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Somite segmentation depends on a gene expression oscillator or clock in the posterior presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and on read-out machinery in the anterior PSM to convert the pattern of clock phases into a somite pattern. Notch pathway mutations disrupt somitogenesis, and previous studies have suggested that Notch signalling is required both for the oscillations and for the read-out mechanism. By blocking or overactivating the Notch pathway abruptly at different times, we show that Notch signalling has no essential function in the anterior PSM and is required only in the posterior PSM, where it keeps the oscillations of neighbouring cells synchronized. Using a GFP reporter for the oscillator gene her1, we measure the influence of Notch signalling on her1 expression and show by mathematical modelling that this is sufficient for synchronization. Our model, in which intracellular oscillations are generated by delayed autoinhibition of her1 and her7 and synchronized by Notch signalling, explains the observations fully, showing that there are no grounds to invoke any additional role for the Notch pathway in the patterning of somite boundaries in zebrafish.  相似文献   

We describe the production and characterisation of two monoclonal antibodies, zdc2 and zdd2, directed against the zebrafish Notch ligands DeltaC and DeltaD, respectively. We use our antibodies to show that these Delta proteins can bind to one another homo- and heterophilically, and to study the localisation of DeltaC and DeltaD in the zebrafish nervous system and presomitic mesoderm (PSM). Our findings in the nervous system largely confirm expectations from previous studies, but in the PSM we see an unexpected pattern in which the localisation of DeltaD varies according to the level of expression of DeltaC: in the anterior PSM, where DeltaC is plentiful, the two proteins are colocalised in intracellular puncta, but in the posterior PSM, where DeltaC is at a lower level, DeltaD is seen mainly on the cell surface. Forced overexpression of DeltaC reduces the amount of DeltaD on the cell surface in the posterior PSM; conversely, loss-of-function mutation of DeltaC increases the amount of DeltaD on the cell surface in the anterior PSM. These findings suggest an explanation for a long-standing puzzle regarding the functions of the two Delta proteins in the somite segmentation clock--an explanation that is based on the proposition that they associate heterophilically to activate Notch.  相似文献   

In the last few years, the efforts to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the segmentation clock in various vertebrate species have multiplied. Early evidence suggested that oscillations are caused by one of the genes under the Notch signalling pathway (like those of the her or Hes families). Recently, Aulehla et al. [Wnt3a plays a major role in the segmentation clock controlling somitogenesis. Dev. Cell 4, 395-406] discovered that Axin2 (a gene under the Wnt3a signalling pathway) also oscillates in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) of mice embryos and proposed some mechanisms through which the Notch and Wnt3a pathways may interact. They further suggested that a decreasing concentration of Wnt3a along the PSM may be the gradient the segmentation clock interacts with to form somites. These results were reviewed by Rida et al. [A notch feeling of somite segmentation and beyond. Dev. Biol. 265, 2-22], who introduced a complex clockwork comprising genes Hes1, Lfng (under the Notch pathway), and Axin2, as well as their multiple interactions. In the present work we develop a mathematical model based on the Rida et al. review and use it to tackle some of the questions raided by the Aulehla et al. paper: can the Axin2 feedback loop constitute a clock? Could a decreasing Wnt3a signaling constitute the wavefront, where phase is recorded and the spatial pattern laid down? What is the master oscillator?  相似文献   

To further analyse requirements for Notch signalling in patterning the paraxial mesoderm, we generated transgenic mice that express in the paraxial mesoderm a dominant-negative version of Delta1. Transgenic mice with reduced Notch activity in the presomitic mesoderm as indicated by loss of Hes5 expression were viable and displayed defects in somites and vertebrae consistent with known roles of Notch signalling in somite compartmentalisation. In addition, these mice showed with variable expressivity and penetrance alterations of vertebral identities resembling homeotic transformations, and subtle changes of Hox gene expression in day 12.5 embryos. Mice that carried only one functional copy of the endogenous Delta1 gene also showed changes of vertebral identities in the lower cervical region, suggesting a previously unnoticed haploinsufficiency for Delta1. Likewise, in mice carrying a null allele of the oscillating Lfng gene, or in transgenic mice expressing Lfng constitutively in the presomitic mesoderm, vertebral identities were changed and numbers of segments in the cervical and thoracic regions were reduced, suggesting anterior shifts of axial identity. Together, these results provide genetic evidence that precisely regulated levels of Notch activity as well as cyclic Lfng activity are critical for positional specification of the anteroposterior body axis in the paraxial mesoderm.  相似文献   

Somites are embryonic precursors of the ribs, vertebrae and certain dermis tissue. Somite formation is a periodic process regulated by a molecular clock which drives cyclic expression of a number of clock genes in the presomitic mesoderm. To date the mechanism regulating the period of clock gene oscillations is unknown. Here we show that chick homologues of the Wnt pathway genes that oscillate in mouse do not cycle across the chick presomitic mesoderm. Strikingly we find that modifying Wnt signalling changes the period of Notch driven oscillations in both mouse and chick but these oscillations continue. We propose that the Wnt pathway is a conserved mechanism that is involved in regulating the period of cyclic gene oscillations in the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

The number of vertebrae is defined strictly for a given species and depends on the number of somites, which are the earliest metameric structures that form in development. Somites are formed by sequential segmentation. The periodicity of somite segmentation is orchestrated by the synchronous oscillation of gene expression in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM), termed the "somite segmentation clock," in which Notch signaling plays a crucial role. Here we show that the clock period is sensitive to Notch activity, which is fine-tuned by its feedback regulator, Notch-regulated ankyrin repeat protein (Nrarp), and that Nrarp is essential for forming the proper number and morphology of axial skeleton components. Null-mutant mice for Nrarp have fewer vertebrae and have defective morphologies. Notch activity is enhanced in the PSM of the Nrarp(-/-) embryo, where the ~2-h segmentation period is extended by 5 min, thereby forming fewer somites and their resultant vertebrae. Reduced Notch activity partially rescues the Nrarp(-/-) phenotype in the number of somites, but not in morphology. Therefore we propose that the period of the somite segmentation clock is sensitive to Notch activity and that Nrarp plays essential roles in the morphology of vertebrae and ribs.  相似文献   

Suppressor of Hairless (Su(H)) codes for a protein that interacts with the intracellular domain of Notch to activate the target genes of the Delta-Notch signalling pathway. We have cloned the zebrafish homologue of Su(H) and have analysed its function by morpholino mediated knockdown. While there are at least four notch and four delta homologues in zebrafish, there appears to be only one complete Su(H) homologue. We have analysed the function of Su(H) in the somitogenesis process and its influence on the expression of notch pathway genes, in particular her1, her7, deltaC and deltaD. The cyclic expression of her1, her7 and deltaC in the presomitic mesoderm is disrupted by the Su(H) knockdown mimicking the expression of these genes in the notch1a mutant deadly seven. deltaD expression is similarly affected by Su(H) knockdown like deltaC but shows in addition an ectopic expression in the developing neural tube. The inactivation of Su(H) in a fss/tbx24 mutant background leads furthermore to a clear breakdown of cyclic her1 and her7 expression, indicating that the Delta-Notch pathway is required for the creation of oscillation and not only for the synchronisation between neighbouring cells. The strongest phenotypes in the Su(H) knockdown embryos show a loss of all somites posterior to the first five to seven ones. This phenotype is stronger than the known amorphic phenotypes for notch1 (des) or deltaD (aei) in zebrafish, but mimicks the knockout phenotype of RBP-Jkappa gene in the mouse, which is the homologue of Su(H). This suggests that there is some functional redundancy among the Notch and Delta genes. This fact that the first five to seven somites are only weakly affected by Su(H) knockdown indicates that additional genetic pathways may be active in the specification of the most anterior somites.  相似文献   

蚜虫种群时空分布动态模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丹  赵惠燕  胡想顺 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4986-4992
种群空间格局是昆虫种群的重要属性,是为害虫防治提供动态信息的重要前提。关于种群空间格局的时空动态,前人曾建立了富立叶模型和有阻尼自由震荡模型,但忽略了生境资源和空间资源的限制,不能很好地描述昆虫种群在自然界摆布状况的动态行为。因此,在前人研究的基础上,根据蚜虫在自然界的聚集扩散行为逐步建立了描述蚜虫种群聚集扩散规律的变幅、变周期时空分布动态模型,即:y=Ae-nt[sin(w0emtt+φ)+b]+c,并应用该模型对麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae Fabricius)、麦二叉蚜(Schizaphis graminum Rondani)、禾缢管蚜(Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus)和玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch)的实验数据进行了拟合。结果表明,麦蚜种群和玉米蚜种群呈现出不同的规律,3种麦蚜均为减幅减周期的变化趋势,玉米蚜则表现为减幅增周期的变化趋势。此外,该模型的拟合效果较好(R20.942,SSE2.6)、生物意义明确,不仅可用于描述蚜虫以及蚜虫以外的其他昆虫和螨类种群的时空动态,还可准确描述不同年龄阶段和不同空间位置上种群的动态,具有普遍适用性。应用该模型考察不同种蚜虫在同一作物上的竞争情况和蚜虫与其天敌的空间分布动态,可为害虫的综合防治奠定基础;对不同小麦抗性品种上同一种蚜虫的聚集扩散行为进行刻画、分析,还可为小麦的抗性育种提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Fish larvae experience many environmental challenges during development such as variation in water velocity, food availability and predation. The rapid development of structures involved in feeding, respiration and swimming increases the chance of survival. It has been hypothesized that mechanical loading induced by muscle forces plays a role in prioritizing the development of these structures. Mechanical loading by muscle forces has been shown to affect larval and embryonic bone development in vertebrates, but these investigations were limited to the appendicular skeleton. To explore the role of mechanical load during chondrogenesis and osteogenesis of the cranial, axial and appendicular skeleton, we subjected zebrafish larvae to swim-training, which increases physical exercise levels and presumably also mechanical loads, from 5 until 14 days post fertilization. Here we show that an increased swimming activity accelerated growth, chondrogenesis and osteogenesis during larval development in zebrafish. Interestingly, swim-training accelerated both perichondral and intramembranous ossification. Furthermore, swim-training prioritized the formation of cartilage and bone structures in the head and tail region as well as the formation of elements in the anal and dorsal fins. This suggests that an increased swimming activity prioritized the development of structures which play an important role in swimming and thereby increasing the chance of survival in an environment where water velocity increases. Our study is the first to show that already during early zebrafish larval development, skeletal tissue in the cranial, axial and appendicular skeleton is competent to respond to swim-training due to increased water velocities. It demonstrates that changes in water flow conditions can result into significant spatio-temporal changes in skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

The circadian clock controls the timing of the cell cycle in healthy tissues and clock disruption is known to increase tumourigenesis. Melanoma is one of the most rapidly increasing forms of cancer and the precise molecular circadian changes that occur in a melanoma tumor are unknown. Using a melanoma zebrafish model, we have explored the molecular changes that occur to the circadian clock within tumors. We have found disruptions in melanoma clock gene expression due to a major impairment to the light input pathway, with a parallel loss of light-dependent activation of DNA repair genes. Furthermore, the timing of mitosis in tumors is perturbed, as well as the regulation of certain key cell cycle regulators, such that cells divide arhythmically. The inability to co-ordinate DNA damage repair and cell division is likely to promote further tumourigenesis and accelerate melanoma development.  相似文献   

The segmentation clock is an oscillating genetic network thought to govern the rhythmic and sequential subdivision of the elongating body axis of the vertebrate embryo into somites: the precursors of the segmented vertebral column. Understanding how the rhythmic signal arises, how it achieves precision and how it patterns the embryo remain challenging issues. Recent work has provided evidence of how the period of the segmentation clock is regulated and how this affects the anatomy of the embryo. The ongoing development of real-time clock reporters and mathematical models promise novel insight into the dynamic behavior of the clock.  相似文献   

Peel A  Akam M 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(18):R708-R710
Recent work has revealed striking similarities in the genetic mechanisms underpinning somitogenesis in zebrafish and segmentation in the spider. Could this mean that the bilaterian common ancestor was segmented after all?  相似文献   

The formation of somites in the course of vertebrate segmentation is governed by an oscillator known as the segmentation clock, which is characterized by a period ranging from 30 min to a few hours depending on the organism. This oscillator permits the synchronized activation of segmentation genes in successive cohorts of cells in the presomitic mesoderm in response to a periodic signal emitted by the segmentation clock, thereby defining the future segments. Recent microarray experiments [Dequeant, M.L., Glynn, E., Gaudenz, K., Wahl, M., Chen, J., Mushegian, A., Pourquie, O., 2006. A complex oscillating network of signaling genes underlies the mouse segmentation clock. Science 314, 1595-1598] indicate that the Notch, Wnt and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling pathways are involved in the mechanism of the segmentation clock. By means of computational modeling, we investigate the conditions in which sustained oscillations occur in these three signaling pathways. First we show that negative feedback mediated by the Lunatic Fringe protein on intracellular Notch activation can give rise to periodic behavior in the Notch pathway. We then show that negative feedback exerted by Axin2 on the degradation of β-catenin through formation of the Axin2 destruction complex can produce oscillations in the Wnt pathway. Likewise, negative feedback on FGF signaling mediated by the phosphatase product of the gene MKP3/Dusp6 can produce oscillatory gene expression in the FGF pathway. Coupling the Wnt, Notch and FGF oscillators through common intermediates can lead to synchronized oscillations in the three signaling pathways or to complex periodic behavior, depending on the relative periods of oscillations in the three pathways. The phase relationships between cycling genes in the three pathways depend on the nature of the coupling between the pathways and on their relative autonomous periods. The model provides a framework for analyzing the dynamics of the segmentation clock in terms of a network of oscillating modules involving the Wnt, Notch and FGF signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Notch genes encode transmembrane receptors that interact with numerous signal transduction pathways and are essential for animal development. To facilitate analysis of vertebrate Notch gene function, we isolated cDNA fragments of three novel Notch genes from zebrafish (Danio rerio), Notch1b, Notch5 and Notch6. Notch1b is a second zebrafish Notch1 gene. From analysis of the Notch1b sequence we argue that the various vertebrate Notch gene subfamilies encode receptors with different signalling specificities. Notch5 and Notch6 represent novel vertebrate Notch gene subfamilies. Remarkably, Notch1b lacks expression in presomitic mesoderm, Notch5 is expressed in a metameric pattern within the presomitic mesoderm whilst Notch6 expression is excluded from the nervous system. The expression patterns of these genes suggest important roles in gastrulation, somitogenesis, tail bud extension, myogenesis, heart development and neurogenesis. We discuss the implications of our observations for Notch gene evolution and function. Received: 20 January 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1997  相似文献   

A model describing the role of transversal and longitudinal diffusion of cGMP and Ca(2+) in signaling in the rod outer segment of vertebrates is developed. Utilizing a novel notion of surface-volume reaction and the mathematical theories of homogenization and concentrated capacity, the diffusion of cGMP and Ca(2+) in the inter-disc spaces is shown to be reducible to a one-parameter family of diffusion processes taking place on a single rod cross section; whereas the diffusion in the outer shell is shown to be reducible to a diffusion on a cylindrical surface. Moreover, the exterior flux of the former serves as a source term for the latter, alleviating the assumption of a well-stirred cytosol. A previous model of visual transduction that assumes a well-stirred rod outer segment cytosol (and thus contains no spatial information) can be recovered from this model by imposing a "bulk" assumption. The model shows that upon activation of a single rhodopsin, cGMP changes are local, and exhibit both a longitudinal and a transversal component. Consequently, membrane current is also highly localized. The spatial spread of the single photon response along the longitudinal axis of the outer segment is predicted to be 3-5 microm, consistent with experimental data. This approach represents a tool to analyze point-wise signaling dynamics without requiring averaging over the entire cell by global Michaelis-Menten kinetics.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are required to coordinate metabolism and physiology with daily changes in the environment. Such clocks have several distinctive features, including a free-running rhythm of approximately 24 h and the ability to entrain to both light or temperature cycles (zeitgebers). We have previously characterized the EARLY FLOWERING4 (ELF4) locus of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) as being important for robust rhythms. Here, it is shown that ELF4 is necessary for at least two core clock functions: entrainment to an environmental cycle and rhythm sustainability under constant conditions. We show that elf4 demonstrates clock input defects in light responsiveness and in circadian gating. Rhythmicity in elf4 could be driven by an environmental cycle, but an increased sensitivity to light means the circadian system of elf4 plants does not entrain normally. Expression of putative core clock genes and outputs were characterized in various ELF4 backgrounds to establish the molecular network of action. ELF4 was found to be intimately associated with the CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1)/LONG ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY)-TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 (TOC1) feedback loop because, under free run, ELF4 is required to regulate the expression of CCA1 and TOC1 and, further, elf4 is locked in the evening phase of this feedback loop. ELF4, therefore, can be considered a component of the central CCA1/LHY-TOC1 feedback loop in the plant circadian clock.  相似文献   

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