我国大陆广东省首次发现以来,其发生范围急剧扩大,目前已扩散至南方多个省份。[方法]通过分析该虫进入、定殖和扩散的可能性、危害影响和危害管理难度等5个方面,依据国际植物检疫措施标准(ISPM)中的有害生物风险分析原则,利用云南外来入侵有害生物多指标综合评价体系,对红火蚁在云南的入侵风险进行评估。[结果]通过定性和定量风险分析,对其入侵云南的风险做出综合评价,得出风险评估值R=2.25。[结论与意义]红火蚁在云南属高度风险的有害生物,需在云南各口岸进境检疫中实施相应的风险管理,分析结果可为云南省开展红火蚁的检疫防控提供参考。  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta自入侵我国以来已扩散到十多个省,对我国经济、生态和人畜健康等均造成巨大危害。为了降低红火蚁的为害,各级政府每年都投入了一定费用用于红火蚁的防控,但具体投入防治的费用尚无系统的统计资料可查。本文通过中国政府采购网、各省市政府采购网以及采招网等网站搜索2004-2020年各级政府对红火蚁防治药剂和防治服务的采购投入,分析了全国红火蚁防治费用、各省防治总费用、药剂采购投入、专业化防治服务以及监理服务费用的变化趋势。结果表明:各级政府在上述方面的经费投入均呈现出逐年上升的趋势,2019年投入的总防治费用达到高峰并超过1亿元。然而,与其它入侵害虫相比,用于红火蚁防控的费用仍较低,不同省份不同地区的费用投入差异较大,较少省份投入监理费用。建议各省市加大在红火蚁检疫方面的经费投入力度,做好红火蚁疫情监理监测工作,做到早发现、早防治,提高红火蚁防治效果。  相似文献   

红火蚁入侵对棉花粉蚧近距离扩散的促进作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[背景]红火蚁与棉花粉蚧入侵到同一地区,因侵入生境重叠而相遇,进而产生互惠关系。这种互惠关系对红火蚁、棉花粉蚧的生存、扩散传播、入侵的意义和作用规律、机制等是需要解释的生态学问题。[方法]采用田问试验生态学的方法,通过迁移红火蚁蚁巢、向扶桑上接粉蚧等观察研究了红火蚁入侵对棉花粉蚧近距离扩散的影响。[结果]随着离蚁巢距离的增大,扶桑上工蚁数量逐渐减少,距离为1.0、2.0m时数量较多;发生该蚁区域距蚁巢2.0、3.0m扶桑感染粉蚧比率(75%、45%)显著高于无红火蚁区(25%、10%),其感染比率与工蚁数量呈显著正相关,符合方程Y=0.0042X+0.1992。[结论与意义]红火蚁入侵促进了棉花粉蚧的近距离扩散,扩散范围在2—3m。研究结果可为深入了解红火蚁与棉花粉蚧协同入侵规律等提供支持。  相似文献   

中国外来动物入侵概况   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
生物入侵是目前全人类所共同关注的问题。概述了生物入侵的基本概念、研究概况、我国外来入侵动物的发生情况,较详细地介绍了对我国经济和生态影响较大的9种外来入侵动物:松材线虫、美国白蛾、红火蚁、美洲斑潜蝇、温室白粉虱、美洲大蠊、福寿螺、食蚊鱼和牛蛙。提出了对外来入侵动物的防控策略与途径。  相似文献   

昆明市呈贡区红火蚁工蚁消长动态及防控适期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李燕  刘萍  太一梅  王磊 《环境昆虫学报》2021,43(6):1552-1556
红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是我国重要的入侵害虫,2003年10月我国台湾发现其发生,2004年9月广东吴川也发现其危害,其后16年发生范围迅速扩大,已经入侵15个省区并具明显扩散趋势,给入侵区生产、生活造成严重的负面影响.2013年10月云南省首次在元谋县发现红火蚁入侵,其后相继在昆明、玉溪、丽江、临沧、文山等地发现其危害.为明确新入侵区红火蚁的发生规律,为其防治提供科学依据,本文采用诱饵诱集法系统调查了云南省昆明市呈贡区红火蚁工蚁年发生动态,并分析了工蚁觅食强度与温度、降雨的关系.结果表明,该地区工蚁动态表现为双峰型,即年内出现两个明显盛期,分别在7-8月和10-11月,其具体动态为1-5月觅食工蚁数量少,数量增长缓慢,6-7月逐渐增加,8月觅食工蚁数量达到最大,平均每个诱集瓶可以诱集294头,而后减少;10-11月又进入一个盛期,12月又开始减少.全年中2月份红火蚁最少,平均诱集工蚁数量为15头/瓶.通过对温度、降雨量与捕获到工蚁的数量进行相关性分析,发现温度、降雨量均与捕获工蚁数量存在显著相关性.以气温25℃或者地面温度21℃作为标准提出,4月下旬-8月下旬为昆明地区应用饵剂防控红火蚁最适温度时间范围.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾是威胁果业生产的检疫性有害生物,已在新疆、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、黑龙江、辽宁、吉林等7个省发生分布。陕西省是我国主要的苹果优质产区,阻截苹果蠹蛾向陕西扩散是保护陕西乃至全国果业生产的重要举措。通过对陕西苹果蠹蛾入侵风险、阻截防控过程取得的数据进行分析,明确了入侵路径,探讨防控策略。由新疆、甘肃、宁夏等地果汁加工原料果携带幼虫远距离方式传入陕西的风险较大;由甘肃、宁夏等地经过陕西西部果区自然传播方式进入陕西的风险加剧。提出加强果汁企业监管,拒绝携带苹果蠹蛾果品进入非疫区,是防止远距离传播的最有效措施;做好自然传播的防控策略与措施研究,已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

2003年9月中国台湾、2004年9月大陆相继被发现国际重大危险性外来入侵害虫红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren发生为害。为有效防控该蚁的入侵、扩张与成灾,在过去的19年里我国各级政府部门、科研院所、企事业单位、社会组织等均投入了大量人力物力,组织、开展了卓有成效的科技研发与技术推广应用工作。基于广泛收集分析已有资料,本文总结了自发现红火蚁入侵危害以来我国科技研发/支撑机构/组织建立、科技人才培养、科研课题立项、研究领域及进展、科技成果产出、科学技术普及等总体情况,认为所构建的科技支撑体系在我国阻截与控制红火蚁工作中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

外来植物黄顶菊的入侵警报及防控对策   总被引:79,自引:0,他引:79  
一种菊科外来植物最近出现在我国华北地区的天津市和河北省的衡水与廊坊市。专家鉴定结果证明这是一种我国从未报道过的外来物种Flaveria bidentis。本文拟定了它的中文名称:黄顶菊,并对其原产地、扩散范围以及形态学、生理学、生态学等方面的特征进行了介绍。通过分析其特性,我们认为黄顶菊是一种入侵性极高的一年生杂草,特别是对农牧业生态系统有极大的破坏性。为了防治、控制和根除这种新入侵的有害物种,本文借鉴国内外入侵物种防治的经验提出了一些建议,供有关方面参考,并呼吁各有关人员和部门积极行动起来,调查其入侵途径,分析其可能入侵的区域,评估其入侵性,拟定科学的防控方案。  相似文献   

重大危险性入侵害虫红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren在云南已发生10年了,本文基于2013年12月至2022年6月云南省植保植检站统计报表统计数据,分析了红火蚁在云南的分布情况、发生现状,总结了防控成效及存在的主要问题,并对解决这些问题提出了一些建议,以期对云南省红火蚁的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

Habitat preferences and movements of the weatherfish, Misgurnus fossilis, were studied in a drainage channel of the lower River Havel region (Saxony-Anhalt) from July to November 1995. During summer, adult fish preferred dense vegetation patches (e.g. Elodea canadensis) whereas juveniles preferred the reed zones along the bank lines, characterized by coarse detritus and extremely shallow water depths (<0.1m). All size groups totally avoided open substratum without vegetation structures. In total, 166 weatherfish 14cm were marked individually by injected dyes and their movements were documented by recaptures (recapture rate 29%). Most of the weatherfish showed stationary behaviour or site constancy. The majority of fish (70.1%) were recaptured within ranges of 50m with reference to the first release point. The mean movement distances slightly increased during the search for overwintering habitats in the first weeks of October. Weatherfish stocks in drainage channels of the study area are strongly affected by annual machine weeding due to depletion of suitable microhabitats and direct removal of fish. Alternative maintenance protocols for drainage channels and ditches are proposed.  相似文献   

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) has a residual compulsory jurisdiction regarding the prompt release of seized vessels. This procedure is one of the novelties introduced in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and is unique in the international judicial universe because of both its procedural characteristics and its functions. This article highlights how prompt release cases do not necessarily stem from a dispute. This has a direct consequence for those whose interests the procedure protects and who can submit an application. The last part of this article discusses the recent trend where the release of vessels and crews has been requested in the context of provisional measures applications.  相似文献   

The diet algorithm is introduced for the reduction of square-cell lattice patterns to simpler graphs that contain fewer C 4 cells. By repeated applications of the algorithm, the lattice pattern is converted into a graph representing the skeletal structure of the pattern. Based on the algorithm, equivalence relations and dissimilarity measures are introduced for lattice patterns, providing tools for shape analysis of planar patterns, such as projections of molecular contour surfaces used in molecular design. This algorithm is applied to a series of examples, illustrating the features of the method.  相似文献   

黄山市大鲵资源古今及保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
程炳功 《四川动物》1998,17(2):56-57
本文记述了黄山市大鲵资源分布及其演变概况,大鲵资源枯竭的原因和对保护大鲵资源的建议。  相似文献   

草地螟第三个暴发周期的发生特点、成因及防治对策   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
分析了1949年以来草地螟3次周期性大暴发的原因。通过对1979-2001年康保县23年草地螟系统监测资料的分析,重点剖析了草地螟第3个暴发周期发生特点、成因,认为种群数量、气候和耕作制度是导致草地螟暴发的重要原因,并提出防治对策。  相似文献   

解玉红 《微生物学通报》2024,51(4):1109-1121
本文针对00后大学生的特点,通过实践探索发现了四大教学痛点。根据这些教学痛点,提出了将专业主题和时代认知融入翻转课堂的教学目标和四项教学改革举措。通过整合教学内容形成专业主题、将专业主题与时代热点融合、优化课堂翻转教学过程、创新全过程全方位考核四项教学改革举措,实现了课程专业主题的深入教学和学生情感认知的清晰培养。这种独特的教学模式能够激发学生对专业的热情,并提高他们的参与感和学习效果。  相似文献   

We fitted spatial autocorrelation functions to distance-based data for assemblages of birds and for three attributes of birds' habitats at 140 locations, separated by up to 65 km, in the Great Basin (Nevada, USA). The three habitat characteristics were taxonomic composition of the vegetation, physical structure of the vegetation, and a measure of primary productivity, the normalized difference vegetation index, estimated from satellite imagery. We found that a spherical model was the best fit to data for avifaunal composition, vegetation composition, and primary productivity, but the distance at which spatial correlation effectively was zero differed substantially among data sets ( c . 30 km for birds, 20 km for vegetation composition, and 60 km for primary productivity). A power-law function was the best fit to data for vegetation structure, indicating that the structure of vegetation differed by similar amounts irrespective of distance between locations (up to the maximum distance measured). Our results suggested that the spatial structure of bird assemblages is more similar to vegetation composition than to either vegetation structure or primary productivity, but is autocorrelated over larger distances. We believe that the greater mobility of birds compared with plants may be responsible for this difference.  相似文献   

The amount of variation in species composition among sampling units or beta diversity has become a primary tool for connecting the spatial structure of species assemblages to ecological processes. Many different measures of beta diversity have been developed. Among them, the total variance in the community composition matrix has been proposed as a single‐number estimate of beta diversity. In this study, I first show that this measure summarizes the compositional variation among sampling units after nonlinear transformation of species abundances. Therefore, it is not always adequate for estimating beta diversity. Next, I propose an alternative approach for calculating beta diversity in which variance is substituted by a weighted measure of concentration (i.e., an inverse measure of evenness). The relationship between this new measure of beta diversity and so‐called multiple‐site dissimilarity measures is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the biology of Byasa impediens, presenting its life-table data and analyzing its habitat requirements and the key factors threatening the survival of this species. This study also aims to detect specific protection methods to guarantee the long-term survival of Byasa impediens in Baishuijiang Reserve. Byasa impediens is bivoltine in Baishuijiang Reserve. The pupae overwinter on shrubs or on branches of trees. The eclosion of the first generation starts in mid-April. The adults of the first generation emerge in large numbers in mid-late May, and the second generation emerges from late June to mid-July. The two generations overlap. The adult males emerge 7–10 days earlier than the adult females. Their flight behavior is determined by factors such as perching along small rivers and gullies, and visiting flowers. The males are strong fliers. On the contrary, the flying ability of the females is weak; therefore, they just visit flowers, mate, and lay eggs near the natal area. The ratio of female to male is 1:4.1. The maximum lifespan of the males is 26 days, with an average of 6.9 days, whereas the maximum lifespan of the females is 21 days, with an average of 7.6 days. The pregnant eggs per female are 31.5 on average. The incubation period of the first generation is 12–14 days, whereas that of the second generation is 7–9 days. The larvae feed mainly on Aristolochia heterophylla. The larval period of the first generation lasts for 30 days with five instars and that of the second generation lasts for 30–40 days with five or six instars. The pupal period of the first generation begins in early June and lasts for 20–26 days whereas for the second generation, it begins between late July and late September. The adults prefer the following nectar plants: Albizzia julibrissin, Bauhinia glauca, Clerodendrum bungei, and Sambucus chinensis. The plant Aristolochia heterophylla is distributed at an altitude of 900–1680 m, and the most suitable range is 1200–1500 m. The host plants grow mainly along the paths and along the borders of forests where the canopy is rather open and shrubby undergrowth is found. The plant can hardly be found when the canopy density of the forest is greater than 80%. The elevation range most suitable for the larvae is 1200–1500 m. The ideal habitat of host plants also seems to be the ideal habitat of Byasa impediens. The key factors that adversely affect the population of Byasa impediens are loss and deterioration of habitats. The loss and deterioration of the habitats result in a decrease in the numbers of host plants and a more restricted distribution of the potential habitats. The habitat is easily influenced by anthropogenic activities, such as herding, cultivating, and using pesticides, which in turn influences the growth of the host plant Aristolochia heterophylla and the larvae of butterflies. Abnormal climatic conditions and natural enemies are the key factors affecting population density. The hot and dry weather in summer and the heavy rain in autumn considerably reduce the survival rate of eggs and larvae. The ichneumon parasitoids reduce the survival rate of the over-wintering pupae. The primary natural enemies of the larvae include spiders, earwigs, wasps, bugs, and ichneumon parasitoids. Other natural enemies of pupae and adults are birds. The most important conservation measures are preservation and reconstruction of the natural habitat, which includes rebuilding forests, enhancing management, enforcing existing laws, and developing eco-tourism. Creating a core-patch near all patches at a central area is also an important measure for conservation. In the most ideal habitat, appropriate shrub cutting can increase the growth of host plants, thereby promoting expansion of the Byasa impediens population.  相似文献   

The classical niche theory supports the idea that stable coexistence requires ecological differences between closely related species. However, information on waterbirds coexistence in the entirely landlocked freshwater system of Poyang Lake is not well understood, especially when the available biomass of their food in the area decreases. In this study, we tested the ecological segregation mechanisms in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 wintering periods among eight herbivorous waterbirds (including the Siberian crane Grus leucogeranus, hooded crane Grus monacha, white‐naped crane Grus vipio, common crane Grus grus, greater white‐fronted goose Anser albifrons, bean goose Anser fabalis, swan goose Anser cygnoides, and tundra swan Cygnus columbianus) at Poyang Lake. Using field observations and species niche and foraging habitat selection models, we investigated the abundance, distribution, and food sources of these eight waterbird species to quantify and compare their habitat use and ecological niches. Our results showed that niche segregation among the waterbirds, with respect to food types, time, and spatial location, allow them to coexist and use similar resources. The water level gradually receded in the sub‐lakes of the Poyang Lake, which could provide food sources and various habitats for wintering herbivorous waterbirds to coexist. We demonstrated that the differences in habitat use could mitigate interspecific competition, which may explain the mechanism whereby waterbirds of Poyang Lake coexist during the wintering period, despite considerable overlap in the dietary niches of herbivorous waterbirds.  相似文献   

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