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鸢尾(Iris L.)叶片取向与其光合特性及光抑制的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过气体交换、叶绿素荧光、反射光谱等方法,研究了鸢尾叶片取向对植株光合特性及光抑制的影响.自然状态下,鸢尾的叶片不同取向影响植株对光能的截获;叶片净光合速率Pn与光合有效辐射PAR呈极显著相关;东西取向叶片的Pn要大于南北取向.南北取向的植株中叶片叶绿素(Chl a和Chl b),类胡萝卜素(Car)含量略高于东西取向.日进程中,各取向的叶片在一天中均没有发生明显的光抑制.相对于东西取向的植株,南北取向植株发生了明显的倾斜;在两种取向的植株中,叶片东侧和南侧的光化学反射指数(PRI)下调幅度较大;PRI的变化量(△PRI)大小依次为:东侧>南侧>西侧>北侧.鸢尾植株取向改变了叶片倾斜角度,两者共同导致光能截获减小;同时,叶片光能利用效率下调和叶黄素循环增强,这可能是不同取向植株均未发生严重光抑制的原因.  相似文献   

The tropical rainforest mesocosm within the Biosphere 2 Laboratory, a model system of some 110 species developed over 12 years under controlled environmental conditions, has been subjected to a series of comparable drought experiments during 2000–2002. In each study, the mesocosm was subjected to a 4–6 week drought, with well‐defined rainfall events before and after the treatment. Ecosystem CO2 uptake rate (Aeco) declined 32% in response to the drought, with changes occurring within days and being reversible within weeks, even though the deeper soil layers did not become significantly drier and leaf‐level water status of most large trees was not greatly affected. The reduced Aeco during the drought reflected both morphological and physiological responses. It is estimated that the drought‐induced 32% reduction of Aeco has three principal components: (1) leaf fall increased two‐fold whereas leaf expansion growth of some canopy dominants declined to 60%, leading to a 10% decrease in foliage coverage of the canopy. This might be the main reason for the persistent reduction of Aeco after rewatering. (2) The maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate at high light intensities in remaining leaves was reduced to 71% for three of the four species measured, even though no chronic photo‐inhibition occurred. (3) Stomata closed, leading to a reduced ecosystem water conductance to water vapour (33% of pre‐drought values), which not only reduced ecosystem carbon uptake rate, but may also have implications for water and energy budgets of tropical ecosystems. Additionally, individual rainforest trees responded differently, expressing different levels of stress and stress avoiding mechanisms. This functional diversity renders the individual response heterogeneous and has fundamental implications to scale leaf level responses to ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

A model of leaf photosynthesis of C3, plants has been developed to describe their nitrogen economy. In this model, photosynthetic proteins are categorized into five groups depending on their functions. The effects of investment of nitrogen in each of these groups on the maximal rate of photosynthesis and/or the initial slope of the light-response curve are described as simple equations. Using this model, the optimal pattern of nitrogen partitioning which maximizes the daily rate of CO2 exchange is estimated for various light environments and leaf nitrogen contents. When the leaf nitrogen content is fixed, the amount of nitrogen allocated to Calvin cycle enzymes and electron carriers increases with increasing irradiance, while that allocated to chlorophyll-protein complexes increases with decreasing irradiance. For chlorophyll-proteins of photosystem II, the amount of light-harvesting complex II relative to that of the core complex increases with decreasing irradiance. At any irradiance, partitioning into ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase increases with increasing leaf nitrogen content Taking the total leaf nitrogen content and the daily CO2 exchange rate as ‘cost’ and ‘benefit’, respectively, the optimal amount and partitioning of nitrogen are examined for various conditions of light environment and nitrogen availability. The leaf nitrogen content that maximizes the rate of daily carbon fixation increases with increasing growth irradiance. It is also predicted that, at low nitrogen availabilities, low leaf nitrogen contents are advantageous in terms, of nitrogen use efficiency. These trends predicted by the present model are largely consistent with those reported for actual plants. The differences in the total amount of leaf nitrogen and in the organization of photosynthetic components that have been reported for plants from different environments would therefore be of adaptive significance, because such differences can contribute to realization of efficient photosynthesis. These results are fürther discussed in an ecological context.  相似文献   

为寻求最佳有机肥无机肥配施方式,以山西农业大学培育的山农9801为供试材料,在山西农业大学试验田进行了低氮(270 kg·hm^(-2))、高氮(360 kg·hm^(-2))2个施氮量下无机肥及有机肥各为37 500 kg·hm^(-2)、75 000kg·hm^(-2)4个有机肥无机肥配施共6个处理的田间试验,研究一定量氮肥下不同混施量的有机肥料与无机肥料对小麦群体叶面积指数、群体结构、叶绿素含量及光合特性的影响。结果表明:高氮情况下,有机肥为75 000 kg·hm^(-2)的处理组的叶面积指数值最高;低氮情况下,有机肥为75 000 kg·hm^(-2)的处理组的群体结构表现最为合理;高氮情况下,有机肥为75 000 kg·hm^(-2)的处理组的旗叶叶绿素含量和旗叶净光合速率最高,综上得出高氮情况下,有机肥75 000 kg·hm^(-2)、无机肥228.3 kg·hm^(-2)处理组(F组)为最佳试验组。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response of higher plants to CO2 concentration in the controlled ecological life support system (CELSS) was investigated using a closed artificial ecosystem. As the representative cultivar, five batches of lettuce were cultivated in a staged mode to eliminate the influence of other biological and technical factors. Carbon dioxide was supplied by the routine respiration of researchers. A mixed effects model was established to describe the photosynthesis of lettuce crops. The fixed and random effects of parameters were estimated based on the selected data sets. The model adequacy was evaluated by the statistical analyses. The frequency histograms of the random effects were regressed using the probability density equations. The distribution of photosynthetic rate at each point of CO2 concentration on the random effects was obtained. The predictions of the model compared favorably with the experimental measurements. The model was sufficient to describe the photosynthetic property of the lettuce crops. The method discussed in this paper could be extended to investigate the mixed effects of other environmental conditions on the photosynthesis of higher plants.  相似文献   

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