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From a total woody flora of ca. 1000 species, a suite of 121 species forms an oligarchy dominating the cerrado biome. This mirrors patterns of dominance described in western Amazonian rain forests. Widespread sampling shows that across the biome this suite of species contributes on average 66% of the total species composition, and 75% of the total Importance Value Index in cerrado communities. An analysis of the floristic similarity between six cerrado phytogeographic provinces (southern, central and south-eastern, central-western, far-western, north-eastern, disjunct Amazonian) reveals great heterogeneity within the biome, principally of the less common species. Of the 951 species recorded from 375 floristic surveys across the biome, 494 species (more than half of the total) are found in only one of the provinces, with very few species (37, i.e., 3.9%) found in all six provinces. Each of the provinces contains a significant number of species which are apparently confined to it, ranging from 15 species (1.6% of the total woody cerrado flora) in the far-western province (primarily in the state of Rondônia) to 162 species (17%) in the central-western province. At the local level, floristic similarity can be very high. An analysis of the floristic composition of 13 sites within the Federal District shows a woody flora of 236 species, indicating that 25% of the total woody flora of the cerrado biome is represented in 0.3% of its area, illustrating the great conservation importance of this region. Floristic similarity between sites within the Federal District is high, although much of this similarity is accounted for by oligarch species which account for between 59 and 89% of total species recorded per site. Informed conservation judgements within the cerrado need to take account of regional floristic patterns to ensure maximum protection of biodiversity, as the majority of species are not geographically widespread within the biome.  相似文献   

The neurotoxin, BMAA (β-N-methylamino-L-alanine), may be a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's (PD) and Alzheimer's (AD) disease. In vivo experiments have demonstrated that BMAA can cause a number of motor dysfunctions if ingested or injected, and in vitro experiments show that this toxin binds to glutamate receptors with deleterious results. Also, BMAA exists in the human food chain worldwide, and has been detected in the brains of ALS and AD patients. This paper offers the first demonstration by intracellular recording of the effect of ingested BMAA on the postsynaptic response of an identified glutamatergic cell in a living, undissected organism (Drosophila melanogaster), and correlates these observations with the specific motor dysfunctions that result from ingestion. The results suggest that BMAA acts as a glutamate agonist, causing NMDA receptor channels to remain open for prolonged periods of time, thereby damaging the cell by excitotoxicity. The effect on the postsynaptic response became apparent days before the function of the postsynaptic cell (wing beat) became affected. Severely depolarized cells were able to fully recover with the removal of BMAA from the food source, suggesting that blocking BMAA binding in the brain might be a good treatment strategy.  相似文献   

Small β-hairpin peptides have been widely used as models for the folding of β-sheets. But how applicable is the folding of such models to β-structure in larger proteins with conventional hydrophobic cores? Here we present multiple unfolding simulations of three such proteins that contain the WW domain double hairpin β-sheet motif: cold shock protein A (CspA), cold shock protein B (CspB) and glucose permease IIA domain. We compare the behavior of the free motif in solution and in the context of proteins of different size and architecture. Both Csp proteins lost contacts between the double-hairpin motif and the protein core as the first step of unfolding and proceeded to unfold with loss of the third β-strand, similar to the isolated WW domain. The glucose permease IIA domain is a larger protein and the contacts between the motif and the core were not lost as quickly. Instead the unfolding pathway of glucose permease IIA followed a different pathway with β1 pulling away from the sheet first. Interestingly, when the double hairpin motif was excised from the glucose permease IIA domain and simulated in isolation in water it unfolded by the same pathway as the WW domain, indicating that it is tertiary interactions with the protein that alter the motif’s unfolding not a sequence dependent effect on its intrinsic unfolding behavior. With respect to the unfolding of the hairpins, there was no consistent order to the loss of hydrogen bonds between the β-strands in the hairpins in any of the systems. Our results show that while the folding behavior of the isolated WW domain is generally consistent with the double hairpin motif’s behavior in the cold shock proteins, it is not the case for the glucose permease IIA domain. So, one must be cautious in extrapolating findings from model systems to larger more complicated proteins where tertiary interactions can overwhelm intrinsic behavior.  相似文献   

Glutamate-induced excitotoxicity is a contributer to many neurological diseases. Astrocytes may represent a new target for treating glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. However, the in vitro culture system that mimics the in vivo microenvironment is lacking. This study aimed to establish a new in vitro co-culture system including neurons, astrocytes, and endothelial cells (NAE), and to investigate the effect of glutamate-induced excitotoxicity on DNA methylation in astrocytes. A NAE co-culture method was created using a Transwell chamber, in which neurons were seeded on the bottom of the lower chamber, endothelial cells were plated on the top membrane, and astrocytes were plated on the bottom membrane of the insert. Glutamate-induced toxicity was induced using glutamate and glycine, and examined using immunofluorescence and lactate dehydrogenase release assay. Global methylation in astrocytes was analyzed, and the expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3a was examined using Western blot analysis. Glutamate treatment induced less neuronal damage in the NAE system compared with the control group in which neurons and astrocytes were cultured alone. Global DNA methylation was increased and the expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3a in astrocytes was increased after glutamate treatment, which was blocked by application of the NMDAR inhibitor MK-801 and the DNMT inhibitor 5-azaC from the endothelial cells. The in vitro ANE culture system is effective for studying glutamate-induced excitotoxicity, and may be used for testing the passage of drugs across the blood–brain barrier. Inhibition of DNA methylation in astrocytes may be a new therapeutic strategy for treating glutamate-induced excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

1. Intraperitoneal injection of beta-sitosterol (5mg./rat/day for 25 days) into 1-year-old male Wistar rats fed on a low-fat diet supplemented with 10% of coconut oil resulted in a lowering of cholesterol and lipid concentrations in the tissues. 2. beta-Sitosterol increased the rate of biosynthesis of cholesterol and lipids in the tissues, but to an even greater extent enhanced their oxidative degradation. 3. The present results are similar to those previously obtained on a low-fat diet, indicating that the presence of fat had no marked effect on the action of beta-sitosterol.  相似文献   

Depending on conditions of aeration maltose and glucose were found to exhibit different effects on the inducible synthesis of β-galactosidase in aerobically grown cells ofEscherichia coli starving for an exogenous source of nitrogen; both saccharides repressed the synthesis of the enzyme under aerobic conditions, while the above-mentioned saccharides were essential for the enzyme synthesis under anaerobic conditions. The presence of maltose in the medium resulted in the repression of the enzyme synthesis in anaerobically grown cells starving for an exogenous nitrogen source under anaerobic conditions. The synthesis of β-galactosidase-specific messenger RNA was completely blocked and the synthesis of the enzyme proper considerably inhibited in aerobically grown cells incubated anaerobically in a medium without nitrogen and carbon sources.  相似文献   

Environmental factors, such as local physico-chemical water parameters, habitat-structural conditions, geography and human disturbances can have a profound impact on the structure and composition of biotic communities. This study investigates the relationship of these factors with fish diversity in medium to small streams in Central India and identifies the key determinants of species richness and diversity in habitats increasingly facing impacts of urban development. Data on fish diversity on eighteen sites, representative of undisturbed and disturbed aquatic habitats, located in the Narmada river basin were collected across different seasons over two years. Seasonal patterns of alpha diversity for this region were analysed and the effect of environmental drivers on seasonal patterns of alpha diversity were assessed. Analyses of species data revealed significant differences in diversity patterns across seasons for both species richness and Shannon diversity. Results of generalized linear mixed models showed that along with disturbance, altitude and substrate heterogeneity, dissolved oxygen, pH and stream width proved to be important environmental variables that predict species richness. Further, variations in pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, stream width, stream depth and stream width heterogeneity were found to also predict Shannon diversity index. Our study revealed that seasonal changes across the year play a crucial role in shaping diversity patterns. This study is relevant as an important step in identifying roles of various ecological factors driving fish diversity in the region and towards developing long term management plans for critical catchment areas of major rivers in tropical systems.  相似文献   

Developing a strategy for evidence-based conservation is often problematic where a given habitat is found on relatively few small sites. Here, we investigate the important environmental variables that control species α-diversity in wet mesotrophic grasslands in lowland England. We analysed data on species richness and three soils variables from 10 mesotrophic grasslands to test the following hypothesis: is species diversity related to these soil factors, and if so, which is the most important? Generalised linear modelling was used to derive minimum adequate models of these relationships. The analysis identified degree of waterlogging and its interaction with both soil available phosphorus and soil pH as significant. Species diversity decreased with increasing waterlogging and available phosphorus. If species richness is to be conserved in these mesotrophic grasslands, it would be best done by maintaining low levels of waterlogging (0–1 m weeks), and low available phosphorus concentrations (<10 μg P g?1). However, this approach may predicate against specialist wetland species. Our results will help develop sound conservation strategies for these mesotrophic grasslands, and points the way for further investigative research.  相似文献   

The turnover of community composition across space, β-diversity, is influenced by different assembly mechanisms, which place varying weight on local habitat factors, such as environmental conditions and species interactions, and regional factors such as dispersal and history. Several assembly mechanisms may function simultaneously; however, little is known about how their importance changes over time and why. Here, we implemented a field survey where we sampled a bacterial metacommunity consisting of 17 rock pools located at the Swedish Baltic Sea coast at 11 occasions during 1 year. We determined to which extent communities were structured by different assembly mechanisms using variation partitioning and studied changes in β-diversity across environmental gradients over time. β-Diversity was highest at times of high overall productivity and environmental heterogeneity in the metacommunity, at least partly due to species sorting, that is, selection of taxa by the prevailing environmental conditions. In contrast, dispersal-driven assembly mechanisms were primarily detected at times when β-diversity was relatively low. There were no indications for strong and persistent differences in community composition or β-diversity between permanent and temporary pools, indicating that the physical disturbance regime is of relatively minor importance. In summary, our study clearly suggests that there are temporal differences in the relative importance of different assembly mechanisms related to abiotic factors and shows that the temporal variability of those factors is important for a more complete understanding of bacterial metacommunity dynamics.  相似文献   

The ‘diversity–stability hypothesis’, in which higher species diversity within biological communities buffers the risk of ecological collapse, is now generally accepted. However, empirical evidence for a relationship between β-diversity (spatial turnover in community structure) and temporal stability in community structure remains equivocal, despite important implications for theoretical ecology and conservation biology. Here, we report strong β-diversity–stability relationships across a broad sample of fish taxa on Australia''s Great Barrier Reef. These relationships were robust to random sampling error and spatial and environmental factors, such as latitude, reef size and isolation. While β-diversity was positively associated with temporal stability at the community level, the relationship was negative for some taxa, for example surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae), one of the most abundant reef fish families. This demonstrates that the β-diversity–stability relationship should not be indiscriminately assumed for all taxa, but that a species’ risk of extirpation in response to disturbance is likely to be taxon specific and trait based. By combining predictions of spatial and temporal turnover across the study area with observations in marine-protected areas, we conclude that protection alone does not necessarily confer temporal stability and that taxon-specific considerations will improve the outcome of conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The study aimed at characterization of buffalo β-casein gene and its promoter by PCR-SSCP analysis. Complete β-casein exon VII region analysis revealed two SSCP band patterns, with pattern-I representing predominant allele B (85%) present in homozygous (genotype BB) condition and pattern-II representing a rare allele A1 present in heterozygous condition (genotype A1B). Sequencing of two patterns revealed three nucleotide substitutions at codon 68, 151 and 193 of exon VII. The cDNA sequence of buffalo β-casein gene indicated three further nucleotide substitutions between allele A1 and B at codon 10, 39, and 41. Analysis of β-casein proximal promoter region (− 350 upstream to + 32) revealed four SSCP band patterns. These SSCP patterns corresponded to nucleotide substitutions at seven locations within 382 bp 5′ UTR region of β-casein gene. Haplotype analysis suggested pattern-I of exon VII (wild type) was associated with three types of promoters and pattern-II of exon VII (rare type) corresponded to one exclusive type of promoter. The study suggested two haplotypes of exon VII and four haplotypes of promoter for buffalo β-casein.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activity, such as conversion and degradation of habitats, is causing global biodiversity declines. However, our understanding of how local ecological communities are responding to these changes taxonomically and functionally is still limited. The effects of the replacement of native by introduced pastures on biodiversity are some of those examples with limited understanding. Here, we sampled dung beetles in native and introduced pastures using standardised sampling protocols during the dry and rainy seasons in the Brazilian Pantanal. We used multifaceted β-diversity partitioning of taxonomy-, abundance- and trait-based approaches to evaluate spatial (i.e. between pasture types) and temporal (i.e. between seasons) patterns of dung beetle changes in composition, abundance and species traits. Spatially, we found no effects of pasture type, season and their interaction on taxonomy-based β-diversity and its components. For abundance-based β-diversity and its components, pasture type had effects on both Bray-Curtis dissimilarity and balanced variation in abundance. Higher values of both metrics were found in native pastures. For functional-based β-diversity, Sorensen dissimilarity with higher values in the dry season, while pasture type also had an effect on functional nestedness, where higher values of functional nestedness were found in introduced pastures. Seasonally, we also found no effects of pasture type, season and their interaction on taxonomy-based β-diversity and its components. However, pasture type had effects on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, with higher values found in introduced pastures. No effects on balanced variation in abundance and abundance gradients were found. Pasture type influenced the functional turnover, but not functional dissimilarity or nestedness. Higher values of functional turnover were found in native pastures. In summary, we demonstrate that the type of pastures and climatic seasonality have effects on abundance- and functional- but not on taxonomy-based β-diversity patterns of dung beetles in the Brazilian Pantanal.  相似文献   

The effect of -glucosidase on three assays for cellulolytic enzymes, i. e. the activities against dyed Avicel, hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and filter paper (FPU), was studied using cellulase enzyme derived from Trichoderma reesei VTT-D-80133. The dyed Avicel and HEC assays were only slightly affected by -glucosidase, whereas the FPU assay was linearly dependent on the level of -glucosidase over a wide range of activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The induced synthesis of β-galactosidase in non-growing cells ofEscherichia coli starving for exogenous carbon and nitrogen sources was stimulated markedly by the addition of any of four nucleosides tested: adenosine, guanosine, cytidine, and uridine. Adenosine was used as a representative of this group of compounds in most experiments. The decrease of ability of the cells to synthesize β-galactosidase, resulting from a prolonged starvation for exogenous carbon and nitrogen, was removed by adenosine. This compound also considerably reduced the inhibitory effect of metabolic poisons on the induced synthesis of β-galactosidase. The blockade of induced β-galactosidase synthesis evoked in aerobically grown cells by anaerobic starvation for exogenous sources of carbon and nitrogen was also significantly reduced by adenosine. The weak transient catabolic repression of induced synthesis of β-galactosidase evoked by glucose in non-growing cells ofEscherichia coli deprived of exogenous carbon and nitrogen sources was prevented by adenosine. The total repression caused by higher glucose concentrations was not influenced by this compound. The results are discussed from the point of view of the role of the energy state ofEscherichia coli cells in the regulation of β-galactosidase synthesis.  相似文献   

Limnology - To examine how compositional changes in a community vary depending on time scales, we estimated temporal β-diversity of zooplankton in Lake Hataya Ohnuma, a small lake in Yamagata,...  相似文献   

The effects of the fixative dimethylsuberimidate (DMS) on negative staining patterns were studied using reconstituted fibrils of type I calf skin collagen (of known amino acid sequence) as a model system and comparing electron-optical data and chemical data by a computer-aided correlation procedure. The results show that the ‘bulkiness’ (average cross-sectional area or ‘plumpness’) of amino acid side chains is the dominant factor in determining the stain-excluding property of a DMS-fixed negatively stained collagen fibril as it is in unfixed collagen. Some contribution of positive staining can also be demonstrated after DMS-fixation by partial correlation analysis. Other evidence suggests that (unlike glutaraldehyde) DMS does not produce any morphological alterations to the negative staining pattern.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated that when γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) forms the inclusion complexes for fish oils, the oxidation stability and retardation of odor can be effectively enhanced through the addition of sodium caseinate (SC). In order to evaluate the oxidative stability and the odor-masking effect, the inclusion complexes of γ-CD and SC incorporating fish oils at various ratios were thermally-oxidized for 5 days at a storage temperature of 55°C. The use of SC on the inclusion complexes of γ-CD could improve the oxidative stability of fish oils and the masking effect of the odor. When the inclusion complexes for fish oils were composed with 80% of γ-CD and 20% of SC, the improvement effect of the oxidative stability was better compared with the complexes of other ratios. Therefore, the use of γ-CD and SC can potentially protecting sensitive ingredients such as EPA and DHA in the food industry.  相似文献   

Cell signaling mediated by morphogens is essential to coordinate growth and patterning, two key processes that govern the formation of a complex multi-cellular organism. During growth and patterning, cells are specified by both quantitative and directional information. While quantitative information regulates cell proliferation and differentiation, directional information is conveyed in the form of cell polarities instructed by local and global cues. Major morphogens like Wnts play critical roles in embryonic development and they are also important in maintaining tissue homeostasis. Abnormal regulation of these signaling events leads to a diverse array of devastating diseases including cancer. Wnts transduce their signals through several distinct pathways and they regulate vertebrate embryonic development by providing both quantitative and directional information. Here, taking the developing skeletal system as an example, we review our work on Wnt signaling pathways in various aspects of development. We focus particularly on our most recent findings that showed that in vertebrates, Wnt5a acts as a global cue to establishing planar cell polarity (PCP). Our work suggests that Wnt morphogens regulate development by integrating quantitative and directional information. Our work also provides important insights in disease like Robinow syndrome, brachydactyly type B1 (BDB1) and spina bifida, which can be caused by human mutations in the Wnt/PCP signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Phospholipid bilayer permeability of β-lactam antibiotics was determined using liposomes enclosing β-lactamase. There was good correlation between the permeability and hydrophobicity within the analogous β-lactams. However, the effect of hydrophobic character on the permeability parameter was very different between the groups. Moderately hydrophilic penicillins such as benzylpenicillin and ampicillin showed very high permeability compared with cephalosporins. Penicillins having hindered side chains such as oxacillin and methicillin showed moderate permeability taking into account their hydrophobicity. These observations are suggestive of outer membrane permeation of these β-lactams via routes other than the porin pore, especially in porin-deficient mutants of gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

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