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吴敏解  焦国宾 《中国微生态学杂志》2012,24(6):561+564-561,564
目的探讨生化检测法在细菌性阴道病(BV)诊断中的应用价值。方法对绍兴市人民医院妇科门诊650例阴道分泌物进行常规及生化检测。结果在650例疑似细菌性阴道病患者中,以“唾液酸苷酶阳性+过氧化氢阳性”为诊断标准,共检出BV患者483例(占总数的74.31%);使用Amsel法检出细菌性阴道病患者481例(占总数的74%)。使用生化检测法和Amsel法检出细菌性阴道病的阳性率差异无统计学意义(x2=0.53,P〉O.05),二者的符合率为94.15%(612/650),具有很高的一致性。结论生化检测准确、快速,具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的比较妇科门诊育龄妇女与孕妇的阴道菌群状态及常规感染,分析阴道菌群改变对阴道常规感染影响。方法用革兰染色法分别检查普通育龄妇女和孕妇的阴道分泌物,并进行Nugent评分。结果妇科门诊育龄妇女和孕妇的假丝酵母菌阳性率分别为28.6%和9.2%,滴虫阳性率分别为2.4%和0.6%;细菌性阴道病(BV)阳性率分别为32.4%和9.6%;乳杆菌3+到4+的比例分别为74.4%和44.8%。2组之间比较差异均有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论相对于妇科门诊育龄妇女而言,孕妇的阴道微生态状况更健康,对各种病原微生物有更强的抵抗力,受假丝酵母菌、滴虫和细菌性阴道病等常规疾病感染的机会明显降低。  相似文献   

BV三联法在细菌性阴道病诊断中的应用与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨BV三联法在诊断细菌性阴道病中的临床价值方法用BV三联法(检测患者阴道分泌物中的过氧化氢浓度、唾液酸苷酶、白细胞脂酶)和Amsel法(检测阴道分泌物并对阴道分泌物进行涂片革兰染色镜检)。结果BV三联法与Amsel法结合涂片革兰染色结果差异无显著性(P〈0.05)。结论BV三联法是一种新型、简便、快速的方法,可用于临床辅助诊断细菌性阴道病。  相似文献   

目的 了解BV及RBV患者的阴道微生态被彻底恢复与未被彻底恢复停药后的远期复发率差异.方法 137例BV患者(其中RBV 48例)被随机分成A、B两组.A组67例(其中RBV 19例),B组70例(其中RBV 29例).A组治疗至Amsel正常、Nugent评分≤3分、阴道菌群密集度Ⅱ~Ⅲ度且乳酸杆菌占明显优势、H2O2≥2μmol/L时停药;B组治疗至Amsel正常时停药.A、B两组停药后均随访6个月.结果 A组随访6个月复发率为22.39%、但B组高达63.08%.A组中BV患者随访6个月复发率为18.75%、B组为33.33%.A组中RBV患者随访2个月复发率为31.58%、但B组高达86.21%,随访3个月时B组全部复发.结论 动态监测阴道微生态评价指标,能客观指导临床BV治疗.BV患者、尤其RBV患者经个体化治疗,积极彻底恢复阴道微生态环境,明显降低了其远期复发率.  相似文献   

细菌性阴道病的诊断和治疗   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
细菌性阴道病 (bacterial vaginosis,BV)是世界范围内常见的一种阴道疾病 ,该病与许多严重的妇产科并发症有直接联系 ,许多并发症可通过明确诊断并正确治疗 BV而得到了预防 [1 ,2 ]。本文就 BV诊断和治疗技术的研究进展作一综述。1  BV的诊断BV是阴道微生态环境内菌群与分泌物生化性质变化引起的疾病 ,表现为正常阴道乳酸杆菌减少而代之以阴道加特纳菌、普雷沃菌、动弯杆菌、人型支原体等兼性厌氧、厌氧菌数量增加并伴随分泌物 p H值升高等重要生化成份变化的临床症候群。单一种微生物的定性培养结果并不能作为 BV诊断的准确依据。 1…  相似文献   

目的了解普通妇科门诊妇女阴道分泌物病原体感染及阴道微生态状况。方法用革兰染色法检查普通妇科门诊妇女阴道分泌物,并进行Nugent评分。结果800例普通妇科门诊妇女阴道分泌物中,假丝酵母菌阳性236例,阳性率29.5%;阴道毛滴虫阳性21例,阳性率2.63%;Nugent评分:正常(0-3分)248例(31.0%),临界(4-6分)283例(35.4%),细菌性阴道病(BV)(7-10分)269例(33.6%)。结论妇科门诊妇女对各种病原微生物抵抗力不足,阴道微生态状况有待改善。  相似文献   

细菌性阴道病的诊断方法及评价   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
何亮  陈群  曾忠铭 《中国微生态学杂志》2003,15(2):122-123,F003
细菌性阴道病 ( Bacterial Vaginosis BV)是由于细菌过度生长所致阴道微生态的非正常改变 ,从而导致的一类多微生物病 ( Polymicrobial Diseases)。以前曾命名为非特异性阴道炎 ( nonspecific vaginitis) ,加特纳菌性阴道炎 ( Gardnerellavaginitis) ,厌氧菌性阴道炎 ( anaerobicvaaginosis) ,嗜血杆菌性阴道炎 ( Corynebecterium vaginitis) ,棒状杆菌阴道炎( H aemophilus vaginitis)等。直到 1984年 ,在瑞典国际会议上才正式命名为“细菌性阴道病”。 BV是最常见的妇产科疾病之一 ,通过对患有 BV的妇女的阴道分泌物进行培养后发现 …  相似文献   

细菌性阴道病的病因及其诊断   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 引言细菌性阴道病 (bacterialvaginosis,BV)是阴道微生态环境内菌群与分泌物生化性质变化引起的常见阴道疾病 ,表现为正常阴道乳酸杆菌数量减少而代之以阴道加特纳菌等兼性厌氧、厌氧菌数量增加并伴随分泌物pH值升高等重要生化成分变化的临床症候群。在 1892~ 1989年间 ,因对BV认识上的局限性而报道过不同的名称 ,如非特异性阴道炎、嗜血杆菌阴道炎、加特纳阴道炎、厌氧性阴道炎、厌氧性阴道病、阴道细菌病 (vaginalbacteriosis) [1,2 ] ,但 1984年瑞典专题国际会议正式命名的“细菌性阴道病…  相似文献   

阴道菌群失衡与细菌性阴道病关系的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

目的观察10例BV患者采用了信谊制药总厂生产的阴道嗜酸乳杆菌泡腾片1个疗程(7 d)后阴道菌群的变化。方法采用7种选择或非选择培养基对阴道分泌物的细菌总数、乳杆菌等7个指标进行检测。结果治疗后阴道中乳杆菌显著增多,厌氧革兰阴性杆菌显著减少(两者P<0.001)。细菌总数、肠杆菌、酵母菌和阴道加德纳菌均减少(P<0.01)。结论信谊阴道嗜酸乳杆菌泡腾片具有较好的调整阴道微生态平衡的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of active heat acclimation on the sweat osmolality and sweat sodium ion concentration vs. sweat rate relationship in humans. Eight healthy male volunteers completed 10 days of exercise in the heat. The mean exercising heart rate and core temperature were significantly decreased (P < 0.05) by 18 beats/min and 0.6 degrees C, respectively, following heat acclimation. Furthermore, sweat osmolality and the sweat sodium ion concentration vs. sweat rate relationships were shifted to the right. Specifically, the slopes of the relationships were not affected by heat acclimation. Rather, heat acclimation significantly reduced the y-intercepts of the sweat osmolality and sweat sodium relationships with sweat rate by 28 mosmol/kgH(2)O and 15 mmol/l, respectively. Thus there was a significantly lower sweat sodium ion concentration for a given sweat rate following heat acclimation. These results suggest that heat acclimation increases the sodium ion reabsorption capacity of the human eccrine sweat gland.  相似文献   

Unsaturated fatty acids are constituents of nearly all biological membranes. They are always present in membranes which possess transmembrane potentials. Two completely different biosynthetic routes have evolved (aerobic and anaerobic) for placing cis double bonds in the 9 position on the fatty acids of membrane lipids. Bacterial membranes contain primarily monounsaturated fatty acids, whereas eukaryote membranes contain a significant fraction of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The polyunsaturated fatty acids are concentrated in organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria that are known to manipulate transmembrane potentials. I propose that the function of the unsaturated fatty acids is to facilitate the transmission of a local compaction of the membrane (in response to a transmembrane potential) laterally through the membrane. The role of the cis double bond at position 9 is twofold: first to create a kink in the chains of a large fraction of membrane fatty acids enhancing the separation of two regions in the membrane and second to enhance the rigidity of the membrane in the region between the head group and the 9 double bond. This ordered region contains those carbons proximal to the 9 carbon and which are in a regular array of trans conformations. The presence of a reasonable proportion of cis double bonds at position 9 will tend to maintain these trans conformations utilizing pi-pi (van der Waals) interactions between adjacent hydrocarbon chains at position 9. The disordered region contains the carbons distal to the 9 carbon. These have greater degrees of freedom and considerable gauche conformations. The role of the double bonds in the polyunsaturated fatty acids distal to carbon 9 is to facilitate trans bilayer pi-pi (van der Waals) interactions enhancing compaction of the bilayer during the electrostriction. I further propose that it is the function of the ionic headgroups to form an interlocking polyionic network which constitutes an elastic sheet. These ionic interactions would serve as the restoring force converting the compaction into a wave. The facilitation of the compaction of the bilayer together with the polyionic restoring force permits the membrane to transmit conformational changes from one transmembrane protein to another. Since transmembrane potentials are created and responded to by proteins each in a single location, it is thus proposed that a potential compaction wave emanates from the first protein in all directions in the plane of the membrane. The proposed wave would have both physical and electrical components. The electrohydrodynamic wave would require that the compaction oscillations be coupled to an oscillating electrical field. These proposals are applied to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, and to transport across biological membranes.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain increases in plant nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations with latitude: (i) geochemical limitation to P availability in the tropics and (ii) temperature driven variation in growth rate, where greater growth rates (requiring greater nutrient levels) are needed to complete growth and reproduction within shorter growing seasons in temperate than tropical climates. These two hypotheses were assessed in one forest type, intertidal mangroves, using fertilized plots at sites between latitudes 36º S and 27º N. The N and P concentrations in mangrove leaf tissue increased with latitude, but there were no trends in N : P ratios. Growth rates of trees, adjusted for average minimum temperature showed a significant increase with latitude supporting the Growth Rate Hypothesis. However, support for the Geochemical Hypothesis was also strong; both photosynthetic P use efficiency and nutrient resorption efficiency decreased with increasing latitude, indicating that P was less limiting to metabolism at the higher latitudes. Our study supports the hypothesis that historically low P availability in the tropics has been an important selective pressure shaping the evolution of plant traits.  相似文献   

Microflora of the pharynx, nose, sputum and excrements was investigated. It was found that bleomycin therapy may induce or aggravate the shifts in microbiocenosis of the pharynx and sputum in the direction of pathogenization (increase in the number of Staph. aureus, hemolytic streptococci, enterobacteria). A tendency to elimination of bifidobacteria and appearance of Proteus in the excrements was observed. Complications associated with the treatment are rarely of infectious origin.  相似文献   

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