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The indirect immunofluorescent technique was used to localize a proteinase inhibitor isolated from murine seminal vesicles. The inhibitor was found in the lumen and in the apical epithelium of the seminal vesicle but not in the testes, epididymides, ductus deferens or Cowper's glands. It was also associated with the anterior acrosomal region of ejaculated sperm and sperm recovered from the female tract within 5 min of coitus. The inhibitor is removed from uterine sperm between 2 to 4 h postcoitus, however sperm recovered from the uterus 2 h postcoitus will rebind inhibitor. The inhibitor is not normally associated with epididymal or ductus sperm although these sperm will bind purified inhibitor in vitro.  相似文献   

Proteins with molecular weights of around 100,000 (designated 100K) are found in all coated vesicles. Five monoclonal antibodies have been raised against the major 100K proteins of bovine brain coated vesicles, which migrate on SDS gels as three closely spaced bands. One antibody stains the middle band (band B), two stain both upper and lower bands (bands A and C), and two stain the lower band (band C) only. Thus, the polypeptides in bands A and C are related (but not identical), a result confirmed by NH2-terminal sequencing. Other tissues were found to express proteins corresponding to, and co-migrating with, bands B and C but not band A. Only the two antibodies that recognize both A and C stained fixed and permeabilized tissue culture cells; they both showed a punctate pattern in the plane of the plasma membrane. Double labeling with anti-clathrin antibodies confirmed that the dots correspond to coated pits and vesicles. However, perinuclear staining seen with anti-clathrin, corresponding to Golgi-derived coated vesicles, was conspicuously absent with the two monoclonal antibodies. Affinity-purified polyclonal antisera against the 100K proteins, reported earlier, gave perinuclear as well as punctate staining; these included one antiserum which gave mainly perinuclear staining (Robinson, M. S., and B. M. F. Pearse, 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102:48-54). Thus, different 100K proteins appear to be found in different membrane compartments. Since the 100K proteins are thought to lie between clathrin and the membrane proteins of the vesicle, these results may help to explain how different membrane proteins can be sorted into coated vesicles in different parts of the cell.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in chickens against heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA)-binding proteins from 30S ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes of mouse Taper hepatoma ascites cell nuclei. The antibody preparations were characterized for immunological specificity and purity by double- diffusion gels, binding to specific bands in SDS polyacrylamide gels, and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Antibodies raised against either whole 30S RNP complexes or purified RNP core proteins had a strong selective affinity for the four 34,000- to 40,000-dalton polypeptides which comprise the major structural proteins of hnRNP. The intracellular distribution of 30S RNP antigens in mouse ascites cells was determined by indirect immunofluorescence microsacopy. In interphase cells immunofluorescent sites were restricted to the nucleus, and nucleoli were free of fluorescence. The chicken anti-mouse- RNP antibodies were also able to react with cells from many different vertebrate species, showing a similar nucleus-restricted localization of the reacting sites. The antibodies also bound chick 30S RNP-proteins and reacted with the nuclei of chick cells. An exception to this was the failure of the antibody to bind to adult chick erythrocytes, suggesting that these major hnRNA binding proteins may be found only in nuclei capable of RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry has been used to study the distribution of the major 180,000-mol wt protein of coated vesicles in rodent cerebellum. An antibody to the coat protein was prepared in rabbits and characterized by immunodiffusion and immunofixation of polyacrylamide gels. At the light microscope level the protein was primarily localized in punctate profiles surrounding Purkinje cells and within the cerebellar glomeruli. At the electron microscope level the punctate distribution was confined to presynaptic terminals of basket and Golgi II neurons as well as mossy fiber terminals of the glomeruli. This label was heaviest on the lattice coat of coated vesicles but, in addition, label was found within the presynaptic axoplasm and along the cytoplasmic surface of the plasmalemma. Coated vesicles in cell somata were labeled as well as the cytosol around groupings of these vesicles. These data suggest that there may be two forms (or more) of coated vesicle protein in neurons, a lattice form associated with coated vesicles and a soluble form associated with the cytoplasmic matrix.  相似文献   

The constituent proteins of coated vesicles responsible for binding calmodulin were identified by photoaffinity labeling with the reagent azido-125I-calmodulin. Three protein complexes with apparent molecular weights of 130,000, 93,000 and 52,000 were labeled. Specificity was demonstrated by the dependence of labeling on Ca2+, and by its reduction in the presence of unlabeled calmodulin or Stelazine. Urea-soluble components of coated vesicles and material isolated by Sepharose CL4B chromatography formed a 52,000 MW labeled complex. Subtracting an apparent molecular weight of calmodulin of 20,000 from the weights of the covalently labeled complexes, the coated vesicle proteins that bind calmodulin are 110,000, 73,000 and 32,000 MW. The 32,000 MW protein is thought to participate in the coat structure but the other two are most likely associated with the vesicle.  相似文献   

Improved immunofluorescent techniques have been developed for the high resolution light microscopic localization of intracellular antigens in plant tissue. Thin sections of pea cotyledon tissue which had been fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in glycol methacrylate were reacted with mono-specific antibodies to the storage proteins legumin and vicilin. These antibodies were raised in sheep, purified by affinity chromatography and tested by immunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion. Using the indirect technique, rhodamine-labeled antibodies permitted specific fluorescent localization of the legumin and vicilin to small (ca. 1 micrometer) cytoplasmic organelles in near mature tissue. Subsequent histochemical staining verified the proteinaceous nature of these organelles. Parameters affecting staining specificity and background fluorescence are discussed.  相似文献   

The indirect immunofluorescent technique was used to localize a low molecular weight, acid-stable proteinase inhibitor of seminal vesicle origin in the female reproductive tract of mice. In recently inseminated animals (0, 2, and 4 hr postcoitus) the inhibitor was localized in the copulatory plug, on the epithelia of the vaginal fornix and cervix, in the uterine lumen, and on the apical surface of the uterine epithelium. Ten hours postcoitus the inhibitor was found in localized areas on the uterine epithelium, in a sperm-leucocyte mass in the uterine lumen, and in the copulatory plug. The inhibitor was not found in females 24 hr postcoitus. The inhibitor could not be localized in the oviducts of any of the animals tested. The data are interpreted to mean that the inhibitor, transported to the female at ejaculation, coats the surface of the female reproductive tract protecting it from acrosomal enzymes or from invasion by spermatozoa or pathogens.  相似文献   

Reversibility of coated vesicle dissociation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The dissociation of the coated vesicles to clathrin and uncoated vesicles and their reassociation have been studied under various conditions. The extent of reassociation is pH dependent and increases slightly with increasing concentrations of the components. Unlike the self-association of clathrin which is strongly salt dependent, the reassociation of clathrin and uncoated vesicles is practically independent of salt concentration. The coated vesicle gradually loses its coat with increasing pH, and the dissociation process is not an all or none reaction. Ca2+ inhibits dissociation of the coated vesicles and enhances the reassociation of clathrin and uncoated vesicles. Our results show that, although many conditions result in reassociation of protein and lipid vesicle, few conditions result in vesicles of both the same size and composition as native coated vesicles.  相似文献   

A biosynthetic study of rat liver coated vesicle (CV) proteins was undertaken by using in vivo labeling with L-[35S]methionine. CVs were isolated and purified by using standard procedures and characterized by electron microscopy, sedimentation, and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography, or by gel slicing and liquid scintillation counting. After 5 1/2 min of labeling (the earliest time examined), incorporation of radioactive clathrin heavy-chain (180-kD (kilodalton] subunits as well as a 90-kD CV-associated protein into purified CVs was demonstrated. The level of labeled 180-kD clathrin in coated vesicles increased rapidly during the first 2 hr of labeling and then continued to rise at a slower rate between 4 and 16 hr. This slow accumulation of labeled clathrin heavy chains in the CV pool may reflect early compartmental sequestration of a fraction of newly synthesized clathrin with delayed assembly into free CVs. By 16 hr of labeling, clathrin 180-kD chains and the 90-kD CV-associated protein accounted for approximately 48 and 26%, respectively, of the radioactivity in all CV proteins. Two proteins of MWa 68 kD and 53 kD showed marked declines in cpm/unit protein between 30 min and 4 hr, raising the possibility that these species may be transferred out of CVs during or after transport without loss of the other CV proteins. The possibility is also raised that clathrin heavy chains may be recycled during CV formation. Possible heterogeneity within individual CV preparations with respect to protein composition and derivation from both plasma membrane and Golgi regions are proposed.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent localization of ovine placental lactogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The localization of ovine placental lactogen (OPL) was studied using the immunofluorescence method. The placentome sections were treated by an indirect technique with anti-OPL antibodies obtained from rabbits injected with purified hormone. OPL was located in large cells of the monostratified epithelium of chorionic villi. These cells are mono- or binucleated and PAS-positive. The immunological reaction was inhibited by the specific antigen (OPL, 400g/ml undiluted anti-OPL antiserum) but not by ovine prolactin, bovine growth hormone, human placental lactogen nor by any other polypeptidic hormone tested. Reciprocally, the localization of OPL-secreting cells was unsuccessful with antibodies raised against these control hormones.  相似文献   

Using scanning light microscopy software to detect and measure immunofluorescence in leaf sections Rubisco concentration in situ in chloroplasts has been accurately determined throughout development. The fluorescence measurements were calibrated by comparison with values for Rubisco accumulation obtained from rocket immuno- electrophoresis profiles of soluble protein from isolated cells and from chloroplasts using a purified sample of Rubisco as the standard. It has been shown that in situ immunofluorescence can be used for cytoquantitation of proteins within individual chloroplasts to a sensitivity of 1fg and also for the comparison of the protein levels in adjacent chloroplasts and cells. Several important applica- tions of this new technique are discussed.  相似文献   

S R Pfeffer  R B Kelly 《Cell》1985,40(4):949-957
Coated vesicles have been purified in the past on the basis of their remarkably homogeneous structure, not their function. We have succeeded in isolating two subpopulations of bovine brain coated vesicles that carry specific "cargoes," in this case two synaptic vesicle membrane polypeptides (Mr = 95,000 and 65,000). Monoclonal antibodies that recognize cytoplasmic domains of these polypeptides can penetrate the clathrin coat and recognize them on the outer surface of the coated vesicle membrane. An immunoadsorption technique could therefore be used to fractionate coated vesicles on the basis of their membrane composition. The subpopulations have the normal complement of conventional coated vesicle proteins. Exclusive, however, to the subpopulations that carry synaptic vesicle polypeptides are two new coated vesicle polypeptides (Mr = 38,000 and 29,000).  相似文献   

Summary The localization of parvalbumin in fish white muscle and of the calcium binding protein, of arginine kinase and of glycogen phosphorylase in crayfish tail muscle have been investigated by immunofluorescence using isolated myofibrils and muscle sections as starting materials.It is shown that the four proteins appear to be localized on the thin filaments when myofibrils are used as starting material. This result contrasts with previous observations where it appeared that parvalbumin in fish muscle and arginine kinase in crayfish muscle were distributed uniformly within the cell. This discrepancy is discussed in relation to the high solubility of these proteins.In the light of the present knowledge about striated muscles from these two organisms, it seems that the roles of parvalbumin in fish and of the calcium binding protein in crayfish are probably different.A preliminary report on this work was presented at the meeting of the Union of Swiss Societies for Experimental Biology, Zurich, 1977 (Benzonana et al., 1977a)  相似文献   

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