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Twenty-four ammocoete larvae of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus were tested individually for 3-day periods in electronic shuttleboxes (Ichthyotrons) with natural lighting through windows, to determine their diel activity pattern in terms of hourly percentages of the 24-h total. Mean hourly activity was slightly greater during the day (4–7 % h−1) than at night (3·7% h−1). Peak hourly activity (7·2% h−1) occurred during the dawn crepuscular period as light levels were increasing, while the minimum hourly activity (1·6 % h-l) occurred during the dusk crepuscular period while light levels were decreasing. The observed activity pattern is atypical of other aquatic animals similarly tested, and might be explained as an extraptically mediated photoinetic response.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. We have determined the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) present in the skeletal muscle of the lamprey during the adult parasitic stage of its life cycle. AChE was found primarily in the globular G4 form, as well as in the asymmetric forms A4, A8 and A12.
  • 2.2. We compare the complement of molecular forms present in skeletal muscle during the larval, parasitic, and spawning stages of the lamprey life cycle. The larval form, the ammocoete, contains elevated amounts of G1 and G2. However, the most striking change that we observed was in the proportion of asymmetric forms of AChE present: 5% in the ammocoete, 28% in the parasite and 9% in the spawner.
  • 3.3. We speculate that these differences may be related to the physiological states of the lamprey during the various stages of its life cycle.

Summary This study demonstrates for the first time the presence of mature and developing plasma cells in the spleen of non-immunized ammocoetes of Petromyzon marinus. Plasmocytes occur as electron-dense cells with much condensed chromatin and an extensively large developed and dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum. The importance of this finding is emphasized in relation to the evolution of the immune system.
Résumé Ce travail démontre pour la première fois l'existence de plasmocytes murs et en développement dans la rate d'ammocètes de Petromyzon marinus non-immunisés. Les plasmocytes se présentent comme des cellules électroniquement denses avec de la chromatine condensée et un grand développement du réticulum endoplasmique granulaire. L'importance de cette découverte apparaît accentuée en relation avec l'évolution du système immunitaire.

Development of the retina of the ammocoete begins early in embryogenesis, with the formation of the optic vesicle, but development of the rudimentary eye is suspended and remains arrested during larval life. Prior to the onset of metamorphosis, the retina of the ammocoete is completely undifferentiated, with the exception of a small area (Zone II) surrounding the optic nerve head, where all of the adult retinal layers are found. The photoreceptors in this area have developed to include synaptic contacts as well as inner and outer segments. The pigment epithelium in this area, too, has differentiated to include well-formed melanin granules, myeloid bodies and endoplasmic reticulum and is closely associated with the receptor cell outer segments. With the approach of metamorphosis, differentiation of the remainder of the retina (Zone I) begins, taking place in a radial fashion from the optic nerve head. Differentiating pigment epithelial cells adjacent to the differentiated retinal zone begin to accumulate melanin granules. In the neural retina, junctional complexes are established in the form of an external limiting membrane, and connecting cilia project into the optic ventricle. Photoreceptor differentiation begins with the formation of a mitochondria-filled ellipsoid within the inner segment. Development and differentiation of the ammocoete retina is unique to vertebrates in that only a small area of differentiated retina is present during the larval stage. The remainder of the retina differentiates and becomes functional during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

An examination has been made of the length frequency distribution of ammocoetes of the Sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. collected during April, July, August and October. A comparison of the frequency distributions for the individual collections and a study of gonadal development within certain length ranges suggests that the duration of the larval period cannot be less than five years.  相似文献   

Visual pigment genes have been isolated from a marine lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. We report here the rhodopsin gene, spanning 21.2 kb from start to stop codons, making it the longest opsin gene known in vertebrates. Southern analysis suggests that the lamprey genome contains a single rhodopsin gene. The amino acid (aa) sequence deduced from this gene has 92% sequence similarity with that of the river lamprey rhodopsin. The data reveal that aa substitutions occurred more often in the transmembrane region than in the non-transmembrane region, possibly reflecting functional adaptation of the rhodopsin during the last 500 million years of the jawless fish evolution.  相似文献   

The blood hemoglobin of the sea lamprey presents a curious mixture of primitive and highly specialized properties. Like muscle hemoglobin, it has a molecular weight of about 17,000, and apparently contains a single heme. Its isoelectric point is like that of a typical invertebrate hemoglobin. Its amino acid composition is partly characteristic of invertebrate) partly of vertebrate hemoglobins (Pedersen; Roche and Fontaine). In the present experiments, the oxygen equilibrium curve of this pigment was measured at several pH's. As expected, it is a rectangular hyperbola, the first such function to be observed in a vertebrate blood hemoglobin. Other hemoglobins known to possess this type of oxygen dissociation curve—those of vertebrate muscle, the worm Nippostrongylus, and the bot-fly larva—appear to serve primarily the function of oxygen storage rather than transport. Lamprey hemoglobin on the contrary is an efficient oxygen-transporting agent. It achieves this status by having, unlike muscle hemoglobin, a relatively low oxygen affinity, and a very large Bohr effect. In these properties it rivals the most effective vertebrate blood hemoglobins.  相似文献   

A molecular model for the protein and ambient solvent of the complex of cyanide with methemoglobin V from the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus yields an R-factor of 0.142 against X-ray diffraction data to 2.0 A resolution. The root-mean-square discrepancies from ideal bond length and angle are, respectively, 0.014 A and 1.5 degrees. Atoms that belong to planar groups deviate by 0.012 A from planes determined by a least-squares procedure. The average standard deviation for chiral volumes, peptide torsion angle and torsion angles of side-chains are 0.150 A3, 2.0 degrees and 19.4 degrees, respectively. The root-mean-square variation in the thermal parameters of bonded atoms of the polypeptide backbone is 1.21 A2; the variation in thermal parameters for side-chain atoms is 2.13 A2. The model includes multiple conformations for 11 side-chains of the 149 amino acid residues of the protein. We identify 231 locations as sites of water molecules in full or partial occupancy. The sum of occupancy factors for these sites is approximately 154, representing 28% of the 550 molecules of water within the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The environment of the heme in the cyanide complex of lamprey methemoglobin resembles the deoxy state of the mammalian tetramer. In particular, the bond between atom NE2 of the proximal histidine and the Fe lies 5.1 degrees from the normal of the heme plane. In deoxy- and carbonmonoxyhemoglobins, the deviations from the normal to the heme plane are 7 to 8 degrees and 1 degree, respectively. Furthermore, the inequality in the distance of atom CD2 of the proximal histidine from the pyrrole nitrogen of ring-C of the heme (distance = 3.29 A) and CE1 from the pyrrole nitrogen of ring-A (distance = 3.06 A) is characteristic of deoxyhemoglobin, not carbonmonoxyhemoglobin, where these distances are equal. Finally, a hydrogen bond exists between carbonyl 111 and the hydroxyl of tyrosine 149. The corresponding hydrogen link in the mammalian tetramer is central to the T to R state transition and is present in deoxyhemoglobin but absent in carbonmonoxyhemoglobin. We suggest that the low affinity of oxygen for lamprey hemoglobin may be a consequence of these T-state geometries.  相似文献   

The sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus is among the most primitive of extant vertebrates. We are interested in the organization of its Hox gene clusters, because, as a close relative of the gnathostomes, this information would help to infer Hox cluster organization at the base of the gnathostome radiation. We have partially mapped the P. marinus Hox clusters using phage, cosmid, and P1 artificial chromosome libraries. Complete homeobox sequences were obtained for the 22 Hox genes recovered in the genomic library screens and analyzed for cognate group identity. We estimate that the clusters are somewhat larger than those of mammals (roughly 140 kbp vs. 105 kbp) but much smaller than the single Hox cluster of the cephalochordate amphioxus (at more than 260 kb). We never obtained more than three genes from any single cognate group from the genomic library screens, although it is unlikely that our screen was exhaustive, and therefore conclude that P. marinus has a total of either three or four Hox clusters. We also identify four highly conserved non-coding sequence motifs shared with higher vertebrates in a genomic comparison of Hox 10 genes.  相似文献   

Induction of androgenesis and gynogenesis by applying a pressure (PS) or heat shock (HS) to double the haploid chromosomal set results in progenies possessing only chromosomes from a single parent. This has never been accomplished in representatives of Agnatha. The objective of this study was to induce gynogenesis and androgenesis in sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. For gynogenesis experiments, ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated sperm was used to activate sea lamprey eggs and HS or PS were applied to inhibit the second meiotic division and consequently induce diploidy in the embryos. The UV irradiation of immobilized sperm was performed for 1 min at 1,719 J m(-2). HS of 35+/-1 degrees C for 2 min and PS of 9,000 psi for 4 min were applied at different times after egg activation (8, 12, 20, and 24 min or 8, 16, and 24 min for HS or PS, respectively). Regardless of the induction time of the HS, survivals at pre-hatching stage were similar. In contrast, PS applied 8 min after activation appears to increase survival rate of pre-hatched embryos in comparison to 16 and 24 min after activation. In control groups, without shock treatment (no diploidization), there were no survivors. All deformed, gynogenetic embryos were confirmed to be haploids and died prior to burying themselves in the sand. We confirmed by flow cytometry that progenies produced using both shock methods surviving to the next stage, burying in the substrate, were diploid gynogenetic. For the androgenesis experiments, UV-irradiated eggs (1,719 J m(-2) for 1 min) were fertilized with non-treated sperm and HS was applied to restore diploidy of the eggs. Several attempts have been made to optimize the parameters used. HS of 35+/-1 degrees C was applied 110, 140, 170, 200, and 230 min after activation for 2 min. Low yields of androgens were obtained and all animals died within a week after hatching. These techniques will allow to establish meiotic gynogenetic lines of sea lamprey for determining sex differentiation in this species and to analyze its hormonal and environmental regulation.  相似文献   

In the muscles of the frog, four main molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase are present, with sedimentation coefficients of 5.7, 10.4, 13 and 17.6 S. The heaviest forms, 13 S and 17.6 S are found in both nerve-free segments and endplates zones of sartorius muscle. They decrease in long-term denervation experiments. Consequently, these two forms are not specifically localized in endplates containing regions. However, they depend either on muscle activity or on neural influence or both.  相似文献   

Synopsis Energy expended in migration and reproduction was determined from measurements of caloric concentration and body and gonodal weight for nontrophic sea lampreys collected from different sites along the St. John River, New Brunswick. The estimated cost of locomotion in swimming the 140 km which separates the estuary from the spawning redds was 300 and 260 kcal for males and females respectively. Acutal distance which lampreys swam as well as mean swimming speed were estimated from a linear regression equation relating energy expenditure for locomotion and body weight. Energy expenditure for breeding was considerably greater than that catabolized throughout the upstream migration.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes of the adult Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus contain several haemoglobin species, but only the main constituent has hitherto been sequenced. The present paper describes the determination of the primary structures of the two minor species, whose electrophoretic mobilities are higher and lower than that of the main component. Tryptic peptides from both chains were purified by high-performance liquid chromatography, then sequenced and aligned by homology with the main haemoglobin. The fast and the major components appeared to be very similar, differing in only four positions (pos. 5: Ser----Thr; pos. 33: Thr----Ser; pos. 86: Val----Ala; pos. 99: Gly----Arg). The slow haemoglobin component, however, differed from the main component with respect to 27 amino-acid residues. The position of the three globins of Petromyzon marinus in the phylogenetic tree of haemoglobins is discussed and a relationship with primitive alpha-chains is postulated.  相似文献   

The role of the C24 sulphate in the mating pheromone component, 7α,12α,24-trihydroxy-5α-cholan-3-one 24-sulphate (3kPZS), to specifically induce upstream movement in ovulated female sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus was investigated. 7α,12α-dihydroxy-5α-cholan-3-one 24-oic acid (3kACA), a structurally similar bile acid released by spermiated males, but lacking the C24 sulphate ester, was tested in bioassays at concentrations between 10(-11) and 10(-14) molar (M). 3kACA did not induce upstream movement in females or additional reproductive behaviours. In contrast, spermiated male washings induced upstream movement, prolonged retention on a nest and induced an array of nesting behaviours. Differential extraction and elution by solid-phase extraction resins showed that components other than 3kPZS + 3kACA are necessary to retain females on nests and induce nest cleaning behaviours. All pheromone components, including components in addition to 3kPZS + 3kACA that retain females and induce nest cleaning behaviours were released from the anterior region of the males, as had been reported for 3kPZS. It is concluded that the sea lamprey male mating pheromone has multiple functions and is composed of multiple components.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the multiple functions of a complex biological structure, the morphology of the pharynx of the larva (ammocoete) of the lamprey Petromyzon marinus was investigated with scanning electron microscopy and histochemistry (PAS and Alcian blue). Features studied include the gills, the parabranchial chambers external to the gills, intrapharyngeal ciliary tracts, the ridged pharyngeal roof, the floor, and the intrapharyngeal taste buds. Significant findings are: (1) All (nonciliated) cells lining these structures are covered with microvilli or microridges. The pattern and packing density of these membrane features vary among different pharyngeal structures. The lumenar membranes of pharyngeal lining cells overlie a mucous prosecretion in the apical cytoplasm, suggesting that the microvilli/ridges on these membranes function to anchor mucus. (2) Patterns of microvilli/ridges on the gill respiratory lamellae differ among ammocoetes of different species. (3) Pharyngeal osmo-regulatory cells (“chloride cells”) could not be identified on the basis of the microvillus/ridge pattern. (4) Two types of ciliary tracts are present within the pharynx. One has tall (x = 13 μm) and densely packed cilia, whereas the other has shorter (x = 7 μm) and less densely packed ones. Because mucus covers both types of tracts their function appears to involve the transport of mucus. (5) Food particles were found on the lateral surfaces of the gill filaments and on the surfaces of the parabranchial chambers. It appears that goblet cells in the epithelia of these regions secrete mucus in which the particles are trapped.  相似文献   

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