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The mocha mouse carries a spontaneous deletion in the Ap3d1 gene, encoding the delta 1 subunit of the adaptor related protein complex 3, (Ap3d1), and subsequently lack the expression of functional AP-3. This leads to a deficiency in vesicle transport and storage, which affects neurotransmitter vesicle turnover and release in the central nervous system. Since the genomic sequence of the Ap3d1 gene of mocha mouse is not known, precise mapping of the deletion as well as reliable genotyping protocols are lacking.


We sequenced the Ap3d1 gene (HGNC GeneID: 8943) around the deletion site in the mocha mouse and revealed a 10639 bp deletion covering exon 2 to 6. Subsequently, new PCR primers were designed yielding a reliable genotyping protocol of both newborn and adult tissue. To examine the genotypes further, hippocampal neurons were cultured from mocha and control mice. Patch-clamp recordings showed that mocha neurons had a higher input resistance, and that autaptic EPSC in mocha cultures depressed faster and stronger as compared with control cultures.


Our study reports the sequence of the deleted part of the Ap3d1 gene in mocha mice, as well as a reliable PCR-based genotyping protocol. We cultured hippocampal neurons from control and mocha mice, and found a difference in input resistance of the neurons, and in the synaptic short-term plasticity of glutamatergic autapses showing a larger synaptic depression than controls. The described procedures may be useful for the future utilization of the mocha mouse as a model of defective vesicle biogenesis. Importantly, as genotyping by eye color is complicated in newborn mice, the designed protocol is so fast and reliable that newborn mice could rapidly be genotyped and hippocampal neurons dissociated and cultured, which is normally best done at P0-P2.  相似文献   



Next-generation sequencing does not yield fully unbiased estimates for read abundance, which may impact on the conclusions that can be drawn from sequencing data. The ligation step in RNA sequencing library generation is a known source of bias, motivating developments in enzyme technology and library construction protocols. We present the first comparison of the standard duplex adaptor protocol supplied by Life Technologies for use on the Ion Torrent PGM with an alternate single adaptor approach involving CircLigase (CircLig protocol).A correlation between over-representation in sequenced libraries and degree of secondary structure has been reported previously, therefore we also investigated whether bias could be reduced by ligation with an enzyme that functions at a temperature not permissive for such structure.


A pool of small RNA fragments of known composition was converted into a sequencing library using one of three protocols and sequenced on an Ion Torrent PGM. The CircLig protocol resulted in less over-representation of specific sequences than the standard protocol. Over-represented sequences are more likely to be predicted to have secondary structure and to co-fold with adaptor sequences. However, use of the thermostable ligase Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum RNA ligase K97A (Mth K97A) was not sufficient to reduce bias.


The single adaptor CircLigase-based approach significantly reduces, but does not eliminate, bias in Ion Torrent data. Ligases that function at temperatures to remove the possible influence of secondary structure on library generation may be of value, although Mth K97A is not effective in this case.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-569) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Long-term storage of DNA-free RNA for use in vaccine studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jones KL  Drane D  Gowans EJ 《BioTechniques》2007,43(5):675-681
RNA replicons represent potential vaccine delivery vehicles, but are considered too unstable for such use. This study examined the recovery, integrity and function of in vitro transcribed replicon RNA encoding hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins. To remove residual template DNA, the RNA was digested with TURBO DNase followed by RNeasy DNase set and purified through an RNeasy column. The RNA was freeze-dried in distilled water or trehalose, stored under nitrogen gas for up to 10 months and analyzed at different time points. The recovery of RNA stored at < or = 4 degrees C that was freeze-dried in distilled water varied between 66% to zero of that recovered from RNA freeze-dried in 10% trehalose, a figure that depended on the duration of storage. In contrast, the recovery of the RNA stored in trehalose was consistently high for all time points. After recovery, both RNAs were translationally competent and expressed high levels of proteins after transfection, although the level of expression from the trehalose-stored RNA was consistently higher. Thus the addition of trehalose permitted stable storage of functional RNA at 4 degrees C for up to 10 months and this permits the development of RNA vaccines, even in developing countries where only minimum storage conditions (e.g., 4 degrees C) can be achieved.  相似文献   

A simple method of production of total RNA from baker's yeast was developed. Total RNA was isolated from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) biomass using lysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate at 100 degrees C for 40-60 min and subsequent precipitation of the target product with 3 M NaCl. The preparation obtained was characterized in detail: yield of total RNA from 1 kg of pressed yeast, 9.25 g; optical density at 260 nm of 1 mg of RNA dissolved in 1 ml of water, 20.2 U; content of the acid-soluble fraction, 2.02%; and protein content, 1.8%. Total tRNA was isolated from total RNA by fractional precipitation with ethanol followed by gel filtration.  相似文献   

A simple method of production of total RNA from baker’s yeast was developed. Total RNA was isolated from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) biomass using lysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate at 100°C for 40–60 min and subsequent precipitation of the target product with 3 M NaCl. The preparation obtained was characterized in detail: yield of total RNA from 1 kg of pressed yeast, 9.25 g; optical density at 260 nm of 1 mg of RNA dissolved in 1 ml of water, 20.2 U; content of the acid-soluble fraction, 2.02%; and protein content, 1.8%. Total tRNA was isolated from total RNA by fractional precipitation with ethanol followed by gel filtration.  相似文献   

<正>The research findings concerning the total synthesis of yeast alanine transfer RNA (yeast alanine tRNA) were successively published in Chinese Science Bulletin (1982) and Science in  相似文献   

Extraction of high-quality RNA from Arabidopsis seeds has been a challenge. Here we report a two-step TRIzol-based procedure for RNA extraction from Arabidopsis siliques and dry seeds. This procedure employs a modified, high pH (pH 9.5) extraction buffer. High pH plus the addition of either DTT or β-mercaptoethanol in the extraction buffer effectively inhibits RNase activity during the extraction, and removes most polysaccharides, polyphenols and other insoluble material. TRIzol reagent was subsequently used to purify the RNA. Using this procedure we isolated high-quality DNA-free RNA samples without DNase I treatment from Arabidopsis seeds or siliques in less than 3 h.  相似文献   

We describe a new approach for reliably isolating one-step real-time quantitative RT-PCR-quality RNA from laser captured cells retrieved from frozen sections previously subjected to immunofluorescent immunohistochemistry (IF-IHC) and subsequently subjected to fluorogenic one-step real-time RT-PCR analysis without the need for costly, time-consuming linear amplification. One cell’s worth of RNA can now be interrogated with confidence. This approach represents an amalgam of technologies already offered commercially by Applied Biosystems, Arcturus and Invitrogen. It is the primary focus of this communication to expose the details and execution of an important new LCM RNA isolation technique, but also provide a detailed account of the IF-IHC procedure preceding RNA isolation, and provide information regarding our approach to fluorogenic one-step real-time RT-PCR in general. Experimental results shown here are meant to supplement the primary aim and are not intended to represent a complete scientific study. It is important to mention, that since LCM-RT-PCR is still far less expensive than micro-array analysis, we feel this approach to isolating RNA from LCM samples will be of continuing use to many researchers with limited budgets in the years ahead.  相似文献   

The ability to simultaneously isolate intact DNA-free RNA, genomic DNA, and proteins from a biological specimen can be useful in cloning genes and analyzing gene expression. Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation with CsCl is a useful tool for fractionating, quantitatively separating, and characterizing RNA, DNA, and the total quota of proteins, respectively, based on differences in their buoyant densities. In the present study we have reexamined the rarely used cesium salt, cesium trifluoroacetate, for the same purpose. A significant advantage of CsTFA lies in the fact that, unlike in CsCl, RNA can be recovered from a single, soluble fraction of the CsTFA gradient. Furthermore, unlike CsCl, CsTFA is freely soluble in ethanol so that co-precipitation of the salt in the recovered RNA upon alcohol precipitation does not take place. Hence, the RNA is recovered with minimum manipulations. The one-step separation of cellular macromolecule classes free of each other in small amount of starting materials provides a major advantage over other methods currently in use.  相似文献   

Development of methods based on determining expression of individual genes resulted in the need for large amounts of high quality RNA preparations. It is widely accepted that in intact rRNA the 28S and 18S band ratio must be 2:1. It is not quite clear what is the main cause of lower rRNA bands intensity ratio. It is difficult to isolate RNA with 2:1 28S/18S ratio from RNase-rich and some tumor tissues. At the same time this requirement may be excessive and RNA preparations with lower 28S/18S rRNA ratio may be quite adequate for most techniques of determining gene expression. As demonstrated in this study, the level of a particular RNA may be reliably determined by RT-PCR even in a total RNA that is usually considered as degraded (28S to 18S ratio as low as 0.4), provided that random primer is used in RT. In contrast, the use of the oligo(dT) primer in RT-PCR may lead to underestimation of specific mRNA level in the degraded RNA samples, depending on the distance of amplified fragment from the poly(A) end. A criterion based on average degradation level of a number of reference genes is suggested to discriminate specific RNA degradation from random and unspecific ones.  相似文献   

Four brewer's yeast strains carrying the alpha-ald gene of Klebsiella terrigena (ex. Aerobacter aerogenes) or of Enterobacter aerogenes on autonomously replicating plasmids were constructed. The alpha-ald genes were linked either to the ADC1 promoter or to the PGK1 promoter of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In pilot scale brewing (50 l) with three of these recombinant yeasts the formation of diacetyl in beer was so low during fermentation that lagering was not required. All other brewing properties of the strains were unaffected and the quality of finished beers was as good as that of finished beer prepared with the control strain. The total process time of beer production could therefore be reduced to 2 weeks, in contrast to about 5 weeks required in the conventional process.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a rapid and simple method for total RNA extraction from bacteria and yeast. The method allows for the acquirement of high RNA yields while avoiding the use of phenol or other toxic reagents and is less expensive than other methods previously described. The extracted RNA is suitable for applications such as RT-PCR, Northern blot hybridization and low molecular weight RNA (LMW RNA) electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A small-scale method for the isolation of total RNA from plant tissue is described. The method provides RNA of suitable quantity and quality from 0.2 g fresh tissue for the detection of mRNA species by RNA blot analysis. The entire procedure is adapted to 1.5-ml microfuge tubes and takes less than 5 h. This method is well suited for the isolation of RNA from large numbers of samples or from samples of limited quantity.  相似文献   



Considering the broad variation in the expression of housekeeping genes among tissues and experimental situations, studies using quantitative RT-PCR require strict definition of adequate endogenous controls. For glioblastoma, the most common type of tumor in the central nervous system, there was no previous report regarding this issue.  相似文献   

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