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Regional expression patterns of shell matrix protein genes of Pinctada fucata were investigated using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ hybridization. Six shell matrix proteins examined in this study indicated a distinct biphasic pattern of expression, falling into one of the following three groups: (1) expressed only in the more dorsal region of the mantle (MSI60 and N16); (2) expressed only in the more ventral region (MSI31, Prismalin-14, and Aspein); and (3) expressed in both regions (nacrein). The ubiquity of the last protein probably reflects its general role as a carbonate-producing enzyme, while the other groups are interpreted as corresponding to the distinction between the two varieties of shell layers, the aragonitic nacreous layer and the calcitic prismatic layer. In addition, the constituent genes of each of these two groups indicated similar levels of relative expression among different sites even among different individuals, suggesting that the genes of each group share a single upstream regulatory factor, respectively, and that these genes are expressed in a dually coordinated fashion.  相似文献   

In this study, we established and characterized a long-term primary mantle tissue culture from the marine pearl oyster Pinctada fucata for in vitro investigation of nacre biomineralization. In this culture system, the viability of mantle tissue cells lasted up to 2 months. The tissue cells were demonstrated to express nacre matrix proteins by RT-PCR, and a soluble shell matrix protein, nacrein, was detected in the culture medium by Western blot analysis. On the other hand, 15 days after initiating culture, a large amount of calcium deposits with major elements, including calcium, carbon, and oxygen, were generated in the mantle explants and cell outgrowth area. The quantity and size of calcium deposits increased with the prolonged cultivation, and their location and nanogranular structure suggested their biogenic origin. These calcium deposits specifically appeared in mantle tissue cultures, but not in heart tissue cultures. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the mantle tissue culture functions similarly to mantle cells in vivo. This study provides a reliable approach for the further investigation on nacre biomineralization at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Pearl oysters are not only farmed for their gemstone quality pearls worldwide, but they are also becoming important model organisms for investigating genetic mechanisms of biomineralisation. Despite their economic and scientific significance, limited genomic resources are available for this important group of bivalves, hampering investigations into identifying genes that regulate important pearl quality traits and unique biological characteristics (i.e. biomineralisation). The silver-lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima, is one species where there is interest in understanding genes that regulate commercially important pearl traits, but presently, there is a dearth of genomic information. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a large number of type I genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for P. maxima suitable for high-throughput genotyping. In addition, sequence annotations and Gene Ontology terms were assigned to a large mantle tissue 454 expressed sequence tag assembly (96,794 contigs) and information on known bivalve biomineralisation genes was incorporated into SNP discovery. The SNP discovery effort resulted in the de novo identification of 172,625 SNPs, of which 9,108 were identified as high value [minor allele frequency (MAF)?≥?0.15, read depth?≥?8]. Validation of 2,782 of these SNPs using Illumina iSelect Infinium genotyping technology returned some of the highest assay conversion (86.6 %) and validation (59.9 %; mean MAF 0.28) rates observed in aquaculture species to date. Genomic resources presented here will be pivotal to future research investigating the biological mechanisms behind biomineralisation and will form a strong foundation for genetic selective breeding programs in the P. maxima pearling industry.  相似文献   

The initial growth of the nacreous layer is crucial for comprehending the formation of nacreous aragonite. A flat pearl method in the presence of the inner-shell film was conducted to evaluate the role of matrix proteins in the initial stages of nacre biomineralization in vivo. We examined the crystals deposited on a substrate and the expression patterns of the matrix proteins in the mantle facing the substrate. In this study, the aragonite crystals nucleated on the surface at 5 days in the inner-shell film system. In the film-free system, the calcite crystals nucleated at 5 days, a new organic film covered the calcite, and the aragonite nucleated at 10 days. This meant that the nacre lamellae appeared in the inner-shell film system 5 days earlier than that in the film-free system, timing that was consistent with the maximum level of matrix proteins during the first 20 days. In addition, matrix proteins (Nacrein, MSI60, N19, N16 and Pif80) had similar expression patterns in controlling the sequential morphologies of the nacre growth in the inner-film system, while these proteins in the film-free system also had similar patterns of expression. These results suggest that matrix proteins regulate aragonite nucleation and growth with the inner-shell film in vivo.  相似文献   

Nucleated pearls are produced by molluscs of the Pinctada genus through the biomineralisation activity of the pearl sac tissue within the recipient oyster. The pearl sac originates from graft tissue taken from the donor oyster mantle and its functioning is crucial in determining key factors that impact pearl quality surface characteristics. The specific role of related gene regulation during gem biogenesis was unknown, so we analysed the expression profiles of eight genes encoding nacreous (PIF, MSI60, PERL1) or prismatic (SHEM5, PRISM, ASP, SHEM9) shell matrix proteins or both (CALC1) in the pearl sac (N?=?211) of Pinctada margaritifera during pearl biogenesis. The pearls and pearl sacs analysed were from a uniform experimental graft with sequential harvests at 3, 6 and 9 months post-grafting. Quality traits of the corresponding pearls were recorded: surface defects, surface deposits and overall quality grade. Results showed that (1) the first 3 months of culture seem crucial for pearl quality surface determination and (2) all the genes (SHEM5, PRISM, ASP, SHEM9) encoding proteins related to calcite layer formation were over-expressed in the pearl sacs that produced low pearl surface quality. Multivariate regression tree building clearly identified three genes implicated in pearl surface quality, SHEM9, ASP and PIF. SHEM9 and ASP were clearly implicated in low pearl quality, whereas PIF was implicated in high quality. Results could be used as biomarkers for genetic improvement of P. margaritifera pearl quality and constitute a novel perspective to understanding the molecular mechanism of pearl formation.  相似文献   

Calcineurin (CN) is a multifunctional protein involved in many important physiological processes in mammalians, but the function of CN in mollusks is still largely unknown. In the present study, through the shell regeneration system, the changes of enzymatic activity of CN were determined in the process of shell regeneration in pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. CN was activated immediately and continuously in the shell regeneration process. The speed of shell regeneration was measured and the ultrastructure of inner shell surface was observed by scanning electron microscopy after inhibiting CN by intramuscular injection of immunosuppresant cyclosporine A (CsA). The results showed that the speed of shell regeneration was delayed and the morphology of calcite and aragonite in the inner shell surface became abnormal when CN was inhibited by CsA. Meanwhile, RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression of P. fucata BMP-2 in mantle tissue decreased with CsA injection. In vitro secretion level of proteoglycans (PGs) in primary cultures of mantle cells was also decreased when mantle cells were exposed to CsA. Taken together, our results, for the first time, show that CN is involved in the shell formation through regulating the expression of Pf-BMP-2 in mantle tissue, which controls the secretion of PGs/GAGs of the mantle epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Marine Biotechnology - MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression via the recognition of their target messenger RNAs. MiR-10a-3p plays an important role in the...  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝4个壳色选育系F_1遗传结构的AFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从湛江流沙港马氏珠母贝养殖群体中挑选不同壳色个体为亲本,共构建了黑(BS)、红(RS)、黄(YS)和白壳色(WS)4个壳色选系F1,然后分别在4个壳色选育系F1中随机取样,利用3对AFLP引物分析其遗传结构与遗传分化。结果表明,每对引物的扩增位点数在104~109之间,共得到331个扩增位点;BS、RS、YS和WS壳色选系F1的多态位点比例分别为49.2%、49.5%、51.6%和63.4%,Shannon's多样性指数分别为0.1884、0.1886、0.1896和0.1954,4个壳色选育系F1的遗传分化系数(Fst)为0.1972。本研究说明经过一代壳色纯化4个壳色选育系F1出现显著遗传分化,也为马氏珠母贝壳色系选育或选育系间杂交提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short-nucleotide RNA molecules that function as negative regulators of gene expression in various organisms. However, miRNAs of Pinctada martensii have not been reported yet. P. martensii is one of the main species cultured for marine pearl production in China and Japan. In order to obtain the repertoire of miRNAs in P. martensii, we constructed and sequenced small RNA libraries prepared from P. martensii by Solexa deep sequencing technology and got a total of 27,479,838 reads representing 3,176,630 distinct sequences. After removing tRNAs, rRNAs, snRNAs, and snoRNAs, 10,596,306 miRNA reads representing 18,050 distinct miRNA reads were obtained. Based on sequence similarity and hairpin structure prediction, 258 P. martensii miRNAs (pm-miRNA) were identified. Among these pm-miRNAs, 205 were conserved across the species, whereas 53 were specific for P. martensii. The 3′ end sequence of U6 snRNA was obtained from P. martensii by 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA end PCR reaction and sequence-directed cloning. Eight conserved pm-miRNAs and two novel pm-miRNAs were validated by stem-loop quantitative real-time PCR with U6 snRNA as an internal reference gene. pm-miRNAs and the reported biomineralization-related genes were subjected to target analysis by using target prediction tools. Some of the pm-miRNAs, such as miR-2305 and miR-0046, were predicted to participate in biomineralization by regulating the biomineralization-related genes. Thus, this study demonstrated a large-scale characterization of pm-miRNAs and their potential function in biomineralization, providing a foundation to understand shell formation.  相似文献   

For pearl culture, nucleus and mantle grafts are implanted into the gonad of the host oyster. The epithelial cells of the implanted mantle graft elongate and surround the nucleus, and a pearl sac is formed. Shell matrix proteins secreted by the pearl sac play an important role in pearl formation. We studied the gene expression patterns of six shell matrix proteins (msi60, n16, nacrein, msi31, prismalin-14, and aspein) in the epithelial cells associated with pearl sac formation. There were differences in the expression patterns of the six genes in the epithelial cells, and the relative expression levels for msi60 and aspein differed between the mantle graft and pearl sac (48 days after implantation). Therefore, the gene expression patterns of the epithelial cells were genetically undetermined, and changed between before and after pearl sac formation. The gene expression patterns of the epithelial cells of the pearl sac may be regulated by the host oysters.  相似文献   

Shell nacre is laid upon an organic cell-free matrix, part of which, paradoxically, is water soluble and displays biological activities. Proteins in the native shell also constitute an insoluble network and offer a model for studying supramolecular organization as a means of self-ordering. Consequently, difficulties are encountered in extraction and purification strategies for protein characterization. In this work, water-soluble proteins and the insoluble conhiolin residue of the nacre of Pinctada margaritifera matrix were analyzed via a proteomics approach. Two sequences homologous to nacre matrix proteins of other Pinctada species were identified in the water-soluble extract. One of them is known as a fundamental component of the insoluble organic matrix of nacre. In the conchiolin, the insoluble residue, four homologs of Pinctada nacre matrix proteins were found. Two of them were the same as the molecules characterized in the water-soluble extract. Results established that soluble and insoluble proteins of the nacre organic matrix share constitutive material. Surprisingly, a peptide in the conchiolin residue was found homologous to a prismatic matrix protein of Pinctada fucata, suggesting that prismatic and nacre matrices may share common proteins. The insoluble properties of shell matrix proteins appear to arise from structural organization via multimerization. The oxidative activity, found in the water-soluble fraction of the nacre matrix, is proposed as a leading process in the transformation of transient soluble proteins into the insoluble network of conchiolin during nacre growth.  相似文献   

Considering the continuous and substantive secretory ability of the mantle in vitro, we report a new technique to produce shell-matrix proteins by inducing the mantle, after removal from the organism's body, to secrete soluble-matrix proteins into phosphate buffer. By this method, a large amount of matrix proteins could be obtained in 2 h. Experiments involving in vitro calcium carbonate crystallization and organic framework calcium carbonate crystallization indicated that these proteins retain high bioactivity and play key roles in shell biomineralization. Phosphate buffer-soluble proteins secreted by the margin of the mantles (MSPs) were used to reconstruct the stages in the growth of the prismatic layer of the decalcified organic frameworks. The MSPs were observed to aggregate calcites in vitro, and this ability enabled the mollusk to form big calcites in the prismatic layer. During shell biomineralization, an important stage after the self-assembly of the biomacromolecules and the formation of crystals is the assembly of the two parts to form a firm structure. Moreover, a new type of matrix protein, functioning as the binding factor between the crystals and the organic frameworks, was shown to exist in the phosphate buffer-soluble proteins secreted by the central part of mantles (CSPs). Nanoscale-sized bowl-like aragonites, with heights of ~800 nm, were induced by CSPs in vitro. This method is a successful example of obtaining functional proteins through secretion by animal tissues.  相似文献   

A novel matrix protein, designated as p10 because of its apparent molecular mass of 10 kDa, was isolated from the nacreous layer of pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. In vitro crystallization experiments showed that p10 could accelerate the nucleation of calcium carbonate crystals and induce aragonite formation, suggesting that it might play a key role in nacre biomineralization. As nacre is known to contain osteogenic factors, two mineralogenic cell lines, MRC-5 fibroblasts and MC3T3-E1 preosteoblasts, were used to investigate the biological activity of p10. The results showed that p10 could increase alkaline phosphatase activity, an early marker of osteoblast differentiation, while the viability of MRC-5 and MC3T3-E1 remained unchanged after treatment of p10. Taken together, the findings led to identification of a novel matrix protein from the nacre of P. fucata that plays a role in both the mineral phase and in the differentiation of the cells involved in biomineralization.  相似文献   

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