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Non-biological experimental variation or "batch effects" are commonly observed across multiple batches of microarray experiments, often rendering the task of combining data from these batches difficult. The ability to combine microarray data sets is advantageous to researchers to increase statistical power to detect biological phenomena from studies where logistical considerations restrict sample size or in studies that require the sequential hybridization of arrays. In general, it is inappropriate to combine data sets without adjusting for batch effects. Methods have been proposed to filter batch effects from data, but these are often complicated and require large batch sizes ( > 25) to implement. Because the majority of microarray studies are conducted using much smaller sample sizes, existing methods are not sufficient. We propose parametric and non-parametric empirical Bayes frameworks for adjusting data for batch effects that is robust to outliers in small sample sizes and performs comparable to existing methods for large samples. We illustrate our methods using two example data sets and show that our methods are justifiable, easy to apply, and useful in practice. Software for our method is freely available at: http://biosun1.harvard.edu/complab/batch/.  相似文献   

Clustering methods for microarray gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the field of genomics, microarray technologies have become a powerful technique for simultaneously monitoring the expression patterns of thousands of genes under different sets of conditions. A main task now is to propose analytical methods to identify groups of genes that manifest similar expression patterns and are activated by similar conditions. The corresponding analysis problem is to cluster multi-condition gene expression data. The purpose of this paper is to present a general view of clustering techniques used in microarray gene expression data analysis.  相似文献   

There is tremendous scientific interest in the analysis of gene expression data in clinical settings, such as oncology. In this paper, we describe the importance of adjusting for confounders and other prognostic factors in order to select for differentially expressed genes for follow-up validation studies. We develop two approaches to the analysis of microarray data in non-randomized clinical settings. The first is an extension of the current significance analysis of microarray procedures, where other covariates are taken into account. The second is a novel covariate-adjusted regression modelling based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the analysis of gene expression data. The ideas are illustrated using data from a prostate cancer molecular profiling study.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: AVA (Array Visual Analyzer) is a Java program that provides a graphical environment for visualization and analysis of gene expression microarray data. Together with its interactive visualization tools and a variety of built-in data analysis and filtration methods, AVA effectively integrates microarray data normalization, quality assessment, and data mining into one application. AVAILABILITY: The software is freely available for academic users on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Differential analysis of DNA microarray gene expression data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Here, we review briefly the sources of experimental and biological variance that affect the interpretation of high-dimensional DNA microarray experiments. We discuss methods using a regularized t-test based on a Bayesian statistical framework that allow the identification of differentially regulated genes with a higher level of confidence than a simple t-test when only a few experimental replicates are available. We also describe a computational method for calculating the global false-positive and false-negative levels inherent in a DNA microarray data set. This method provides a probability of differential expression for each gene based on experiment-wide false-positive and -negative levels driven by experimental error and biological variance.  相似文献   



Many cutting-edge microarray analysis tools and algorithms, including commonly used limma and affy packages in Bioconductor, need sophisticated knowledge of mathematics, statistics and computer skills for implementation. Commercially available software can provide a user-friendly interface at considerable cost. To facilitate the use of these tools for microarray data analysis on an open platform we developed an online microarray data analysis platform, WebArray, for bench biologists to utilize these tools to explore data from single/dual color microarray experiments.  相似文献   

A large number of computational methods have been developed for analyzing differential gene expression in RNA-seq data. We describe a comprehensive evaluation of common methods using the SEQC benchmark dataset and ENCODE data. We consider a number of key features, including normalization, accuracy of differential expression detection and differential expression analysis when one condition has no detectable expression. We find significant differences among the methods, but note that array-based methods adapted to RNA-seq data perform comparably to methods designed for RNA-seq. Our results demonstrate that increasing the number of replicate samples significantly improves detection power over increased sequencing depth.  相似文献   

Selection on phenotypes may cause genetic change. To understand the relationship between phenotype and gene expression from an evolutionary viewpoint, it is important to study the concordance between gene expression and profiles of phenotypes. In this study, we use a novel method of clustering to identify genes whose expression profiles are related to a quantitative phenotype. Cluster analysis of gene expression data aims at classifying genes into several different groups based on the similarity of their expression profiles across multiple conditions. The hope is that genes that are classified into the same clusters may share underlying regulatory elements or may be a part of the same metabolic pathways. Current methods for examining the association between phenotype and gene expression are limited to linear association measured by the correlation between individual gene expression values and phenotype. Genes may be associated with the phenotype in a nonlinear fashion. In addition, groups of genes that share a particular pattern in their relationship to phenotype may be of evolutionary interest. In this study, we develop a method to group genes based on orthogonal polynomials under a multivariate Gaussian mixture model. The effect of each expressed gene on the phenotype is partitioned into a cluster mean and a random deviation from the mean. Genes can also be clustered based on a time series. Parameters are estimated using the expectation-maximization algorithm and implemented in SAS. The method is verified with simulated data and demonstrated with experimental data from 2 studies, one clusters with respect to severity of disease in Alzheimer's patients and another clusters data for a rat fracture healing study over time. We find significant evidence of nonlinear associations in both studies and successfully describe these patterns with our method. We give detailed instructions and provide a working program that allows others to directly implement this method in their own analyses.  相似文献   



Typical analysis of microarray data ignores the correlation between gene expression values. In this paper we present a model for microarray data which specifically allows for correlation between genes. As a result we combine gene network ideas with linear models and differential expression.  相似文献   

Microarray gene expression data becomes more valuable as our confidence in the results grows. Guaranteeing data quality becomes increasingly important as microarrays are being used to diagnose and treat patients (1-4). The MAQC Quality Control Consortium, the FDA's Critical Path Initiative, NCI's caBIG and others are implementing procedures that will broadly enhance data quality. As GEO continues to grow, its usefulness is constrained by the level of correlation across experiments and general applicability. Although RNA preparation and array platform play important roles in data accuracy, pre-processing is a user-selected factor that has an enormous effect. Normalization of expression data is necessary, but the methods have specific and pronounced effects on precision, accuracy and historical correlation. As a case study, we present a microarray calibration process using normalization as the adjustable parameter. We examine the impact of eight normalizations across both Agilent and Affymetrix expression platforms on three expression readouts: (1) sensitivity and power, (2) functional/biological interpretation and (3) feature selection and classification error. The reader is encouraged to measure their own discordant data, whether cross-laboratory, cross-platform or across any other variance source, and to use their results to tune the adjustable parameters of their laboratory to ensure increased correlation.  相似文献   



DNA microarrays, which determine the expression levels of tens of thousands of genes from a sample, are an important research tool. However, the volume of data they produce can be an obstacle to interpretation of the results. Clustering the genes on the basis of similarity of their expression profiles can simplify the data, and potentially provides an important source of biological inference, but these methods have not been tested systematically on datasets from complex human tissues. In this paper, four clustering methods, CRC, k-means, ISA and memISA, are used upon three brain expression datasets. The results are compared on speed, gene coverage and GO enrichment. The effects of combining the clusters produced by each method are also assessed.  相似文献   

Two-color DNA microarrays are commonly used for the analysis of global gene expression. They provide information on relative abundance of thousands of mRNAs. However, the generated data need to be normalized to minimize systematic variations so that biologically significant differences can be more easily identified. A large number of normalization procedures have been proposed and many softwares for microarray data analysis are available. Here, we have applied two normalization methods (median and loess) from two packages of microarray data analysis softwares. They were examined using a sample data set. We found that the number of genes identified as differentially expressed varied significantly depending on the method applied. The obtained results, i.e. lists of differentially expressed genes, were consistent only when we used median normalization methods. Loess normalization implemented in the two software packages provided less coherent and for some probes even contradictory results. In general, our results provide an additional piece of evidence that the normalization method can profoundly influence final results of DNA microarray-based analysis. The impact of the normalization method depends greatly on the algorithm employed. Consequently, the normalization procedure must be carefully considered and optimized for each individual data set.  相似文献   

Gene set analysis (GSA) incorporates biological information into statistical knowledge to identify gene sets differently expressed between two or more phenotypes. It allows us to gain an insight into the functional working mechanism of cells beyond the detection of differently expressed gene sets. In order to evaluate the competence of GSA approaches, three self-contained GSA approaches with different statistical methods were chosen; Category, Globaltest and Hotelling's T2 together with their assayed power to identify the differences expressed via simulation and real microarray data. The Category does not take care of the correlation structure, while the other two deal with correlations.  相似文献   

We present a web-based pipeline for microarray gene expression profile analysis, GEPAS, which stands for Gene Expression Profile Analysis Suite (http://gepas.bioinfo.cnio.es). GEPAS is composed of different interconnected modules which include tools for data pre-processing, two-conditions comparison, unsupervised and supervised clustering (which include some of the most popular methods as well as home made algorithms) and several tests for differential gene expression among different classes, continuous variables or survival analysis. A multiple purpose tool for data mining, based on Gene Ontology, is also linked to the tools, which constitutes a very convenient way of analysing clustering results. On-line tutorials are available from our main web server (http://bioinfo.cnio.es).  相似文献   

AMADA: analysis of microarray data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
SUMMARY: AMADA is a Windows program for identifying co-expressed genes from microarray data. It performs data transformation, principal component analysis, a variety of cluster analyses and extensive graphic functions for visualizing expression profiles.  相似文献   

Filtering is a common practice used to simplify the analysis of microarray data by removing from subsequent consideration probe sets believed to be unexpressed. The m/n filter, which is widely used in the analysis of Affymetrix data, removes all probe sets having fewer than m present calls among a set of n chips. The m/n filter has been widely used without considering its statistical properties. The level and power of the m/n filter are derived. Two alternative filters, the pooled p-value filter and the error-minimizing pooled p-value filter are proposed. The pooled p-value filter combines information from the present-absent p-values into a single summary p-value which is subsequently compared to a selected significance threshold. We show that pooled p-value filter is the uniformly most powerful statistical test under a reasonable beta model and that it exhibits greater power than the m/n filter in all scenarios considered in a simulation study. The error-minimizing pooled p-value filter compares the summary p-value with a threshold determined to minimize a total-error criterion based on a partition of the distribution of all probes' summary p-values. The pooled p-value and error-minimizing pooled p-value filters clearly perform better than the m/n filter in a case-study analysis. The case-study analysis also demonstrates a proposed method for estimating the number of differentially expressed probe sets excluded by filtering and subsequent impact on the final analysis. The filter impact analysis shows that the use of even the best filter may hinder, rather than enhance, the ability to discover interesting probe sets or genes. S-plus and R routines to implement the pooled p-value and error-minimizing pooled p-value filters have been developed and are available from www.stjuderesearch.org/depts/biostats/index.html.  相似文献   

Statistical design and the analysis of gene expression microarray data   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Gene expression microarrays are an innovative technology with enormous promise to help geneticists explore and understand the genome. Although the potential of this technology has been clearly demonstrated, many important and interesting statistical questions persist. We relate certain features of microarrays to other kinds of experimental data and argue that classical statistical techniques are appropriate and useful. We advocate greater attention to experimental design issues and a more prominent role for the ideas of statistical inference in microarray studies.  相似文献   

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