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Western Asia provides the best collection of human skeletal remains relevant to the two basic models for the emergence of modern humans, namely the 'rapid replacement' and the 'regional continuity' models. Regardless of the taxonomies of particular hominids, their chronology is of crucial importance. Thermoluminescence (TL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) dates demonstrate that the Acheulo-Yabrudian and Mousterian entities and their associated fossils (Zuttiyeh, Tabun, Skhul, Qafzeh, Kebara, Shanidar, Amud) span the late Middle and Upper Pleistocene period. These new dates initiated major chronological revisions and renewed discussion of the cultural-archaeological implications. One of the most important conclusions is that the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition (or Revolution) 45-40 ka ago has nothing to do with the appearance of anatomically early modern humans in western Asia, which occurred some 100 ka ago or more. The Levant, the coastal region of the eastern Mediterranean, was both a corridor for movement of humans and animals as well as a refugium during climatically harsh periods. The mixture of morphological characteristics among the available Middle Palaeolithic human fossils is interpreted as reflecting the presence of immigrant and local populations. Archaeologically observable behavioural changes are taken as hints to the pre-adaptations of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic revolution. The archaeological record of western Asia can contribute significantly to explaining the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic revolution. This region was the core area where the 'Neolithic Revolution' took place. The shift to systematic cultivation and the domestication of animals occurred within a short time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previously uncommon human inflammatory disorders are emerging with alarming frequency, possibly triggered by environmental factors introduced through Westernization. This review highlights how Western diets heighten the inflammatory state promoting development of disease. Evidence that this can occur directly or indirectly through perturbations of host–microbe interactions are reviewed.  相似文献   

There are consistent individual differences in human intelligence, attributable to a single 'general intelligence' factor, g. The evolutionary basis of g and its links to social learning and culture remain controversial. Conflicting hypotheses regard primate cognition as divided into specialized, independently evolving modules versus a single general process. To assess how processes underlying culture relate to one another and other cognitive capacities, we compiled ecologically relevant cognitive measures from multiple domains, namely reported incidences of behavioural innovation, social learning, tool use, extractive foraging and tactical deception, in 62 primate species. All exhibited strong positive associations in principal component and factor analyses, after statistically controlling for multiple potential confounds. This highly correlated composite of cognitive traits suggests social, technical and ecological abilities have coevolved in primates, indicative of an across-species general intelligence that includes elements of cultural intelligence. Our composite species-level measure of general intelligence, 'primate g(S)', covaried with both brain volume and captive learning performance measures. Our findings question the independence of cognitive traits and do not support 'massive modularity' in primate cognition, nor an exclusively social model of primate intelligence. High general intelligence has independently evolved at least four times, with convergent evolution in capuchins, baboons, macaques and great apes.  相似文献   

Iconic representations (i.e., figurative imagery and realistic art) only started to appear consistently some 45,000 years ago, although humans have been anatomically modern since 200,000–160,000 years ago. What explains this? Some authors have suggested a neurocognitive change took place, leading to a creative explosion, although this has been contested. Here, we examine the hypothesis that demographic changes caused cultural “cumulative adaptive evolution” and as such the emergence of modern symbolic behavior. This approach usefully explains the evolution of utilitarian skills and tools, and the creation of symbols to identify groups. However, it does not equally effectively explain the evolution of behaviors that may not be directly adaptive, such as the production of iconic representations like figurines and rock art. In order to shed light on their emergence, we propose to combine the above-mentioned cultural hypothesis with the concept of sensory exploitation. The concept essentially states that behavioral traits (in this case iconic art production) which exploit pre-existing sensory sensitivities will evolve if not hindered by costs (i.e., natural selection). In this view, iconic art traditions are evolved by piggybacking on cumulative adaptive evolution. Since it is to date uncertain whether art has served any adaptive function in human evolution, parsimony demands paying more attention to the primary and afunctional mechanism of sensory exploitation as opposed to mechanisms of models based exclusively on secondary benefits (such as Miller’s, for instance, in which art is proposed to evolve as a sexual display of fitness).  相似文献   

The role of companion animals in the emergence of parasitic zoonoses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pets offer individuals and the community significant benefits, however cognisance must be taken of the potential for transmission of infectious agents from these animals to humans. The prevalence of many parasites, such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium, has increased over the past few decades while others, such as Toxocara and Ancylostoma, have decreased. These changes could be real, associated with the ready availability of efficacious anthelmintic products or could be artificial due to the type of surveys conducted, the animals surveyed and the diagnostic tests used. Immunocompromised people, in particular, must be aware of the potential risk of acquiring parasitic infections from their pets. However, with the adoption of good hygiene and a thorough knowledge of the transmission of these parasites, immunocompromised people should be able to continue to enjoy the significant benefits of pet ownership. As many owners are not aware of the zoonotic parasites that could be carried by their pets or their mode of transmission, it is concluded that veterinarians need to play a greater role in the education of their clients.  相似文献   

Pathogens that evolve resistance to drugs usually have reduced fitness. However, mutations that largely compensate for this reduction in fitness often arise. We investigate how these compensatory mutations affect population-wide resistance emergence as a function of drug treatment. Using a model of gonorrhea transmission dynamics, we obtain generally applicable, qualitative results that show how compensatory mutations lead to more likely and faster resistance emergence. We further show that resistance emergence depends on the level of drug use in a strongly nonlinear fashion. We also discuss what data need to be obtained to allow future quantitative predictions of resistance emergence.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of recent achievements in the field of surgery we have demonstrated convincingly that physiological studies in both humans and animal models are the keystone of modern surgery. Physiological studies of blood circulation, respiration, digestion and other functions have laid the foundations for major fields of surgery. Their role is the most evident in the development of cardiac surgery. Notably, one of the outstanding breakthroughs in the medical science of the 20th century--the extracorporeal blood circulation--was made by the Russian physiologist S. S. Bryukhovenko. We have shown that noninvasive diagnostic procedures such as echocardiography are of outmost significance on all stages of the surgical treatment (pre- and intraoperational diagnostics and medical rehabilitation). The great impact of physiology on the development of surgery has also led to the progress of related fields of medicine--anesthesiology, intensive care, functional diagnostics, transplantation, rehabilitation, and many others.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical studies indicate that exploitation is a possible driver of exploiter and victim diversification. However, there are many factors which could promote and limit this diversification process. Using a spatially explicit individual-based model, where an exploiter's success depends on matching between its own and a victim's continuous trait, we simulate local communities of victims and exploiters. We investigate how exploiter mobility (searching ability and movement strategies) can influence diversification of victims. We find that if victim traits are under intermediate intensity of stabilizing selection, disruptive selection exerted by exploiters can indeed lead to diversification in victim population and the victim trait distribution can split into two or more groups. Searching ability and movement strategy of exploiters (local vs. global movement) play a role in determining the number of victim trait groups emerging. Moreover, they affect the proportion of infected victims and the formation of spatial patterns in the victim trait distribution. In addition, with a high searching ability, exploiters with global movement drive victims to be more diverse than exploiters with local movement.  相似文献   

If social learning is more efficient than independent individual exploration, animals should learn vital cultural skills exclusively, and routine skills faster, through social learning, provided they actually use social learning preferentially. Animals with opportunities for social learning indeed do so. Moreover, more frequent opportunities for social learning should boost an individual's repertoire of learned skills. This prediction is confirmed by comparisons among wild great ape populations and by social deprivation and enculturation experiments. These findings shaped the cultural intelligence hypothesis, which complements the traditional benefit hypotheses for the evolution of intelligence by specifying the conditions in which these benefits can be reaped. The evolutionary version of the hypothesis argues that species with frequent opportunities for social learning should more readily respond to selection for a greater number of learned skills. Because improved social learning also improves asocial learning, the hypothesis predicts a positive interspecific correlation between social-learning performance and individual learning ability. Variation among primates supports this prediction. The hypothesis also predicts that more heavily cultural species should be more intelligent. Preliminary tests involving birds and mammals support this prediction too. The cultural intelligence hypothesis can also account for the unusual cognitive abilities of humans, as well as our unique mechanisms of skill transfer.  相似文献   

This article proposes that the genetic code was not fully formed before the divergence of life into three kingdoms. Rather, at least arginine and tryptophan evolved after the diversification of archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes, and were spread by horizontal gene transfer. Evidence for this hypothesis is based on data suggesting that enzymes for biosynthesis of arginine and tryptophan, and for arginine tRNA ligase, have shorter divergence times than the underlying lineages. Also, many of these genes display "star" phylogenies. This proposal is an extension of the idea that the genetic code was unified because of the evolutionary pressure from horizontal gene transfer. These considerations further undermine the need to postulate the existence of a "last common ancestor"; a simpler model would be that multiple lineages gave rise to life today.  相似文献   

1999年福建省龙岩市引进短低温型水蜜桃品种--“台湾甜桃”示范种植,表现速生、早产、丰产、稳产、适应性强,适宜龙岩地区中低海拔的城郊地带推广种植。生产上应采取择地建园、适期配方施肥、培养树体合理结构、高效低毒农药防治病虫、适时疏果等栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

邢松 《人类学学报》2022,41(6):1069-1082
近年来,新材料的发现、新测年结果的更新以及分子生物学的加入,刷新了关于现代人在各主要区域出现时间、在迁徙扩散中与古老人群的交流模式、晚更新世晚期现代人演化复杂场景等方面的认识。本文梳理了关于现代人出现和演化路径的主要化石证据和研究成果。目前化石证据显示:非洲准现代人的出现时间最早可到MIS 9阶段,非洲现代人在中更新世晚期到晚更新世化石证据连续;欧亚大陆现代人的出现时间可追溯到MIS 6阶段,在MIS 5a-MIS 4阶段经历“瓶颈期”,在MIS 3阶段开始广泛分布。从已有证据来看,MIS 3和MIS 2阶段,欧亚大陆不同区域的现代人演化链条并非单一线性,而是呈现有断点的“网状”演化模式。  相似文献   

Although the ‘universal’ genetic code is widespread among life-forms, a number of diverse lineages have evolved unique codon reassignments. The proteomes of these organisms and organelles must, by necessity, use the same codon assignments. Likewise, for an exogenous genetic element, such as an infecting viral genome, to be accurately and completely expressed with the host's translation system, it must employ the same genetic code. This raises a number of intriguing questions regarding the origin and evolution of viruses. In particular, it is extremely unlikely that viruses of hosts utilizing the universal genetic code would emerge, via cross-species transmission, in hosts utilizing alternative codes, and vice versa. Consequently, more parsimonious scenarios for the origins of such viruses include the prolonged co-evolution of viruses with cellular life, or the escape of genetic material from host genomes. Further, we raise the possibility that emerging viruses provide the selection pressure favoring the use of alternative codes in potential hosts, such that the evolution of a variant genetic code acts as a unique and powerful antiviral strategy. As such, in the face of new emerging viruses, hosts with codon reassignments would have a significant selective advantage compared to hosts utilizing the universal code.  相似文献   

A critical evaluation of a replacementist hypothesis regarding the origin of modernH. sapiens in Europe as suggested byN. T. Boaz D. Ninkovitch & M. Rossignol-Strick (1982) is presented. These authors have contended that harsh desertic conditions in North Africa between 40 ky — 30 ky B. P. resulted in the movement of modern humans from this region around the Mediterranean littoral into Europe. Two additional tenets of this hypothesis are the claim that Neandertals were islated in Europe during the first half of the Würm and also the assertion that formation of a landbridge at the Dardanelles ca. 34 ky B. P. ended this isolation and facilitated an influx of modern humans into Europe at this time. This hypothesis is found to be unsupported by the balance of the available data. The specific points discussed include the following: a) climatic and archaeological indicators of a hospitable environment in North Africa between 40 ky — 30 ky B.P., b) the likelihood of landbridge formation at the Dardanelles throughout the last glacial cycle, c) the technological capabilities and uncertain taxonomic identity of the North African source group and d) the similarities between west Asian and European Neandertals which indicate that a prolonged separation of the two groups is unlikely.  相似文献   

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