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Laboratory experiments at 16°–30°C showed that the cabbage root fly can only be induced into aestivation during the early part of the pupal stage. The relationship between the percentage of pupae entering aestivation (y) and the average daily temperature (T) was the same under both constant and alternating temperatures. The percentage of pupae entering aestivation at a particular temperature was given by y=13T–255. An additional 13% of the pupae entered aestivation for each degree rise between 20° and 27°C. There was no constant period of arrested development following the induction of aestivation. Aestivating pupae started to develop into flies as soon as the temperature fell below 20°C. The reinduction of aestivation occurred more readily than the initial induction. Insect survival was not reduced after a month of aestivation. The effects of aestivation on forecasting the time of the second (summer) generation of flies are discussed.
Étude au laboratoire de l'estivation de la mouche du Chou (Delia radicum)
Résumé Au laboratoire, à 10°–30°C, l'induction de l'estivation ne peut être obtenue qu'avec des pupes formées depuis peu.Le rapport pourcentage de pupes entrant en estivation (y) température journalière moyenne (T) a été le même, que la température soit constante ou alternée. La relation entre la température et ce pourcentage est donnée par y=13 T–255. Le pourcentage de pupes entrant en estivation a augmenté de 13% pour chaque élévation d'un degré entre 20° et 27°C. L'estivation une fois induite, la période d'arrêt de développement n'est pas constante. Dès que la température est devenue inférieure à 20°C, la formation d'imagos a commencé dans les pupes en estivation. Une nouvelle estivation a été plus facile à provoquer que l'estivation initiale. Le taux de survie des insectes n'avait pas diminué après un mois d'estivation. La discussion examine l'utilisation des conséquences de l'estivation dans la prédiction de la seconde génération d'adultes: génération d'été.

Foam-rubber, carpet-underlay discs placed in position around the base of the stem directly after transplanting were as effective as certain recommended insecticides in protecting brassica plants from damage by cabbage root fly (Delia radicum). The three factors that contributed to the overall effectiveness of the discs were that only half as many eggs were laid around plants protected with discs as around unprotected plants, that predatory ground beetles preferred to aggregate in the humid microhabitat beneath the discs and consequently ate proportionally more fly eggs/larvae and that the discs acted as a mulch, conserving water around the roots of the plants, and thereby permitting them to tolerate greater amounts of damage. Application of the repellent benzyl benzoate to the discs improved effectiveness but 12 other insect repellents and two sticky compounds gave no improvement and most were phytotoxic. Root drenches of the insecticide chlorfenvinphos were repellent, reducing oviposition by approximately 25%. The costs of protecting brassica transplants with either discs or insecticide were similar and discs thus appear to be a reasonable method of cabbage root fly control for small-scale use.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In fourteen releases, most female D.radicum (L.) (Diptera, Anthomyiidae) flew upwind or at an angle to it of less than 77° regardless of the presence of host-plant odour. Females ready to lay eggs flew upwind without prior stimulation by odours from either a host crop or a trap releasing up to 3 ml/day of the attractant allylisothiocyanate. Upwind flight was more pronounced in flies from a diapause than from a continuous, non-diapause culture. Males from the non-diapause culture dispersed upwind and downwind in more or less equal numbers; old males flew mainly downwind. But, like the females, most males from the diapause culture flew upwind. Long-distance, odour-modulated anemotaxis did not appear to be used to locate distant host crops by either sex. It is concluded that the distances of insect orientation to plant odours recorded to date are only of intermediate range, and that long-range orientation to the odours of a host-plant still has to be proven. It is suggested that host-plant volatiles are involved not only in the final stage of host location but also in the first, and probably most important stage of host selection whilst the insect is still in flight.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.), was deterred from laying eggs on brassica plants with >250 cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), or peach-potato aphid, Myzuspersicae (Sulz.).
2. Flies did not lay on plants infested with >250 aphids.
3. Preparations of (E)-β-farnesene, the aphid alarm pheromone, deterred the flies from laying only at the extremely high dose of 32 mg/plant.
4. Although M. persicae secreted large (1 ng/insect) amounts of alarm pheromone and B. brassicae extremely small (<0.01 ng/insect) amounts, both aphids equally deterred D. radicum from laying.
5. The deterrent effect appeared to result from the aphids physically disturbing the flies during host-plant selection.  相似文献   

A program for simulating the patterns of egg-laying by populations of the cabbage root fly was used to model the effects of global warming on future cabbage root fly attacks. An increase of 3°C in mean daily temperature would cause the cabbage root fly to become active about a month earlier in the year than at present. Under such conditions, the emergence of flies from the overwintering population would be less synchronised, as the completion of diapause and post-diapause development would occur at the same time in different individuals within the population. However, there would continue to be only three generations of fly each year, even in the south of England. With temperature increases of 5°C or 10°C, the fly would complete four generations each year and aestivation would seriously disrupt egg-laying. These rises in temperature would have a major impact on cabbage root fly activity and would require new strategies for controlling this pest.  相似文献   

Abstract. Oviposition of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (Diptera, Anthomyiidae) is stimulated by leaf‐surface extracts of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Brassicaceae) ecotype Columbia. The leaf surface of A. thaliana, similar to that of many other crucifers, contains glucosinolates and CIF (‘cabbage identification factor’; 1,2‐dehydro‐3‐thia‐4,10,10b‐triaza‐cyclopenta[.a.]fluorene‐1‐carboxylic acid). These compounds stimulate receptor neurones of the tarsal sensilla of D. radicum whereas additional, unknown compounds are detected by other receptor neurones.  相似文献   

Six different types of traps were compared for capturing adults of Delia radicum. Cone traps caught so few flies that it seems inadvisable for them to be used for monitoring populations of this pest. All the other traps tested were suitable for monitoring D. radicum populations. When expressed on a trap for trap basis, the large 1800 cm2 Canadian traps caught most flies. When expressed as the numbers of flies caughthnit area of trapping surface, most flies were caught in the water traps. Similar numbers of D. radicum, D. platura, syrphids, blowflies and a tachinid, Eriothrix rufomaculatus were caught per unit area on each of three different vertical sticky traps. Although water traps have the advantage that they catch about 5 times as many females D. radicum/unit area as the most effective vertical sticky traps of a comparable size, their disadvantage is that they catch about 10 times as many beneficial syrphids. The reasons why water traps are so effective against D. radicum are discussed, with details of how to convert water-trap data to sticky-trap equivalents, and vice versa.  相似文献   

A transmission electron microscope study of the funicular sensilla of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, (Diptera : Anthomyiidae), showed 4 types of surface sensilla and 5 types of pit sensilla. The ultrastructure of the surface sensilla indicated all had a primary olfactory function. These include thick-walled multiporous trichoid sensilla, thin-walled multiporous basiconic sensilla (with 2 subtypes), thin-walled multiporous clavate sensilla, and grooved sensilla with channels at the base of each of the grooves. Clavate sensilla had 2 types of dendrites, one tubular, the other “scrolled”. This 2nd type may indicate an additional thermosensitive function. The dorsal pits contained thin-walled multiporous basiconic sensilla with a tapered tip. The ventral pits contain 3 types of sensilla, which have no wall pores and an inflexible socket. These may contain thermo- and/or hygroreceptors and include smooth-walled conical-, smooth-walled tapered- and striated pit sensilla. The 4th type is a grooved pit sensillum similar to the surface type.  相似文献   

One laboratory and three greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the pathogenicity and efficacy of Finnish isolates of entomopathogenic hyphemycetous fungi against cabbage root flies. In Petri dishes, exposure to 1.5 × 1010 spores of Metarhizium anisopliae per dish caused 40–50% mortality of undifferentiated second- and third-stage larvae of Delia floralis , and 1 × 107 spores per dish caused 40–50% mortality of Delia radicum larvae. In one greenhouse test, 1 × 108 and 1 × 109 spores of M. anisopliae and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus reduced the root damage of head cabbage by 20–70% compared with untreated controls, although this was not accompanied by significant reductions in the number of pupae. Only M. anisopliae consistently grew out of larvae and pupae of D. floralis during incubation that followed their recovery from the soil at the end of an experiment testing different formulations of M. anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana , but the frequency of the latent infections of the pest by M. anisopliae was not associated with reduced severity of damage to seedlings of head cabbage.  相似文献   

The antennal sensilla of Delia radicum L. (Diptera : Anthomyiidae) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. On the scape and pedicel, grooved socketed bristles and setiferous plaques were found. There are 4 types of surface sensilla on the funicle: trichoid, basiconic, clavate, and grooved. Their numbers and distribution are described. There are 3–4 single-chambered pits on the dorsal surface of the funicle of both sexes and these contain basiconic sensilla. On the ventral surface, there is one multi-chambered pit, which contains 5 types of sensilla: grooved s., smooth-walled conical s., smooth-walled tapered s., striated s. and a novel type, flattened sensilla. These results are compared with previously published studies on several other fly species.  相似文献   

Five genotypes of swede (Brassica napus var. napobrassica), two genotypes of kale (B. oleracea var. acephala), and two genotypes of rape (B. napus var. napus) were each inoculated at the 8–10 true leaf stage with five cabbage root fly (Delia radicum) eggs. The percentage pupation after larval feeding on individual plant genotypes ranged from 45 to 78%, and the mean pupal weight from 6.5 to 13.0 mg. After 5 weeks, larval feeding damage had reduced root weight by up to 47%, compared with uninoculated plants. The dry matter content of undamaged roots was higher in the kales and rapes than in the swedes. Whilst the dry matter content of the rapes and swedes were not changed by D. radicum damage, that of the kales was elevated. The ethanol-soluble sugar content of the root was reduced in all cases by D. radicum larval damage. However, the effect of D. radicum damage on the concentrations of individual sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) was crop- and genotype-dependent. In the roots of kales and rapes, the glucose and fructose concentrations were either very low or unaffected by D. radicum damage, whilst both glucose and fructose were generally reduced in swede roots by D. radicum damage. The root sucrose concentration was either reduced or not significantly affected by D. radicum damage in all of the crop types tested. The percentage pupation and the mean pupal weight of D. radicum were inversely correlated to root freeze-dried matter content. D. radicum pupal weight was positively correlated with root fructose, glucose and ethanol-soluble sugar contents.  相似文献   

The responses of gravid female cabbage root flies, Delia radicum (L.), to brassica odour and allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) presented in either a discrete plume or uniformly dispersed in air passing through a wind tunnel were investigated. Relatively fast, straight flights occurred in diffuse odour conditions, while in discrete plumes flights were slower with more frequent changes of direction.Flies maintained a constant ground speed and track angle over the straight legs of their flight tracks in two different wind speeds by changing air speed and course. As flies approached an odour source in a discrete plume ground speed was progressively decreased and frequency of turning increased but track angles remained constant. This was achieved by reducing air speed and course angle.Flies released at increasing distances from an odour source moved upwind towards it in a series of short flights, the number relating to distance.The results are discussed in the light of current theories of anemotactic odour source locations and a sequence of orientated behaviour for host plant finding is proposed.
Les réactions olfactives de Delia radicum à l'allylisothiocyanate volatil émis par les plantes-hôtes
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les réactions de femelles fécondées de Delia radicum L. à l'odour de chou et à l'allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) offerts, soit sous forme d'un fin panache, soit uniformément répartis dans l'air traversant un tunnel à vent.Avec une odeur diffuse les vols étaient relativement rapides et rectilignes, tandis qu'avec un fin panache les vols étaient plus lents avec des changements de direction plus fréquents.En présence de deux vitesses du courant d'air les mouches ont maintenu leur vitesse au sol et leur angle de vol par rapport à la direction du déplacement constants en modifiant leur vitesse de vol et leur direction.Quand les mouches approchaient de la source odorante dans un fin panache, la vitesse au sol diminuait progressivement et la fréquence des virages augmentait, les angles de vol restant constant. Ceci était obtenu en réduisant de la vitesse de l'air et l'angle du déplacement.Les mouches paraissent utiliser une anémotaxie optomotrice et mécanique pendant la localisation de l'hôte. Les résultats sont discutés à la lumière des théories classiques sur la localisation anémotactique des sources odorantes.

Host-stage selection by Trybliographa rapae Westwood (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) was studied in choice and no-choice experiments in the laboratory. The parasitoid was able to reproduce in first, second, and third instars of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), but oviposition occurred more frequently in third instars when all three developmental stages were offered simultaneously. Oviposition in third instars increased the rate of development of offspring and their body size, but did not alter sex ratio. Results are discussed in the light of predictions made by the theory of optimal host acceptance.  相似文献   

An ethanolic extract of cabbage leaves (Brassica oleraceavar. capitata,Golden Acre)and derived fractions were tested on natural and surrogate leaves in order to study the oviposition behavior of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum(Diptera: Anthomyiidae). On surrogate plastic leaves coated with a thin layer of paraffin wax and treated with 0.1 gram leaf equivalent (gle) of an ethanolic raw cabbage extract, the females displayed the same sequence of behavioral patterns as on a natural host plant. The quantified oviposition behavior correlated well with the actual number of eggs laid. The extract-treated surrogate leaves received at least as many eggs as natural leaves with a similar surface area. Previous exposure to surrogate or natural leaves seemed not to induce a specific preference. The three fractions (hexane, butanol, and water) of the raw extract stimulated the oviposition behavior. This was taken as evidence for the presence of a multicomponent mixture or a chemical pattern in the cabbage leaves stimulating oviposition. At the tested concentration each fraction alone could stimulate in some individuals the complete behavior. No effect of volatile components of the raw extract could be detected. This is thought to be due to the extraction procedure, which limits the production of attractive, volatile compounds, such as isothiocyanates.  相似文献   

Cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD) of the onion maggot, Delia antiqua, was purified to apparent homogeneity by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and gel filtration chromatographies. Native molecular mass was estimated as 32,000 daltons. SDS-PAGE revealed only one subunit of 16,000 daltons, indicating that SOD is a homodimer. Isoelectric focusing revealed 3 charge isomers of pls 5.3, 5.5, and 5.7. The specific activity of purified SOD was 4,250 U/mg protein. A monoclonal antibody (MAb, aSOD2B7) raised against Delia SOD recognized only SOD of the same genus, but another MAb (aSOD1H11) recognized SOD of Drosophila melanogaster as well. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Newly hatched larvae of the cabbage maggot, Delia radicum(L.), responded to various olfactory stimuli from their host plants and oriented themselves by the concentration gradients of these stimuli. Allyl and ethyl isothiocyanate (NCS), characteristic metabolites of host Brassicaceae, elicited positive taxis, but at a higher concentrations were repellent. Benzyl NCS was neutral; only at the highest concentration was it slightly repellent. Phenyl, cyclohexyl, and butyl NCS were repellent in the highest amounts used. Volatile compounds emanating prevailingly from surface parts of plants were both attractive (hexanol, hexanal, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, linalool) and repellent (hexylacetate, cis-3-hexenylacetate, benzaldehyde, myrcene, terpinene, -pinene, limonene). While the attractiveness was associated with NCS group and with unsaturated and saturated alcohols and aldehydes with an optimal sixcarbon chain length, the repellency was probably caused by a cyclized carbon chain and an acetate group. The activity of a compound was strongly influenced by its concentration.  相似文献   

The introduction of a European natural enemy, Aleochara bipustulata L. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), is being considered for control of cabbage maggot, Delia radicum (L.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in canola in Canada, and the host specificity of this pupal parasitoid must first be studied. Contemporary guidelines were used to select 18 species of Diptera to represent non-target species taxonomically related or ecologically similar to reported hosts of A. bipustulata, or beneficial species. No-choice tests were used to determine which of the 18 species are within A. bipustulata’s fundamental host range, and whether puparial structure or mass or duration of pupal development influence their acceptability and suitability as hosts. Five species were consistently suitable as hosts, and these were either relatively small or were taxonomically closely related to the target host. The probability that a puparium would be entered by a parasitoid larva was greatest for small puparia, but was unaffected by pupal duration. The probability of completing parasitoid development once a puparium was entered was influenced by both puparial mass and duration of pupal development. Pitfall traps to assess habitat associations caught A. bipustulata adults in a variety of crop habitats but none were caught in forests. Host range and habitat data are used to argue that there is little risk of parasitism to beneficial taxa. Non-target species taxonomically closely related to the target D. radicum or with small puparia may fall within the fundamental host range of A. bipustulata. However, risk to many of these species may be minimal because of the habitat preferences of the parasitoid and its cues for host-finding and recognition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Contact chemoreception plays a decisive role in host selection and oviposition behaviour of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum L. (Diptera, Anthomyiidae). Glucosinolates (mustard oil glucosides) are known to be perceived by the flies, and when sprayed on paper leaf-models induce oviposition. Recently it has become clear that other non-volatile types of compounds must also be involved in host selection.
A pair of ventro-medial C sensilla on die fifth tarsomere respond strongly to a novel compound called tentatively 'cabbage identification factor' (CIF), but not to sucrose, glucose, fructose and proline. CDF is a new non-glucosinolate oviposition stimulant. A single neurone in each sensillum is activated by this compound and the same is true for glucosinolates. In some flies a mixture of bom types of stimuli evoked an apparent mononeural spike train, whereas in odiers spikes of two separate cells were activated. The significance of this variability is not yet clear.
The new stimulant, CIF, does not evoke responses in glucosinolate receptors in the D sensilla. The involvement of the C3 sensilla in the detection of host-specific compounds constitutes the first known function for C sensilla in D. radicum. CIF appears to be present in leaf surface extracts from the host-plant Brassica oleracea in quantities as low as 1 ng per gram leaf. In spite of this low level, it stimulates oviposition significantly better than glucobrassicin at higher concentrations, which up till now was known as the most powerful stimulant for D.radicum.  相似文献   

Onion maggot (Delia antiqua) is an economically important pest of Allium crops in temperate regions throughout the world. Management of this pest is necessary to achieve economic returns and depends on insecticide regimes and cultural management. Current cultural management especially altering planting date, field location and crop rotation depend on monitoring. We evaluated the effect of shape, size, colour and chemical attractants on trap catch of field populations of adult D. antiqua flies in upstate New York. White, large diameter, spherical traps in conjunction with Delia Lure attractant performed the best in attracting and catching D. antiqua adults. These results suggest an improved means of attracting and capturing D. antiqua populations which could be useful in monitoring efforts and development of attract and kill strategies for pest control.  相似文献   

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