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Placental ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) binds diverse mammalian RNases with dissociation constants that are in the femtomolar range. Previous studies on the complexes of RI with RNase A and angiogenin revealed that RI utilises largely distinctive interactions to achieve high affinity for these two ligands. Here we report a 2.0 angstroms resolution crystal structure of RI in complex with a third ligand, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and a mutational analysis based on this structure. The RI-EDN interface is more extensive than those of the other two complexes and contains a considerably larger set of interactions. Few of the contacts present in the RI-angiogenin complex are replicated; the correspondence to the RI-RNase A complex is somewhat greater, but still modest. The energetic contributions of various interface regions differ strikingly from those in the earlier complexes. These findings provide insight into the structural basis for the unusual combination of high avidity and relaxed stringency that RI displays.  相似文献   

The human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (hEDN) is a secretory effector protein from eosinophilic leukocytes that is a member of the ribonuclease A (RNase A) family of ribonucleases. EDN is a rapidly evolving protein, accumulating non-silent mutations at a rate exceeding those of most other functional coding sequences studied in primates. Although all primate EDNs retain the structural and functional residues known to be prerequisites for ribonuclease activity, we have shown previously that recombinant EDN derived from a New World monkey sequence ( Saguinus oedipus ) had significantly less catalytic activity than the human (hEDN) ortholog.In this work, we have prepared recombinant proteins from EDN from sequences derived from orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus, oEDN) and Old World monkey (Macaca fascicularis, mcEDN) genomic DNAs, and from a second New World monkey sequence (Aotus trivirgatus, omEDN) as well. The catalytic efficiencies [ k cat/ K m (M-1s-1)] determined for both oEDN and mcEDN were similar to that determined previously for hEDN, while omEDN displayed approximately 100-fold less catalytic activity. The relative ribonuclease activities of hEDN/omEDN chimeras pointed to a C-terminal segment as crucial to the enhanced catalytic activity hEDN, and substitution of Arg 132-Ile 133 of hEDN with the Thr-Thr pair at the analogous position in omEDN resulted in an approximately 10-fold reduction in hEDN's catalytic efficiency. However, the reverse substitution, Arg-Ile for Thr-Thr in omEDN, did not enhance the catalytic efficiency of this relatively inactive protein. These results indicate that the Arg and/or Ile residues adjacent to the C-terminus are necessary (but not sufficient) for enhanced ribonuclease activity among the primate EDNs, and will permit prediction of the relative ribonuclease activities based on differences in primary structure.  相似文献   

We have extensively purified from Krebs II ascites cells, although not until homogeneity, a ribonuclease which preferentially cleaves natural or synthetic double-stranded RNA substrates (RNase D); this specificity is also supported by its sensitivity to inhibition by 10(-5) M ethidium bromide. It does not degrade RNA-DNA hybrids and is, therefore, clearly distinct from previously characterized RNases H (Cathala, G., Rech, J., Huet, J., and Jeanteur, Ph. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 7354-7361). It shows no requirement for a divalent cation and is inhibited by all kinds of nucleic acids regardless of their secondary structure. It acts exclusively as an endonuclease, as shown by the analysis of degradation products, and yields 5'-phosphate termini. This enzyme is able to introduce discrete nicks into purified HeLa 45 S preribosomal RNA as well as into HeLa heterogenous nuclear RNA packaged within naturally occurring nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles. It is, therefore, an interesting candidate for an RNA-processing enzyme.  相似文献   

The variability of the attachment (G) proteins of 48 subgroup A isolates of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) isolated over 38 years has been examined. Nucleotide sequences of two variable regions of the G protein genes were determined following amplification by PCR. The isolates showed temporal rather than geographical clustering, and there was evidence for progressive accumulation of amino acid changes at an average rate of approximately 0.25% per year estimated over the entire protein. The cocirculation of lineages of RSV at present appears to be the result of a process of evolution and survival of particular genotypes and the extinction of others. Analysis of reactivity of the isolates with monoclonal antibodies showed that their antigenic profiles closely paralleled their relatedness by nucleotide sequence, suggesting that antigenic drift due to immune selection may be occurring.  相似文献   

HNK20 is a mouse monoclonal IgA that binds to the F glycoprotein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and neutralizes the virus, both in vitro and in vivo. The single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) derived from HNK20 is equally active and has allowed us to assess rapidly the effect of mutations on affinity and antiviral activity. Humanization by variable domain resurfacing requires that surface residues not normally found in a human Fv be mutated to the expected human amino acid, thereby eliminating potentially immunogenic sites. We describe the construction and characterization of two humanized scFvs, hu7 and hu10, bearing 7 and 10 mutations, respectively. Both molecules show unaltered binding affinities to the RSV antigen (purified F protein) as determined by ELISA and surface plasmon resonance measurements of binding kinetics (Ka approximately 1x10(9) M-1). A competition ELISA using captured whole virus confirmed that the binding affinities of the parental scFv and also of hu7 and hu10 scFvs were identical. However, when compared with the original scFv, hu10 scFv was shown to have significantly decreased antiviral activity both in vitro and in a mouse model. Our observations suggest that binding of the scFv to the viral antigen is not sufficient for neutralization. We speculate that neutralization may involve the inhibition or induction of conformational changes in the bound antigen, thereby interfering with the F protein-mediated fusion of virus and cell membranes in the initial steps of infection.  相似文献   

We recently developed a system for the generation of infectious bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) from cDNA. Here, we report the recovery of fully viable chimeric recombinant BRSVs (rBRSVs) that carry human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) glycoproteins in place of their BRSV counterparts, thus combining the replication machinery of BRSV with the major antigenic determinants of HRSV. A cDNA encoding the BRSV antigenome was modified so that the complete G and F genes, including the gene start and gene end signals, were replaced by their HRSV A2 counterparts. Alternatively, the BRSV F gene alone was replaced by that of HRSV Long. Each antigenomic cDNA directed the successful recovery of recombinant virus, yielding rBRSV/A2 and rBRSV/LongF, respectively. The HRSV G and F proteins or the HRSV F in combination with BRSV G were expressed efficiently in cells infected with the appropriate chimeric virus and were efficiently incorporated into recombinant virions. Whereas BRSV and HRSV grew more efficiently in bovine and human cells, respectively, the chimeric rBRSV/A2 exhibited intermediate growth characteristics in a human cell line and grew better than either parent in a bovine line. The cytopathology induced by the chimera more closely resembled that of BRSV. BRSV was confirmed to be highly restricted for replication in the respiratory tract of chimpanzees, a host that is highly permissive for HRSV. Interestingly, the rBRSV/A2 chimeric virus was somewhat more competent than BRSV for replication in chimpanzees but remained highly restricted compared to HRSV. This showed that the substitution of the G and F glycoproteins alone was not sufficient to induce efficient replication in chimpanzees. Thus, the F and G proteins contribute to the host range restriction of BRSV but are not the major determinants of this phenotype. Although rBRSV/A2 expresses the major neutralization and protective antigens of HRSV, chimpanzees infected with this chimeric virus were not significantly protected against subsequent challenge with wild-type HRSV. This suggests that the growth restriction of rBRSV/A2 was too great to provide adequate antigen expression and that the capacity of this chimeric vaccine candidate for replication in primates will need to be increased by the importation of additional HRSV genes.  相似文献   

The introduction of acidic and basic functionality into the side chains of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion inhibitors was examined in an effort to identify compounds suitable for evaluation in vivo in the cotton rat model of RSV infection following administration as a small particle aerosol. The acidic compounds 2r, 2u, 2v, 2w, 2z, and 2aj demonstrated potent antiviral activity in cell culture and exhibited efficacy in the cotton rat comparable to ribavirin. In a BALB/c mouse model, the oxadiazolone 2aj reduced virus titers following subcutaneous dosing, whilst the ester 2az and amide 2aab exhibited efficacy following oral administration. These results established the potential of this class of RSV fusion inhibitors to interfere with infection in vivo following topical or systemic administration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the major respiratory pathogen of infants and young children. During each seasonal epidemic, multiple strains of both subgroup A and B viruses circulate in the community. Like other RNA viruses, RSV genome replication is prone to errors that results in a heterogeneous population of viral strains some of which may possess differences in virulence. We sought to determine whether clinical isolates of RSV differ in their capacity to induce inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and CCL5 (previously known as RANTES [regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted protein]), which are known to be induced in vitro and in vivo in response to RSV, during infection of A549 cells. RESULTS: Screening of subgroup A and B isolates revealed heterogeneity among strains to induce IL-6 and CCL5. We chose two subgroup B strains, New Haven (NH)1067 and NH1125, for further analysis because of their marked differences in cytokine inducing properties and because subgroup B strains, in general, are less genetically heterogeneous as compared to subgroup A strains. At 12 and 24 hours post infection RSV strains, NH1067 and NH1125 differed in their capacity to induce IL-6 by an order of magnitude or more. The concentrations of IL-6 and CCL5 were dependent on the dose of infectious virus and the concentration of these cytokines induced by NH1125 was greater than that of those induced by NH1067 when the multiplicity of infection of NH1067 used was as much as 10-fold higher than that of NH1125. The induction of IL-6 was dependent on viable virus as infection with UV-inactivated virus did not induce IL-6. The difference in IL-6 induction most likely could not be explained by differences in viral replication kinetics. The intracellular level of RSV RNA, as determined by quantitative RT-PCR, was indistinguishable between the 2 strains though the titer of progeny virus produced by NH1125 was greater than that produced by NH1067 at 16, 24 and 36 hours but essentially equal at 48 and 72 hours. Full genome sequencing of the 2 strains revealed 193 polymorphisms and 4 insertions in NH1067when compared to NH1125 (2 single base insertions in non-coding regions and 2 duplications of 3 and 60 bases in the RSV G gene). Of the polymorphisms, 147 occurred in coding regions and only 30 resulted in amino acid changes in 7 of the RSV genes. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that RSV strains may not be homogeneous with regard to pathogenesis or virulence. Identification of the genetic polymorphisms associated with variations in cytokine induction may lead to insights into RSV disease and to the development of effective antiviral agents and vaccines.  相似文献   

We have described previously antibody-resistant mutants of the human respiratory syncytial virus Long strain that contained frameshift changes generated by deletions or insertions of a single adenosine in oligo(A) tracts (mRNA sense) of the G protein gene. Since these mutations introduced drastic structural and antigenic changes in the G protein C-terminal third, we decided to test the mutant stability by passaging the viruses in either the presence or the absence of selective antibody. Two such mutants (R63/1/2/3 and R63/2/4/8), with a single reading frame shift, reverted after a few passages in the absence of antibody to the wild-type genotype, by insertion of an A at the same homopolymeric tract as in the original deletion. In contrast, a double frameshift mutant (R63/2/4/1), generated by deletion of an A after nucleotide 623 and insertion of another A seven triplets later, was stably maintained after passage in either the absence or the presence of antibody. The stability of this mutant was manifested in its capacity to gradually displace the Long strain from mixed infections and by the fact that mutant R63/2/4/8 acquired the genotype of R63/2/4/1 after several passages in the presence of antibody. These results were indicative of genetic instability in the oligo(A) tract length of certain G protein mutants, which resulted in frameshift changes. The frequency of such errors among the viral RNA population obtained from a single infectious cycle was estimated to be lower than 1%. The relevance of these results for respiratory syncytial virus evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

We have mapped a gene in the mitochondrial DNA of Candida (Torulopsis) glabrata and shown that it is required for 5' end maturation of mitochondrial tRNAs. It is located between the tRNAfMet and tRNAPro genes, the same tRNA genes that flank the mitochondrial RNase P RNA gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene is extremely AT rich and codes for AU-rich RNAs that display some sequence homology with the mitochondrial RNase P RNA from S. cerevisiae, including two regions of striking sequence homology between the mitochondrial RNAs and the bacterial RNase P RNAs. RNase P activity that is sensitive to micrococcal nuclease has been detected in mitochondrial extracts of C. glabrata. An RNA of 227 nucleotides that is one of the RNAs encoded by the gene that we mapped cofractionated with this mitochondrial RNase P activity on glycerol gradients. The nuclease sensitivity of the activity, the cofractionation of the RNA with activity, and the homology of the RNA with known RNase P RNAs lead us to propose that the 227-nucleotide RNA is the RNA subunit of the C. glabrata mitochondrial RNase P enzyme.  相似文献   

Activation of the ppp(A2'p)nA (2-5A)-dependent RNase was investigated during the abortive infection of BSC40 cells by a temperature-sensitive mutant of vaccinia virus, ts22. At the nonpermissive temperature, ts22 has an abortive late phenotype. At the onset of late-viral-gene expression, viral mRNA is degraded and rRNA is cleaved into discrete fragments in the absence of prior interferon treatment (R. F. Pacha and R. C. Condit, J. Virol. 56:395-403, 1985). Concomitant with rRNA cleavage, an increase in 2-5A occurred late during infection. Discrete 18S- and 28S-rRNA degradation products from BSC40 cells infected with ts22 at the nonpermissive temperature comigrated in denaturing agarose gels with rRNA cleaved fragments produced by the activation of 2-5A-dependent RNase in uninfected cells transfected with exogenous 2-5A. An increase in 2-5A levels and a similar discrete and characteristic degradation of rRNA were observed in BSC40 cells infected with wild-type vaccinia virus in the presence of isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone. The results show that the ts22 lesion and the action of isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone may affect the same pathway, leading to the activation of latent 2-5A-dependent RNase and resulting in indiscriminate RNA degradation and inhibition of viral replication.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of a large number of clones derived from the carboxy-terminal one-third of the attachment (G) protein gene of subgroup A respiratory syncytial viruses revealed a region very prone to polymerase errors which resulted mainly in frameshifts because of the insertion or deletion of adenosine residues in some but not all runs of such residues. Such mutations were detected in 14% of clones derived from mRNA, 58% of clones derived from genomic-sense RNA, and 50% of clones derived from in vitro-transcribed RNA. This phenomenon appears to be dependent on the template sequence.  相似文献   

We have investigated protein-protein interactions among the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) RNA polymerase subunits using affinity chromatography. Here we demonstrate a novel interaction of P and M2-1 proteins. Phosphorylation of either M2-1 or P appears to be dispensable for this interaction. Internal deletions within P mapped the M2-1-binding domain to a region between residues 100 and 120. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis within this region of P revealed that substitution of any one of the three residues, L101, Y102, and F109, prevented both M2-1 and P binding and expression of an M2-1-dependent luciferase reporter gene. However, these same mutations did not prevent the activity of an M2-1-independent chloramphenicol acetyltransferase minigenome, suggesting that these residues of P specifically affect M2-1-P interaction. On the basis of these observations, it is possible that the interaction between RSV M2-1 and P proteins is important for viral replication.  相似文献   

Stylar riboncleases (RNases) are associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility in two plant families, the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae. The self-incompatibility-associated RNases (S-RNases) of both the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae were recently reported to belong to the T2 RNase gene family, based on the presence of two well-conserved sequence motifs. Here, the cloning and characterization of S-RNase genes from two species of Rosaceae, apple (Malus × domestica) and Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina) is described and these sequences are compared with those of other T2-type RNases. The S-RNases of apple specifically accumulated in styles following maturation of the flower bud. Two cDNA clones for S-RNases from apple, and PCR clones encoding a further two apple S-RNases as well as two Japanese pear S-RNases were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of the rosaceous S-RNases contained two conserved regions characteristic of the T2/S-type RNases. The sequences showed a high degree of diversity, with similarities ranging from 60.4% to 69.2%. Interestingly, some interspecific sequence similarities were higher than those within a species, possibly indicating that diversification of S-RNase alleles predated speciation in the Rosaceae. A phylogenetic tree of members of the T2/S-RNase superfamily in plants was obtained. The rosaceous S-RNases formed a new lineage in the tree that was distinct from those of the solanaceous S-RNases and the S-like RNases. The findings suggested that self-incompatibility mechanisms in Rosaceae and Solanaceae are similar but arose independently in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

A series of bezimidazole-isatin oximes were prepared and profiled as inhibitors of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) replication in cell culture. Structure–activity relationship studies were directed toward optimization of antiviral activity, cell permeability and metabolic stability in human liver micorosomes (HLM). Parallel combinatorial synthetic chemistry was employed to functionalize isatin oximes via O-alkylation which quickly identified a subset of small, lipophilic substituents that established good potency for the series. Further optimization of the isatin oxime derivatives focused on introduction of nitrogen atoms to the isatin phenyl ring to provide a series of aza-isatin oximes with significantly improved PK properties. Several aza-isatin oximes analogs displayed targeted metabolic stability in HLM and permeability across a confluent monolayer of CaCo-2 cells. These studies identified several compounds, including 18i, 18j and 18n that demonstrated antiviral activity in the BALB/c mouse model of RSV infection following oral dosing.  相似文献   

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