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Using the model of exploitative competition of R. H. MacArthur and R. Levins (1967, Amer. Natur. 101, 377–385), evolution at a gene locus which influences the niche position is considered. The locus has multiple alleles, and the contributions of the alleles to the genotypic value are additive. The resource spectrum and the utilization functions of the genotypes are assumed to be Gaussian. Evolution will make the mode of the niche converge to the resource optimum, as long as the allele contributions are small compared to the distance between the mode of the niche and the resource optimum. When this distance is of the same order of magnitude as the allele contributions, then the globally stable equilibrium will maintain at most two alleles in the population, unless the allele contributions are large. Classical overdominance is not needed to maintain polymorphism. This result predicts high linkage disequilibrium in similar multilocus models. It is concluded that intraspecific competition can be a powerful force in maintaining two-allele polymorphisms, and that it can maintain high linkage disequilibrium among closely linked loci.  相似文献   

A two-locus model corresponding to the model of Christiansen and Loeschcke (1980, theoret, Popul. Biol. 18, 297-313) is analysed. The two loci each have two alleles, and the loci influences a character which determines the utilization of resources in a one-dimensional continuum. The analysis of the model is supported by numerical iterations of the recurrence equations. The previous prediction of high linkage disequilibrium for small allele contributions to the character and close linkage between the loci is confirmed. For larger allele contributions results comparable to those for the symmetric viabilities model are obtained. The model degenerates when the allele contributions at the two loci are equal, i.e., in the most symmetric situation. The results are discussed as the outcome of a balance between optimizing selection and disruptive selection. For small allele contributions the results are virtually independent of which genotype is most favoured by the optimizing aspect of the selective forces.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate protists harbor a characteristic peridinin-containing plastid that evolved from a red or haptophyte alga. In contrast to typical plastids that have ~100-200 kb circular genomes, the dinoflagellate plastid genome is composed of minicircles that each encode 0-5 genes. It is commonly assumed that dinoflagellate minicircles are derived from a standard plastid genome through drastic reduction and fragmentation. However, we demonstrate that the ycf16 and ycf24 genes (encoded on the Ceratium AF490364 minicircle), as well as rpl28 and rpl33 (encoded on the Pyrocystis AF490367 minicircle), are related to sequences from Algoriphagus and/or Cytophaga bacteria belonging to the Bacteroidetes clade. Moreover, we identified a new open reading frame on the Pyrocystis minicircle encoding a SRP54 N domain, which is typical of FtsY proteins. Because neither of these minicircles share sequence similarity with any other dinoflagellate minicircles, and their genes resemble bacterial operons, we propose that these Ceratium and Pyrocystis minicircles resulted from a horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from a Bacteroidetes donor. Our findings are the first indication of HGT to dinoflagellate minicircles, highlighting yet another peculiar aspect of this plastid genome.  相似文献   

【背景】副溶血弧菌(Vibrioparahaemolyticus)具有两套III型分泌系统(typeIIIsecretion system,T3SS)。T3SS1通过向宿主细胞分泌效应蛋白发挥致病作用,vcrV基因位于T3SS1编码基因簇。【目的】以vcrV基因为研究对象,探索其对副溶血弧菌生物学特性及T3SS1致病机制的影响。【方法】以副溶血弧菌POR-1株为参考菌株,利用同源重组技术构建vcrV基因缺失株ΔvcrV和回补株CΔvcrV,比较各菌株在生长性能、生物被膜形成能力、细胞黏附及细胞毒性等生物学特性的差异,应用Western Blot检测T3SS1诱导条件下POR-1、ΔvcrV和CΔvcrV等菌株效应蛋白分泌量,进一步利用具有过表达载体pMMB207-vp1683-CyaA的各菌株侵染HeLa细胞,通过Western Blot检测细胞内效应蛋白VopR(Vp1683)的易位量。【结果】与基础菌株POR-1相比,缺失vcrV基因不影响副溶血弧菌的生长性能、生物被膜形成能力及细胞黏附等生物学特性,显著降低了对HeLa细胞的毒性作用,具有过表达载体的POR-1、ΔvcrV和CΔv...  相似文献   

Bacterium usually utilises type III secretion systems (T3SS) to deliver effectors directly into host cells with the aids of chaperones. Hence, it is very important to identify bacterial T3SS effectors and chaperones for better understanding of host–pathogen interactions. Edwardsiella piscicida is an invasive enteric bacterium, which infects a wide range of hosts from fish to human. Given E. piscicida encodes a functional T3SS to promote infection, very few T3SS effectors and chaperones have been identified in this bacterium so far. Here, we reported that EseK is a new T3SS effector protein translocated by E. piscicida. Bioinformatic analysis indicated that escH and escS encode two putative class I T3SS chaperones. Further investigation indicated that EscH and EscS can enhance the secretion and translocation of EseK. EscH directly binds EseK through undetermined binding domains, whereas EscS binds EseK via its N‐terminal α‐helix. We also found that EseK has an N‐terminal chaperone‐binding domain, which binds EscH and EscS to form a ternary complex. Zebrafish infection experiments showed that EseK and its chaperones EscH and EscS are necessary for bacterial colonisation in zebrafish. This work identified a new T3SS effector, EseK, and its two T3SS chaperones, EscH and EscS, in E. piscicida, which enriches our knowledge of bacterial T3SS effector–chaperone interaction and contributes to our understanding of bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Incubation of the amino acid-deficient strain Escherichia coli AB1157 with particles harvested from an oligotrophic environment revealed evidence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) with restoration of all deficiencies in revertant cells with frequencies up to 1.94 × 10(-5). None of the markers were preferentially transferred, indicating that the DNA transfer is performed by generalized transduction. The highest gene transfer frequencies were obtained for single markers, with values up to 1.04 × 10(-2). All revertants were able to produce particles of comparable size, appearing at the beginning of the stationary phase. Examination of the revertants using electron microscopy showed bud-like structures with electron-dense bodies. The particles that display the structural features of membrane vesicles were again infectious to E. coli AB1157, producing new infectious particles able to transduce genetic information, a phenomenon termed serial transduction. Thus, the <0.2-μm particle fraction from seawater contains a particle size fraction with high potential for gene transfer. Biased sinusoidal field gel electrophoresis indicated a DNA content for the particles of 370 kbp, which was higher than that of known membrane vesicles. These findings provide evidence of a new method of HGT, in which mobilizable DNA is trafficked from donor to recipient cells via particles.  相似文献   

The concept of the coevolutionary arms race holds a central position in our understanding of pathogen–host interactions. Here we identify the molecular mechanisms and follow the stepwise progression of an arms race in a natural system. We show how the evolution and function of the HopZ family of type III secreted effector proteins carried by the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae are influenced by a coevolutionary arms race between pathogen and host. We surveyed 96 isolates of P. syringae and identified three homologs (HopZ1, HopZ2, and HopZ3) distributed among ~45% of the strains. All alleles were sequenced and their expression was confirmed. Evolutionary analyses determined that the diverse HopZ1 homologs are ancestral to P. syringae, and have diverged via pathoadaptive mutational changes into three functional and two degenerate forms, while HopZ2 and HopZ3 have been brought into P. syringae via horizontal transfer from other ecologically similar bacteria. A PAML selection analysis revealed that the C terminus of HopZ1 is under strong positive selection. Despite the extensive genetic variation observed in this family, all three homologs have cysteine–protease activity, although their substrate specificity may vary. The introduction of the ancestral hopZ1 allele into strains harboring alternate alleles results in a resistance protein-mediated defense response in their respective hosts, which is not observed with the endogenous allele. These data indicate that the P. syringae HopZ family has undergone allelic diversification via both pathoadaptive mutational changes and horizontal transfer in response to selection imposed by the host defense system. This genetic diversity permits the pathogen to avoid host defenses while still maintaining a virulence-associated protease, thereby allowing it to thrive on its current host, while simultaneously impacting its host range.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of, and barriers to, horizontal gene transfer between bacteria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bacteria evolve rapidly not only by mutation and rapid multiplication, but also by transfer of DNA, which can result in strains with beneficial mutations from more than one parent. Transformation involves the release of naked DNA followed by uptake and recombination. Homologous recombination and DNA-repair processes normally limit this to DNA from similar bacteria. However, if a gene moves onto a broad-host-range plasmid it might be able to spread without the need for recombination. There are barriers to both these processes but they reduce, rather than prevent, gene acquisition.  相似文献   

Horizontal (interspecific) transfer is regarded as a possible strategy for the propagation of transposable elements through evolutionary time. To date, however, conclusive evidence that transposable elements are capable of horizontal transfer from one species to another has been limited to class II or DNA-type elements. We tested the possibility of such transfer for several Drosophila melanogaster LTR retrotransposons of the gypsy group in an experiment in which D. melanogaster and D. virilis somatic cell lines were used as donor and recipient cells, respectively. This approach was chosen in light of the high levels of LTR retrotransposon amplification and expression observed in cultured D. melanogaster cells. In the course of the experiment, parallel analysis for mdg1, mdg3, 17.6, 297, 412 and B104/roo retrotransposons was performed to detect their presence in the genome of recipient cells. Only the mdg3 retrotransposon, which lacks an env gene, was found to be transmitted into recipient cells. This model, based on the use of cultured cells, is a promising system for further investigating the mechanisms of LTR retrotransposon transfer.  相似文献   

Assessment of phylogenetic positions of predicted gene and protein sequences is a routine step in any genome project, useful for validating the species' taxonomic position and for evaluating hypotheses about genome evolution and function. Several recent eukaryotic genome projects have reported multiple gene sequences that were much more similar to homologues in bacteria than to any eukaryotic sequence. In the spirit of the times, horizontal gene transfer from bacteria to eukaryotes has been invoked in some of these cases. Here, we show, using comparative sequence analysis, that some of those bacteria‐like genes indeed appear likely to have been horizontally transferred from bacteria to eukaryotes. In other cases, however, the evidence strongly indicates that the eukaryotic DNA sequenced in the genome project contains a sample of non‐integrated DNA from the actual bacteria, possibly providing a window into the host microbiome. Recent literature suggests also that common reagents, kits and laboratory equipment may be systematically contaminated with bacterial DNA, which appears to be sampled by metagenome projects non‐specifically. We review several bioinformatic criteria that help to distinguish putative horizontal gene transfers from the admixture of genes from autonomously replicating bacteria in their hosts' genome databases or from the reagent contamination.  相似文献   

The K homology (KH) repeat is an RNA‐binding motif that exists in various proteins, some of which participate in plant growth. However, the function of KH domain‐containing proteins in plant defence is still unclear. In this study, we found that a KH domain‐containing protein in apple (Malus domestica), HEN4‐like (MdKRBP4), is involved in the plant immune response. Silencing of MdKRBP4 compromised reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and enhanced the susceptibility of apple to Valsa mali, whereas transient overexpression of MdKRBP4 stimulated ROS accumulation in apple leaves, indicating that MdKRBP4 is a positive immune regulator. Additionally, MdKRBP4 was proven to interact with the VmEP1 effector secreted by V. mali, which led to decreased accumulation of MdKRBP4. Coexpression of MdKRBP4 with VmEP1 inhibited cell death and ROS production induced by MdKRBP4 in Nicotiana benthamiana. These results indicate that MdKRBP4 functions as a novel positive regulatory factor in plant immunity in M. domestica and is a virulence target of the V. mali effector VmEP1.  相似文献   

Many Helicobacter pylori isolates carry cryptic plasmids of extremely variable size. In this study we analyzed two H. pylori plasmids, pHel4 and pHel5, from H. pylori strains P8 and P29, respectively. Plasmid pHel4 consists of 10,970 bp, constituting 15 putative open reading frames (ORFs), whereas pHel5 consists of 18,291 bp, constituting 17 ORFs. The findings that both plasmids encode a conserved RepA protein and that both have an origin of replication containing an iteron place them in the group of theta plasmids. In pHel4, the products of the overlapping orf4C, orf4D, orf4E, and orf4F sequences are homologous to MobA, MobB, MobC, and MobD, encoded by colicinogenic plasmids, suggesting that pHel4 might be mobilizable. A further putative operon consists of orf4B and orf4A, the products of which are homologous to microcin C7 (MccC7) biosynthesis and secretion proteins MccB and MccC, respectively. Plasmid pHel5 carries putative genes encoding proteins with homology to an endonuclease and gene products of an H. pylori chromosomal plasticity zone. Both plasmids contain repeat sequences, such as the previously identified R2 repeat, which are considered preferred recombination sites. In pHel4, a new repeat sequence (R4 repeat), which seems to act as a hot spot for site-specific recombination, was identified. All H. pylori plasmids characterized so far have a modular structure. We suggest a model that explains the existing plasmids by insertions and deletions of genetic elements at the repeat sequences. A genetic exchange between plasmids and the bacterial chromosome, combined with plasmid mobilization, might add a novel mechanism to explain the high genetic macrodiversity within the H. pylori population.  相似文献   

Vibrio represents a diverse bacterial genus found in different niches of the marine environment, including numerous genera of marine sponges (phylum Porifera), inhabiting different depths and regions of benthic seas, that are potentially important in driving adaptive change among Vibrio spp. Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, a previous study showed that sponge‐derived (SD) vibrios clustered with their mainstream counterparts present in shallow, coastal ecosystems, suggesting a genetic relatedness between these populations. Sequences from the topA, ftsZ, mreB, rpoD, rctB and toxR genes were used to investigate the degree of relatedness existing between these two separate populations by examining their phylogenetic and genetic disparity. Phylogenies were constructed from the concatenated sequences of the six housekeeping genes using maximum‐parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and neighbour‐joining algorithms. Genetic recombination was evaluated using the incongruence length difference test, Split decomposition and measuring overall compatibility of sites. This combined technical approach provided evidence that SD Vibrio strains are largely genetically homologous to their shallow‐water counterparts. Moreover, the analyses conducted support the existence of extensive horizontal gene transfer between these two groups, supporting the idea of a single panmictic population structure among vibrios from two seemingly distinct, marine environments.  相似文献   

The extent to which cultured strains represent the genetic diversity of a population of microorganisms is poorly understood. Because they do not require culturing, metagenomic approaches have the potential to reveal the genetic diversity of the microbes actually present in an environment. From coastal California seawater, a complex and diverse environment, the marine cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus were enriched by flow cytometry-based sorting and the population metagenome was analysed with 454 sequencing technology. The sequence data were compared with model Synechococcus genomes, including those of two coastal strains, one isolated from the same and one from a very similar environment. The natural population metagenome had high sequence identity to most genes from the coastal model strains but diverged greatly from these genomes in multiple regions of atypical trinucleotide content that encoded diverse functions. These results can be explained by extensive horizontal gene transfer presumably with large differences in horizontally transferred genetic material between different strains. Some assembled contigs showed the presence of novel open reading frames not found in the model genomes, but these could not yet be unambiguously assigned to a Synechococcus clade. At least three distinct mobile DNA elements (plasmids) not found in model strain genomes were detected in the assembled contigs, suggesting for the first time their likely importance in marine cyanobacterial populations and possible role in horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

A segregating second locus, PgiC2, for the enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGIC) is found in the grass sheep's fescue, Festuca ovina. We have earlier reported that a phylogenetic analysis indicates that PgiC2 has been horizontally transferred from the reproductively separated grass genus Poa. Here we extend our analysis to include intron and exon information on 27 PgiC sequences from 18 species representing five genera, and confirm our earlier finding. The origin of PgiC2 can be traced to a group of closely interrelated, polyploid and partially asexual Poa species. The sequence most similar to PgiC2 is found in Poa palustris with a divergence, based on synonymous substitutions, of only 0.67%. This value suggests that the transfer took place less than 600,000 years ago (late Pleistocene), at a time when most extant Poa and Festuca species already existed.  相似文献   

Genome sequencing of Chlamydia trachomatis serovar D has identified polymorphic membrane proteins (Pmp) that are a newly recognized protein family unique to the Chlamydiaceae family. Cumulative data suggest that these diverse proteins are expressed on the cell surface and might be immunologically important. We performed phylogenetic analyses and statistical modeling with 18 reference serovars and 1 genovariant of C. trachomatis to examine the evolutionary characteristics and comparative genetics of PmpC and pmpC, the gene that encodes this protein. We also examined 12 recently isolated ocular and urogenital clinical samples, since reference serovars are laboratory adapted and may not represent strains that are presently responsible for human disease. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed a clear distinction for disease groups, corresponding to levels of tissue specificity and virulence of the organism. Further, the most prevalent serovars, E, F, and Da, formed a distinct clade. According to the results of comparative genetic analyses, these three genital serovars contained two putative insertion sequence (IS)-like elements with 10- and 15-bp direct repeats, respectively, while all other genital serovars contained one IS-like element. Ocular trachoma serovars also contained both insertions. Previously, no IS-like elements have been identified for Chlamydiaceae. Surprisingly, 7 (58%) of 12 clinical isolates revealed pmpC sequences that were identical to the sequences of other serovars, providing clear evidence for a high rate of whole-gene recombination. Recombination and the differential presence of IS-like elements among distinct disease and prevalence groups may contribute to genome plasticity, which may lead to adaptive changes in tissue tropism and pathogenesis over the course of the organism's evolution.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of a collection of streptomycete soil isolates and type strains were resolved by sequence analysis of trpB,a housekeeping gene involved in tryptophan biosynthesis. The analysis confirmed that two isolates were recipients in a gene transfer event, demonstrated by phylogenetic incongruency between trpB and strB1 trees. One strain had acquired the entire streptomycin biosynthetic cluster, whilst the other contained only strRAB1, the resistance gene and two flanking genes from the cluster. Sequence analysis of trpB, as part of a polyphasic approach, was a useful tool in determining intra-generic relationships within the genus Streptomyces.  相似文献   

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