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The yeast vacuole is acidified by a vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase) that closely resembles the vacuolar H+-ATPases of other fungi, animals, and plants. The yeast enzyme is purified as a complex of eight subunits, which include both integral and peripheral membrane proteins. The genes for seven of these subunits have been cloned, and mutant strains lacking each of the subunits (vma mutants) have been constructed. Disruption of any of the subunit genes appears to abolish the function of the vacuolar H+-ATPase, supporting the subunit composition derived from biochemical studies. Genetic studies of vacuolar acidification have also revealed an additional set of gene products that are required for vacuolar H+-ATPase activity, but may not be part of the final enzyme complex. The biosynthesis, assembly, and targeting of the enzyme is being elucidated by biochemical and cell biological studies of thevma mutants. Initial results suggest that the peripheral and integral membrane subunits may be independently assembled.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling of the active site of the yeast plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase has been studied with 2-azido-AMP and 2-azido-ATP. The ATPase activity of the enzyme decreases as the time of photolysis of the photoactive nucleotides in the presence of the enzyme increases. The covalent incorporation of [alpha-32P]2-azido-AMP into the enzyme and the inhibition of ATPase activity have comparable time courses. ATP protects the ATPase from incorporation of and photoinactivation by 2-azido-ATP or 2-azido-AMP. In the dark, 2-azido-ATP inhibits the ATPase at concentrations comparable to the apparent Michaelis constant for MgATP. After photolysis and proteolysis of the protein, three overlapping peptides labeled by the nucleotide analogues were purified by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and sequenced. The peptides are derived from a region of the ATPase that is highly conserved in related cation pumps forming a phosphorylated intermediate during the catalytic cycle. Labeling with both nucleotide analogues occurs in peptides containing residues from aspartate 560 to lysine 566. The amino acids in this region conform to a consensus sequence for ATP binding derived from phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

Interaction of anions and ATP with the coated vesicle proton pump   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
H Arai  S Pink  M Forgac 《Biochemistry》1989,28(7):3075-3082
ATP-driven proton transport in intact clathrin-coated vesicles requires the presence of a permeant anion, such as Cl-, to provide charge compensation during the electrogenic movement of protons. Using the purified (H+)-ATPase from clathrin-coated vesicles in both the detergent-solubilized and reconstituted states, we have studied the direct effects of anions on the activity of this enzyme. Both proton transport and ATP hydrolysis by the purified enzyme are independent of the presence of Cl-. In addition, proton transport does not occur even at high Cl- concentrations unless K+ and valinomycin are present to dissipate the membrane potential generated. These results indicate that the anion channel which provides for Cl- flux in intact coated vesicles is not a component of the purified (H+)-ATPase. Inhibition of ATPase activity is observed in the presence of I-, NO3-, or SO4(2-), with 50% inhibition occurring at 350 mM I-, 50 mM NO3-, or 40 mM SO4(2-). The presence of ATP lowers the concentration of I- required for 50% inhibition from 350 mM to 100 mM and increases the maximal inhibition observed in the presence of NO3- from 65% to 100%. Two separate mechanisms appear to be responsible for anion inhibition of the (H+)-ATPase. Thus, I- and high concentrations of NO3- (in the presence of ATP) cause inhibition by dissociation of the (H+)-ATPase complex, while SO4(2-) and NO3- (in the absence of ATP) cause inhibition without dissociation of the complex, suggesting the existence of an inhibitory anion binding site on the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

N,N'-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits 100% of proton transport and 80-85% of (Mg2+)-ATPase activity in clathrin-coated vesicles. Half-maximum inhibition of proton transport is observed at 10 microM DCCD after 30 min. Although treatment of the coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase with DCCD has no effect on ATP hydrolysis in the detergent-solubilized state, sensitivity of proton transport and ATPase activity to DCCD is restored following reconstitution into phospholipid vesicles. In addition, treatment of the detergent-solubilized enzyme with DCCD followed by reconstitution gives a preparation that is blocked in both proton transport and ATP hydrolysis. These results suggest that although the coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase can react with DCCD in either a membrane-bound or detergent-solubilized state, inhibition of ATPase activity is only manifested when the pump is present in sealed membrane vesicles. To identify the subunit responsible for inhibition of the coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase by DCCD, we have labeled the partially purified enzyme with [14C]DCCD. A single polypeptide of molecular weight 17,000 is labeled. The extremely hydrophobic nature of this polypeptide is indicated by its extraction with chloroform:methanol. The 17,000-dalton protein can be labeled to a maximum stoichiometry of 0.99 mol of DCCD/mol of protein with 100% inhibition of proton transport occurring at a stoichiometry of 0.15-0.20 mol of DCCD/mol of protein. Amino acid analysis of the chloroform:methanol extracted 17,000-dalton polypeptide reveals a high percentage of nonpolar amino acids. The similarity in properties of this protein and the DCCD-binding subunit of the coupling factor (H+)-ATPases suggests that the 17,000-dalton polypeptide may function as part of a proton channel in the coated vesicle proton pump.  相似文献   

A ouabain p-aminobenzenediazonium derivative with a high specific radioactivity has been synthesized from ouabain and used as a photolabel for the (sodium plus potassium)-activated adenosinetriphosphatase from Electrophorus electricus electric organ and from dog kidney. In the dark it binds reversibly to the digitalis receptor site, with binding characteristics comparable to those of ouabain. The photoactivation of the ouabain derivative to produced covalent labeling of the receptor was obtained by energy transfer from a tryptophan residue in the (Na+,K+)ATPase to the ouabain p-aminobenzenediazonium molecule bound at the active site. The great advantage of this procedure compared to previous methods is that free molecules of the photoactivatable derivative are not photodecomposed. Analysis of the photolabeled polypeptides on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis showed that over 90% of the total radioactivity incorporated was found in the large molecular weight alpha-chain of the kidney enzyme (Mr 93 000). The same specific labeling of the alpha-subunit was obtained with a crude microsomal fraction from Electrophorus electricus. A mild tryptic fragmentation of the subunit into two peptide fragments of Mr 58 000 and 41 000, respectively, shows that the digitalis receptor is located in the N-terminal 41 000 fragment.  相似文献   

Reversibility of coated vesicle dissociation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The dissociation of the coated vesicles to clathrin and uncoated vesicles and their reassociation have been studied under various conditions. The extent of reassociation is pH dependent and increases slightly with increasing concentrations of the components. Unlike the self-association of clathrin which is strongly salt dependent, the reassociation of clathrin and uncoated vesicles is practically independent of salt concentration. The coated vesicle gradually loses its coat with increasing pH, and the dissociation process is not an all or none reaction. Ca2+ inhibits dissociation of the coated vesicles and enhances the reassociation of clathrin and uncoated vesicles. Our results show that, although many conditions result in reassociation of protein and lipid vesicle, few conditions result in vesicles of both the same size and composition as native coated vesicles.  相似文献   

Functional reassembly of the coated vesicle proton pump   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have shown previously that treatment of the coated vesicle proton-translocating adenosine triphosphatase (H(+)-ATPase) with chaotropic agents results in the release of a set of peripheral polypeptides which includes the 73-, 58-, 40-, 34-, and 33-kDa subunits (Adachi, I., Puopolo, K., Marquez-Sterling, N., Arai, H., and Forgac, M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 967-973), with a coordinate loss of H(+)-ATPase activity. In the present paper we report the functional reassembly of the coated vesicle proton pump following dissociation of the peripheral subunits. Reassembly was demonstrated by restoration of ATP-driven proton transport using both native membranes and reconstituted vesicles and by Western blot analysis using a monoclonal antibody specific for the 73-kDa subunit. Reassembly occurs by attachment of a peripheral subcomplex containing the 73-, 58-, 34-, and 33-kDa subunits together with the 40-kDa polypeptide. The reassembled H(+)-ATPase, like the native proton pump, is inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Reassociation shows a biphasic time dependence, with restoration of 50-60% of the starting proton transport activity in the 1st h followed by recovery of a further 20-30% of the activity after 24 h. Reassembly also shows a marked dependence on protein concentration but, unlike solubilization of the intact H(+)-ATPase complex, does not require the presence of glycerol. Despite the ability of nucleotides to promote dissociation of the peripheral complex by chaotropic agents, reassociation is not blocked by the presence of 1 mM ATP. These results thus provide the first evidence for functional reassembly of a vacuolar H(+)-ATPase complex and should be useful in further analysis of the role of individual subunits in the assembly and activity of these ATP-driven proton pumps.  相似文献   

Several experimental parameters, critical to the analysis of ATP synthesis by sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase, were determined experimentally. 1) The phosphorylated enzyme intermediate obtained with acetylphosphate in the presence of a Ca2+ gradient was shown to be entirely ADP sensitive but quite stable in the absence of added ADP. On the contrary, the phosphoenzyme obtained with ATP is unstable due to the ADP formed during the phosphoryl transfer reaction. For this reason, addition of ADP to [32P]phosphoenzyme obtained with [32P]acetylphosphate provides the simplest conditions for kinetic studies on [gamma-32P]ATP synthesis. 2) The dissociation rate constant of newly synthesized ATP (in the reverse direction of the ATPase cycle) was measured experimentally and found to be 16 s-1. This value agrees well with the dissociation rate constant determined for adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate bound to this enzyme. 3) ATP synthesis observed in the absence of a Ca2+ gradient was shown to be a kinetic overshoot due to ligand-induced perturbation of a limited number of partial reactions and occurring before equilibration of the entire system. Most of the ATP formed under these conditions was subsequently hydrolyzed as the overall equilibrium was reached. 4) Based on these and other (previously characterized) parameters, satisfactory simulations of single and multiple cycle ATP synthesis, in the presence and in the absence of a Ca2+ gradient, were obtained.  相似文献   

Internalization of biotin-S-S-125I-transferrin (125I-BSST) into semiintact A431 cells were assessed by two different criteria which have allowed us to distinguish partial reactions in the complex overall process of receptor-mediated endocytosis. Early events resulting in the sequestration of ligand into deeply invaginated coated pits were measured by inaccessibility of 125I-BSST to exogenously added antibodies. Later events involving coated vesicle budding and membrane fission were measured by resistance of 125I-BSST to reduction by the membrane impermeant-reducing agent, MesNa. Acquisition of Ab inaccessibility occurred very efficiently in this cell-free system (approximately 50% of total cell-associated 125I-BSST became inaccessible) and could be inhibited by anti-clathrin mAbs and by antibodies directed against the cytoplasmic domain of the transferrin-receptor. In contrast, acquisition of MesNa resistance occurred less efficiently (approximately 10-20% of total cell-associated 125I-BSST) and showed differential sensitivity to inhibition by anti-clathrin and anti-transferrin receptor mAbs. Both partial reactions were stimulated by ATP and cytosol; indicating at least two ATP-requiring events in receptor-mediated endocytosis. The temperature dependence of both reactions was similar to that for 125I-BSST internalization in intact cells with no activity being observed below 10 degrees C. Morphological studies using gold-labeled ligands confirmed that internalization of transferrin receptors into semiintact A431 cell occurred via coated pits and coated vesicles and resulted in delivery of ligand to endosomal structures.  相似文献   

The constituent proteins of coated vesicles responsible for binding calmodulin were identified by photoaffinity labeling with the reagent azido-125I-calmodulin. Three protein complexes with apparent molecular weights of 130,000, 93,000 and 52,000 were labeled. Specificity was demonstrated by the dependence of labeling on Ca2+, and by its reduction in the presence of unlabeled calmodulin or Stelazine. Urea-soluble components of coated vesicles and material isolated by Sepharose CL4B chromatography formed a 52,000 MW labeled complex. Subtracting an apparent molecular weight of calmodulin of 20,000 from the weights of the covalently labeled complexes, the coated vesicle proteins that bind calmodulin are 110,000, 73,000 and 32,000 MW. The 32,000 MW protein is thought to participate in the coat structure but the other two are most likely associated with the vesicle.  相似文献   

Aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (AIR) synthetase (PurM) catalyzes the conversion of formylglycinamide ribonucleotide (FGAM) and ATP to AIR, ADP, and P(i), the fifth step in de novo purine biosynthesis. The ATP binding domain of the E. coli enzyme has been investigated using the affinity label [(14)C]-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine (FSBA). This compound results in time-dependent inactivation of the enzyme which is accelerated by the presence of FGAM, and gives a K(i) = 25 microM and a k(inact) = 5.6 x 10(-)(2) min(-)(1). The inactivation is inhibited by ADP and is stoichiometric with respect to AIR synthetase. After trypsin digestion of the labeled enzyme, a single labeled peptide has been isolated, I-X-G-V-V-K, where X is Lys27 modified by FSBA. Site-directed mutants of AIR synthetase were prepared in which this Lys27 was replaced with a Gln, a Leu, and an Arg and the kinetic parameters of the mutant proteins were measured. All three mutants gave k(cat)s similar to the wild-type enzyme and K(m)s for ATP less than that determined for the wild-type enzyme. Efforts to inactivate the chicken liver trifunctional AIR synthetase with FSBA were unsuccessful, despite the presence of a Lys27 equivalent. The role of Lys27 in ATP binding appears to be associated with the methylene linker rather than its epsilon-amino group. The specific labeling of the active site by FSBA has helped to define the active site in the recently determined structure of AIR synthetase [Li, C., Kappock, T. J., Stubbe, J., Weaver, T. M., and Ealick, S. E. (1999) Structure (in press)], and suggests additional flexibility in the ATP binding region.  相似文献   

Conservation and diversity in families of coated vesicle adaptins   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The complete sequence of the beta adaptin subunit of the plasma membrane adaptor complex from coated vesicles has been elucidated. Complementary cDNA clones from human fibroblasts, rat lymphocytes, and bovine lymphocytes have been isolated, sequenced, and compared with each other and with beta adaptin sequences from rat brain (Kirchhausen, T., Nathanson, K.L., Matsui, W., Vaisberg, A., Chow, E.P., Burne, C., Keen, J.H., and Davis, A.E. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 2612-2616). Surprisingly, the 937-amino acid beta adaptin polypeptide is totally conserved between species. This remarkable homology contrasts with the absence of significant sequence similarity between the alpha (Robinson, M.S. (1989) J. Cell Biol. 108, 833-842) and beta adaptins of the plasma membrane adaptor complex. Diversity within each adaptin family is created by the expression of different genes and by tissue-specific differential splicing. The structures of the beta and alpha adaptins can both be divided into two globular domains interconnected by a variable and potentially flexible stalk domain.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles play an important role in both receptor-mediated endocytosis and intracellular membrane traffic in eukaryotic cells. The coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase functions to provide the acidic environment within endosomes and other intracellular compartments necessary for receptor recycling and intracellular membrane traffic. The coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase is composed of nine different subunits which are divided into two distinct domains. The peripheral V1 domain, which has the structure 733:583:401:341:331, possesses the nucleotide binding sites of the (H+)-ATPase. The integral V0 domain, which has the composition 1001:381:191:176, contains the pathway for proton conduction across the membrane. Topographical analysis indicates a structure for the coated vesicle (H+)-ATPase very similar to that of the F-type ATPases. Reassembly studies have allowed us to probe the function of particular subunits in this complex and the activity properties of the separate domains. These studies have led to insights into possible mechanisms of regulating vacuolar acidification.  相似文献   

We recently proposed a structural model for the ATP-dependent proton pump from clathrin-coated vesicles (Arai, H., Terres, G., Pink, S., and Forgac, M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8796-8802). To test this model further, we have carried out additional structural analysis of the (H+)-ATPase in both the detergent-solubilized and reconstituted states in this and the following paper (Adachi, I., Puopolo, K., Marquez-Sterling, N., Arai, H., and Forgac, M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 967-973). The orientation of the reconstituted proton pump was determined by analyzing the effect of detergent on ATP hydrolysis and by quantitating the extent of labeling of luminally oriented subunits using a membrane-impermeant reagent. Greater than 90% of the reconstituted (H+)-ATPase is oriented with the cytoplasmic surface facing outward. Treatment of the reconstituted (H+)-ATPase with trypsin results in rapid cleavage of the 100-, 73-, 58-, 38-, and 34-kDa subunits and slower cleavage of the 40- and 33-kDa subunits, consistent with our previous results indicating that all of these polypeptides have some portion of their mass exposed to the cytoplasmic surface. The 19- and 17-kDa subunits, by contrast, appear resistant to cleavage by trypsin in both the detergent-solubilized and reconstituted states, consistent with their being buried extensively in the hydrophobic phase of the bilayer. Treatment of the enzyme with trypsin under conditions in which the 100-, 73-, 58-, 38-, and 34-kDa subunits have been cleaved results in a species which is virtually inactive with respect to proton transport but retains 50% of the original ATPase activity, suggesting that proteolysis has resulted in uncoupling of these two activities. Cleavage of both the 73- and 58-kDa subunits by trypsin at a site 1-2 kDa from the amino terminus is inhibited in the presence of 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-ATP, consistent with the suggestion that both the 73- and 58-kDa subunits may be nucleotide binding proteins.  相似文献   

Spinach leaf phosphoribulokinase is sensitive to modification by ATP analogs that react with lysine residues. The 2',3'-dialdehyde derivative of ATP (oATP) inactivates enzyme in a slow, time-dependent fashion. The process follows first-order kinetics (kinact = 0.07 min-1), and the concentration dependence of inactivation indicates tight inhibitor binding (Ki = 106 microM). ATP offers good protection against inactivation (Kd = 67 microM), suggesting that oATP is directed toward the catalytic site. This conclusion is supported by the fact that oATP functions as an alternate substrate (Km = 0.55 mM). Inactivation of phosphoribulokinase by [14C]oATP results in a modification stoichiometry of 0.7/site. The 14C-labeled enzyme is stable to dialysis, suggesting that the covalent adduct formed between protein and oATP is not a simple Schiff's base. Adenosine di- and triphosphopyridoxals (Ado-P2-Pl and Ado-P3-Pl, respectively) also inhibit spinach phosphoribulokinase in a time-dependent fashion. In this case, activity loss is reversible unless the inhibited species is borohydride-reduced, suggesting that Ado-P2-Pl and Ado-P3-Pl form Schiff's bases with an amino group on the enzyme. Protection is afforded by the substrate ATP, suggesting that modification is active site-directed. Prolonged incubation of enzyme with these inhibitors does not result in complete inactivation of phosphoribulokinase. Residual activity is dependent on inhibitor concentration, as would be expected if equilibrium is established between the noncovalent E.I complex and the covalent (Schiff's base) E-I species. Kinetic data analysis indicates Ki values of 175 and 11 microM for Ado-P2-Pl and Ado-P3-Pl, respectively. Thus, the ATP-binding domain can easily accommodate the pyridoxal moiety which is tethered to the polyphosphate chain. The phosphorylated ATP analogs employed in this study exhibit substantially tighter binding to phosphoribulokinase than does fluorosulfonyl-benzoyladenosine (Ki = 4.8 mM), which we have previously demonstrated to be useful in selectively modifying the ATP-binding domain (Krieger, T. J., and Miziorko, H. M. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3496-3501; Krieger, T. J., Mende-Mueller, L. M., and Miziorko, H. M. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 915, 112-119). Although the adduct formed between oATP and enzyme was unsuitable for structural analysis, borohydride reduction of the Schiff's base formed between enzyme and Ado-P3-[3H]Pl produced a species useful for investigation by protein chemistry techniques. A radiolabeled tryptic peptide was prepared, isolated, and sequenced; the data indicate that lysine 68 is the residue modified by Ado-P3-[3H]Pl.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent localization of 100K coated vesicle proteins   总被引:11,自引:15,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
A family of coated vesicle proteins, with molecular weights of approximately 100,000 and designated 100K, has been implicated in both coat assembly and the attachment of clathrin to the vesicle membrane. These proteins were purified from extracts of bovine brain coated vesicles by gel filtration, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and preparative SDS PAGE. Peptide mapping by limited proteolysis indicated that the polypeptides making up the three major 100K bands have distinct amino acid sequences. When four rats were immunized with total 100K protein, each rat responded differently to the different bands, although all four antisera cross-reacted with the 100K proteins of human placental coated vesicles. After affinity purification, two of the antisera were able to detect a 100K band on blots of whole 3T3 cell protein and were used for immunofluorescence, double labeling the cells with either rabbit anti-clathrin or with wheat germ lectin as a Golgi apparatus marker. Both antisera gave staining that was coincident with anti-clathrin, with punctate labeling of the plasma membrane and perinuclear Golgi apparatus labeling. Thus, the 100K proteins are present on endocytic as well as Golgi-derived coated pits and vesicles. The punctate patterns were nearly identical with anti-100K and anti-clathrin, indicating that when vesicles become uncoated, the 100K proteins are removed as well as clathrin. One of the two antisera gave stronger plasma membrane labeling than Golgi apparatus labeling when compared with the anti-clathrin antiserum. The other antiserum gave stronger Golgi apparatus labeling. Although we have as yet no evidence that these two antisera label different proteins on blots of 3T3 cells, they do show differences on blots of bovine brain 100K proteins. This result, although preliminary, raises the possibility that different 100K proteins may be associated with different pathways of membrane traffic.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts apparently ingest low density lipoproteins (LDL) by a selective mechanism of receptor-mediated endocytosis involving the formation of coated vesicles from the plasma membrane. However, it is not known exactly how coated vesicles collect LDL receptors and pinch off from the plasma membrane. In this report, the quick-freeze, deep- etch, rotary-replication method has been applied to fibroblasts; it displays with unusual clarity the coats that appear under the plasma membrane at the start of receptor-mediated endocytosis. These coats appear to be polygonal networks of 7-nm strands or struts arranged into 30-nm polygons, most of which are hexagons but some of which are 5- and 7-sided rings. The proportion of pentagons in each network increases as the coated area of the plasma membrane puckers up from its planar configuration (where the network is mostly hexagons) to its most sharply curved condition as a pinched-off coated vesicle. Coats around the smallest vesicles (which are icosahedrons of hexagons and pentagons) appear only slightly different from "empty coats" purified from homogenized brain, which are less symmetrical baskets containing more pentagons than hexagons. A search for structural intermediates in this coat transformation allows a test of T. Kanaseki and K. Kadota's (1969. J. Cell Biol. 42:202--220.) original idea that an internal rearrangement in this basketwork from hexagons to pentagons could "power" coated vesicle formation. The most noteworthy variations in the typical hexagonal honeycomb are focal juxtapositions of 5- and 7-sided polygons at points of partial contraction and curvature in the basketwork. These appear to precede complete contraction into individual pentagons completely surrounded by hexagons, which is the pattern that characterizes the final spherical baskets around coated vesicles.  相似文献   

The b subunit of ATP synthase is a major component of the second stalk connecting the F1and F0 sectors of the enzyme and is essential for normal assembly and function. The156-residue b subunit of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase has been investigated extensivelythrough mutagenesis, deletion analysis, and biophysical characterization. The two copies ofb exist as a highly extended, helical dimer extending from the membrane to near the top ofF1, where they interact with the subunit. The sequence has been divided into four domains:the N-terminal membrane-spanning domain, the tether domain, the dimerization domain, andthe C-terminal -binding domain. The dimerization domain, contained within residues 60–122,has many properties of a coiled-coil, while the -binding domain is more globular. Sites ofcrosslinking between b and the a, , , and subunits of ATP synthase have been identified,and the functional significance of these interactions is under investigation. The b dimer mayserve as an elastic element during rotational catalysis in the enzyme, but also directly influencesthe catalytic sites, suggesting a more active role in coupling.  相似文献   

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