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Motility of Plasmodium berghei ookinetes, which developed in primary and established cell line cultures obtained from Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, was studied by using still photomicrographs and normal speed cinephotomicrography. At 18–72 hr after inoculation of P. berghei infected blood from hamsters or mice, motile ookinetes were seen in both mosquito cell cultures; the most active specimens were observed at 24–30 hr. Ookinetes underwent a sporadic forward gliding movement, during which a variable degree of rotation of the body upon its longitudinal axis usually occurred. Some specimens rotated repeatedly upon their axes without any forward progression. The direction of the gliding movement always coincided with the curvature of the ookinete body. In those specimens in which no rotation of the body occurred, a circular course resulted. Ookinetes covered a distance of as much as 50 μm during a single gliding movement. A few ookinetes undergoing locomotion appeared to leave a path or trail on the substrate. Occasionally, an ookinete penetrated a red cell with its slender anterior projection, resulting in lysis of the cell. After red cells had been penetrated by ookinetes, the parasites already within these cells fused with each other to form larger spheroidal bodies. Penetration of cultured cells was not observed.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that gnotobiotic Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes were less susceptible to infection with Plasmodium berghei than xenobiotic ones (Munderloh and Kurtti, 1985). Groups of 100 to 200 mosquitoes were fed on infected hamsters, heparinized gametocytemic blood (via a membrane feeder), and in vitro-formed ookinetes suspended in blood (membrane feeder). Xenobiotic A. stephensi were readily infected by all 3 routes. Gnotobiotic mosquitoes consistently acquired infection after engorging on hamsters (average level of infected females in 8 experiments: 54.1%), but the parasite yield was low (average number of oocysts per infected female: 21.6). In 7 experiments where gnotobiotic A. stephensi were membrane-fed infected hamster blood, an average of only 8.8% of the females became infected, harboring a mean of 2.4 oocysts, and in 7 additional cases no infection was achieved. This pattern was reversed when gnotobiotic A. stephensi were fed ookinetes. A larger proportion of them became infected (mean level of infection in 8 experiments: 76.2%) and they acquired a higher mean number of oocysts per female (94.4) than did xenobiotic mosquitoes. Thus, gnotobiotic A. stephensi are as able as xenobiotic ones to support the sporogonic development of P. berghei, but are less able to support ookinete development.  相似文献   

The Anopheles pseudopunctipennis nitric oxide synthase gene (ApNOS) was identified and its partial sequence showed high homology with NOS from A. stephensi, A. gambiae (putative sequence), and Drosophila melanogaster. ApNOS was mainly expressed in male and female adult mosquitoes and was induced by a blood meal. Nitric oxide (NO) was produced by in vitro-cultured mosquito midguts inoculated by enema with Plasmodium berghei ookinetes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Gram-positive bacteria (Micrococcus luteus), but not with Gram-negative bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli or Serratia marcescens). Dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) oxidation induced the generation of NO in midguts in vitro, and hydrogen peroxide generated during its oxidation induced ApNOS expression. P. berghei ookinetes exposed in vitro to L-DOPA and sodium nitroprusside (a NO generator) were killed. These observations demonstrate that reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates constitute a part of the cytotoxic arsenal employed by Anopheles mosquitoes against microbial pathogens and Plasmodium ookinetes.  相似文献   

Using a proteomic approach we identified polypeptides from Anopheles gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster protein extracts that selectively bind purified Plasmodium berghei ookinetes in vitro; these were two and three distinct polypeptides, respectively, with an apparent molecular weight of about 36 kDa. Combining two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF (matrix-associated laser desorption ionization time of flight) mass spectrometry we determined that the polypeptides correspond to isomorphs of the annexin B11 protein of the fruit fly. When protein extracts derived from A. gambiae and D. melanogaster tissue culture cells were further fractionated, the binding activity matching the annexin protein could be localized in the fraction derived from cell membranes in both diptera. Antibody staining showed that annexin also binds to ookinetes during the invasion of the mosquito midgut. Finally, inclusion of antiannexin antisera in a mosquito blood meal impaired parasite development, suggesting a facilitating role for annexins in the infection of the mosquito by Plasmodium.  相似文献   

The mosquito stage of Plasmodium berghei was cultivated in vitro, with special attention to ookinete transformation into early oocyst. The ookinetes were obtained by in vitro culture of gametocytes taken from infected mice, purified by density gradient of metrizoic acid or a lymphocyte separation medium, and incubated either in acellular culture or in co-cultivations with mosquito cells. In acellular culture, the ookinetes were found to aggregate with each other and transformed from banana to round shapes. Their inner pellicular membranes and subpellicular microtubules partially disappeared, indicating that development to early oocyst had occurred. Co-cultivation wtih Aedes albopictus cells (C6/36 clone) revealed that ookinetes transformed into early oocyst in the medium, or invaded the cells and then transformed to early oocysts within the cell cytoplasm as well. However all of these transformed cells failed to develop further, i.e., neither deposition of the oocyst capsule nor nuclear division was observed. Many ookinetes which failed to penetrate the Aedes cells were phagocytized within three days of culture. A significant difference between invaded and transformed oocysts and phagocytized ookinetes was seen in that the former lacked vacuole membrane. Co-cultivation with Toxorhynchites amboinensis cells (TRA-284-SFG clone) permitted transformation of ookinetes into early oocysts in the medium as in the acellular culture, but no ookinete invasion nor phagocytosis by the cell was observed.  相似文献   

Plasmodium berghei-infected blood from mice was inoculated into primary cell cultures (PCC) obtained from the mosquito Anopheles stephensi. Immature and mature ookinetes of Plasmodium berghei, which developed in these cultures were studied with the scanning electron microscope. Immature ookinetes had a bulbous-like structure at the posterior end and a slightly wrinkled surface. Mature ookinetes were smoother in appearance and somewhat longer than immature forms. Shallow spiraling waves were observed on the surface of some ookinetes, especially in the anterior half of the body. Such waves may be involved in ookinete locomotion. Penetration of cultured cells by ookinetes was not observed. Infected red cells, which were present in the inoculum, had small depressions on the red cell surface, whereas some uninfected red cells had accentuated concavities. Mouse blood cells adhered closely to PCC cells; some attached red cells were irregular in shape.  相似文献   

Hamsters blood infected with Plasmodium berghei was cultured in vitro for the development of ookinetes. The ookinetes were separated from blood components, suspended in various defined media and fed to Anopheles stephensi through a membrane. The development of the oocysts and infective sporozoites was recorded. Mosquitoes infected with ookinetes suspended in L15 formulated into L15-B, L15-D (a medium specially modified for this purpose), IPL-41 or 199 media with no proteins added, developed at least as many oocysts as the control mosquitoes fed ookinetes suspended in blood. Ookinetes suspended in the L15-B medium yielded more oocysts than after feeding ookinetes suspended in L15-B with 5% casein. Sporozoites from mosquitoes maintained on blood, L15-B, L15-D, or L15-B with 5% casein were shown to be infective to hamsters. Mosquitoes fed ookinetes suspended in sucrose solutions showed very few oocysts, but the yield was increased when a blood meal was given 2-4 days after the infective meal. Some of the oocysts which had developed from the ookinetes suspended in artificial media were found to have degenerated. The described system could be potentially useful for a study of the interaction between the vector physiology and the parasite. The possible use of the system to learn which media should be developed in the future for in vitro cultivation of oocysts is discussed.  相似文献   

Avian and rodent malaria sporozoites selectively invade different vertebrate cell types, namely macrophages and hepatocytes, and develop in distantly related vector species. To investigate the role of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein in determining parasite survival in different vector species and vertebrate host cell types, we replaced the endogenous CS protein gene of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei with that of the avian parasite P. gallinaceum and control rodent parasite P. yoelii. In anopheline mosquitoes, P. berghei parasites carrying P. gallinaceum and rodent parasite P. yoelii CS protein gene developed into oocysts and sporozoites. Plasmodium gallinaceum CS expressing transgenic sporozoites, although motile, failed to invade mosquito salivary glands and to infect mice, which suggests that motility alone is not sufficient for invasion. Notably, a percentage of infected Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes showed melanotic encapsulation of late stage oocysts. This was not observed in control infections or in A. gambiae infections. These findings shed new light on the role of the CS protein in the interaction of the parasite with both the mosquito vector and the rodent host.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Large scale in vitro production of the mosquito stages of malaria parasites remains elusive, with only limited success for complete sporogonic development and only one report of development through to infective sporozoites. The initial step in this process is the production, in vitro, of ookinetes from gametocytaemic blood. Methods for isolation of these ookinetes from blood cells have been described; however, in addition to yield often being low, processing time and potential for contamination by erythrocytes remain high. METHODS: This study compares two procedures for retaining mature ookinetes from blood stage cultures, whilst removing red blood cells and other contaminants prior to further culture of the parasite. The well established method of isolation on Nycodenz cushions is compared with a novel method utilizing the innate magnetic properties of the haem pigment crystals found in the cytoplasm of ookinetes. RESULTS: Yield and viability of ookinetes were similar with both isolation methods. However, in our hands magnetic isolation produced a cleaner ookinete preparation much more quickly. Moreover, decreasing the flow rate through the magnetic column could further enhance the yield. CONCLUSION: We recommend the enrichment of an ookinete preparation prior to further culture being performed using the magnetic properties of Plasmodium berghei ookinetes as an alternative to their density. The former technique is faster, removes more erythrocytes, but day-to-day costs are greater.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission depends on the parasites' successful invasion of the mosquito. This is achieved by the ookinete, a motile zygote that forms in the blood bolus after the mosquito takes an infectious blood meal. The ookinete invades the midgut epithelium and strongly attaches to the basal lamina, differentiating into an oocyst that produces the vertebrate-invasive sporozoites. Despite their importance, the ookinete and the oocyst are the least studied stages of the parasite. Much of what we know about the ookinete comes from in vitro experiments, which are hindered by the concomitant contamination with blood cells and other parasite stages. Although methods to purify them exist, they vary in terms of yield, costs, and difficulty to perform. A method for ookinete purification taking advantage of their adhesive properties was herein developed. The method consists of covering any culture-suitable surface with extracellular matrix gel, after which the ookinete culture is incubated on the gel to allow for ookinete attachment. The contaminant cells are then simply washed away. This procedure results in purer and less stressed ookinete preparations, which, by the nature of the method, are ready for oocyst production. Furthermore, it allows for micro-purifications using only 1 μl of blood, opening the possibility to make axenic ookinete cultures without sacrificing mice  相似文献   

Considerable sectioning was required to demonstrate the mitochondrial cristae of pre-erythrocytic Plasmodium berghei in rat liver. The cristae vary from thin, budding tubules to dilated cisternae and most are obliquely and tangentially sectioned. These factors give the impression of an unusually small number of cristae. Numerous variations of fixation protocols failed to alter significantly the appearance of pre-erythrocytic parasite membranes. The data confirm previous suppositions that certain cytoplasmic bodies noted in pre-erythrocytic mammalian malarial parasites are indeed mitochondria. The term “acristate mitochondria” should be used with great caution in that it raises a serious semantic problem.  相似文献   

Sporozoites of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei have been grown in primary cultures of hepatocytes from Brown Norway rats. The ultrastructure of in vitro grown exoerythrocytic forms was compared with that of parasites in vivo. Peculiar vesicles, previously not described in vivo, were identified and their possible origin is discussed. Otherwise, the fine structure of the hepatocytic stages grown in vitro was shown to be grossly similar to those in vivo. Therefore, electron microscopy of cultured exoerythrocytic parasites will contribute to the understanding of the cell biology and drug sensitivity of this elusive stage.  相似文献   

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