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Resveratrol, a phytoalexin found mainly in grapes, is a promising natural product with anti-cancer and cardio-protective activities. Here, we investigated, in C6 glioma cells, the effect of resveratrol on some specific parameters of astrocyte activity (glutamate uptake, glutamine synthetase and secretion of S100B, a neurotrophic cytokine) commonly associated with the protective role of these cells. Cell proliferation was significantly decreased by 8% and 26%, following 24h of treatment with 100 and 250 microM resveratrol. Extracellular S100B increased after 48 h of resveratrol exposure. Short-term resveratrol exposure (from 1 to 100 microM) induced a linear increase in glutamate uptake (up to 50% at 100 microM resveratrol) and in glutamine synthetase activity. Changes in these glial activities can contribute to the protective role of astrocytes in brain injury conditions, reinforcing the putative use of this compound in the therapeutic arsenal against neurodegenerative diseases and ischemic disorders.  相似文献   

The 45,55,65 and 100kDa ATP-binding proteinases(ATP-BPases) of the heat-shocked (44℃ for 30 min,recovery for 12h) rat C6 glioma cells were purified by DEAE-ionexchange and ATP-affinity chromatography.Their molecular masses,isoelectric points (pI),pH-optima and other properties were analyzed by native proteinase gels.It was shown that the 65 kDa ATP-BPase is specifically induced by heat shock and not detectable in control cells.Its N-terminal 1-9amino acid sequence was determined by Edman degradation,but no homologies to other proteins in the protein data bases were found.30 and 31kDa proteinases can be cleaved from the 45,55 and 65 kDa proteinases to which they are linked.A possible relationship of the heat-induced 65 kDa ATP-BPase with the ATP-dependent proteinases (ATP-DPases) in prokaryotes and eukaryotes is discussed.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of rat brain prostaglandin D synthetase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Prostaglandin D synthetase was purified 2,600-fold from rat brain to apparent homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. The purified enzyme was a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 27,000 +/- 1,000. The pI value, sedimentation coefficient, and partial specific volume were 4.6, 4.1 s, and 0.73 ml/g, respectively. The enzyme was stable between pH 4 and 11 at the temperature lower than 25 degrees C and resistant to a heat treatment under alkaline conditions (pH 8-11). About 50% of the activity was detected after a heat treatment at 100 degrees C for 5 min at pH 10. However, the enzyme was readily inactivated by the isomerase reaction of prostaglandin H2 to prostaglandin D2. The enzyme required sulfhydryl compounds such as dithiothreitol, glutathione, beta-mercaptoethanol, cysteine, and cysteamine for the reaction, but stoichiometric oxidation of these sulfhydryl compounds was not observed. The optimum pH, Km value for prostaglandin H2, and the turnover number were 9.5, 14 microM, and 170 min-1, respectively. The antibody was raised against the purified enzyme in a rabbit, which showed only one positive band in immunoblotting after gel electrophoresis of crude extracts of the brain at the same position as that of the purified enzyme. More than 90% of the prostaglandin D synthetase activity in the brain was absorbed by an excess amount of the antibody, indicating that our preparation is a major component of the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of prostaglandin D2 in the brain.  相似文献   

Glutamine is synthesized in skeletal muscle, released to the circulation, and transported to other tissues, where it may provide important substrate for gluconeogenesis, ammoniagenesis, and energy-yielding pathways. With the ultimate goal of delineating the factors that control glutamine production and release by skeletal muscle, we have studied the regulation of two key enzymes, glutamine synthetase and glutaminase, in the L6 line of rat skeletal muscle cells grown in monolayer culture. The cultured myotubes were found to have glutamine synthetase and phosphate-dependent glutaminase activities. Glutamine synthetase activity was increased following incubation (1) in glutamine-free medium (threefold); (2) in medium containing high glutamic acid concentrations (fourfold); and (3) in medium supplemented with dexamethasone (threefold). In each case the increase in glutamine synthetase activity required several hours to reach a maximum and was prevented by cycloheximide, suggesting that the change occurred through increased enzyme biosynthesis. No substances tested were found to affect glutaminase activity. We conclude that glutamine synthetase in cultured skeletal muscle is responsive to substrate, product, and hormonal regulation.  相似文献   

C6 glioma cells grown in medium containing fetal bovine serum have a decreased beta-adrenergic receptor number and beta-receptor-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation as compared to cells grown in a serum-free, defined medium. The decreased number of receptors and decreased cAMP accumulation are attributable to a suppression of receptor binding and response by serum as opposed to increases produced by growth in the defined medium. Serum, when added to cells grown in the absence of serum, stimulated cellular cyclic AMP levels to 2-3 times basal levels. This direct stimulatory effect was blocked by incubation of the cells with the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol and was partially reversed by dialysis of the serum. In contrast, addition of serum to cells that have been grown with serum fails to stimulate cyclic AMP accumulation. The decrease in receptors following growth in serum can be mimicked by growing cells in serum-free medium in the presence of beta-adrenergic agonists such as isoproterenol or norepinephrine. Radioenzymatic assays indicate that fetal bovine serum contains approximately 0.3 nM norepinephrine and lower concentrations of epinephrine. It thus appears that growth of C6 cells in serum-containing media desensitizes the beta-adrenergic receptor/cyclic AMP system of these cells. This desensitized state appears to result primarily from the action of catecholamines present in serum. These data indicate that retained catecholamines are one component in serum that can modify expression of beta-adrenergic receptors and hormonal response of cultured glioma cells.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of the membrane-limited state of glucose utilization and the mechanism of the endogenous regulation of hexose uptake in dense monolayers of C6 glioma cells were investigated. In an earlier study, it was shown that at high rates of glucose transport and phosphorylation combined with the inhibition of glycolytic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production by iodoacetate, an endogenous regulatory response occurred that resulted in rapid, periodic variations of the glucose uptake rates (Lange et al., 1982). Similar time-dependent periodic changes of uptake rates also occurred during incubation of C6 glioma cells with 2 mM 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) without pretreatment of the cells with iodoacetate. These changes were accompanied by variations of the intracellular ATP content, by distinct alterations of the shape and arrangement of microvilli and lamellae (lamellipodia) on the cell surface, and by changes of the cytoskeletal F-actin content. Because the changes of 2-DG uptake rates occurred independent of the intracellular 2-DG concentration, the bulk of this 2-DG pool was assumed to be localized apart from the membranal transport sites. Downregulation of 2-DG uptake appeared to be triggered by a rapid decrease of a small pool of the cellular ATP involved in the phosphorylation of transported hexose. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations of cells fixed in different states of the endogenous uptake regulation supported the assumption that the interior of lamellae and microvilli may represent a small entrance compartment for transported hexoses in which occurred the observed close coupling between hexose transport and phosphorylation as well as the rapid variations of ATP content. Hexose uptake is supposed to be regulated by cytoskeleton-mediated changes of volume and diffusional accessibility of this compartment, modulating the degree of its metabolic coupling with the cytoplasmic main compartment.  相似文献   

A variant RL-ET-1G of a rat liver epithelial cell line (RL-ET-1) characterized by a very high inducibility for glutamine synthetase (GS) in response to dexamethasone was established by cultivation in glutamine-free, glutamate-supplemented culture medium. Using this cell line, conditioned medium produced by periportal hepatocytes in primary culture was found to suppress this induction, acting with a lag-phase of about 8 h irrespective whether the GS activity was basal or preinduced. Analysis of the response of several epithelial cell lines to the conditioned medium showed a reciprocal relationship between the dexamethasone-dependent induction and the residual activity after exposure to the conditioned medium, indicating that a hypothetical factor in the conditioned medium was interfering with the induction process but not with the basal GS level of these cells. Careful analysis revealed that the effect of the conditioned medium was neither due to deficiency of a component used up by the hepatocytes, nor due to glutamine or ammonia, both of which affected GS activity at concentrations above 0.5 mmol/L. The hypothetical factor was found to be quite small (molecular mass range 100–500 Da), heat and acid stable, as well as highly water soluble. Most interestingly, the conditioned medium did not suppress GS induction in astroglial cells and in the two hepatoma cell lines C2 and FAO, but strongly diminished the spontaneous induction of GS in cocultured pig hepatocytes, suggesting that the hypothetical factor acts primarily on normal nontransformed liver-derived cell populations.  相似文献   

Brain ischemia brings about hypoxic insults. Hypoxia is one of the major pathological factors inducing neuronal injury and central nervous system infection. We studied the involvement of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase in hypoxia-induced apoptosis using cobalt chloride in C6 glioma cells. In vitro cytotoxicity of cobalt chloride was tested by MTT assay. Its IC(50) value was 400 microM. The DNA fragment became evident after incubation of the cells with 300 microM cobalt chloride for 24 h. We also evidenced nuclear cleavage with morphological changes of the cells undergoing apoptosis with electron microscopy. Next, we examined the signal pathway of cobalt chloride-induced apoptosis in C6 cells. The activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK 1/2) started to increase at 1 h and was activated further at 6 h after treatment of 400 M cobalt chloride. In addition, pretreatment of PD98059 inhibited cobalt chloride-induced apoptotic cell morphology in Electron Microscopy. These results suggest that cobalt chloride is able to induce the apoptotic activity in C6 glioma cells, and its apoptotic mechanism may be associated with signal transduction via MAP kinase (ERK 1/2).  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the intracellular availability of zinc influences numerous crucial processes. Its distribution has previously been visualized with several fluorescent probes, but it was unclear how these probes are compartmentalized within the cell. Here, we show that in C6 cells the zinc-specific probe Zinquin is evenly distributed. Thus, the significantly lower level of fluorescence in the nucleus and a punctuate vesicular staining are real differences in the concentrations of zinc. Chemical perturbation of the steady state by releasing intracellular protein-bound zinc with the sulfhydryl-reactive N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) resulted in a vanadate sensitive transport of zinc out of the nucleus and into zincosomes. If the zinc-release was performed with the histidine-reactive diethylpyrocarbonate, sequestration was reduced compared to treatment with NEM, indicating the importance of histidine within membrane zinc transporters. Another major factor regulating the zinc homeostasis is ion export. As determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy, up to 50% of the cellular zinc was exported by a mechanism sensitive to lanthanum ions. We conclude that different concentrations of labile zinc exist in different cellular compartments, which are maintained by export and intracellular transport of zinc.  相似文献   

Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP) and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) induced morphological alterations in cultured human glioma cells (138 MG). Cells in serum-free medium, treated with db-cAMP (1 mM) or PGE1 (10μg/ml), within 1–3 h showed multiple thin processes resembling those of normal glial cells. These processes increased in size during a 24 h incubation. In serum-containing medium the appearance of cells with multiple processes was delayed. The induced morphological alterations were reversible upon exchange with fresh serum-containing but not with serum-deprived medium. Actinomycin D (5 μg/ml) did not prevent the changes induced by PGE1 or db-cAMP. Inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide (10 μg/ml) did not arrest the initial (1–3 h) changes in morphology but blocked further growth of the processes on prolonged incubation. Vinblastine sulphate (0.1 μg/ml) completely inhibited the alterations induced by PGE1 or db-cAMP.  相似文献   

Rat C6 glioma cells were cultured for 4 days in MEM medium supplemented with 10% bovine serum and Na+,K+-ATPase activity was determined in homogenates of harvested cells. Approximately 50% of enzyme activity was attained at 1.5 mM K+ and the maximum (2.76±0.13 mol Pi/h/mg protein) at 5 mM K+. The specific activity of Na+,K+-ATPase was not influenced by freezing the homogenates or cell suspensions before the enzyme assay. Ten minutes' exposure of glioma cells to 10–4 or 10–5 M noradrenaline (NA) remained without any effect on NA+,K+-ATPase activity. Neither did the presence of NA in the incubation medium, during the enzyme assay, influence the enzyme activity. The nonresponsiveness of Na+,K+-ATPase of C6 glioma cells to NA is consistent with the assumption that (+) form of the enzyme may be preferentially sensitive to noradrenaline. Na+,K+-ATPase was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by vanadate and 50% inhibition was achieved at 2×10–7 M concentration. In spite of the fact that Na+,K+-ATPase of glioma cells was not responsive to NA, the latter could at least partially reverse vanadate-induced inhibition of the enzyme. Although the present results concern transformed glial cells, they suggest the possibility that inhibition of glial Na+,K+-ATPase may contribute to the previously reported inhibition by vanadate of Na+,K+-ATPase of the whole brain tissue.  相似文献   

A density dependent stimulation of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity has been observed in cultures of mouse teratoma cells. GS specific activity increased as cultures approached confluency to a level greater than 2-fold over the basal level found in sparse cultures. After confluency the GS specific activity returned to the basal level found in sparse cultures. The enzyme increase could not be attributed to age of cultures, medium or glutamine depletion, cell leakage of GS, or change in the amount of cellular protein. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP) plus theophylline lowered GS specific activity both in cultured teratoma and in teratoma obtained from ascites grown tumors. The enzyme increase observed in cultured teratoma cells could be prevented by cycloheximide, and enhanced by hydrocortisone or actinomycin D.  相似文献   

Rat spleen prostaglandin D synthetase (Christ-Hazelhof, E., and Nugteren, D. H. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 572, 43-51) is very similar to rat brain prostaglandin D synthetase (Urade, Y., Fujimoto, N., and Hayaishi O. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12410-12415) as judged by their pI (4.7-5.2), Mr (26,000-27,000), and self-inactivation during the isomerase reaction from prostaglandin H2 to prostaglandin D2. However, the amino acid compositions of these two enzymes were quite different. Furthermore, the spleen enzyme was associated with the glutathione S-transferase activity, differing from the brain enzyme. The synthetase and transferase activities of the spleen enzyme showed almost identical pH and glutathione dependencies, the optimum pH = 8.0 and Km for glutathione = 300 microM. The Km values for prostaglandin H2 and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (a substrate for the transferase) were about 200 microM and 5 mM, respectively. The synthetase activity was dose-dependently inhibited by 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (IC50: approximately 5 mM) and more strongly by nonsubstrate ligands, such as bilirubin and indocyanine green (IC50: 150 and 2 microM, respectively). Both the synthetase and transferase activities of the purified enzyme dose-dependently decreased and showed identical immunotitration curves by incubation with antibody against this enzyme, but remained unchanged when treated with antibody against the brain enzyme. The antibody specific for the spleen enzyme absorbed almost all of the synthetase activity and about 10% of the transferase activity in the spleen, but not the transferase activity in the liver, heart, and testis. These results show that the two types of prostaglandin D synthetase are similar but different enzymes and that the spleen enzyme is a unique glutathione S-transferase differing from other isozymes and their subunits reported previously.  相似文献   

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