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DNA gyrase catalyses DNA supercoiling by passing one segment of DNA (the T segment) through another (the G segment) in a reaction coupled to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. The N-terminal domains of the gyrase B dimer constitute an ATP-operated clamp that is proposed to capture the T segment during the DNA supercoiling reaction. We have locked this clamp in the closed conformation using the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue ADPNP (5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate). The clamp-locked enzyme is able to bind and cleave DNA, albeit at a reduced level. Although the locked enzyme is not capable of carrying out DNA supercoiling, it can catalyse limited DNA relaxation, consistent with the ability to complete one strand passage event per enzyme molecule via entry of the T segment through the exit gate of the enzyme. The DNA-protein complex of the clamp-locked enzyme has a conformation that differs from the normal positively wrapped conformation of the gyrase-DNA complex. These experiments confirm the role of the ATP-operated clamp in the strand-passage reactions of gyrase and suggest a model for the interaction of DNA with gyrase in which a conformation with the T segment in equilibrium across the DNA gate can be achieved via T-segment entry through the ATP-operated clamp or through the exit gate.  相似文献   

N L Williams  A Maxwell 《Biochemistry》1999,38(41):13502-13511
Cross-linking a pair of novel cysteine residues on either side of the bottom dimer interface of DNA gyrase blocks catalytic supercoiling. Limited strand passage is allowed, but release of the transported DNA segment (T segment) via opening of the bottom dimer interface is prevented. In contrast, ATP-independent relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA is completely abolished, suggesting that T-segment entry via the bottom gate is blocked. These findings support a two-gate model for supercoiling by DNA gyrase and suggest that relaxation by gyrase is the reverse of supercoiling. Cross-linking a truncated version of gyrase (A64(2)B2), which lacks the DNA wrapping domains, does not block ATP-dependent relaxation. This indicates that passage of DNA through the bottom dimer interface is not essential for this reaction. The mechanistic implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the target of a number of antibacterial agents, including the coumarins and the cyclothialidines. To extend our understanding of the mechanism of action of these compounds, we have examined the previously published crystal structures of the complexes between the 24 kDa fragment of GyrB and coumarin and cyclothialidine drugs and made mutations by site-directed mutagenesis. We used proteolysis as a probe of drug binding to wild-type and mutant proteins. Limited proteolysis of gyrase revealed that binding of these antibiotics is associated with a characteristic proteolytic fingerprint, suggesting a drug-induced conformational change. The ability of the mutants to bind the drugs was studied by testing their ability to induce the coumarin-associated proteolytic signature and to bind to a novobiocin-affinity column. To analyze further the interaction of the drugs with gyrase, we studied the binding using surface plasmon resonance. Mutation of Asn46 to Asp has only a modest effect on the binding of coumarins, while an Asn46 to Leu mutation results in a 10-fold decrease in the affinity. Mutation of Asp73 to Asn completely abolishes binding to both coumarins and cyclothialidines. Mutations at these residues also abolish ATP hydrolysis, explaining the inability of such mutations to occur spontaneously.  相似文献   

In a previous report (Reece, R. J., and Maxwell, A. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19648-19653) we showed that treatment of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein with trypsin generates two stable fragments. The N-terminal 64-kDa fragment supports DNA supercoiling, while the C-terminal 33-kDa fragment shows no enzymic activity. We proposed that the 64-kDa fragment represents the DNA breakage-reunion domain of the A protein. We have now engineered the gyrA gene such that the 64-kDa protein is generated as a gene product. The properties of this protein confirm the findings of the experiments with the 64-kDa tryptic fragment. We have also generated a series of deletions of the gyrA gene such that C-terminal and N-terminal truncated versions of the A protein are produced. The smallest of the N-terminal fragments found to be able to carry out the DNA breakage-reunion reaction is GyrA(1-523). The cleavage reaction mediated by this protein occurs with equal efficacy as that performed by the intact GyrA protein. Deletion of the N-terminal 6 amino acids from either the A protein or these deletion derivatives has no effect on enzymic activity, while deletion of the N-terminal 69 amino acids completely abolishes the DNA breakage-reunion reaction. Therefore the smallest GyrA protein we have found that will perform DNA breakage and reunion is GyrA(7-523). A model is proposed for the domain organization of the gyrase A protein.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of the DNA gyrase B protein in cleavage and religation of DNA using site-directed mutagenesis. Three aspartate residues and a glutamate residue: E424, D498, D500 and D502, thought to co-ordinate a magnesium ion, were mutated to alanine; in addition, the glutamate residue and one aspartate residue were mutated to glutamine and asparagine, respectively. We have shown that these residues are important for the cleavage-religation reaction and are likely to be involved in magnesium ion co-ordination. On separate mutation of two of these aspartate residues to cysteine or histidine, the metal ion preference for the DNA relaxation activity of gyrase changed from magnesium to manganese (II). We present evidence to support the idea that cleavage of each DNA strand involves two or more metal ions, and suggest a scheme for the DNA cleavage chemistry of DNA gyrase involving two metal ions.  相似文献   

We have constructed a series of clones encoding N-terminal fragments of human DNA topoisomerase IIalpha. All fragments exhibit DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Fragment 1-420 shows hyperbolic dependence of ATPase on DNA concentration, whereas fragment 1-453 shows hyperstimulation at low ratios of DNA to enzyme, a phenomenon found previously with the full-length enzyme. The minimum length of DNA found to stimulate the ATPase activity was approximately 10 bp; fragments >or=32 bp manifest the hyperstimulation phenomenon. Molecular mass studies show that fragment 1-453 is a monomer in the absence of nucleotides and a dimer in the presence of nucleotide triphosphate. The results are consistent with the role of the N-terminal domain of topoisomerase II as an ATP-operated clamp that dimerises in the presence of ATP. The hyperstimulation effect can be interpreted in terms of a "piggy-back binding" model for protein-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is presented which suggests that hepatitis B DNA in the Dane particles is only a partial viral genome which becomes integrated into the hepatocyte cellular DNA. The Dane particle DNA must enter a liver cell containing an active e gene, in order to become functional. It is suggested that the partial genome of hepatitis B virus is released from the cellular DNA by the mechanism of “escaping genes”.  相似文献   

Bacterial DNA gyrase, has been identified as the target of several antibacterial agents, including the coumarin drugs. The coumarins inhibit the gyrase action by competitive binding to the ATP-binding site of DNA gyrase B (GyrB) protein. The high in vitro inhibitory potency of coumarins against DNA gyrase reactions has raised interest in studies on coumarin-gyrase interactions. In this context, a series of low-molecular weight peptides, including the coumarin resistance-determining region of subunit B of Escherichia coli gyrase, has been designed and synthesized. The first peptide model was built using the natural fragment 131-146 of GyrB and was able to bind to novobiocin (K(a) = 1.8 +/- 0.2 x 10(5)/m) and ATP (K(a) = 1.9 +/- 0.4 x 10(3)/m). To build the other sequences, changes in the Arg(136) residue were introduced so that the binding to the drug was progressively reduced with the hydrophobicity of this residue (K(a) = 1.3 +/- 0.1 x 10(5)/m and 1.0 +/- 0.2 x 10(5)/m for Ser and His, respectively). No binding was observed for the change Arg(136) to Leu. In contrast, the binding to ATP was not altered, independently of the changes promoted. On the contrary, for peptide-coumarin and peptide-ATP complexes, Mg(2+) appears to modulate the binding process. Our results demonstrate the crucial role of Arg(136) residue for the stability of coumarin-gyrase complex as well as suggest a different binding site for ATP and in both cases the interactions are mediated by magnesium ions.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling by DNA gyrase involves the cleavage of a DNA helix, the passage of another helix through the break, and the religation of the first helix. The cleavage-religation reaction involves the formation of a 5'-phosphotyrosine intermediate with the GyrA subunit of the gyrase (A(2)B(2)) complex. We report the characterization of mutations near the active-site tyrosine residue in GyrA predicted to affect the cleavage-religation reaction of gyrase. We find that mutations at Arg32, Arg47, His78 and His80 inhibit DNA supercoiling and other reactions of gyrase. These effects are caused by the involvement of these residues in the DNA cleavage reaction; religation is largely unaffected by these mutations. We show that these residues cooperate with the active-site tyrosine residue on the opposite subunit of the GyrA dimer during the cleavage-religation reaction.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the only topoisomerase able to introduce negative supercoils into DNA. Absent in humans, gyrase is a successful target for antibacterial drugs. However, increasing drug resistance is a serious problem and new agents are urgently needed. The naturally-produced Escherichia coli toxin CcdB has been shown to target gyrase by what is predicted to be a novel mechanism. CcdB has been previously shown to stabilize the gyrase ‘cleavage complex’, but it has not been shown to inhibit the catalytic reactions of gyrase. We present data showing that CcdB does indeed inhibit the catalytic reactions of gyrase by stabilization of the cleavage complex and that the GyrA C-terminal DNA-wrapping domain and the GyrB N-terminal ATPase domain are dispensable for CcdB's action. We further investigate the role of specific GyrA residues in the action of CcdB by site-directed mutagenesis; these data corroborate a model for CcdB action based on a recent crystal structure of a CcdB–GyrA fragment complex. From this work, we are now able to present a model for CcdB action that explains all previous observations relating to CcdB–gyrase interaction. CcdB action requires a conformation of gyrase that is only revealed when DNA strand passage is taking place.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling in gyrase mutants.   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleoids isolated from Escherichia coli strains carrying temperature-sensitive gyrA or gyrB mutations were examined by sedimentation in ethidium bromide-containing sucrose density gradients. A shift to restrictive temperature resulted in nucleoid DNA relaxation in all of the mutant strains. Three of these mutants exhibited reversible nucleoid relaxation: when cultures incubated at restrictive temperature were cooled to 0 degree C over a 4- to 5-min period, supercoiling returned to levels observed with cells grown at permissive temperature. Incubation of these three mutants at restrictive temperature also caused nucleoid sedimentation rates to increase by about 50%.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA gyrase is comprised of two subunits, GyrA and GyrB. Previous studies have shown that GyrI, a regulatory factor of DNA gyrase activity, inhibits the supercoiling activity of DNA gyrase and that both overexpression and antisense expression of the gyrI gene suppress cell proliferation. Here we have analyzed the interaction of GyrI with DNA gyrase using two approaches. First, immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that GyrI interacts preferentially with the holoenzyme in an ATP-independent manner, although a weak interaction was also detected between GyrI and the individual GyrA and GyrB subunits. Second, surface plasmon resonance experiments indicated that GyrI binds to the gyrase holoenzyme with higher affinity than to either the GyrA or GyrB subunit alone. Unlike quinolone antibiotics, GyrI was not effective in stabilizing the cleavable complex consisting of gyrase and DNA. Further, we identified an 8-residue synthetic peptide, corresponding to amino acids (89)ITGGQYAV(96) of GyrI, which inhibits gyrase activity in an in vitro supercoiling assay. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of the ITGGQYAV-containing peptide-gyrase interaction indicated a high association constant for this interaction. These results suggest that amino acids 89--96 of GyrI are essential for its interaction with, and inhibition of, DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

DNA binding and antigenic specifications of DNA gyrase.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
H Lother  R Lurz    E Orr 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(2):901-914
Complexes of DNA gyrase and minichromosomal DNA containing the origin of replication of Escherichia coli (oriC) can be formed without metabolic energy and visualised by electron microscopy. The A subunit, part of the A2B2-DNA gyrase complex is the binding protein. Various binding sites are scattered around the minichromosomal DNA including oriC. The minimal origin contains the only prominent and reproducible binding site. Binding to this site is suppressed by oxolinic acid and the ATP analogue beta-y-imido ATP. If gyrase isolated from the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is used no binding to oriC is seen. This observation is consistent with antigenic differences between the A subunits of the two microorganisms. The binding to oriC might reflect a requirement for DNA gyrase during the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the only type II topoisomerase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and needs to catalyse DNA supercoiling, relaxation and decatenation reactions in order to fulfil the functions normally carried out by gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV in other bacteria. We have obtained evidence for the existence of a Ca2+-binding site in the GyrA subunit of M. tuberculosis gyrase. Ca2+ cannot support topoisomerase reactions in the absence of Mg2+, but partial removal of Ca2+ from GyrA by dialysis against EGTA leads to a modest loss in relaxation activity that can be restored by adding back Ca2+. More extensive removal of Ca2+ by denaturation of GyrA and dialysis against EGTA results in an enzyme with greatly reduced enzyme activities. Mutation of the proposed Ca2+-binding residues also leads to loss of activity. We propose that Ca2+ has a regulatory role in M. tuberculosis gyrase and suggest a model for the modulation of gyrase activity by Ca2+ binding.  相似文献   

Site-specific cleavage of DNA by E. coli DNA gyrase.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A Morrison  N R Cozzarelli 《Cell》1979,17(1):175-184
E. coli DNA gyrase, which catalyzes the supercoiling of DNA, cleaves DNA site-specifically when oxolinic acid and sodium dodecylsulfate are added to the reaction. We studied the structure of the gyrasecleaved DNA because of its implications for the reaction mechanism and biological role of gyrase. Gyrase made a staggered cut, creating DNA termini with a free 3' hydroxyl and a 5' extension that provided a template primer for DNA polymerase. The cleaved DNA was resistant to labeling with T4 polynucleotide kinase even after treatment with proteinase K. Thus the denatured enzyme that remains attached to cleaved DNA is covalently bonded to both 5' terminal extensions. The 5' extensions of many gyrase cleavage fragments from phi X174, SV40 and Col E1 DNA were partially sequenced using repair with E. coli DNA polymerase I. No unique sequence existed within the cohesive ends, but G was the predominant first base incorporated by DNA polymerase I. The cohesive and sequences of four gyrase sites were determined, and they demonstrated a four base 5' extension. The dinucleotide TG, straddling the gyrase cut on one DNA strand, provided the only common bases within a 100 bp region surrounding the cleavage sites. Analysis of other cleavage fragments showed that cutting between a TG doublet is common to most, or all, gyrase cleavages. Other bases common to some of the sequenced sites were clustered nonrandomly around the TG doublet, and may be variable components of the cleavage sequence. This diverse recognition sequence with common elements is a pattern shared with several other specific nucleic acid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase: structure and function.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
DNA gyrase is an essential bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the ATP-dependent negative super-coiling of double-stranded closed-circular DNA. Gyrase belongs to a class of enzymes known as topoisomerases that are involved in the control of topological transitions of DNA. The mechanism by which gyrase is able to influence the topological state of DNA molecules is of inherent interest from an enzymological standpoint. In addition, much attention has been focused on DNA gyrase as the intracellular target of a number of antibacterial agents as a paradigm for other DNA topoisomerases. In this review we summarize the current knowledge concerning DNA gyrase by addressing a wide range of aspects of the study of this enzyme.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of the bacterial toxin microcin B17 (MccB17) on the reactions of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase. MccB17 slows down but does not completely inhibit the DNA supercoiling and relaxation reactions of gyrase. A kinetic analysis of the cleavage-religation equilibrium of gyrase was performed to determine the effect of the toxin on the forward (cleavage) and reverse (religation) reactions. A simple mechanism of two consecutive reversible reactions with a nicked DNA intermediate was used to simulate the kinetics of cleavage and religation. The action of MccB17 on the kinetics of cleavage and religation was compared with that of the quinolones ciprofloxacin and oxolinic acid. With relaxed DNA as substrate, only a small amount of gyrase cleavage complex is observed with MccB17 in the absence of ATP, whereas the presence of the nucleotide significantly enhances the effect of the toxin on both the cleavage and religation reactions. In contrast, ciprofloxacin, oxolinic acid, and Ca2+ show lesser dependence on ATP to stabilize the cleavage complex. MccB17 enhances the overall rate of DNA cleavage by increasing the forward rate constant (k2) of the second equilibrium. In contrast, ciprofloxacin increases the amount of cleaved DNA by a combined effect on the forward and reverse rate constants of both equilibria. Based on these results and on the observations that MccB17 only slowly inhibits the supercoiling and relaxation reactions, we suggest a model of the interaction of MccB17 with gyrase.  相似文献   

Replication of bacteriophage Mu DNA, a process requiring efficient synapsis of the prophage ends, takes place within the confines of the Escherichia coli nucleoid. Critical to ensuring rapid synapsis is the function of the SGS, a strong gyrase site, located at the centre of the Mu genome. Replacement of the SGS by the strong gyrase sites from pSC101 or pBR322 fails to support efficient prophage replication. To probe the unique SGS properties we undertook a biochemical analysis of the interaction of DNA gyrase with the Mu SGS, pSC101 and pBR322 sites. In binding and cleavage assays the order of efficacy was pSC101 > Mu SGS > pBR322. However, in supercoiling assays the Mu SGS (cloned into pUC19) exhibited a strong enhancement of gyrase-catalysed supercoiling over pUC19 alone; the pSC101 site showed none and the pBR322 site gave a moderate improvement. Most striking was the Mu SGS-dependent increase in processivity of the gyrase reaction. This highly processive supercoiling coupled with efficient binding may account for the unique biological properties of the SGS. The results emphasize the importance of the DNA substrate as an active component in modulating the gyrase supercoiling reaction, and in determining the biological roles of specialized gyrase sites.  相似文献   

We coupled ligation with mass action to achieve high-efficiency clamp attachment without polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Using a 10-fold molar excess of a GC-rich clamp of synthesized and hybridized oligonucleotides, we achieved the maximum clamp-ligation efficiency in which the clamp was ligated to >95% of 10(10)-10(12) restriction ends of a PCR-amplified fragment. The maximum efficiency was confirmed by ligating the clamp to 10(11)-10(12) restriction ends of human genomic DNA. Our approach can be added to a constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE)-based method of analyzing rare point mutants at fractions as low as 10(-6); such mutants appear as small copy numbers in the initial samples. This CDCE-based method alone is applicable to only those DNA sequences juxtaposed with an internally occurring clamp of a higher melting temperature in genomic DNA. Since such sequences represent 9% of the human genome, the addition of clamp ligation significantly increases the scanning range for the human genome without reducing the initial mutant copy numbers. Furthermore, clamp ligation/attachment without PCR prevents PCR-created mutants from interfering with rare mutational analysis. In addition to those applications seeking high-efficiency DNA ligation, our approach can be generally applied to ligation of restriction ends.  相似文献   

We have analysed the DNA cleavage reaction of DNA gyrase using oligonucleotides annealed to a single-stranded M13 derivative containing a preferred gyrase cleavage site. We find that gyrase can cleave duplexes down to approximately 20 bp in size in the presence of the quinolone drugs ciprofloxacin and oxolinic acid. Ciprofloxacin shows a variation in its site specificity with an apparent preference for G bases adjacent to the cleavage sites, whereas oxolinic acid stimulates cleavage predominantly at the previously determined site. With either drug, cleavage will not occur within 6 bases from the end of a DNA duplex or a nick. We suggest that cleavage site specificity with short DNA duplexes is determined by drug-DNA interactions whereas with longer fragments the positioning effect of the DNA wrap around gyrase prescribes the site of cleavage.  相似文献   

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