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Biodiversity and Conservation - Sacred natural sites (SNS) have gained recognition from conservationists, and are regarded as the oldest form of habitat protection in human history. Many case...  相似文献   

《PLoS biology》2021,19(10)
The widely held assumption that any important scientific information would be available in English underlies the underuse of non-English-language science across disciplines. However, non-English-language science is expected to bring unique and valuable scientific information, especially in disciplines where the evidence is patchy, and for emergent issues where synthesising available evidence is an urgent challenge. Yet such contribution of non-English-language science to scientific communities and the application of science is rarely quantified. Here, we show that non-English-language studies provide crucial evidence for informing global biodiversity conservation. By screening 419,679 peer-reviewed papers in 16 languages, we identified 1,234 non-English-language studies providing evidence on the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation interventions, compared to 4,412 English-language studies identified with the same criteria. Relevant non-English-language studies are being published at an increasing rate in 6 out of the 12 languages where there were a sufficient number of relevant studies. Incorporating non-English-language studies can expand the geographical coverage (i.e., the number of 2° × 2° grid cells with relevant studies) of English-language evidence by 12% to 25%, especially in biodiverse regions, and taxonomic coverage (i.e., the number of species covered by the relevant studies) by 5% to 32%, although they do tend to be based on less robust study designs. Our results show that synthesising non-English-language studies is key to overcoming the widespread lack of local, context-dependent evidence and facilitating evidence-based conservation globally. We urge wider disciplines to rigorously reassess the untapped potential of non-English-language science in informing decisions to address other global challenges.Please see the Supporting information files for Alternative Language Abstracts.

A survey of 419,680 peer-reviewed papers in 16 languages reveals that non-English-language studies can expand geographical (by 12-25%) and taxonomic (by 5-32%) coverage of English-language evidence on the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation interventions, especially in biodiverse regions.  相似文献   

The Cerrado is one of the most threatened biomes in Brazil, with little spatial representation within the Protected Area network. Recently, proposed conservation plans worldwide have advocated for the use of multiple biodiversity facets to protect unique evolutionary and functional processes. Our aim was to identify areas with high biodiversity representativeness applying this multifaceted perspective, and propose conservation plans based on the joint analysis of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity. We used a database of the Brazilian National Program for Research in Biodiversity, which employs a standard protocol for sampling tadpoles. The Cerrado database includes samples from 165 water bodies spread over 15 localities, covering most of the Central Brazilian Cerrado. We selected four morphological traits to calculate functional diversity and used a dated phylogeny available in the literature to compute phylogenetic diversity. Our approach selected five priority areas for conservation, one of which is already protected. Our results highlighted the importance of four new areas which show high values of diversity, including original lineages and traits, and urgently need conservation prioritization. Furthermore, unlike the current protected network, our approach performs significantly better than random at protecting sites with high phylogenetic and functional diversity. We therefore discuss how the multifaceted indices considered can help protect key ecosystem functions and evolutionary legacy in anuran communities of the Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

The use of DNA analysis in forensic investigations into animal persecution and biodiversity conservation is now commonplace and crimes such as illegal collection/smuggling, poaching, and illegal trade of protected species are increasingly being investigated using DNA based evidence in many countries. Using DNA analysis, it is possible to identify the species and geographical origin (i.e. population) of a forensic sample, and to also individualise the sample with high levels of probability. Despite extensive literature in animal species, there is unfortunately a serious lack of information on plant species, with only a handful of recent studies. In this review, I detail the applications and diverse forensic investigations that have been carried out to date whilst also highlighting recent developmental studies which offer forensic potential for many species in the future.  相似文献   

It is widely held that existing reserve systems are inadequate in representing the diversity of biological features of the regions in which they reside. Evidence for this argument has, however, derived principally from analyses of the efficiency of networks when compared with a minimum set that represents each species at least once. Here, we examine the efficiency of the system of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in representing wetland plants in fen sites in the Scottish Borders, a region where reserve networks might be expected a priori to perform reasonably well in this regard. The results support the general contention that networks have been designated in an inefficient manner. However, examined in terms of effectiveness (measured as the gap between the representation target required and the one attained by the existing network), the SSSI system is actually a rather good way of representing diversity. This result is consistent when each of several very different representation targets is evaluated, and suggests that a more balanced approach to evaluating the performance of reserve networks should be employed, and that general statements based on existing analyses should be treated cautiously.  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) are a cornerstone of conservation efforts and now cover nearly 13% of the world's land surface, with the world's governments committed to expand this to 17%. However, as biodiversity continues to decline, the effectiveness of PAs in reducing the extinction risk of species remains largely untested. We analyzed PA coverage and trends in species' extinction risk at globally significant sites for conserving birds (10,993 Important Bird Areas, IBAs) and highly threatened vertebrates and conifers (588 Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, AZEs) (referred to collectively hereafter as 'important sites'). Species occurring in important sites with greater PA coverage experienced smaller increases in extinction risk over recent decades: the increase was half as large for bird species with>50% of the IBAs at which they occur completely covered by PAs, and a third lower for birds, mammals and amphibians restricted to protected AZEs (compared with unprotected or partially protected sites). Globally, half of the important sites for biodiversity conservation remain unprotected (49% of IBAs, 51% of AZEs). While PA coverage of important sites has increased over time, the proportion of PA area covering important sites, as opposed to less important land, has declined (by 0.45-1.14% annually since 1950 for IBAs and 0.79-1.49% annually for AZEs). Thus, while appropriately located PAs may slow the rate at which species are driven towards extinction, recent PA network expansion has under-represented important sites. We conclude that better targeted expansion of PA networks would help to improve biodiversity trends.  相似文献   

Freshwater finfish biodiversity and conservation: an asian perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspects on biodiversity and conservation of the ichthyofauna in the Asian region, in comparison to that of Africa, Europe and North America have been relatively less documented. This paper attempts to evaluate the above aspects in the East, and South and Southeast Asia based on available information in the literature. The familial diversity in inland waters in Asia (121 families) is considerably higher than in African and Latin American. Also, the finfish faunal diversity of 21 major river basins in East, and South and Southeast Asian indicate that species diversity is not necessarily related to familial diversity. The fish fauna in the region considered presently is highly diverse with an estimated cumulative total of 7447 species. Amongst the freshwater fishes the dominant groups are cyprinids (Cyprinidae, about 1000 species), loaches (about 400 species) of the families Balitoridae and Cobitiidae, gobids (Gobiidae, 300 species), catfishes (Bagridae, about 100 species), and the Osphronemidae (85 species). In the region, 462 freshwater finfish species are reckoned to be threatened, accounting for 17.5% of the all finfish species in this status in the world. In the region there are 66 species that are critically endangered and/or endangered, of which 32 are cyprinids, 14 of which are endemic to Lake Lanao, Mindano Island, Philippines. The diversity of freshwater fish species in the region was significantly related to the land area of the different countries in the following manner:
. In addition, the fish species diversity in the major river basins of the region was also found to be positively related to the basin area:
. Based on above relationship, the predicted fish species richness did not necessarily correlate to river basin size, and rivers with small basins were shown to have high indices. The paper also attempts to evaluate the reasons affecting fish species diversity in the region and suggests mitigating measures.  相似文献   

The access to new molecular markers is not always possible for all researchers, due to limited laboratory and economical resources. A new technique, called AFLP, seems to be a simple and robust method to obtain a large number of variable molecular markers. In this article I show the results of AFLP analysis in three different conservation projects requiring different level of genetic variability. I also compare the multi-locus AFLP results with single-locus markers (microsatellites) and haploid organellar marker (mtDNA) sequences. The results suggest that the AFLP technique could be very useful in a wide range of conservation studies.  相似文献   

Limited by the availability of data, conservation planners must use surrogates for biodiversity when selecting conservation areas. Although several methods have been proposed for selecting surrogates, no clear set of species attributes have been described that allow for the efficient a priori selection of surrogate groups. We used a database of 1449 species in two regions of the United States to (1) examine the consistency in the performance of simple taxonomic-based surrogates of biodiversity and (2) test five hypotheses proposed to explain surrogate performance. First, we compared the ability of sites selected to protect members of seven surrogate groups to protect non-surrogate species in the north-western United States and in the Middle-Atlantic region of the eastern United States. Then, in a separate analysis, we tested whether surrogate performance could be explained by (1) taxonomic diversity; (2) nested species distributions; (3) hotspots of biodiversity; (4) species range sizes; (5) environmental diversity. Our first analysis revealed little consistency in the performance of surrogates in the two different study regions. For example, butterflies provided protection for 76% of all other species in the north-western United States but only 56% of all other species in the eastern United States. Our second analysis revealed only weak associations between species characteristics and surrogate performance. Furthermore, these associations proved inadequate for selecting successful surrogates across study regions. Overall, our results suggest that in lieu of searching for optimal surrogate groups, research efforts will be better spent by developing alternative methods for assessing conservation value in areas where data on species distributions are limited.  相似文献   

河岸是河流与陆地之间重要的生态界面,生物多样性丰富,但受到人为活动的严重威胁。无脊椎动物在河岸生物多样性中占有重要地位,发挥着非常重要的生态功能,也是水生生态系统和陆地生态系统之间物质和能量联系的重要纽带。尽管已有很多学者对河岸无脊椎动物群落进行了研究,但缺乏对河岸无脊椎动物多样性维持机制的总结。本文结合洪水和干旱、营养物质、微生境多样性、河岸植被、微气候梯度、食物资源以及河流空间梯度等影响因素,初步讨论和归纳了河岸无脊椎动物多样性的维持机制。周期性洪水和干旱引发了无脊椎动物的繁殖和迁移等行为,增加了河岸无脊椎动物群落周转率,为无脊椎动物创造了理想的条件。充足的营养物质使河岸具有较高的初级生产力,支撑了较高的无脊椎动物多样性。较高的微生境多样性为无脊椎动物提供了多样的生态位空间,孕育了特殊的河岸无脊椎动物种类。复杂的河岸植物群落不但是河岸无脊椎动物的食物来源之一,也为河岸无脊椎动物提供了多样的生态位空间和重要的避难场所。微气候环境的空间分异提供了复杂多样的生境条件,为水生无脊椎动物和陆生无脊椎动物种类在河岸共存创造了条件。跨越界面的资源补给增加了河岸无脊椎动物的食物可利用率,为河岸无脊椎动物提供了特殊的食物来源。这些因素在空间上呈现出明显的纵向梯度和侧向梯度,从更大尺度上为河岸无脊椎动物的多样化提供了条件。因此,探讨河岸无脊椎动物多样性的维持机制对于河岸生物多样性保护以及河流生态系统综合管理具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Despite the global network of protected areas covers 12% of the world's land surface, its performance is still unsatisfactory. Although political and scientifically sound conservation targets usually portray different pictures of the task ahead, we show that in terms of priority areas for expanding the global network of reserves, there is much agreement between the political targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the scientifically derived goals endorsed by international conservation organizations. Here we analyse four global databases to identify priority areas for fulfilling the CBD target of representing 10% of every ecological region within protected areas, and compare the distribution of priority regions for fulfilling that political target, with the distribution of the priority areas for global biodiversity conservation identified by Conservation International, the WWF, and the Wildlife Conservation Society on scientific basis. For 63% (549) of the world's terrestrial ecoregions the CBD 10% target is still not met; fulfilling it requires protecting another 4.6% of the Earth's land surface (6,239,894 km2). Yet, at least 78% of the priority regions for fulfilling that target lay within priority regions for the main global conservation strategies. By pursuing the political target set by the CBD much ancillary gains in terms of other global conservation objectives can be obtained.  相似文献   

<正>环境问题迫切需要开展未来学研究,许多过去看来是边际的问题已经成为政府议事日程中主要的问题,例如全球变化、恐怖主义等,能源、食物和水资源安全以及由于生物多样性丧失而导致的生态系统服务功能丧失很快将成为下一批类似的问题(Sutherland et al.,2009)。针对英国制定未来保护政策和环境问题决策的迫切需要,剑桥大学保护生物学教授Sutherland等(2008)提出了对环境与生  相似文献   

A brief summary of the principal notions of the quantum-mechanical theory of the charge transfer reactions has been presented. In the framework of this theory, the mechanism of the proton transfer consists in the classical medium reorganization that equalizes the proton energy levels in the initial and final states, and a consequent proton transfer via a quantum-mechanical underbarrier transition. On the basis of this mechanism, factors influencing the proton transfer probability, and hence kinetic isotope effect, have been discussed; among them are the optimum tunneling distance, the involvement of the excited vibrational states, etc. Semi-classical and quantum-mechanical treatments of the Swain-Schaad relations have been compared. Some applications to enzymatic proton-transfer reactions have been described.  相似文献   

The severely threatened Chinese flora urgently needs a new, well adapted to China and properly formulated conservation strategy. The present review provides a detailed conservation methodology that complements previously described guidelines for preservation of plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) in China. This review adds to the above concept in several aspects, making it relevant to all threatened Chinese plant species. The proposed integral conservation strategy has the following crucial components: -ecoregional basis for conservation planning and implementation; -a unified scoring system that is used in regional systematic planning for reserve design, monitoring and assessment of efficiency of a reserve network, and creation of seed banks and living collections; -a focus on population demography and the presence of naturally occurring regeneration as the key criteria for defining the conservation status of a species and the appropriate major focus of the species recovery plan; -creation of multi-species living collections that preserve species genetic variation and provide material for in situ actions; -experimental translocation of threatened species into multiple locations within and outside their known range. Adopting and implementing these strategies successfully and more fully in China requires that the country changes PA legislation and improves PA management, the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) re-prioritizes the type of research that receives research funds, and local scientists improve their approach toward information sharing.  相似文献   

Riverine biodiversity in Asia: a challenge for conservation biology   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

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